Tilt Up and Precast Concrete Checklist

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Enabling Process Project Team (Ops/Const. & 2257 HSEQ Compliance


Tilt-up and Precast Concrete Checklist

Project: Subcontractor: Engineering Co.: Date: Panel No.:

LORAC Foreman: S/C Foreman: Engineer:
It is the subcontractors responsibility to have all sections ticked off and actioned as the item is completed. This checklist is to be completed EACH DAY when tilt-up or precast panels are
being installed. The completed forms must be given to Laing ORourke when all items are completed.

The crossed areas in the (inspection by) column identify who is responsible for each item. The responsible party initials this section or submits documentation, as evidence each item is

Item Number Inspection by

Acceptance Criteria
and Description LORAC Sub Eng
1. Drawings required Certified engineers drawings exist for all the following applications X X
panel design - location of lifting inserts and bracing points, steel content, panel weight, panel dimensions, panel
number, location of strongbacks (where applicable), concrete strength
erection and temporary bracing drawings types of braces required (primary, knee, lateral, end), brace angles,
levelling pads
deadman (or floor slab design) dimensions / depth of deadman, soil type, bearing capacity, terrain (wind) category,
concrete strength, anchors required.
permanent supporting structure.
panel layout and erection sequence
2. Subcontractors safety The following documentation has been provided prior to work commencing X X
documentation Tilt-Up/Precast Panel Erection Contractors WMS (or PCs WMS where tower crane is used)
Crane/Rigging Contractors WMS/Lift Plan showing crane set-up locations; location of obstacles, hazards and
existing structures in proximity to the crane (especially temporary braces); rigging procedures and equipment;
spotters duties; method of communication between operator and dogger; references to erection sequence: release
of panels after braces installed.
3. Other documentation Other documentation provides evidence of the following: X X
concrete strength tests (minimum 25mPa when cured) X X
casting dates
anchor specifications for braces (panel and floor/deadman)
brace type and specifications
lifting insert and clutch design
competent persons pre-pour inspection of panels in accordance with design specifications
5. Certification issues Work supervised by a person with minimum intermediate riggers qualifications (tilt-up only). X X
Crane operator and riggers/doggers have appropriate certificates

The LORA Way E-T-8-0925 Tilt-up and Precast Concrete Checklist v1 Copyright Laing ORourke 2011 All rights reserved. Page Number
E-T-8-0925 (Revised July 2012) Document uncontrolled when printed 1 of 4
Process Document owner Step Gateways Document type

Enabling Process Project Team (Ops/Const. & 2257 HSEQ Compliance


Tilt-up and Precast Concrete Checklist

Item Number Inspection by

Acceptance Criteria
and Description LORAC Sub Eng
6. Pre-erection checks Concrete panels have achieved the correct strength for lifting as specified in the shop drawings. (Verification has X X
been obtained from the builder or supplier.)
Deadmen and/or floor slab have achieved required concrete strength as specified in engineers drawings.
Panels have been identified and marked with casting date and panel numbers
Spreader bar and rigging configuration used meets load requirements for type of panel
All lifting slings have SWL and current inspection tags displayed.
Lifting inserts and clutches are a compatible design (must be proprietary).
Ground conditions OK for supporting crane (level and compacted surface, outriggers used slewing cranes only, no
penetrations or pits in proximity).
Site access is adequate
Proximity of overhead power lines considered and appropriate action taken.
Exclusion zones have been barricaded and sign posted to keep non-essential personnel away during erection and
Exclusion zone installed to a minimum of one and half times the height of the panel (tilt-up only).
Wind conditions are not detrimental to lifting.
7. Panel lifting and Back up chains fitted when lifting all precast panels X X
erection No side lifting (where possible) or suicide lifting (ie. lifting in such a way that if the rigging fails, the panel will strike
the crane and/or operator).
Bond breakers used (no jacking or shock-loading when lifting to break panel from stack).
Levelling pads installed and set at correct height and location as per design.
Locating (dowel) pins and levelling shims installed as required in design drawings.

The LORA Way E-T-8-0925 Tilt-up and Precast Concrete Checklist v1 Copyright Laing ORourke 2011 All rights reserved. Page Number
E-T-8-0925 (Revised July 2012) Document uncontrolled when printed 2 of 4
Process Document owner Step Gateways Document type

Enabling Process Project Team (Ops/Const. & 2257 HSEQ Compliance


Tilt-up and Precast Concrete Checklist

Item Number Inspection by

Acceptance Criteria
and Description LORAC Sub Eng
8. Temporary bracing for Temporary bracing for the panels is in accordance with the shop drawings and engineers specification prior to X X
panels and supporting removal of crane.
structure Temporary bracing for the structure is in accordance with the drawings and engineers specification (Knee, lateral
and end braces and strongbacks installed where specified by designer).
Anchors used for fixing braces to the slab or deadman are an approved type (not self-drilling, low load slip or
Minimum of two braces per panel or as otherwise specified in drawing.
Only one brace fitted to each deadman (where applicable).
No mix and match braces (all braces must be of same type unless otherwise specified by engineer)
Locking pins (eg. R clips) properly inserted in push-pull braces. Keyed retaining pins used to prevent unauthorised
removal or adjustment. (Key only available to authorised contractor and Temporary Works Coordinator)
Brace angle does not exceed 5 from perpendicular and is approximately 50-60 from horizontal (or as otherwise
specified in the drawings).
Braces marked with manufacturers name and type, WLL and maximum extension.
Panels released from crane only after temporary bracing has been properly installed.
Exclusion zones have been barricaded and sign posted to keep vehicles and plant away from temporary braces and
supporting structures.
Personnel, equipment or braces are kept clear/or at a safe distance when lifting, slewing and travelling with panels
9. Permanent structure All bracing or supporting structure fixing points have been installed and fixed as per shop drawings and engineers X X
capable of supporting requirements.
panels prior to The supporting structure is adequately braced or structurally sound. Engineer to inspect and confirm that structure
removing temporary can adequately support panel prior to release of temporary propping or support system. (HOLD POINT)
support system.
10. On-going monitoring of Regular Inspections on panels and support systems and temporary isolation barriers e.g. safety inspections, safety X
panels and support committee observations, FSR reviews, reinspection at intervals and after weather events determined by TWC.
11. Grouting Grouting undertaken using specified product and within required timeframe. X X
12. Training and A toolbox talk is to be undertaken with all relevant parties prior to work commencing each day. X X
13. (insert items as

The LORA Way E-T-8-0925 Tilt-up and Precast Concrete Checklist v1 Copyright Laing ORourke 2011 All rights reserved. Page Number
E-T-8-0925 (Revised July 2012) Document uncontrolled when printed 3 of 4
Process Document owner Step Gateways Document type

Enabling Process Project Team (Ops/Const. & 2257 HSEQ Compliance


Tilt-up and Precast Concrete Checklist

Item Number Inspection by

Acceptance Criteria
and Description LORAC Sub Eng

Attach item specific checklists to this sheet (i.e. inspection checklists etc)
Note: (Acceptance criteria) always includes the relevant approved drawings, Australian Standards, engineers instructions, client specification and manufactures instructions.

The LORA Way E-T-8-0925 Tilt-up and Precast Concrete Checklist v1 Copyright Laing ORourke 2011 All rights reserved. Page Number
E-T-8-0925 (Revised July 2012) Document uncontrolled when printed 4 of 4

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