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Clinical Neurophysiology 113 (2002) 579585

EEG coherence in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder:

a comparative study of two DSM-IV types
Robert J. Barry a,*, Adam R. Clarke a, Rory McCarthy b, Mark Selikowitz b
Brain & Behaviour Research Institute and Department of Psychology, University of Wollongong, Wollongong 2522, Australia
Private Paediatric Practice, Sydney, Australia
Accepted 23 January 2002

Objectives: This study investigated differences in intrahemispheric and interhemispheric electroencephalographic (EEG) coherences
between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and control children, and between children with the Combined (ADHDcom) and
Inattentive (ADHDin) types of ADHD.
Methods: Three age- and sex-matched groups of 40 children, aged 812 years, diagnosed with ADHDcom, ADHDin, and normal control
children, participated in this study. EEG was recorded from 21 sites during an eyes-closed resting condition and Fourier transformed. Wave-
shape coherence was calculated for 8 intrahemispheric electrode pairs (4 in each hemisphere), and 8 interhemispheric electrode pairs, within
each of the delta, theta, alpha and beta bands.
Results: At shorter inter-electrode distances, ADHD children had elevated intrahemispheric coherences in the theta band and reduced
lateral differences in the theta and alpha bands. At longer inter-electrode distances, ADHD children had lower intrahemispheric alpha
coherences than controls. Frontally, ADHD children had interhemispheric coherences elevated in the delta and theta bands, and reduced in
the alpha band. An alpha coherence reduction in temporal regions, and a theta coherence enhancement in central/parietal/occipital regions,
were also apparent. ADHDcom had greater intrahemispheric theta and beta coherences than ADHDin. Frontally, ADHDcom had higher
levels of interhemispheric coherences than ADHDin for the delta and theta bands. In central/parietal/occipital regions, beta coherences were
elevated in ADHDcom.
Conclusions: EEG coherences suggest reduced cortical differentiation and specialisation in ADHD, particularly in cortico-cortical circuits
involving theta activity. Generally, ADHDcom children displayed greater anomalies than ADHDin children. q 2002 Elsevier Science
Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder; Children; Electroencephalography; Coherence; DSM-IV types

1. Introduction ods of both synaptic proliferation and pruning. These

processes presumably underlie the observed systematic
Both cognition and behaviour depend on the integrated waxing and waning in coherence levels (e.g. Thatcher et
activity of different brain regions, and hence study of the al., 1987; Thatcher, 1994). From about 4 to 6 years, a growth
coupling between regions would seem useful in understand- spurt mainly involves increasing coherence in the frontal
ing both normal brain function and the important processes regions and left frontaloccipital coupling. From 8 to 10,
involved in a range of brain dysfunctions. Most electroen- another spurt involves fronto-temporal connections in the
cephalographic (EEG) studies utilise power estimates right hemisphere. Further spurts occur from about 11 to 14
within the traditional frequency bands, providing little infor- years and from 15 years to adulthood, and are interpreted as
mation about the coupling of brain activity between differ- reflecting the sequencing of development of different anato-
ent recording sites. The coherence of the EEG activity mical systems. This cyclic pattern complicates the interpre-
between two sites, conceptualised as the correlation in the tation of observed changes or differences in coherence.
time domain between two signals in a given frequency band Gasser et al. (1987) investigated coherence at rest and in a
(Shaw, 1981), provides just that information. Normal brain visual-matching task in normal and mildly retarded children
development from birth to the pre-adult years involves peri- aged 1013 years. Coherences were generally higher and
more variable in the mentally retarded group than in normal
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: 161-2-4221-4421. children. There were only slight age effects, with small
E-mail address: (R.J. Barry).

1388-2457/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. CLINPH 2001168
PII: S 1388-245 7(02)00036-6
580 R.J. Barry et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 113 (2002) 579585

increases in coherence with age in the normals. In younger ciated with hyperactivity/impulsivity that matured with age
(3 months to 7 years) mentally retarded children (mostly and an inattentive component that was more pervasive
mildly and moderately retarded), Shibagaki et al. (1982) (Clarke et al., 2001a).
were unable to find evidence that coherence values were In contrast to these studies, EEG coherence has not been
age-related. Marosi et al. (1995) examined EEG coherences investigated thoroughly in the ADHD context. An early
in 3 groups of children differing on readingwriting ability. study of hyperkinetic children by Montagu (1975) examined
Generally, poor performance was associated with higher interhemispheric and intrahemispheric (right hemisphere
coherences in the delta, theta and beta bands, and reduced only) coherences in 2 Hz bands (to 10 Hz) relative to normal
coherences in the alpha band. In older children, these differ- children. Interhemispheric coherences were slightly (non-
ences were reduced, particularly in the theta, alpha and beta significantly) reduced in the hyperkinetic children, while
bands. In a follow-up study of these same children over a 2 intrahemispheric coherences were generally significantly
3 year interval (Marosi et al., 1997), group differences elevated (the 10 Hz elevation was not significant). Chabot
remained, and a general increase in coherence was noted, and Serfontein (1996) and Chabot et al. (1996) reported on a
except in the theta band, with most changes occurring in the mixed group of attention disorder patients (43.9% ADHD,
alpha band. 40.5% ADD by DSM-III criteria, and 15.6% not meeting
Thatcher et al. (1986) advanced a two-process model of those criteria) aged 617 years, some of whom had learning
cortico-cortical associations in which short and long neuro- disabilities. They found that attention disorders were asso-
nal fibres contribute differentially to coherence as a function ciated with interhemispheric and intrahemispheric hyperco-
of inter-electrode distance. At longer distances, coherence is herence in frontal and central regions, based on comparisons
mainly dependent on the longer fibres alone, increases with with a normal control group from the John et al. (1980)
their density/development, and falls off systematically with database. There was also generally reduced coherence parie-
increasing inter-electrode distance. In contrast, increased tally. Chabot et al. (1999) reported pre-medication coher-
density/development of short fibres in specialised neuronal ence data from a similar patient mix, using a subset of
populations reduces coherence by increasing the complexity patients from their previous studies, and again noted
and competition of interactions within the cell population. increased frontal interhemispheric coherence, particularly
This two-compartment model appears to accommodate in the theta and alpha bands, and increased intrahemispheric
much of the existing coherence data, and has wide currency coherence bilaterally in fronto-temporal regions. Unfortu-
in the literature. For example, the increased coherence nately, many of the coherence differences noted in these
reported in children with intellectual impairment and read- reports do not specify the frequency ranges involved.
ing disability (Gasser et al., 1987; Marosi et al., 1995), may This study examined interhemispheric and intrahemi-
be understood as reflecting decreased cortical differentiation spheric coherences in the standard EEG frequency bands
compared with normal controls. in two types of ADHD children, and age-matched normal
One of the most common disabilities of childhood listed controls. The aim was to investigate the usefulness of coher-
in the DSM-IV (APA, 1994) is attention-deficit/hyperactiv- ence measures in clarifying brain function in ADHD, and to
ity disorder (ADHD). There are numerous EEG studies of examine the nature of the EEG differences between the two
ADHD using absolute and relative power estimates, mean most common DSM-IV types of the disorder.
frequencies from the traditional frequency bands, and power
ratios (e.g. Satterfield et al., 1972; Dykman et al., 1982;
Callaway et al., 1983; Matousek et al., 1984; Lubar et al., 2. Methods
1985; Lubar, 1991; Mann et al., 1992; Janzen et al., 1995;
Chabot and Serfontein, 1996; Lazzaro et al., 1998). Work 2.1. Subjects
from our laboratory has confirmed that ADHD subjects have
increased levels of absolute and relative theta, and a Three groups of 40 children (32 boys and 8 girls, repre-
decrease in posterior relative beta and alpha (Clarke et al., senting the approximate gender ratio in ADHD) partici-
1998, 2001b,c; Bresnahan et al., 1999). Children with pated. The EEG power data from these children were
ADHD were also found to have higher delta/theta, theta/ presented in Clarke et al. (2001c). All were aged 812
alpha and theta/beta ratios, higher mean frequency in the years, were right handed and footed, and had a full-scale
delta band and lower mean frequencies in the alpha and beta WISC-III IQ score of 85 or higher. The groups used were
bands (Clarke et al., 2001c). In our studies, children with the children diagnosed with ADHDcom or ADHDin and a
Inattentive type of ADHD (ADHDin) had some EEG control group. Both clinical groups of children were
abnormalities that were similar to those with the Combined drawn from new patients presenting at a Sydney-based
type (ADHDcom), but less extreme, while topographic paediatric practice for an assessment of ADHD. The
differences suggested that the Combined type had abnorm- ADHD subjects had not been diagnosed as having ADHD
alities in the frontal regions that were not present in the previously, had no history of medication use for the disor-
Inattentive type. Further investigation of maturational der, and were tested before being prescribed any medica-
changes indicated that there was an EEG component asso- tion.
R.J. Barry et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 113 (2002) 579585 581

Inclusion in the ADHD groups was based on clinical was recorded in an eyes-closed resting condition, with
assessments by a paediatrician and a psychologist; children subjects seated on a reclining chair. Electrode placement
were included only when both agreed on the diagnosis. followed the international 1020 system, using an electrode
DSM-IV criteria were used and children were included cap. A single electro-oculogram (EOG) electrode refer-
only if they met the full diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis enced to Fpz was placed beside the right eye and a ground
of ADHD, Combined type, or ADHD, Inattentive type. A lead was placed on the left cheek. A linked ear reference
structured clinical interview was used which incorporated was used with all EEG. Impedance levels were set at less
information from as many sources as were available. The than 5 kV. The EEG was recorded and Fourier transformed
interview included a description of the presenting problem by a Cadwell Spectrum 32, software version 4.22, using test
and a medical history given by a parent or guardian, a type EEG, montage Q-EEG. The sensitivity was set at
physical examination, assessment for neurological soft 150 mV/cm, low frequency filter 0.53 Hz, high frequency
signs, review of school reports for the past 12 months seek- filter 70 and 50 Hz notch filter. The sampling rate of the
ing behavioural/learning problems, reports from any other EEG was 200 Hz and the Fourier transformation used
health professionals, and behavioural observations during 2.5 s epochs.
the assessment. Children were also assessed using the Thirty 2.5 s epochs were selected from the live trace and
WISC-III, Neale Analysis of Reading and the Wide Range stored to floppy disk. Epoch rejection was based on both
Achievement Test (WRAT) spelling test. Children were visual and computer selection. Computer reject levels were
excluded from the clinical groups if they had a history of set using a template recorded at the beginning of the session
a problematic prenatal, perinatal or neonatal period, a disor- and all subsequent epochs were compared to this. The EOG
der of consciousness, a head injury with cerebral symptoms, rejection was set at 50 mV. The technician also visually
a history of central nervous system diseases, convulsions or appraised every epoch and decided to accept or reject it.
a history of convulsive disorders, paroxysmal headaches or These were further reduced to 24 epochs (1 min) for Fourier
tics. analysis by a second technician. The EEG was analysed in 4
The control group consisted of children from local frequency bands: delta (1.53.5 Hz), theta (3.57.5 Hz),
schools and community groups. Inclusion was based on: alpha (7.512.5 Hz) and beta (12.525 Hz). Coherence esti-
an uneventful prenatal, perinatal and neonatal period; no mates were derived for each band for 8 intrahemispheric
disorders of consciousness, head injury with cerebral symp- (F3O1, F4O2, FP1F3, FP2F4, T3T5, T4T6, C3P3,
toms, history of central nervous system diseases, obvious C4P4) and 8 interhemispheric (FP1FP2, F7F8, F3F4,
somatic diseases, convulsions, history of convulsive disor- C3C4, T3T4, T5T6, P3P4, O1O2) electrode pairs.
ders, paroxysmal headache, enuresis or encopresis after the
4th birthday, tics, stuttering, pavor nocturnes or excessive 2.3. Statistical analysis
nailbiting, obvious mental diseases, conduct disorders, and
no deviation with regard to mental and physical develop- Analyses of variance were used to examine the effects of
ment. Control subjects had to also score in the normal range region and group upon coherences in each band. Prior to
on the measures of accuracy and comprehension on the analysis, each coherence value was transformed using Fish-
Neale Analysis of Reading, and have a standard score of ers z-transform. For the intrahemispheric coherences, the
90 or above on the WRAT spelling test. Assessment for means within hemisphere were separately compared for (i)
inclusion as a control was based on a clinical interview short/medium inter-electrode distances (left: FP1F3, T3
with a parent or guardian similar to that of the ADHD T5, C3P3 versus right: FP2F4, T4T6, C4P4) and (ii)
subjects, utilising the same sources of information, and long inter-electrode distances (left: F3O1 versus right: F4
the same psychometric assessment as was used for the clin- O2), and within these analyses, laterality was examined 1.
ical subjects. The interhemispheric coherences were separately examined
Any child who showed signs of depression, anxiety, within (iii) the frontal (FP1FP2, F7F8, F3F4), (iv)
oppositional behaviour or syndromal disorders was temporal (T3T4, T5T6) and (v) central/parietal/occipital
excluded from this study. Children were also excluded if (C3C4, P3P4, O1O2) regions. Within the Group factor,
spike wave activity was present in the EEG. planned contrasts compared the patient groups with the
control group (to establish ADHD differences from
2.2. Procedures normals) and the ADHDcom group with the ADHDin
group (to investigate type differences). As all these contrasts
All subjects were tested in a single session lasting are planned, and there are no more of them than the degrees
approximately 2.5 h. Subjects were first assessed by a
paediatrician (physical examination and clinical history), Because volume conduction may artificially inflate EEG coherence
then had a psychometric assessment consisting of a more at short inter-electrode distances than at long distances, no compar-
isons involving distance as a variable were made. However, any such
WISC-III, Neale Analysis of Reading and WRAT-R spel- coherence inflation due to volume conduction would not be expected to
ling, followed by an electrophysiological assessment affect laterality or group differences at either long or short inter-electrode
consisting of evoked potentials and an EEG. The EEG distance.
582 R.J. Barry et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 113 (2002) 579585

Table 1 the theta band (F 8:77, P , 0:005), was not evident in

Mean ages and IQ scores for the ADHDcom, ADHDin and control groups alpha, and approached significance in the beta band
Mean Control ADHDcom ADHDin (F 3:16, P 0:078). The laterality effect was reduced
group group group in ADHD groups compared with controls in the theta
(F 8:31, P , 0:005) and alpha (F 6:19, P , 0:05)
Age (months) 124.0 125.0 124.5
bands. The ADHD types differed in intrahemispheric coher-
Full scale IQ (WISC-III) 110.7 96.7 96.4
ences, with ADHDcom showing greater coherences than
ADHD in children in the theta (F 9:20, P , 0:005) and
of freedom for effect, no Bonferroni-type adjustment to a is beta bands (F 11:93, P , 0:001). With the long inter-
required (Tabachnick and Fidell, 1989). Unless otherwise electrode distances, the ADHD groups demonstrated lower
specified, all F values reported have (1,117) degrees of free- coherences than the controls in the alpha band (F 4:60,
dom. P , 0:05). Few topographic effects were apparent, although
there was a suggestion of higher coherences in the left hemi-
3. Results sphere in the beta band (F 2:83, P 0:095). This effect
was somewhat smaller in the ADHDcom than ADHDin
As shown in Table 1, the groups did not differ on age. group (F 3:21, P 0:076).
Across types, the ADHD children had a significantly lower
mean IQ than the control group (F1; 118 50:36,
P , 0:001), but the types did not differ on IQ. 3.2. Interhemispheric coherences
The mean coherences from each pair of electrodes are
In the frontal regions, the ADHD groups displayed
shown in Table 2 for each group within each frequency
greater coherences than controls in the delta (F 4:23,
band. These data were grouped into regions and analysed
P , :05) and theta (F 19:74, P , 0:001) bands, and
as outlined above.
lower coherences in the alpha band (F 4:50, P , 0:05).
3.1. Intrahemispheric coherences The ADHDcom had higher levels of coherence than
ADHDin in the delta (F 4:09, P , 0:05) and theta
With short-medium inter-electrode distances, there were bands (F 7:47, P , 0:01). In temporal regions, the only
higher coherences in the left hemisphere in the delta group effect was that alpha coherences were lower in ADHD
(F 215:92, P , 0:001), theta (F 8:31, P , 0:005), children than in controls (F 7:80, P , 0:01). In the
alpha (F 587:72, P , 0:001) and beta (F 343:50, central/parietal/occipital regions, interhemispheric coher-
P , 0:001) bands. These, and all other effects, are ences in the delta band were somewhat higher in ADHD
summarised in Table 3. Across hemispheres, the ADHD children than controls (F 3:12, P 0:080). In the theta
groups had higher coherences than the controls in the band, this effect was significant (F 9:62, P , 0:005). In
delta band, but the difference only approached significance the beta band, the ADHDcom group had higher coherences
(F 3:57, P 0:061). This difference was significant in than the ADHDin group (F 4:40, P , 0:05).

Table 2
Mean coherence level across subjects for each electrode pair a

Group Delta Theta Alpha Beta

Control ADHDin ADHDcom Control ADHDin ADHDcom Control ADHDin ADHDcom Control ADHDin ADHDcom

FP1FP2 0.882 0.893 0.910 0.872 0.897 0.915 0.893 0.886 0.879 0.726 0.731 0.721
F7F8 0.375 0.364 0.424 0.352 0.409 0.476 0.493 0.436 0.417 0.202 0.140 0.193
F3F4 0.776 0.789 0.797 0.770 0.796 0.827 0.805 0.783 0.772 0.603 0.583 0.605
C3C4 0.707 0.733 0.754 0.675 0.717 0.747 0.588 0.576 0.591 0.518 0.504 0.539
T3T4 0.210 0.183 0.227 0.155 0.144 0.202 0.210 0.175 0.157 0.113 0.118 0.121
T5T6 0.425 0.418 0.439 0.270 0.327 0.347 0.303 0.241 0.220 0.142 0.130 0.170
P3P4 0.730 0.753 0.768 0.705 0.736 0.750 0.612 0.592 0.613 0.553 0.544 0.587
O1O2 0.804 0.817 0.803 0.744 0.776 0.782 0.701 0.679 0.688 0.658 0.652 0.668
FP1F3 0.743 0.743 0.755 0.792 0.809 0.837 0.877 0.844 0.839 0.714 0.685 0.714
FP2F4 0.719 0.744 0.755 0.771 0.809 0.845 0.854 0.838 0.843 0.656 0.670 0.706
T3T5 0.585 0.590 0.593 0.596 0.579 0.607 0.563 0.580 0.596 0.468 0.459 0.529
T4T6 0.552 0.546 0.588 0.575 0.552 0.601 0.552 0.555 0.583 0.436 0.472 0.531
C3P3 0.768 0.778 0.785 0.777 0.786 0.806 0.706 0.721 0.735 0.692 0.681 0.726
C4P4 0.763 0.778 0.783 0.773 0.784 0.799 0.697 0.721 0.737 0.694 0.693 0.721
F3O1 0.217 0.182 0.189 0.221 0.212 0.224 0.231 0.206 0.177 0.161 0.130 0.146
F4O2 0.213 0.179 0.197 0.214 0.199 0.218 0.255 0.202 0.180 0.153 0.111 0.149
Data are shown for each frequency band for each group.
R.J. Barry et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 113 (2002) 579585 583

Table 3
Summary of obtained effects a

Effect Frequency band

Delta Theta Alpha Beta

Intrahemispheric coherences
(i) Short-medium
L vs. R L " **** L " *** L " **** L " ****
ADHD vs. controls ADHD " 0.061 ADHD " *** ADHD " 0.078
ADHDcom vs. ADHDin ADHDcom " *** ADHDcom " ****
L vs. R ADHD vs. controls ADHD # *** ADHD # *
L vs. R ADHDcom vs. ADHDin
(ii) Long
L vs. R L " 0.095
ADHD vs. controls ADHD # *
ADHDcom vs. ADHDin
L vs. R ADHD vs. controls
L vs. R ADHDcom vs. ADHDin ADHDcom # 0.076

Interhemispheric coherences
(iii) Frontal
ADHD vs. controls ADHD " * ADHD " **** ADHD # *
ADHDcom vs. ADHDin ADHDcom " * ADHDcom " **
(iv) Temporal
ADHD vs. controls ADHD # **
ADHDcom vs. ADHDin
(v) Central/parietal/occipital
ADHD vs. controls ADHD " 0.080 ADHD " ***
ADHDcom vs. ADHDin ADHD " com *
" , significantly increased; # , significantly decreased; *P , 0:05, **P , 0:01, ***P , 0:005, ****P , 0:001; probability levels are shown for effects
approaching significance.

3.3. Effects of IQ entiation. The higher levels noted in all frequency bands in
the left hemisphere suggests that general differentiation has
Because of the significant IQ difference between the progressed further in the right hemisphere than the left.
control group and the two ADHD groups, further analyses Although this was not expected from previous suggestions
were carried out to investigate IQ effects upon coherence. of coherences being larger in the right than left hemisphere
The control group was divided into two groups designated (e.g. Thatcher et al., 1986; Tucker et al., 1986), it is unclear
as low IQ (containing children with IQs below the mean of from the literature what affect the age distribution of the
110.7) and high IQ (children with IQs above the mean). sample might have had in this regard, indicating the need
These groups did not differ on age but had a significant for further developmental data. The short-distance laterality
difference of 19 IQ points (F1; 38 32:62, P , 0:001). effect was reduced significantly in the theta and alpha bands
The EEG coherences of these groups were examined using for ADHD children, suggesting that the development of
the same planned contrasts (i)(v) as for the other group hemispheric differentiation, at least for neuronal circuits
comparisons. The only effect or interaction involving IQ involving theta and alpha activity, is reduced in children
which approached significance was found in the intrahemi- with ADHD. Few lateralisation differences were apparent
spheric comparison involving long inter-electrode distance. at large inter-electrode distances, with a suggestion of
The high IQ group appeared to have somewhat lower theta higher coherence on the left only in the beta band. This
coherence than the low IQ group (F1; 38 3:86, independence between effects at short and long inter-elec-
P 0:087). trode distance supports Thatchers two-compartment model
of coherence (Thatcher et al., 1986).
With shorter inter-electrode distances, the ADHD groups
4. Discussion had significantly higher levels of intrahemispheric coher-
ence in the theta band, and the difference approached signif-
The intrahemispheric coherences from short-medium icance in the delta and alpha bands. These results are
inter-electrode distances showed significant lateralisation, broadly compatible with Montagu (1975). Chabot and
pointing to the existence of substantial hemispheric differ- Serfontein (1996) also reported increased frontal/temporal
584 R.J. Barry et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 113 (2002) 579585

coherence in ADHD, without specifying the frequency ADHDcom children had higher coherence levels than
bands involved, while Chabot et al. (1996) indicates that a ADHDin for the theta and beta bands. ADHDcom children
major variable emerging in their discriminant analysis was also had higher levels of interhemispheric coherence than
elevated frontal coherence in the theta band. Chabot et al. ADHDin children. This was apparent frontally in both slow
(1999) also mention frontal theta/alpha hypercoherence in wave bands, and in central/parietal/occipital regions in beta
ADHD. The present data suggests that the ADHD groups activity. These interhemispheric data are compatible with
have less cortical differentiation than controls, particularly the intrahemispheric differences found between the types at
in circuits involving theta activity. Although the group shorter inter-electrode distance. Together, these differences
differences in delta and beta coherences suggested this support the view that ADHDin children suffer similar, but
effect extended to neuronal circuits beyond those involved less extreme, deviations from normality than ADHDcom
with theta activity, no difference was apparent here in the children.
alpha band. The results for long inter-electrode distances This study found a range of differences in both intrahemi-
were in marked contrast to the group differences noted at spheric and interhemispheric coherences between ADHD
shorter inter-electrode distances, with the ADHD groups patients and age-matched controls. These suggest reduced
showing lower coherences in the alpha band than age- cortical differentiation and specialisation in ADHD, parti-
matched controls. Chabot and Serfontein (1996) reported cularly in cortico-cortical circuits involving theta activity. It
reduced coherence from these electrodes in their ADHD is interesting to note that this band exhibits the most consis-
children, but with no frequency bands specified. If we inter- tent power differences between ADHD children and
pret our finding in terms of Thatchers two-compartment controls, with theta power being abnormally elevated in
model of coherence (Thatcher et al., 1986), our results ADHD (Clarke et al., 1998, 2001c). Disturbance in such
would imply that the long-distance neuronal circuits invol- cortico-cortical circuits may be the fundamental dysfunc-
ving alpha activity are less differentiated in ADHD than in tion underlying the cognitive symptoms of inattention asso-
age-matched controls. ciated with ADHD. The interpretation of these effects in
Interhemispheric coherences in the frontal regions were terms of the two dominant theories of ADHD as resulting
greater in the ADHD groups than controls for both delta and from a maturational lag or developmental deviation is
theta activity. In the central/parietal/occipital regions, difficult in the absence of clear age-norms for coherences
greater coherences for the ADHD groups were also found between different brain regions. The paucity of data in this
in theta activity, and this difference approached significance field suggests the need for further basic developmental
for the delta band. Again, these data are compatible with research. The present data also confirm differences in the
differences reported by Chabot and Serfontein (1996) extent of cortical dysfunction between the two most
marked frontal and posterior hypercoherence (suggested in common types of ADHD. It appears from the present data
Chabot et al., 1996 as particularly involving theta activity, at that the differences in coherence patterns between the types
least in the frontal regions) and moderate central and parie- reflect a simple difference in the degree of departure from
tal incoherence. The present findings signal widespread normality. While this is compatible with some EEG power
deficiencies in cortical specialisation in ADHD, at least studies of these ADHD types (e.g. Chabot and Serfontein,
for neuronal circuits involving slow wave activity. In the 1996; Clarke et al., 1998), others using a wider array of
frontal and temporal regions, the ADHD groups had lower measures (e.g., Kuperman et al., 1996; Clarke et al.,
levels of alpha coherence than controls. Together, these data 2001c) have noted subtle differences which argue against
indicate that ADHD children show atypical cortical differ- a unidimensional view of the types. The present results
entiation and specialisation in circuits involving both slow indicate the need for further investigations of EEG coher-
wave (delta and theta) and alpha activity, although the direc- ence in regard to both normal development, particularly in
tion of this difference differs with frequency. From Thatch- relation to alpha coherences, and the reliability of these
ers model (Thatcher et al., 1986), the ADHD children may group differences. Together, such studies should aid the
be distinguished from controls in terms of deficits in non- clarification of abnormal cortical functioning in ADHD.
alpha neuronal circuits primarily involving short fibres, and
alpha circuits primarily involving long fibres.
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differences between the groups, as data from the control
group indicated that higher IQ was associated only with a American Psychiatric Association. DSM-IV. Diagnostic and statistical
non-significant reduction in theta coherence for the intrahe- manual of mental disorders, 4th ed. Washington DC: American
mispheric comparison involving long inter-electrode Psychiatric Association, 1994.
distance. No effects were found with this analysis in the Bresnahan S, Anderson J, Barry R. Age-related changes in quantitative
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Callaway E, Halliday R, Naylor H. Hyperactive childrens event-related
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children with attention deficit disorder. Biol Psychiatry 1996;40:951 Lubar J, Bianchini K, Calhoun W, Lambert E, Brody Z, Shabsin H. Spectral
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