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This article has been published in Oceanography, Volume 19, Number 2, a quarterly journal of The Oceanography Society.

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A Century of Advances
BY N A N D . WA L K E R , A L A R I C H A A G , S H R E E K A N T H B A L A S U B R A M A N I A N ,
R O B E R T L E B E N , I V O R V A N H E E R D E N , PA U L K E M P, A N D H A S S A N M A S H R I Q U I

Tropical cyclones, typhoons, and hur- duction in hurricane-related mortalities to modelers of hurricane track, inten-
ricanes are common words used around between 1900 and 2000 (Figure 1). sity, and coastal surge but to emergency
the world to describe the same natural However, since 1995, there has been managers, traffic engineers, the insur-
phenomenon—one of the most deadly, an upswing in Atlantic hurricane activ- ance industry, and government budgets.
costly, and feared weather systems on ity compared with the 1970s and 1980s In this article, we review the major ad-
Earth. These small, intense tropical (Webster et al., 2005). The strongest hur- vances in hurricane prediction during
weather systems have killed more people ricanes, categories 4 and 5 on the Saffir- the 20th century and the possibilities for
than any other natural catastrophe (see Simpson Scale (Figure 2), increased by continued technological advances that
Keim, this issue). In the United States 25 percent in the North Atlantic during will potentially improve public health
during the 20th century, ten times as 1990–2004 compared with 1975–1989, a and safety in the years to come.
many deaths and more than three times trend that was documented for all ocean
as much damage occurred from tropical basins (Webster et al., 2005). Although LO OKING BACK IN TIME:
cyclones as compared with earthquakes Emanuel (2005a) shows a correlation GALVE STON 1900
(Gray, 2003). The continuous rapid rise between increasing water temperatures At the turn of the 20th century, the only
in coastal populations along the hur- in the tropical Atlantic and hurricane organized weather information available
ricane-prone coast of the southeast energy, this relationship does not hold to hurricane forecasters was collected
United States since the 1950s (Figure 1) for other oceans (Webster et al., 2005). at land-based weather stations, as radio
has placed more of the public at risk to In 2005, records were broken when three communications with ocean-going ships
coastal and inland flooding (see Bowen Category 5 hurricanes intensified in the had not yet been developed. The “sur-
et al., this issue and Bowen case study, western Atlantic Ocean basin within a prise” hurricane that flooded the thriving
this issue). Nevertheless, advances in two-month period (Figure 3). The in- coastal city of Galveston on September 8,
technology, communication, and fore- creased vigor of hurricanes is a grow- 1900 need not have killed 10,000 people
casting have reduced risks to public ing concern for public health and safety, if two ships transiting the Gulf of Mexico
health as is shown by the significant re- and presents serious challenges not only had been able to report their weather in-

24 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2006

Left. Storm surge from Hurricane Carol lashes
Rhode Island Yacht Club in 1969. Photogra-
pher: Providence Journal Co. (Photo available
nws/wea00407.htm.) Below. Damage from the
Galveston Hurricane in September 1900—the
greatest natural disaster in terms of loss of life
in U.S. history. (Photo available at http://www.

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2006 25

Hurricane Mortality formation to land-based hurricane fore-
700 35
casters (Frank, 2003; Emanuel, 2005b).
600 30 As early as September 4, Cuban me-
ion teorologists provided an accurate predic-
lat a
Average Deaths Per Year

500 u 25

Population (millions)
op tion of the path of this hurricane based
al P Virg
as to on their observations as it tracked over
400 Co xas 20
Te Cuba and their experience with former
300 15 hurricanes. Although the Cuban meteo-
rologists predicted that the hurricane
200 10
would move northwest across the Gulf of
100 5 Mexico, U.S. forecasters issued hurricane
warnings for the east coast of the Unit-
0 0
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 ed States, believing that the hurricane
Year would continue to turn north and then
Figure 1. Population growth along the southeast U.S. coastline compared with mor- northeast. Meanwhile, the weak hurri-
tality from hurricanes within the 20th century (modified from Willoughby [2003]). cane intensified rapidly over the eastern
and central Gulf, where the steamship
Louisiana recorded a pressure of 973 mb
with wind speeds of 100 mph (161 kph)

Category Central Winds (mph) Surge Damage Nan D. Walker ( is As-
sociate Professor and Director, Earth Scan
Millibars Inches Catastrophic Laboratory, Department of Oceanography
5 <920 <27.17 >155 >18' and Coastal Sciences, Louisiana State Uni-
Extreme versity (LSU), Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Alaric
944- 27.88-
4 920 27.17 131-155 13'-18' Haag is Systems Administrator, Coastal
964- 28.47- Studies Institute Earth Scan Laboratory,
3 945 27.91 111-130 9'-12'
Moderate LSU, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Shreekanth
979- 27.91-
2 96-110 6'-8' Balasubramanian is Computer Analyst,
965 28.50
980 28.94 Coastal Studies Institute Earth Scan Labora-
1 74-95
4'-5' Minimal
tory, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Robert
Figure 2. Hurricane intensity is commonly rated using the Saffir-Simpson scale where categories Leben is Professor, Colorado Center for
1–5 provide information on central pressure, sustained maximum wind speed, storm surge, and Astrodynamics Research, University of Colo-
damage potential (courtesy of the National Hurricane Center; more information available at
rado, Boulder, CO, USA. Ivor van Heerden
is Associate Professor and Deputy Director,
LSU Hurricane Center, Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering, LSU, Baton
Rouge, LA, USA. Paul Kemp is Associate
Professor, School of the Coast and Environ-
ment, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Hassan
Mashriqui is Assistant Professor, Depart-
ment of Civil and Environmental Engineer-
ing, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA, USA.

26 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2006

Figure 3. Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma developed in the western Atlantic Basin between 15°N and 25°N in a
broad region of relatively high (> 30°C ) sea surface temperatures (SSTs) as is shown in this GOES-12 satellite composite
image for August 3–9, 2005 (see Walker et al., [2003] for methodology; real-time SST imagery is available at http://www. These three Category 5 hurricanes, which were spawned all in the 2005 hurricane season, have raised con-
cerns about whether we are entering a period of increased hurricane frequency and intensity.

on September 6. Later, the steamship coast of Florida or the Carolinas. toll was estimated at 8,000 to 12,000, and
Pensacola, bound for Galveston, was Meanwhile, along the Galveston the city of Galveston, built on a barrier
thrashed by the developing hurricane. beaches, heavy breakers had developed, island only a few feet above sea level, suf-
These ships had no forewarning of which alerted the chief of the Galves- fered nearly complete devastation (Lar-
this extreme weather in the Gulf of ton weather office of a storm in the son, 1999; Emanuel, 2005b).
Mexico. Because they had no means of Gulf, even before he received official
communicating with land stations, their notification from the Washington, D.C. TECHNOLO GICAL ADVANCE S
much-needed information on the inten- office. No official hurricane warning DURING THE 20 TH CENTURY
sifying hurricane only reached U.S. me- was released, however, and the city of Within a decade of the Galveston di-
teorologists after they were safely in port Galveston received a surprise assault saster, ships were instrumented with
(Emanuel, 2005b). Forecasters at the U.S. on the evening of September 8 when radio communications that augmented
Weather Bureau Central Office in Wash- it was quickly inundated by a 20-foot the sparse coverage from telegraphed
ington, D.C. finally issued storm warn- (6.1-meter) storm surge and impacted land stations (Willoughby, 2003). This
ings for the Gulf coast region when the by enormous waves and winds near advance was particularly important be-
hurricane never materialized along the 140 mph (225 kph). Eventually, the death cause hurricanes form, intensify, and

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2006 27

spend most of their lives over the ocean. landfall positions and understanding the 1975; Gray, 2003). More recently, his
In 1912, thirty ships steaming regularly steering currents that he believed to con- techniques have been automated, adding
from New York to New Orleans began trol hurricane motion. His hypotheses to the suite of satellite-based guidance
sending weather observations twice daily led to the “piggy-backing” of research tools used by National Hurricane Center
by wireless telegraph. Besides these ob- missions on hurricane reconnaissance (NHC) forecasters (Velden et al., 2003).
servations from ocean-going vessels and flights. In 1947, two missions were flown During the 1980s, image processing
sporadic upper-air observations from into the Great Atlantic Hurricane of and visualization systems proliferated,
weather balloons beginning in the 1930s, September 15th, which eventually hit and analysts and forecasters used them.
major advances in hurricane tracking New Orleans. These missions revealed The NHC Director, Neil Frank, soon
and prediction were not realized until startling new discoveries on the internal introduced color-enhanced animated
the early 1940s. Military operations dur- structure of the developing hurricane movie loops of hurricane motion on
ing World Wars I and II led to important and energy processes within the eye TV to educate and help warn the public
technological advances that spilled over (Rappaport and Simpson, 2003). about approaching storms (Velden et al.,
into the world of weather forecasting. The invention of weather satellites in 2003). Satellite images and image anima-
These advances brought forth improve- the early 1960s rapidly solved the prob- tions have since become a staple on TV
ments in the detection, tracking, and lems of hurricane detection and track- weather broadcasts and on the World
warning of hurricanes as well as the first ing, meaning that “surprise” hurricanes Wide Web.
information on the internal structure were a problem of the past. The first Hurricane-related applications for
and development of tropical cyclones meteorological satellite sensors orbited the data from geostationary satellites
(Rappaport and Simpson, 2003). the poles, capturing data in the visible continued to grow with the launch of
The two most important gifts to me- and infrared wavelengths every six hours. GOES-I, the first of a new generation of
teorology as fallout from wartime tech- These data clearly revealed developing geostationary operational environmental
nology were the development of weather storm systems in isolated ocean areas, satellites covering the tropical Atlantic
RADAR and aircraft reconnaissance. The crude motion over time, and cloud-top and Pacific Oceans (Menzel and Purdom,
RADAR (i.e., radio detection and rang- temperatures, which could be related to 1994). Weather processes over the entire
ing) was developed in Great Britain after hurricane strength. The next major ad- globe are now under constant surveil-
World War I, yielding, in 1944, the first vance in hurricane detection from space lance using geostationary satellites. In
view of the internal rain-band structure occurred with the design and launch in rapid-scan mode, satellite measurements
within a hurricane. In 1943, Colonel 1966 of the first geostationary weather of cloud-top temperatures and atmo-
Joseph Duckworth and his navigator, satellite, ATS-1, carrying Professor Verner spheric water vapor are available every
Lt. Ralph O’Hair, became the first to de- Suomi’s famous spin-scan cloud imager few minutes and from which wind speed
liberately fly an aircraft into the eye of a (Willoughby, 2003). These satellites, posi- and direction at the upper levels of the
hurricane, near Galveston. This flight of tioned over the equator, imaged the same atmosphere can now be determined by
“curiosity” in a single-engine Air Force area of Earth every 20 minutes, providing tracking cloud and water-vapor features
AT-6 quickly led to the development of superior repeat coverage, so essential to over remote ocean areas (Figure 4). These
a formal program (the following cyclone emergency-response activities. satellite measurements are of particular
season) of daily reconnaissance of Atlan- A major breakthrough in satellite me- value over remote ocean areas where at-
tic hurricanes by both the U.S. Air Force teorology is attributed to Vern Dvorak, mospheric-profile data are unavailable.
and Navy. who designed a cloud-recognition tech-
In 1943, Grady Norton, the first di- nique for estimating the intensity of FORECASTING HURRICANE
rector of the newly established Miami tropical cyclones from satellite images TR ACKS AND WIND INTENSITY
Hurricane Forecast Office, was greatly that has been broadly used by hurricane Until the late 1950s, forecasting was
concerned about predicting hurricane forecasters around the world (Dvorak, largely a subjective exercise. This situa-

28 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2006

Figure 4. Analysis of successive 30-minute GOES-12 images provides crucial information on mid- and upper-level winds influencing
both hurricane motion and intensity. This analysis shows Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf of Mexico on August 28, 2005 (1800 UTC)
with wind barbs determined by tracking upper-level cloud motion and water vapor (University of Wisconsin, Cooperative Institute
for Meteorological Satellite Studies; real-time imagery available at

tion changed when scientists at Prince- statistical models of hurricane tracks errors for 24-, 48-, and 72-hour forecasts
ton started using computers for numeri- (Emanuel, 2005b). have been reduced by about one-half
cal weather forecasts and, in 1957, Akira Tropical cyclones present a challenge from 1990 to 2004 (Figure 5). However,
Kasahara at the University of Chicago to modelers, because a relatively small- during the same time period, little im-
performed the first numerical forecast scale circular symmetric disturbance is provement was realized in hurricane-
of hurricane motion. Computer mod- embedded in a large-scale surrounding intensity forecasts. They are still based
els became a primary tool for weather flow (DeMaria and Gross, 2003). Never- on statistical analyses of past hurricane
forecasters by the 1960s. However, it was theless, the prediction of hurricane tracks events rather than numerical modeling
not until the 1990s that the computer by the NHC has improved significantly (Figure 5) (DeMaria and Kaplan, 1994;
models began to out-perform simple over the past 15 years. Hurricane-track Emanuel, 1999; Franklin, 2005).

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2006 29

NHC Official Track Error Trend: Atlantic Basin ricane track and intensity predictions fed
into the model. In order to determine
350 24 h the physical aspects of any surge flooding
48 h
event, various numerical models have
Forecast Error (naut. miles)

300 72 h
been developed over the years.
A quarter of a century ago, Chester
200 Jelesnianski (1972) of the U.S. Weather
Bureau (as it was then called), developed
SPLASH (Special Program to List Am-
100 plitudes of Surge from Hurricanes). This
50 model scored an immediate triumph,
predicting the devastating surge of
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 23 feet (7 meters) that hit Bay St. Louis,
Mississippi, with the landfall of Hur-
ricane Camille in August 1969 (Sheets
NHC Official Intensity Error Trend: Atlantic Basin and Williams, 2001). Jelesnianski et al.
(1992) later developed SLOSH (Sea,
24 h
25 48 h Lake, and Overland Surges from Hur-
Forecast Error (naut. miles/hr)

72 h ricanes), which is still in use by the Na-

20 tional Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) and other
15 agencies. Surge predictions from the
SLOSH model are currently not readily
available to the public or to local emer-
gency managers, perhaps because it is
difficult to accurately calibrate the model
0 for every stretch of the hurricane-prone
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 U.S. coastline.
Westerink et al. (1994) developed an
Figure 5. National Hurricane Center predictions of (upper panel) track er- advanced surge model called ADCIRC
rors and (lower panel) intensity errors from 1990 to 2004 for 24, 48, and
(ADvanced CIRCulation). It includes
72 hours (modified from Franklin [2005]; courtesy of Dr. Jack Beven, Na-
tional Hurricane Center). Track error has improved significantly at all time important details on river and overland
scales, whereas intensity error has not. flooding of areas connected to the coastal
ocean. Hurricane researchers at the Loui-
siana State University (LSU) Hurricane
Center successfully used ADCIRC to
predict coastal surge and the potential
STORM SURGE AND PUBLIC cally, nine out of ten deaths from hur- topping of levees in the New Orleans area
HEALTH: LE SSONS FROM ricanes have resulted from drowning in 36 hours before Hurricane Katrina hit
HURRICANE K ATRINA the storm surge (Frank, 2003). The accu- the coast (more information available at
Storm surges are the aspect of hurricanes racy with which storm surge can be pre-
that generate the greatest range and se- dicted depends not only on the model diction). Coastal water-level measure-
verity of public-health impacts. Histori- physics, but on the reliability of the hur- ments from previous land-falling hur-

30 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2006

Figure 6. The LSU version of the ADCIRC model predicted a maximum storm surge of 21 feet (6.4 m) along the Mississippi coast and 15-16 feet (4.6-4.9 m) in
coastal regions east of New Orleans, based on NHC Advisory 18 issued on August 27, 2005 (2100 UTC) (Center for the Study of Public Health Impacts of Hurri-
canes; more information available at

ricanes in the area were used to calibrate to begin the contra-flow evacuation This advance enables interpretation in
the model for local conditions. The New process. Evacuation from New Orleans tandem with GIS products, making it
Orleans newspaper, the Times-Picayune, before Katrina’s landfall was the most of additional value for decision-mak-
took the surge prediction based on NHC successful on record. It is estimated that ing by local officials. These capabilities
advisory #18 and published a modified 80 percent of the greater New Orleans were tested by the New Orleans fire chief,
graphic in their Sunday morning edi- area evacuated the city, and 430,000 cars who shared the LSU Hurricane Center’s
tion (Figure 6). This public access to the were counted using the contra-flow ADCIRC output with his emergency
ADCIRC output is believed to be respon- evacuation process. The contra-flow teams. They went into the areas that were
sible for a second wave of evacuees leav- technique had been perfected during predicted to flood due to levee overtop-
ing that morning and early afternoon. previous hurricane evacuations. ping and moved residents who had not
State and local officials used both A major advantage of the ADCIRC yet evacuated (mostly the elderly) to
the NWS SLOSH outputs and the LSU products is the improvement in spatial higher ground, such as the Superdome.
ADCIRC predictions to determine when resolution along the coast and inland. Unfortunately, these first responders did

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2006 31

Figure 7. (upper panel) On
September 4, 2005, sev-
eral days after Hurricane
Katrina’s landfall, clear-sky
imagery from the SPOT sat-
ellite revealed the extent of
flood waters in the New Or-
leans area. (lower panel) On
August 31, 2005, the MODIS
sensor detected river and es-
tuarine discharges, uprooted
marsh mats and oil slicks,
and the seaward extent of
the receding flood waters
along the Louisiana/Mis-
sissippi/Alabama coastline
(real-time MODIS imagery
available at http://www.esl. SPOT imagery pro-
vided by CSTARS-University
of Miami 2005 and © CNES
2005. Distribution by SPOT

32 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2006

not realize that the dome surroundings would be of particular benefit to public from the Caribbean Sea and eventually
would eventually flood due to the nu- health and safety because it is the stron- forms the Gulf Stream off the U.S. East
merous levee breaks that characterized gest hurricanes that produce most of Coast. The complete circulation of this
this catastrophe. the damage, both from wind and coastal important current encompasses much
Two days after Hurricane Katrina hit, flooding. During the 1900 to 1990 peri- of the North Atlantic Ocean and the Ca-
approximately 80 percent of greater New od, Category 3, 4 and 5 land-falling hur- ribbean Sea from the surface ocean to
Orleans was under water, which in some ricanes accounted for 86 percent of the several hundred meters in water depth.
areas exceeded 12 feet (3.66 m) in depth. total damage (Gray, 2003). Although scientists have used satellite
The extent of flood waters in New Or- Emanuel (1999) provides hope that data to routinely and accurately measure
leans was imaged by the SPOT (Satellite hurricane intensity can be forecast using sea surface temperatures (SST) since the
Pour l’Observation de la Terre) satellite simple models, given an accurate forecast early 1980s, locating the Loop Current
on several successive days (Figure 7). of the hurricane’s track and information from SST data is not always possible dur-
The receding floodwaters were detect- on a limited number of controlling fac- ing hurricane season because the sur-
able along the coast within a few days of tors. These factors include the storm’s rounding Gulf of Mexico surface waters
the catastrophe. Various water masses initial intensity, atmospheric conditions are equally warm, typically 29°–31°C.
were revealed by MODIS (Moderate along its path, and heat exchange with In the summer, scientists rely on sat-
Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) the upper layer of the ocean. Many of the ellites that measure sea surface height
true-color imagery, including discharge essential atmospheric and oceanic mea- (SSH) to locate the high-heat-content
from flooded rivers and an expansive surements are already available from the “hot spots,” where hurricanes are likely
mass of discolored water extending from current suite of Earth-observing satel- to intensify (Figure 8). Relatively small
Gulf Shores, Alabama to the mouth of lites. In terms of atmospheric conditions, changes in satellite-measured SSH
the Mississippi River (Figure 7). Reports real-time updates of satellite-derived (< 100 cm) equate to large differences in
from aircraft observers indicated that winds have reduced forecast errors in potential heat, which can fuel a develop-
marsh debris and surface oil slicks were numerical models of hurricane motion ing hurricane. Surface-water tempera-
in abundance in coastal waters (see Pine, (Goerss et al., 1998; Velden et al., 1998; tures exceeding 26°C are essential for
this issue). A few weeks after the flood Soden et al., 2001; Velden et al., 2003). development and maintenance of hur-
waters were pumped from New Orleans, These data, in tandem with advances in ricanes. Within the Loop Current and
Hurricane Rita re-flooded many coastal satellite observations of the upper ocean, its warm eddies during summer, water
lakes and bays. may provide the initial measurements temperatures exceed 26°C to a depth of
necessary for advancing the development 100 m or more, whereas outside of the
FUTURE FORECASTING of numerical models for hurricane in- current, the layer of warm water is only
AVENUE S AND CHALLENGE S tensity prediction. 50 m or so deep (Goni and Trinanes,
The very active hurricane season of 2005 Hurricanes Katrina and Rita provided 2003). This difference impacts the avail-
should act as a catalyst to stimulate fur- two vivid examples of how oceanic heat able heat that can be transferred to the
ther advances in hurricane forecasts, content can fuel rapid hurricane intensi- hurricane through evaporation.
especially the predictions of hurricane fication. Both Katrina and Rita were rela- Although hurricane strengthening
intensity, which have lagged far behind tively weak hurricanes (Category 2) until has been previously documented and
the hurricane-track predictions. The in- they moved over Loop Current waters in modeled over the high-heat-content
tensity forecast is of great importance to the Gulf of Mexico, where they rapidly Loop Current waters (Shay et al., 2000;
the prediction of maximum surge along became Category 5 monsters (Figure 8). Emanuel, 2005b), other factors such as
the coast. A focus on understanding and The Loop Current is the Gulf of Mexico upper-level winds and large cold water
forecasting the development of strong portion of an enormous moving mass upwelling along the hurricane path also
hurricanes (i.e., above Category 2) of warm water, which enters the Gulf impact hurricane-intensity changes and

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2006 33

Figure 8. Hurricane Katrina’s wind
speeds increased from 115 to
173 mph (185 to 278 kph) as it
moved over and along the Loop
Current and Eddy Vortex, areas of
highest heat content in the Gulf of
Mexico. Real-time information from
satellite altimeters can be used to
detect the location of the Loop Cur-
rent and its eddies, which appear as
sea surface highs (red colors). The
contours of sea surface height were
computed from Jason-1, TOPEX/
POSEIDON, and Geosat Follow-on,
for Gulf of Mexico waters on August
28, 2005, using methods of Leben et
al. (2002). The associated sea surface
temperature structure is shown in
Figure 3 (real-time data available at

sometimes counteract the potential im- measurements should lead to significant Addressing the immediate, short-term,
pact of ocean heat content (Ritchie et improvements in the forecasting of hur- and long-term public-health impacts
al., 2003; Walker et al., 2005). Hurricane ricane intensity within the next decade. of future large hurricanes will require
winds create “cool wakes” due to the Technological advances already in mo- improvements in infrastructure and
mixing of cooler waters from below the tion for weather and ocean-observing contaminant inventories, evacuation
surface (Monaldo et al., 1997) or upwell- satellites to be launched after 2010 will planning, and GIS databases where the
ing within cold-core cyclones (Walker improve the availability and accuracy of data can be easily accessed. In addition,
et al., 2005) (Figure 9). Cool wakes can atmospheric and oceanic data to be used new avenues of communication need to
have an immediate impact on hurricane as model input. Satellite sensors have be explored and implemented among
intensity in addition to impacting subse- their limitations, however, and cannot emergency managers, the media, and
quent hurricanes passing over them. provide all the needed information on the public. Even the best forecast only
Although information on the thermal the vertical structure of the atmosphere becomes effective when it has been ade-
structure of the upper ocean is avail- or ocean. A comprehensive data-gather- quately communicated to the vulnerable
able from satellites in real time, this in- ing program is also needed to further the communities in the path of the storm
formation is not currently being used understanding and modeling of the rap- (Holland, 2003). The last challenge for
operationally for forecasting hurricane id intensity changes within hurricanes. emergency managers and others is to
intensity. Future advances in coupled Improving hurricane prediction mod- actually convince the public of the ne-
ocean-atmosphere models in tandem els is only part of the solution to solv- cessity for evacuation. Timely access to
with effective use of satellite and in situ ing public health and safety concerns. storm-surge predictions may provide the

34 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2006

Figure 9. GOES-12 sea surface temperature composite images reveal (upper panel) the cool wake left by Hurricane Ka-
trina on August 31, 2005 and (lower panel) the cool wake of Hurricane Isabel on September 23, 2003. The National Hur-
ricane Center’s official tracks, six-hourly positions, and maximum sustained wind speeds are also shown (from Louisiana
State University Earth Scan Laboratory; more information available at

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2006 35

most effective means of motivating the 2004. Shore and Beach 73:25–28. tage Books, New York, NY.
Goni, G.J., and J.A. Trinanes. 2003. Ocean thermal Sodden, B.J., C.S. Velden, and R.E. Tuleya. 2001.
public to evacuate, especially given the
structure monitoring could aid in the intensity The impact of satellite winds on experimen-
extreme and long-lived flooding of New forecast of tropical cyclones. EOS Transactions tal GFDL hurricane model forecasts. Monthly
Orleans after Hurricane Katrina’s land- 84:573–580. Weather Review 129:835–852.
Goerss, J.S., C.S. Velden, and J.D. Hawkins. 1998. Velden, C.S., T.L. Olander, and R.M. Zehr. 1998.
fall in 2005. The impact of multispectral GOES-8 wind Development of an objective scheme to esti-
information on Atlantic tropical cyclone track mate tropical cyclone intensity from digital
ACKNOWLED GEMENTS forecasting in 1995. Part II. NOGAPS Forecasts. geostationary satellite infrared imagery. Weather
Monthly Weather Review 126:1,219–1,227. and Forecasting 13:172–186.
Funding was provided by the Louisi- Gray, W.M. 2003. Twentieth century challenges Velden, C., J. Simpson, W. Liu, J. Hawkins, K.
ana Board of Regents Millennium Trust and milestones. In: Hurricanes! Coping with Brueske, and R. Anthes. 2003. The burgeoning
Disaster,.R. Simpson, ed. American Geophysical role of weather satellites. 2003. In: Hurricanes!
Health Excellence Fund, Contract HEF
Union, Washington, D.C. 10.1029/055SP02. Coping with Disaster, R. Simpson, ed. Ameri-
(2001-06) -01, the Minerals Manage- Holland, G. 2003. A century after Galveston, 1900. can Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.,
ment Service-LSU Coastal Marine In- 2003. In: Hurricanes! Coping with Disaster,.R. 10.1029/055SP02.
Simpson, ed., American Geophysical Union, Walker, N., S. Myint, A. Babin, and J. Haag. 2003.
stitute Cooperative Agreement 1435- Washington, D.C. 10.1029/055SP02. Advances in satellite radiometry for the surveil-
01-00-CA-30951/85247, and NASA Jelesnianski, C.P. 1972. SPLASH (Special Program lance of surface temperatures, ocean eddies and
HBCU NCC13-03001. Mary Lee Eggart to List Amplitudes of Surges from Hurricanes) upwelling processes in the Gulf of Mexico using
I. Landfall Storms, NOAA Technical Memoran- GOES-8 measurements during summer Geo-
and Clifford Duplechin are thanked dum NWS TDL-46. National Weather Service physical Research Letters 30(1854), doi:10.1029/
for cartographic assistance. Sait Ahmet Systems Development Office, Silver Spring, MD, 2003GL017555.
56 pp. Walker, N.D., R.R. Leben, and S. Balasubramanian.
Binsalam is thanked for producing the
Jelesnianski, C.P., J. Chen and W.A. Shaffer. 1992. 2005. Hurricane-forced upwelling and chloro-
storm-surge graphic. Earth Scan Labora- SLOSH: Sea, Lake, and Overland Surges from phyll a enhancement within cold-core cyclones
tory students and staff are acknowledged Hurricanes. NOAA Technical Report NWS 48. in the Gulf of Mexico. Geophysical Research Let-
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36 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2006

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