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circa 1861

Anti-slavery - Slaves are meant to be enslaved and inferior to
- Slavery is immoral and unconstitutional whites
Favored Lincoln Against Lincoln
- Believed he would create peace, unity, and - Saw him as a symbol for war
balance between the north and south Agricultural economy
Manufacturing economy - Economy lack diversity and created unskilled labor
- Created skilled labor through a diversified - Made them very dependent upon the north
economy Favored states' rights
Strong central government - Justifies their assertion that secession was a liberty
of the states
- A government that is able to enforce tariffs
Against tariffs and internal improvements
and internal improvements
- Did not want to pay for improvements that would not
Factory jobs available for women
directly benefit them
- Gave opportunities and a voice for women
- Supports why they did not advance the
Focused on improving the railroad in order to railroad
improve trade and the economy Population comprised of a large enslaved population,
Population comprised of whites, free blacks, and minimal white population
immigrants - Made the south feel as though they are losing
Public school, more education available political grip
more resources Less access to education, only wealthy sent kids to school

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