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Gender and Sex

Ilyas Hernandez and Guadalupe Nino

What is sex and what is gender?

Think of it like this:

Gender is to mind,
Sex is to body.

Gender and Sex.

L - lesbian
G - gay
B - bisexual
T - trans*

Q - queer/questioning
P - pan
I - intersex/intergender
A - asexual
The + denotes even more genders/sexualities

#What comes to mind when you think of the word bisexual?


Lets start with the basics.

Lesbian: a homosexual woman
(a woman who likes women.)#
Gay: a homosexual man
(a man who likes men.)#
Bisexual: attraction to more than one gender.
(a cis/trans man/woman who likes other cis/trans men/women)#
Trans*: people who do not identify with the usual binary system of the male-female


Haha, bisexuals are half-gay/half-straight!
Think about that. 2+
Bisexuals struggle to be visible in both the straight and gay communities.
Bisexuals encounter the same discrimination gays and lesbians face in addition to
being told theyre confused.#
Bisexuality is just a phase...theyre secretly gay.
While it is true a lot of people identify as bisexual before coming out as
something different, it is a concrete sexual orientation like everything else and
should be respected as such.

Bisexual Pride Flag

Not everyone is bisexual (They just dont know it!). Generalizing an enormous
group of people like this erases every individuals experience and thought.#
Bisexual people are not sexually greedy, cheaters, or polyamorous. In reality...

Bisexual activist Robyn Ochs describes bisexuality as the potential "to be

attracted romantically and/or sexually to people of more than one sex and/or
gender, not necessarily at the same time, not necessarily in the same way and not
necessarily to the same degree."

Why trans* with a star?#
Trans* is a term that includes all trans people: transgender, transvestite,
genderqueer, gender-fluid, bigender, and transsexuals to name a few.#
Trans* people are commonly portrayed as someone who switched to the opposite sex,
but we have to remember not all trans* people go from male to female (MTF) or
female to male (FTM). If this is confusing, we will clarify later!
Transgender Pride Flag

Pronouns are important!

If a person who you used to know as a male started to identify as a female, make
sure you use the pronouns she and her when referring to that person.
The same goes for a female who identifies as a male (he / him).

General rule: identify people as they want to be identified.


Whats the difference between transgender and transexual?

I feel that I belong to the opposite sex, and that my body does not match the
gender I was born with.

I identify with the opposite sex and may or may not had sex changes or take

I physically transitioned from one sex to the other.

I do not feel that the words male or female really define my gender.#
I feel that my gender lays more on a spectrum. Regardless of surgery, I still
identify by my own gender.

My general sense of self does not match the sex I was born with.



Gender relates to your mind. (transgender)

Sex relates to your body. (transexual)

Queer: questioning, or gender-fluid
(Well dive into the world of gender-fluid people later on. Also, it is not a

Pansexual: attracted to all people regardless of sex and gender

(Pangender: many different gender identities)

Intersex: existing or occurring between the two sexes.

(Intergender: identity exists or occurs between male and female)

Asexual: no sexual feelings or desires.

(Agender: no gender identity)

(Note: PIA-genders fall into the trans* category)


Think of queer as a term that covers all sides. It includes anyone who:
a) wants to identify as queer/questioning
b) who feels somehow outside of the societal norms in regards to gender or

This could include [any] person who ... would rather not identify with any label,
the genderfluid bisexual, the genderfluid heterosexual, the questioning LGBT
person, and the person who just doesnt feel like they quite fit into societal
norms and wants to bond with a community over that.
- PFLAG National#

Whats genderfluid?

The meaning of genderfluid is best described as a dynamic mix of male and female. A
person who is genderfluid may feel more masculine some days and more feminine other

People often make gender-fluidity seem unimportant, but it is just as significant

as any other gender. A common remark heard by people who oppose this is:
Well, I want to be a man or a woman whenever I want, too!

As simple as it may seem, genderfluid people get as much criticism and hatred as
gays and lesbians do. They dont decide how they feel, it IS how they feel. There
isnt a need to conform to one side.

Its when youre attracted to pans. If you think about it, Tupperware is kind of

Its when youre attracted to pans. If you think about it, Tupperware is kind of
Pansexuality means you are attracted to all types of people.#
Its synonymous with being attracted to people regardless of gender.

Isnt being bisexual the same thing as being pansexual?
Pansexual Pride Flag

Pansexuality is different from bisexuality.

Bisexual generally means both.

(one or more)
Pansexual means all.

Although rare, some people are born with a reproductive system that dont fit the
typical male or female labels. So how do they identify?

Although rare, some people are born with a reproductive system that dont fit the
typical male or female labels. So how do they identify?


Non-binary pronouns: X
(English class sure didnt teach you this!)

You/they/them/their easiest way to refer to someone sex-neutral.#

The fancy, proper way~*~*~*~*#Xe = Used like (he/she) Where did xe go? (zee)
Xir = Used like (him/her) When I greet that person, I hug xir. (zeer)
Xir = Also used like their Xir hair is getting pretty long! (zeer)
Xirs = Used like (his/hers), theirs My friend let me borrow xirs.


We can define the two with the same concept: Gender to mind, sex to body.

Intersex: One who is born with sex chromosomes, external genitalia and/or an
internal reproductive system that is not considered standard or normative for
either the male or female sex.

Intergender: A person whose gender identity is between genders or a combination of


Whats the difference between intergender and gender-fluid?
(Did we lose you yet?)
Its impossible to not want to have sex. They dont feel anything at all? I dont
believe that.

Its impossible to not want to have sex. They dont feel anything at all? I dont
believe that.
The problem is, you dont have to believe it, because it is a fact. It is true.
People often opt out of relationships and feel that asexuality best suits their
feelings and their lifestyle.



Can asexuality be considered a sexual orientation?


Asexuality: someone who does not experience sexual attraction. Romantic attraction
is still there!

Unlike celibacy...#
Asexuality is not a disorder, and people who are asexual are perfectly healthy

Busting the Myths!

Transgender People Live Crazy Lives

Not all drag queens are gay, and not all drag queens want to be women. Drag
performance is an art form, and simply performance art.#
Transgender people are commonly portrayed as villains.
(GLAAD: Victim, killer, sex worker 81% OF THE TIME!)#
A lot of transgender people dont act hyper-feminine or hyper-masculine, they lead
relatively normal lives.
slay me

The LGBT+ Community Is Confused

This claim was taken from

Homosexuality is not natural. Any homosexual is therefore confused because they

CHOSE to be homosexual. Furthermore, you must realize that there is a considerable
population of "homophobic bigots." By choosing to be homosexual, homosexuals
are ... choosing to be the target of hate, violence, and disrespect. That they
would make such a stupid choice points to one fact: they are indeed very confused.
These people seriously need to set their priorities straight.
Why do you think this claim received a very low approval rating?

Introducing the Genderbread Person!

(Not the Genderbread Man. He is not a man. Dont be mean.)
(There are 4 spectrums, and theyre all lit)

Leelah Alcorn
Leelah Alcorn was a 17-year-old transgender teenager in Ohio who was isolated and
mistreated by her devout Christian parents who refused to acknowledge her as a
female and prevented her from transitioning. To speak out against transgender
mistreatment, she committed suicide by walking in front of a tractor trailer late
one night and left a suicide note on Tumblr, which sparked a nationwide response
(and even a petition) to raise awareness for transgender suicides. Even after her
death, her parents posts referred to her as Joshua and made no mention of her
suicide, enraging many in the LGBT community.

Leelahs Law is a petition created in an attempt to ban conversion therapy in the

United States. As of now it has over 330,000 signatures and has been responded to
by the Obama Administration. As of now, six states have banned it.#
What is conversion therapy? Conversion therapy is any treatment that aims to change
sexual orientation from homosexual (or other) to heterosexual, or to change any
gender orientation back to cisgender (original gender). The Southern Poverty Law
Center cites conversion therapy as being unscientific and harmful to those who
participate in it. #
Leelahs Law

So, What Can I Do?

Tips for Allies

Dont assume you know a persons gender or sexual orientation.
Listen to their friends first if you dont know their pronoun. Then ask.
Dont ask about their real name.
Respect the terminology!
Be patient with people who are questioning.
Avoid the Halloween compliments.
You look just like a real woman! / I wouldve never guessed you were

Tips for Allies

Challenge the anti-LGBT slander.
Dont use the words tranny, shemale, or fag to describe anything, EVER.
No offense to your gay friends is not an excuse for you to keep saying it. (Find
some other way to insult your friends lovingly.)
Dont ask about personal details.
If you make a mistake, apologize quickly and move on.
That means do NOT be awkward and make the situation worse. Im sorry, I just
thought that you were is a big no-no.

The most important way to be an ally is to get connected. Asking questions, staying
informed, and speaking up about injustices against the LGBT+ community makes the
world a better place to live in.

All because you took action.


Contact Us!
Nice to meet you all! :)#
Ilyas / #Guadalupe Nino#
Thank you!

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