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Cover Letter

For this essay I was required to discuss the most/least important skills gained from this
course. To accomplish this, I decided to discuss the most important units and compare it to others
that were not as important. Furthermore, doing this essay allowed me to accomplish many goals
for this course. For example, doing this essay allowed me to accomplish goal 4 that is
composing rhetorically effective texts, informally and formally, in a variety of mediums or
genres. This goal was met because this essay required me to summarize the readings within
each unit, analyze, and cite each source. Also, this goal was met by drafting, revising, and editing
each draft for this essay.
Furthermore, another goal that was met by this essay was goal 3 engaging in reflective
and metacognitive process. This was met by providing and receiving feedback from my peers.
Doing this allowed us to help each other improve in our writing process and meet this course
goal. In addition, the other two goals were also met in this essay by discussing how our
communities influence our literacy and how our identity has an effect in it.
In addition, doing this essay also allowed me to learn something about myself as a writer.
For example, I learned that it is more difficult for me to write a comparative essay rather than an
informative. For this reason, I believe that my essay was successful to an extent because it did
not compare the units as well as I thought it did. I learned that since I do not have as much
practice writing comparative essays I tend to write as if I am only informing the audience what is
For this reason, if I could have done this essay over again I would still change my thesis,
and discuss one of the most important assignments done for this class. Even though I believe I
could get a better grade changing my thesis to one that doesn't require me to compare different
things, doing this essay allowed me to challenge myself and practice writing something I am not
accustomed to. However, since this essay does reflect on my grade I would change my thesis to
one I know I am more accustomed to and get a better grade on it.
Doing this essay will affect my future writings because it allowed me to see my
weaknesses as a writer. This essay allowed me to see what I am more comfortable with and the
types of writings that I need more practice with. That being said, this assignment made me see
what I should get more practice in, and could benefit me for future writing assignments. Doing
the final draft was difficult for me to do since I had to follow a format and was required to
change many things. Due to all of this, I believe that this essay can still be improved; however, I
do believe that my essay got stronger after doing multiple drafts.

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