MYD Legislative Platform 2010

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MYD 2010 Legislative Platform

Good Government Task Force (GGTF)

Campaign Finance – MYD Supports the expansion of the New York City public financing model to the
entire state, along with lowering contribution limits, and banning contributions from registered lobbyists.

Ethics – MYD supports an independent Ethics Commission and the creation of “full time” legislative posi-
tions in Albany.

Rules Reform – MYD Supports term limits, equal funding for members, and public committee hearings in
Albany. Let Our Representatives Represent Us.

Redistricting – MYD supports the implementation of an Independent Redistricting Commission as outlined

in the State Senate bill S1614A (Valesky).

Community and Social Equity (CASE)

Marriage Equality – MYD believes that marriage is a civil right and that two consenting adults should be
allowed to enter into the institution if they so choose. Only Civil Marriage can truly give gay and lesbian
couples all the protections afforded by the Federal and individual state governments and ensure equality in
the eyes of the law. As such, we support the legalization of Same Sex Marriage and the repeal of DOMA.

Balancing the State Budget – MYD believes that New York State needs to focus on a long-term budget
strategy that matches increased fiscal discipline with an emphasis on stimulus spending to soften the
impact of the recent recession and an improvement on our long term revenue outlook.

Diversifying the New York City Economy – MYD believes in order to stimulate technology, alternative
energy investments, and start-ups, we need to give incentives to Venture Capitalists and Industries to
partner with Universities to grow and develop innovation. Additionally, we believe more urban development
and building in areas outside of Manhattan will, de facto, diversify New York’s economy.

Banking for the Unbanked – MYD believes that New York City should support financial literacy programs
and Community Development Credit Unions (CDCUs) in their efforts to increase access to banking for low
income populations who are currently unbanked.

Expansion of Rail to Upstate – MYD endorses efforts to expand New York State’s rail system and the
findings outlined in the New York State Department of Transportation’s State Rail Plan.

Job Creation Tax Credits – MYD Supports the creation of a state level job creation tax credit; modeled
after the federal job creation tax credit and implemented under the American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act. (

Community Benefits Agreements – MYD supports the use of Community Benefit Agreements (CBA) in
development projects. We believe the city must increase its efforts to enforce the terms of these agree-
ments for their duration.

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Fund Allocation Reform – MYD Supports efforts to reform the allocation system of Member Items in
the New York Legislature in order to increase the efficacy of government expenditures. We also sup-
port the findings of the New York Public Interest Group and endorse the passage of reform legislation
S.7007/A.10116. We believe that allocation process of member items at the New York City Council level
needs to be reformed on a similar basis.

Public Education – MYD believes ALL students should be provided with an equal opportunity to gain the
skills that they need to be successful in life.

Spending and Investments – MYD supports investments in Special Education, ESL, Pre-Kindergarten
Saturday Sessions, Art Education, and funding to grow Community and 4-Year Public Colleges.

Charter Schools – MYD supports the enforcement of the policy which states that children who are
admitted to public charter schools should closely reflect the demographics of the areas in which they
are located.

Ban on “Hydro-fracking” in Upstate New York Watershed Areas – MYD supports a ban on natural gas
drilling in upstate New York watershed areas.

Greater Tax Incentives for Green Roofs Construction – MYD supports the enactment of state and city
tax abatements that cover the full cost of constructing green roofs. Currently, a combination of state and
city tax abatements exists to reduce the cost of constructing Green Roofs, but they are not enough.

Foreign Affairs
Bilingual Education for English Speaking Students – MYD supports a policy centered on including
heightened standards regarding bilingual education for English speaking students in New York City.

Green Energy Initiatives – MYD supports legislation that establishes targets for NYC businesses to imple-
ment solar powered engineering and/or offer incentives such as tax breaks for those that greatly contribute
to green energy research and reach targets with immediacy.

Pedestrian Safety – MYD supports Hayley and Diego’s law, a bill that provides penalties for causing
physical injury by failing to exercise due care when operating a motor vehicle. (S05292C/A7917-D)

Buses – MYD believes Albany should pass legislation allowing for camera enforced bus lanes in an effort to
ticket/fine drivers who make bus travel slower for transit riding New Yorkers.

Congestion Pricing – MYD supports congestion pricing as it will lead to less cars on the road, cleaner air,
more funds for transit, and enable buses to operate more efficiently on city streets and highways.

Security – MYD supports the provision of enhanced security to protect riders from terrorism and crime,
including a greater use of CCTV, more police patrols, and increased funding for intelligence and anti-crime

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