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The importance of witnessing...

DAY #1
Dear John, I died today ... It's a lot different than I expected. You see, I always thought dying would
bring me into a world that is foggy and hazy. But this place is crystal clear ... it is even more real than life
on earth. I still have a body and can think, talk, and feel. Right now they have me in a line getting
registered I guess. John, I am kind of afraid. The attendants around me don't look too happy ... and just
on ahead at the front of the line I can see a little sign that says Hades on it. One thing is for sure ... this
sure ain't Heaven. John ... I'm afraid. Am I going to burn in hell? Your friend,Frank

DAY #2
John, HELP! It's worse than I ever anticipated. I am surrounded by darkness, yet I can still feel the
flames. I can smell my flesh as it burns. I am dead yet alive. I am in agonizing pain. I am thirsty ... my
whole body feels like it is about to explode. Oh John, why can't I die? Why won't God just let me die. But
there is hope ... they say there is a Judgment Day coming up where we will stand before God and He will
judge our case and lives personally. Friend, my beloved friend John, I hope you never come here! I hope
no one else will ever have to suffer like this. I am in pain. Your friend,Frank 

YEAR #1,096 Dear John, Today was Judgment Day. The hope I previously had is now but a distant
memory. Now I know nothing but terror awaits me. The flames await to consume my flesh eternally.
When my name was called, I went to stand before the Great White Throne. He who sat up on it called or
the Book of Life ... as he scanned its pages, I looked at the multitude of angels and believers behind His
throne. Then I couldn't believe what I saw. As I focused my eyes I spotted you among the saints. There
you were awaiting eternal bliss while I awaited eternal damnation. You sang songs of joy while I
screamed shrieks of terror. Suddenly the voice of the enthroned God caught my attention, "Your name
has not been found in the book, therefore I sentence you to burn in Gehenna, the lake of fire forever ...
without hope .... without escape." I am terrified as I await my punishment. I have no hope. Your

The Day After Judgment Day 

John, I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. The angels who have been designated to cast me into
the lake of fire are coming down the hallway. I can hear their footsteps. I have heard about this
Gehenna. They say it is worse than Hades. How can it be? I cannot bear it. The angels are at the door.
Oh no ... NO! They are opening it and they are looking at me, John, they are grabbing me and carrying
me out of the room! I can already smell the burning sulfur and brimstone. I can see the edge of the cliff
where Hell burns! John this is it! I am without hope! We are coming closer, closer! My heart is bursting
with fear. They are holding me out over the edge of Hell ... I am dangling over its flames! I am damned
forever! They have thrown me in! FIRE!! PAIN!! HELL!! WHY JOHN?!! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT

Your friend,Frank

How many have you NOT told or shared with...

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