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A residual viscosity correlation for predicting

the viscosity of petroleum reservoir fluids over
wide ranges of pressure and...

Article in Chemical Engineering Science December 2001

DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2509(01)00334-7


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5 authors, including:

Bahman Tohidi A. C. Todd

Heriot-Watt University Heriot-Watt University


Delaram Tehrani
Amirkabir University of Technology


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Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 69977006

A residual viscosity correlation for predicting the viscosity of

petroleum reservoir %uids over wide ranges of pressure
and temperature
Z. Al-Syabi, A. Danesh , B. Tohidi, A. C. Todd, D. H. Tehrani
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK

The method of LohrenzBrayClark, which relates the residual viscosity to the reduced density, is the most widely used
engineering tool to predict the viscosity of reservoir %uids. Systematic investigation of the viscosity of pure compounds at various
pressure and temperature conditions indicated the requirement of including the structural and thermal e2ects for accurate viscosity
prediction of dense %uids. The method has been modi3ed to include the above-mentioned e2ects. Reliability of the modi3ed
method for calculating viscosity of mixtures and in particular of high-pressure high-temperature %uids has been demonstrated.
? 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Petroleum; Simulation; Modelling; Viscosity; Fluids; Reservoir

1. Introduction The most widely used predictive method is a residual vis-

cosity model, known as the LohrenzBrayClark (LBC)
Reliable estimation of the %uid viscosity is essential in method (Lohrenz, Bray, & Clark, 1964).
predicting the petroleum reservoir and well performance The aim of this study was to evaluate and improve the
and the hydrocarbon recovery. In the so-called black oil above method by generating reliable experimental data
simulation sets of viscosity tables, for both liquid and and investigating the pertinent parameters a2ecting the
vapour phases, are provided as a function of pressure viscosity of %uids for application in compositional reser-
(at constant temperature) which are usually su<cient voir simulators. As compositional simulation is generally
for a simulator to carry out %ow calculations. On the conducted for volatile oil and gas condensate reservoirs,
other hand, when dealing with processes such as mis- the developed method was particularly evaluated for these
cible gas-injection and gas-condensate systems, where %uids.
vigorous compositional changes occur, it is required
to employ a single model that can accurately predict
the viscosity of both gas and liquid phases using phase 2. The concept of residual viscosity
Several methods (Lohrenz, Bray, & Clark, 1964; The residual viscosity method is based on the empirical
Dandekar, Danesh, Tehrani, & Todd, 1992; Peder- observation that the di2erence between the viscosity of
sen, Fredensland, Christensen, & Thomassen, 1984; dense phase and that of the dilute gas is approximately
Aasberg-Petersen, Knudsen, & Fredenslund, 1991; Wang independent of temperature and primarily a function of
& Guo 1991) ranging from those based on kinetic density.
theories to completely empirical, have been proposed. Jossi, Stiel, and Thodos (1962) utilized the Abas-zade
relationship for thermal conductivity (Abas-zade, 1952)
Corresponding author. Fax: +44-131-451-3127. to correlate viscosity data of various pure substances in
E-mail address: (A. Danesh). their gaseous and liquid states. The kinetic theory of gases

0009-2509/01/$ - see front matter ? 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 2 5 0 9 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 3 3 4 - 7
6998 Z. Al-Syabi et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 69977006

shows that the viscosity is inversely proportional to 1969; Diller, 1983, 1980, 1982; Iwasaki & Takahashi,
1981; Diller & Ball, 1985; Diller & Poolen, 1985; Diller
 Tc1=6 M 1=2 Pc2=3 ; (1) & Saber, 1981; Lee, 1965; Giddings, Kao, & Kobayashi,
where Tc is the critical temperature, Pc is the critical 1966; van der Gulik, Mosert, & van den Berg, 1988;
pressure and M is the molecular weight. Kiran & Sen, 1992; Brazier & Freeman, 1969; Oliveira &
The authors multiplied the residual viscosity by  to Wakeham, 1992; Bridgman, 1926; Baylaucq et al., 1997;
obtain a reduced residual viscosity and correlated it with Agaev & Golubev, 1963; Dymond, Robertson, & Isadale,
the reduced density, r = =c , for pure non-polar sub- 1980; Dymond, Young, & Isadale, 1981; Assael & Pa-
stances in the following form, hereafter referred to as JST padaki, 1991; Tanaka et al., 1991; Hogenboom, Webb,
correlation: & Dixon, 1967) on nitrogen, carbon dioxide and various
hydrocarbon compounds (methane up to n-octadecane)

0 ) + 104 ]1=4 at various temperatures were amassed and evaluated for
internal consistency and accuracy. For compounds where
= a1 + a2 r + a3 2r + a4 3r + a5 4r ; (2)
there exists large amount of data, measured viscosity
is the %uid viscosity in mPa s (cP). and
0 is the with an error band over 2% were rejected. However, at
viscosity of the diluted (gas) state of %uid at the same high-pressure conditions and for compounds where vis-
temperature, determined from Eqs. (A.1) (A.2) in the cosity data are scarce, the above limit was relaxed to
appendix, in mPa s (cP). a15 are the correlation coef- 5%. Table 1 gives a summary of those %uids and their
3cients with the values; 0:10230, 0:023364, 0:058533, temperature, density and viscosity ranges and the type of
0:040758 and 0:0093324, respectively. viscometers employed in their measurements along with
The units of Tc and Pc in Eq. (1) should be K and atm authors claimed accuracy.
(0:1013 MPa) in order to obtain the viscosity in mPa s
(cP). The coe<cients of Eq. (2) are consistent with these
units. 3.2. Development of the modi1ed correlation
LohrenzBrayClark (1964) extended the JST correla-
tion, Eq. (2), to multi-component systems, and reservoir A plot of the reduced residual viscosity versus re-
%uids in particular, using the HerningZipperer mixing duced density for the above-mentioned pure compounds
rule (Herning & Zipperer, 1936) for
0 and the molar is shown in Fig. 1. It is clear that for reduced density val-
mixing rule for other properties [Eqs. (A.3) (A.5) in the ues greater than 2.5, the reduced residual viscosity cannot
appendix]. be represented by the reduced density alone, as suggested
Dandekar et al. (1992) evaluated Eq. (2) and concluded by Jossi, Stiel, and Thodos (1962). The observed scatter-
that it is accurate to within 20% for all normal alkanes ing is believed to be due to molecular structural e2ects
with carbon numbers less than 8 and the reduced density as well as the thermal e2ect.
less than 2.5. For conditions other than stated above, the A plot of the reduced residual viscosity vs. the reduced
authors proposed the following viscosity correlation: temperature at constant reduced density of 3.10 and 3.15
are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Note that both the thermal and

0 ) = Exp(A + Br + C2r ); (3) structural e2ects cannot be ignored for reliable viscosity
prediction. As mentioned above, Dandekar et al. (1992)
did account for the structural e2ects, by incorporating
A = 9:8338 0:15568M + 1:8935E-4M 2 ; the molecular weight (M ) in their correlation. However,
this alone is believed not to be adequate. We, therefore,
concluded that the thermal and structural e2ects should
B = 12:150 + 0:10345M 1:3971E-4M 2 ;
be considered simultaneously. Hence, a model similar to
that of JST, with the coe<cients appearing in Eq. (2)
C = 2:3990 1:6355M + 2:5338E-5M 2 : related to both the reduced temperature, Tr , and a suit-
able parameter describing the structural e2ect was sought.
A number of parameters such as the acentric factor and
3. The modied residual viscosity correlation molecular weight were considered, where the molecular
weight was found to be the most suitable correlating pa-
3.1. Data evaluation rameter to account for the structural e2ect, particularly
for alkanes, which are the most abundant compounds in
The development of a residual viscosity correlation for reservoir %uids.
pure components was considered the most essential step A least-square function was used to regress a total
in the evolution of a general correlation for predicting of 2789 viscosity data points to minimize an objective
the viscosity of complex hydrocarbon systems. Litera- function taken as the sum of squared deviations between
ture density and viscosity data (Grackie, Flynn, & Ross, experimental and calculated values. The ranges of data
Z. Al-Syabi et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 69977006 6999

Table 1
Summary of %uids and data range used for evaluating the JST correlation

Fluid Ref. No. of Data range Viscometer type and accuracy

data ponits Reduced Reduced Viscosity Typea Acc.

temp. density (cP) (%)

N2 Diller (1983), 136 0.712.36 0.0 2.50 0.02 0.18 CT,OD,VC 0.5 2.0
Grackie et al. (1969)
CO2 Diller and Ball (1985) 240 0.721.06 0.0 2.54 0.01 0.27 CT,OD,VC 0.12.0
Iwasaki and Takahashi (1981)
CH4 Diller (1980), 236 0.522.33 0.0 3.50 0.01 0.40 CT,VC, VW 0.5 2.0
Giddings et al. (1966),
van der Gulik et al. (1988),
Lee (1965)
C2 H 6 Diller and Ball (1985), 233 0.331.45 0.033.18 0.011.13 CT,VC, VW 2.0 2.5
Iwasaki and Takahashi (1981),
Lee (1965)
C3 H 8 Diller (1982), 207 0.24 1.11 0.0 3.34 0.0110.7 CT,VC 1.5 2.0
Giddings et al. (1966),
Lee (1965)
n-C4 H10 Diller and Saber (1981), 236 0.331.05 0.05 3.27 0.012.56 CT, FC, VC, RC 0.5 3.0
Kiran and Sen (1992),
Lee (1965)
n-C5 H12 Brazier and Freeman (1969), 219 0.64 0.95 1.823.91 0.06 15.4 CT, FC, W, RB,VW 0.5 4.0
Bridgman (1926),
Kiran and Sen (1992),
Lee (1965),
Oliveira and Wakeham (1992)
n-C6 H14 Agaev and Golubev (1963), 180 0.54 0.88 2.33.77 0.10 9.67 CT, FW, RB, VW 0.5 4.0
Baylaucq et al. (1997),
Brazier and Freeman (1969),
Bridgman (1926),
Dymond et al. (1980,1981),
Kiran and Sen (1992),
Oliveira and Wakeham (1992)
n-C7 H16 Assael and Papadaki (1991), 147 0.55 0.69 2.613.37 0.20 1.80 FC ,VW 0.5 2.0
Baylaucq et al. (1997),
Oliveira and Wakeham (1992)
n-C8 H18 Brazier and Freeman (1969), 258 0.48 0.79 2.473.57 0.20 5.67 VT, FC, FW, RB, VW 0.5 4.0
Bridgman (1926),
Dymond et al. (1981),
Kiran and Sen (1992),
Oliveira and Wakeham (1992),
Tanaka et al. (1991)
n-C9 H20 Assael and Papadaki (1991) 30 0.51 0.54 2.94 3.20 0.50 1.13 VW 0.5
n-C10 H22 Lee (1965), 374 0.44 0.69 2.46 3.49 0.215.32 CT, OC, VW 0.5 4.0
Oliveira and Wakeham (1992)
n-C11 H24 Assael et al. (1995=1996) 25 0.47 0.51 3.033.25 0.74 1.84 VW 0.5
n-C12 H26 Dymond et al. (1981), 119 0.45 0.62 2.90 3.64 0.34 10.4 FT, OC, RB 2.0 5.0
Hogenboom et al. (1967),
Tanaka et al. (1991)
n-C15 H32 Hogenboom et al. (1967) 48 0.44 0.58 2.90 3.54 0.54 10.4 RB 2.0 5.0
n-C16 H34 Dymond et al. (1980), 61 0.41 0.52 3.0 3.66 1.20 11.1 FC, VC 2.0
Tanaka et al. (1991)
n-C18 H38 Hogenboom et al. (1967) 40 0.45 0.50 2.95 3.57 0.75 11.5 RB 2.0 2.50
a CT capillary tube, FC falling cylinder, FW falling weigh, OD oscillating disc, OC oscillating cylinder, RB rolling ball,

RC rotating cylinder, VC vibrating crystal and VW vibrating wire.

used for the regression analysis were 0.0 0.55 for the optimum correlation was derived as
reduced residual viscosity (corresponding to a viscos-

0 ) + 104 ]1=4
ity range of 0.0115 mPa s), 0.004 4.0 for the reduced
density and 0.2432.33 for the reduced temperature. The = 0:094754 + 0:062016r
7000 Z. Al-Syabi et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 69977006

Fig. 3. Reduced residual viscosity vs. reduced density at constant

Fig. 1. Reduced residual viscosity (

0 ) vs. reduced density (=c ) reduced temperature of 3.15.

for various compounds.

Fig. 4. Deviation of predicted viscosity by JST correlation from

Fig. 2. Reduced residual viscosity vs. reduced density at constant measured data of pure compounds.
reduced temperature of 3.10.

using the proposed correlation. A similar trend was also

0:0010273Tr2:0183 M 0:44620 2r observed by Assael, Gallis, and Vesovic (1995=1996)
+ 0:00040403Tr2:4706 M 0:19188 3r at the same reduced density range. van der Gulik et al.
(1988) also observed that the viscosity of methane at high
+ 0:000086159Tr1:1577 M 0:58683 4r : (4) densities did not follow the expected trend, which they
The deviations of predicted viscosities from experi- attributed to hindered rotation of molecules.
mental values, using the JST and this modi3cation, are Since real reservoir %uids contain high concentrations
plotted in Figs. 4 and 5. A comparison of these 3gures of methane, it is imperative to predict the viscosity of
shows that for reduced density values less than 2.5, the this compound reliably by using a separate correlation.
deviations of both correlations are comparable. However, To maintain the consistency of the method a correlation
for higher reduced densities, the JST correlation deviates similar to Eq. (4) was developed for methane.
up to 100%, while the deviation of the modi3ed corre- [(

0 ) + 104 ]1=4
lation is within 20% demonstrating the signi3cance of
including both thermal and structural e2ects. However, a = 0:10202 + 0:055258r 0:0114302r
deviation higher than 20% can be observed for methane, + 0:00478943r + Tr3:2508 4r : (5)
Z. Al-Syabi et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 69977006 7001

The reduced residual viscosity of the second compo-

nent is evaluated from Eq. (4), using the overall mix-
ture reduced density, reduced temperature and molec-
ular weight.
The mixture reduced residual viscosity is calculated,
by the molar average mixing rule, as given below
r = x1 S
r1 + (1 x1 )S
r2 ; (6)
where S
r is the mixture reduced residual viscosity,
r; 1 is the methane reduced residual viscosity, ob-
tained from Eq. (5), S
r; 2 is the reduced residual vis-
cosity of the pseudo-component, obtained from Eq. (4)
and x1 is the molar concentration of methane in the
The above mixture reduced residual viscosity is di-
vided by the overall mixture viscosity parameter, ,
Fig. 5. Deviation of predicted viscosity by the modi3ed correlation and the resultant is added to the overall mixture dilute
(HW2) from measured data of pure compounds. gas viscosity to obtain the mixture viscosity.

4. Predicting the viscosity of uid mixtures

The procedure described above was used to predict

the viscosity of a number of binary and multi-component
mixtures (synthetic and real reservoir %uids) over wide
ranges of temperature and density, Table 2. For predicting
the viscosity of real reservoir %uids, with the heavy end
described as C7+, a correlation for the critical volume of
the plus fraction, was developed by matching predicted
and literature viscosity data (Lawal, 1986; Pedersen, Fre-
denslund, & Thomassen, 1989)
(vc )C7+ = 6:6458 + 0:1492MC7+
+ 8:5467SC7+ 0:09921MC7+ SC7+ ; (7)
Fig. 6. Deviation of predicted viscosity by JST correlation and Eq.
(5) from measured data on methane. where M and S are the molecular weight and speci3c
gravity, respectively, and the estimated critical volume is
in m3 =kg mol.
The range of molecular weight and speci3c gravity
The deviation of the developed correlation for methane of the plus fraction used to optimize the coe<cients of
is compared to that of JST in Fig. 6, which clearly demon- Eq. (7) were 145 396 and 0.7927 0.9165, respectively.
strates the improvement in viscosity prediction, especially The reliability of the second developed model (HW2)
at higher values of reduced density. to predict the viscosity of above %uids were compared to
those of the Lohrenz et al. (1964) (LBC), and the modi-
3.3. Viscosity calculation procedure 3cation by Dandekar et al. (1992) (HW1). Table 3 gives
a summary of statistical measures of the deviations from
The procedure employed in calculating mixture viscos- measured data. The results clearly indicate the preference
ity using Eqs. (4) and (5) is similar to that employed in of the developed correlation in comparison with those of
the LBC method. original LBC and its modi3cations (HW1). It should be
Mixtures containing methane, is split into methane and noted that the viscosity predicted by the residual viscosity
the rest is lumped together as a pseudo-component. The methods strongly depends on the value of %uid density
mixture viscosity is then calculated from the above two [see Eqs. (4) and (5)]. Hence, the reliability of predicted
equations as follows: viscosity deteriorates sharply by the increase in density
errors (Ali, 1991), estimated commonly by an equation
The methanes reduced residual viscosity is evaluated of state in compositional models. To avoid ambiguities
from Eq. (5) using the overall mixture reduced density in evaluation of the proposed correlation, all the density
and reduced temperature. data used in this work are measured values.
7002 Z. Al-Syabi et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 69977006

Table 2
Summary of %uids and data range used for evaluating the prediction methods

Fluid Ref. No. of data Temperature ( C) Pressure (MPa) Reduced density

C1=C3 Giddings et al. (1966) 313 38138 1.4 55.5 0.0 2.5
C1=n-C4 Lee (1965) 63 38105 1.4 55.2 0.12.2
C1=n-C10 Lee (1965) 50 38100 10.3103.4 0.13.1
CO2 =n-C10 Cullick (1984) 70 38130 6.89 34.5 1.6 3.1
Binary liquids Cooper and Asfour (1991) 163 20 50 0.172.1 2.83.3
6-comp. %uids Kovarik and Taylor (1987) 106 3888 9.0 13.8 0.6 3.2
Mult. comp. syn. %uids Al-Siyabi (2000), 12 175 and 200 51.7139.3 1.72.8
El-Gayed (1997)
Mult. comp. syn. Al-Siyabi (2000) 12 175 and 200 51.7139.3 1.73.0
%uids with water
Real res. %uids Al-Siyabi (2000), 80 38150 13.8138.3 1.23.2
El-Gayed (1997)

Table 3
Summary of statistical measures for the evaluated prediction methodsa

Fluid=Method LBC HW1 HW2 (this work)


C1=C3 3 4 5 0 1 2
C1-nC4 3 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 4
C1-nC10 11 12 9 12 10 5 5 5 3
CO2 -nC10 4 7 6 3 6 8 9 10 6
Binary liquids 19 19 18 16 16 5 2 6 8
HPHT MC Syn. %uids 1 20 28 1 20 28 5 13 14
HPHT MC real %uids 10 20 15 8 15 10 7 5 8
HPHT MC Syn. %uids + water 14 26 41 14 26 39 11 12 16
a AD average deviation, AAD absolute deviation and SD standard deviation.

A comparison of the method with some other models,

mainly those based on the corresponding states principle,
also indicated the superiority of the method (Al-Siyabi,
2000). Further description on comparison of the results
for typical cases is given below.

4.1. Binary mixtures

Literature viscosity and density data (Lee, 1965; Gid-

dings et al., 1966; Cullick, 1984; Cooper & Asfour,
1991) for a number of binary gaseous and liquid mixtures
were used to test the modi3ed correlation. The devia-
tions resulting from the use of the proposed procedure
for binary mixtures were well within 5% in most cases.
Fig. 7. Deviation of predicted viscosity by the LBC and HW2 cor-
Fig. 7 demonstrates the typical behaviour of the two relations from measured Data on methane=propane mixtures.
(LBC and HW2) models, that is, the deviations were
similar at low values of reduced density, but LBC method
resulted in large deviations at values of reduced density
larger than 1.5. Fig. 8 shows the unreliability of LBC 4.2. Multi-component 7uids
for even higher values of reduced density. The proposed
method also shows a marked deviation at a reduced den- To further assess the reliability of the modi3ed corre-
sity of about 3.2, but still acceptable in comparison with lation a variety of multi-component %uids were prepared
LBC results. (El-Gayed, 1997; Al-Siyabi, 2000). These %uids range
Z. Al-Syabi et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 69977006 7003

Fig. 10. Measured and predicted viscosity of a synthetic 6-component

Fig. 8. Deviation of predicted viscosity by the LBC and HW2 cor- volatile oil mixture at 200 C, by the LBC and HW2 correlations.
relations from measured data on binary liquid mixtures.

Fig. 9. Measured and predicted viscosity of a synthetic 6-component Fig. 11. Measured and predicted viscosity of a synthetic 6-component

gas condensate mixture at 175 C, by LBC and HW2 Correlations.
volatile oil mixture with 5.40% mole of water at 200 C, by LBC
and HW2 correlations.

from synthetic 6-component mixtures with and without

water to recombined real reservoir %uids. Additional to
the viscosity measurements, density and composition of
all the %uids were also measured in this laboratory at
the test conditions using direct methods (Danesh, Todd,
Somerville, & Dandekar, 1990).
The comparison of predicted viscosities, by the cor-
relations, and the measured values for three synthetic
mixtures at high-pressure high-temperature conditions are
shown in Figs. 9 11. Note that the predictions are al-
most the same, for di2erent correlations, at lower pressure
ranges, but at higher pressures the modi3ed correlation,
HW2, is superior to the LBC method. Most importantly
is the presence of water in hydrocarbon %uids, which has
not a2ected the predictive capability of the developed
Fig. 12 shows that all the models predicted the vis-
cosity of a North Sea gas condensate above the dew Fig. 12. Measured and predicted viscosity of gas and equilibrated
point with a reasonable accuracy. However, the predicted
condensate at 37:8 PC, by LBC, HW1 and HW2 correlations.
7004 Z. Al-Syabi et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 69977006

molecular weight to account for the thermal and struc-

tural e2ects, in addition to the reduced density. The
modi3ed correlation has been shown to improve vis-
cosity prediction, especially at high values of reduced
2. A comparison of the predicted viscosity for a variety
of multi-component %uids, particularly for light reser-
voir %uids at high pressurehigh temperature condi-
tions, by the proposed modi3cation and similar meth-
ods demonstrated its superiority.


Fig. 13. Measured and predicted viscosity of volatile oil at 37:8 C, M molecular weight
by LBC, HW1 and HW2 correlations. Pc critical pressure
S speci3c gravity
Tc critical temperature
vc critical volume
x molar concentration

Greek letters

r reduced residual viscosity

%uid viscosity

0 viscosity of the diluted (gas) state of %uid
 molar density
r reduced density

Fig. 14. Measured and predicted viscosity of near critical %uid at

37:8 C, by LBC, HW1 and HW2 correlations. This study was part of a project sponsored by the
UK Department of Trade and Industry, BP-Amoco Ex-
ploration Company Ltd, Edinburgh Petroleum Services
viscosity by LBC for the condensed phase below the (EPS) Ltd, Elf (UK) Ltd, Marathon International (GB)
dew point deviates largely from the experimental values. Ltd, Mobil (North Sea) Ltd, Oil Phase Sampling Ltd,
Fig. 13 demonstrates a comparable accuracy for all the Phillips Petroleum Co. (UK) Ltd and Statoil AS, which
models in predicting the viscosity of a volatile oil above is gratefully acknowledged.
and below the bubble point. The above-proposed correla-
tion, HW2, was also tested against measured viscosities
of a near-critical %uid, NCF, and compared to those pre-
dicted by other models, Fig. 14. The predicted viscosities
by HW2 are seen to overlay those measured outside the
The low pressure viscosity is determined from the fol-
critical viscosity enhancement region. The near critical
lowing correlations (Jossi, Stiel, & Thodos, 1962),
viscosity enhancement can be estimated by including an
additional term in the residual viscosity correlation, as
0 = 34 105 Tr0:94 =; Tr 6 1:5; (A.1)
described in an earlier paper (Al-Siyabi, Danesh, Tohidi,
& Todd, 1999).

0 = 17:78 105 (4:58Tr 1:67)5=8 =; Tr 1:5:
5. Conclusions (A.2)
The units of Tc and Pc in Eq. (1) should be K and atm
1. The JST residual viscosity correlation has been (0:1013 MPa) in order to obtain the viscosity in mPa s
modi3ed by including the reduced temperature and (cp).
Z. Al-Syabi et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 69977006 7005

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