Baptism in Catholic

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Ritual Analysis: Catholic Baptism

A traditional Catholic baptism ceremony is a ritualistic and complex process that integrates

aspects of Catholic theology into the sacrament of baptism. The process is based on a range of core

beliefs that make the event one of the most important to the infant and the parents. Catholics have

several sacraments with baptism as the first and most important. Baptism welcomes a person into the

church to share in the work of God as a Christian. Due to its importance, the sacrament requires

celebration from both the infants family and the community.


The baptism ritual occurred on a Sunday, as it is the day the church dedicates to celebrate the

paschal mystery. It took place in the early afternoon after all Masses were complete and the parish

priest was free to administer the sacrament. The parents dressed the child in white to symbolize purity

and innocence and then proceeded to the churchs entrance. Meanwhile, the celebrating congregation

moves to where the parents and godparents were waiting accompanied by ministers. The priest greeted

all present and especially the childs parents and godparents reminding the of the significance of

children as gifts from God, the source of life who would grant the infant another rebirth.

The minister asked the parents what name they gave to their child and they answered with Mary

after which the celebrants asked what the parents required of Gods church for Mary and the parents

responded with Baptism. Then addressed the parents reminding them that in Christianity, baptism

meant they accepted the responsibility to train him according to the teachings of Christ. He also

addressed the godparents and inquired on their willingness to help the parents achieve their duty as

Christians to which they replied in the affirmative. The minister then welcomed the infant to the church
and claimed her for Christ by the sign of the cross. He then used water in a bowl to trace a cross on

Marys forehead inviting the parents and godparents to do the same.

After christening her, the minister engaged the entire conversation in a liturgy of the word. He

began with John 3:1-6 relating the story of Nicodemus visited Jesus wishing to know one could enter

the kingdom of God. Jesus replied that the only way one could achieve it was through rebirth through

water and spirit. The minister then gave a short homily explaining the passage and leading the

congregation deeper into the significance of baptism and to encourage the parents to work to fulfill

their responsibility from the sacrament. After the explanation, the celebrant had a period of silence

where all prayed accompanied by a hymn.

The prayers of the Faithful followed the homily which focused on the child, parents, and

godparents. The prayers revolved around the new life granted by baptism and the heavy responsibilities

undertaken by the parents and godparents. There was also a prayer to the saint Mary to pray for the

child and intercede on her behalf in future. The exorcism part focused on repelling Satans power and

freeing the child from the original sin of Adam. However, the minister noted that the child still had the

free will to choose to sin. The anointing marked the start of the baptism ceremony as the parents took

the child to the baptismal front where the minister baptized the infant with water in the name of the

father, the son, and the holy spirit. He then annointed the child with the oil of chrism to symbolize

healing and strength for one destined for baptism. After baptism, the congregation sang a short

celebratory hymn. The minister then garbed the child in a white garment as an outward symbol of their

Christianity with family and friends to help.

The celebrant then took a candle and gave it to Marys father asking him to receive the light of

Christ. In the subsequent liturgy, the minister entrusted the lighted candle to the parents to keep

burning brightly praying for the child to keep the flame of Christ alive in her heart. The final rite was

the Ephphetha where the minister touched the ears and mouth of the child reciting how Jesus made the

deaf hear and dumb talk. He prayed for God to touch the childs eyes and ear so that she would hear his
word and proclaim it as truth. The congregation then followed the minister and childs parents to the

alter while singing a baptismal song. The celebrant then led the Lords prayer after which he blessed

the childs father, mother, and congregation before dismissal.


To Catholics, the sacrament of baptism represents cleansing, initiation, strengthening, and

welcoming into the community of Christians. Symbolically, it gives the child new life where they

become children of God and followers of Christ and temples of the holy spirit. Through anointing in

the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit, the infant receives a permanent marker of their

status as Gods chosen. There are several major elements in the baptism ceremony emphasizing the

events meaning as an initiation and to help in understanding Gods word.

At the beginning of the service, the minister draws the sign of the cross on the infants forehead

which is a remembrance of Christs death and its role in mankinds redemption from sin. In this

context, baptism adopts an aspect of salvation from the original sin by Adam and Eve. Furthermore, the

process has dedicated some time to read verses from the scripture appropriate to the congregation. By

proclaiming Gods word in the congregation allows facilitates increased understanding of the ceremony

and is meant to strengthen the faith of the participants. A traditional name for baptism was illumination

as the holy spirit is perceived to enter the persons heart and mind revealing the truth of Christ and

enabling a persistence of faith. It prepares the infant for participation in all other aspects of the church.

The baptism process liberates the individual from sin. In this context, the minister recites an

exorcism prayer over the child preparing the person for release from evil. Moreover, by anointing the

child with the oil of Catechumens (blessed by the bishop for baptism candidates) dedicates the person

to follow Christs ways (Zatalava 23). The baptismal water also receives a blessing at each sacrament

celebration. The prayer offered asks God to send the power of the holy spirit to the water so that those

baptized with it may experience rebirth through water and spirit. The baptism candidate is then asked to
renounce sin in the name of Christ. In the case of infants, her parents and the congregation represented

her by reciting a liturgy on her behalf. The subsequent triple anointing with water in the name of the

Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit help in highlighting that our sins are washed away through the

death and resurrection of Jesus. Furthermore, the individual is assumed to be a receptacle for the holy

spirit as they rise from the water and their sins are cleansed through water and spirit.

After baptism with water, the minister than anointed the child with sacred Chrism (perfumed

oil) symbolizing a gift from the Holy Spirit. Through anointing with oil, the person is dedicated to God

and remains a member of the congregation (Zatalava). Following this anointing, the minister then

dressed the child in a white garment symbolizing purity of faith and the cleansing properties of

baptism. Additionally, the white garments represent those worn by Jesus when he was placed in a

tomb. In this context, by wearing white, the baptized individual is clothed in the protective love of

Christ. The ceremony also includes a metaphorical admonition not to stain the garment with sin thus

destroying its purity. The candle presented at the end of the ceremony is lit to represent the risen Christ.

Additionally, it also reminds the congregation of their duties as Christians to bring light into the world.

Importantly, the white candle and garment also feature in the individuals ceremony signifying the

persons dedication to God and hope for an afterlife.

One of the key features of a catholic baptism is the presence of godparents selected by the

childs parents. They play a significant role in providing for the infants spiritual and physical well-

being (Zatalava 45). Due to the nature of the role, the parents choose both a man and woman which

explains why part of the baptism ceremony focuses on them. In some conservative congregations, the

godparents have to be practicing Catholics who fulfill a specific criteria. The position of godparents

has traditional significance. Historically, they would take over as the childs guardians if their parents

died prematurely. However, today, being a godparent does not give people legal custody of a child but

they play the role of good role model and offer guidance on how to follow Gods teachings.
The Sacrament of Baptism is among the most important for Catholics as it represent a welcome

into the Christian community. Everyone is welcome to participate although the ministers, parents,

godparents, and congregation follow specified roles. Each part of the process carries spiritual meaning

meant to encourage the congregation as followers of Christ. In addition to initiation, the baptism

process gives one hope of salvation through rebirth in Christ.

Works Cited

ZATALAVA, FR J. A. M. E. S. Baptized in Christ: A Catholic Study of the Sacrament of Baptism for Godparents & Parents. S.l.: LULU COM,

2015. Print.

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