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Isela Pena Estrella Commented [1]: Your data in this RR is better Isela.

You stated a reason and you backed it up with your

RR #9 data. I think if you were to continue this piece, you
would want to pull some more quotes that are
examples of what you are trying to argue, but because
Text you have been recently been trying to push your quote
McCarthy, Lucille P. A Stranger in Strange Lands: A College Student Writing across the finding skills, I think it was acceptable to only choose
one this week.
Curriculum. Research in the Teaching of English 21.3 (1987): 233-65. Print.
This response has earned a 3. 10/10 points. I will also
be changing your scores for RR 7 and 8. :)
Summary Good work.
In the article A Stranger in Strange Lands: A College Student Writing across the
Curriculum, the author Lucille P. McCarthy conducts a study by following a college student for
21 months. The student Dave Garrison, along with two friends, and three professors from
different courses are also interviewed. McCarthys goal in doing this is to understand how
writings are influenced by people's social settings. For this reason, she provides evidence of her
study and shows her process in the study and its results. In the end, she discovers that the 3
courses Freshman Composition, Introduction to Poetry, and Cell Biology were very similar;
however, Dave Garrison saw them very differently due to the social setting and interest.

The most important idea peers inside this class would benefit from, is understanding how social
settings have an impact on people's writings.
It is important to see how the roles (teaches/students) in each social settings help students
become successful in their class/writings.

Students relationships are created as students interact within classroom structures the
teacher has set up.(253)

In the reading McCarthy studies Dave Garrison's writings from three different courses
and how each social setting affected him. In addition, the most important idea peers inside this
class would benefit from, is understanding how social settings have an impact on people's
It is important to see how the roles (teaches/students) in each social setting help students
become successful in their class/writings. Students relationships are created as students Commented [2]: You forgot to introduce this quote.
interact within classroom structures the teacher has set up.(253) It is important to have
interactions in classrooms because it allows student to share ideas, writings and get feedback. In
Daves example, readers can see how in his Composition class students worked together and
were successful. He stated how in his other classes they did not have interactions and affected
their learning. Therefore, interacting is important for classes to do that allows students to gain
more knowledge and help them when writing.
1. Pedagogies; the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or
theoretical concept; Her many articles and books demonstrate her interest in pedagogies
that help promote students learning and writing.(230)
2. Pseudonyms; a fictitious name, especially one used by an author; In the descriptions of
these courses that follow, I use pseudonyms for the teachers.(234)
3. Clandestinely; in a secretive and illicit way; What Daves experience in Poetry may
suggest is that where students collaborations in writing is not openly accepted, it goes on

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