13 Weird Tips To Improve Your Spellcraft

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BY WITCH JULY 28, 2017


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by Renee Damoiselle

Whether youre a longtime practitioner of magick or a newby witch, these tips will
help you to power up your spells and your life! Enjoy!

Part 1 Maintaining your Magickal Prowess:

The first five tips here are related to making sure you are fit and ready to do
spell work when you need it. These five practices help to keep your mind and
consciousness in tip-top shape as a magickal practitioner.

If youre not practicing these things on a regular basis, just dont do magick. It
wont work the way you want it to.

For the sake of keeping this article from becoming novel-length, Ill boil it down
to the bare minimum of basics.

1. Meditate

A regular practice of meditation is the single most important tool in my magickal


Its really difficult to narrow down the benefits a meditation practice affords to
a witch in her craft, but Ill just give you a short list of the things you need to
cultivate, that meditation can give you:

Improved physical health, clearer focus, visualization skills, stress reduction,

anxiety relief, detachment, self-possession and composure, connection to
source/deity, etc., etc., ad infinitum!

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If you think you cant meditate, find a way. I promise you that unless you
cultivate this practice, your magick will never gain the power, accuracy and
effectiveness that you desire.

2. Dream Journal.

Your dreams are a portal to your inner life.

Ever notice, if you become lucid in a dream, how easy it is to manifest in that
dream world? Wouldnt it be great if you could translate that power to your waking

Well, you can with lots of practice, insight and work. Pay attention to your
night-time dreams.

Write them down. Some will be meaningless but some may give you profound insights
about what spells to cast and how to carry them out.

A dream, well examined, may even give you inspiration for healing that will make
the spell you were thinking of casting unnecessary.

These are important clues to your own psyche. And the one thing that I always teach
my students before they begin any kind of spellcraft is, Know Thyself!

3. Make Regular Offerings.

Many spells involve calling on deities or spirits for assistance. Cultivating a

relationship with those beings is essential to your success.

Its like building credit. If youve never had a checking account or a loan of any
kind and you want to buy a house and obtain a mortgage loan, you will have

Yes, there are lenders who will work with you, but what kind of deal will you get
and what kind of sacrifices must you make in order to get it?

Its the same with spirits and deities. If you are a stranger to them, where is
their motivation to help you?

But, if you make small, but meaningful, sincere and grateful offerings every day
(such as incense or lighting a candle, bits of food or fresh water) to the local
spirits where you live, to the deities of your choice (preferably ones that align
with your purpose), then you are a known entity.

You have forged a relationship and have shown that you can be thankful, loyal and
helpful to them, making them more willing to bestow blessings upon you in your

4. Shadow Integration.

Further to the idea that every magickal practitioner should Know Herself before
endeavoring in spellwork is the practice of Shadow Integration.

The desires of our conscious mind are quite frequently at odds with the desires of
our unconscious.

I believe that we create our own lives. And when we create hardship, difficulty,
even tragedy, there must be a part of ourselves that truly desires to experience

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Unless we uncover, understand and give permission to that part of ourselves, then
we are divided. And a house divided cannot stand.

Your magick will not have much power without the cooperation and support of your
unconscious will.

So you must integrate. Now, there are many methods and many paths to doing this
kind of work. Find one that works for you.

And if you want to know more, consider working with me toward that end with one of
my coaching packages.

5. Use Your Words!

In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word was God.
I know, I know! Im writing for witches and Im quoting the bible. But many
different scriptures point to this idea. Words are profoundly important.

And this goes really deep for a witch working magick. Words used in witchcraft and
spellwork are absolutely vital. We craft incantations to bring about very specific

But your word, in general, should also be impeccable (as in Don Miguel Ruiz book
The Four Agreements). Every word has meaning and power in it.

If you are casting spells to improve your life i.e., to bring you prosperity or
that new job you want or the love of your life, but you post a FML status on
Facebook, you are working against yourself.

EVERYTHING COUNTS. And the words you use regularly, habitually, continually can
easily gain more power than that beautiful incantation you wrote for a spell youre
performing on the full moon.

Think about it. You utter it once or perhaps chant it a few times during your
ritual, but the other 30 days of the month you are speaking about your lack.

You must become hyper-vigilant about keeping your everyday discussion and use of
words, in print or in voice, in alignment with the things that you work on in your
magickal life.

Speak in such a way that every word can cast a spell for your good and the good of

Its not easy and it cannot be accomplished to perfection, but become aware and
make changes where you can. This will give you so much more power than you can

Part 2 Preparing for Spellcraft/When and When not to Cast:

There is a time for a spell and there is a time to wait. Sometimes knowing when,
and when not, to cast is just as important as the components of the spell itself.

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Following are some tips to help you determine when is the right time and to prepare
for the spell you want to cast.

6. Question Everything.

Once youve an idea to work a spell, start questioning it. Play your own devils
advocate. Ask yourself why you want this outcome.

Try to ascertain whether you really want it with your whole will. (See #4) The
depth and breadth of your questioning, of course, should be commensurate with the
scope of the spell.

If its a simple spell for some fast cash, you may not spend as much time on this
step as you would if it is a spell to change your whole career and start a new

Broad scope spells have a much higher chance of yielding questionable results.
Explore the possible outcomes.

You may have in your mind that a great new job is offered to you in your chosen
profession in a city where youd love to live.
But what might happen instead is that you lose your current job, causing a move to
another city to be necessary to reduce expenses, followed by a struggle to obtain a
position in the career of your choosing. (Note: this type of result can be largely
mitigated by practicing step 4 above.)

And if youre okay with either route, then thats fine, but just ask the questions
and be sure, at the outset that youre ready for the possibilities. And, by the
way, knowing yourself, as is facilitated by steps 1-5 is extremely helpful in this

7. Clean Your Side of the Street.

If your spellcraft involves other people and if your working has anything to do
with something that was done by someone else, youll want to pay special attention
to this step.

Check your intentions and motives. Examine the situation as objectively as you can
and look for the possibility that you may have misunderstood something or that
there may be a way to solve this issue with relationship work, talking or a simple
apology and an opening of a door to healing.

Make sure that youve done all you can, personally, to solve the issue before
resorting to magick. Which brings us to.

8. Actual WORK.

There is footwork to be done in the mundane world in order to set the stage for any
magick to work.

If your spell is about a job, youd better get your resume in order and be
searching the want ads, or networking in your field.

If your spell is to sell your house and find that home of your dreams, youd better
have contacted a realtor, saved up some money for closing expenses and tidied up
and repaired your house to the best of your abilities.

Do the earthly work that will help your magic work. You may even find that taking
this step eliminates the need for magick. Do everything in your power in the
material realm first. Then do your spell, if you still need to.

Part 3 Now that Youve decided to Wield that Magic Wand:

Ok, so youve decided to do a spell. Lets get down and dirty with the crafting of
something truly magickal!

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9. Study the Greats!

I struggled a little with the idea of including this step with the top five.

It sort of belongs in both places. By the Greats, what I mean is great magicians
of literature, wise sages of magickal workings, those powerhouses of mystical
theory and history that have forged the way for the witchy revolution that is
taking place these days.

Gerald Gardner, Alex and Maxine Sanders, Dione Fortune, Doreen Valiente, Aleister
Crowley, Eliphas Levi.
And go back further to Hermes Trismegistus, Heraclitus, Plato, Ptolemy, King

The list is endless and study of their work and philosophies is valuable any time.

But before your spell begins, try to do some research into the specifics of that
spell in history. We have modern greats too!

There are so many great magickal cookbooks out there! Check out the work of
Judika Illes in the Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells and Dorothy Morrison in Utterly

The point is, study up on the type of magick you wish to perform. Gather ideas.
Check correspondences. Do your homework.

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10. Align With the Cosmos.

Timing can be very important to some spells. You must pay attention to things like
moon phases, astrological positions, void of course intervals.

I dont plan every single spell that I do around all of these factors, but I do
consider them and decide whether to postpone or speed up my process depending on
the positions and influences of the celestial bodies.

11. Divine.

It is a great idea to do a divination regarding the spell you want to cast. You can
gain information about the possible outcomes and the things you need to know or do
to help make it a success.

I usually use Tarot, which is a great indicator as to your own psyches readiness
for the outcome as well as advisor on possible components to include in the
crafting of the working.

But if your preferred form of divination is something different, have at it. Its
just a good idea to do this before casting for those extra insights you may need.
And upon divining you should

12. Use your Intuition.

Once youve done all of this footwork, then, trust yourself.

Use your own innate wisdom and intuition, fueled by the personal power youve
cultivated in steps 1 through 5, the introspection and mundane channels youve
gained from steps 6 through 9, and all of the knowledge acquired through this step
to decide exactly how to cast this fabulous spell.

Youve done the work, now wave that wand, witch!

13. Look for Synchronicities and Acknowledge Successes!

Once youve cast your spell, with confidence in its outcome, of course, keep aware.

Notice the small synchronicities that usually show up while the magick does its
work. You may see little indications that your magick is afoot!

For example, continuing with the example of that new career spell, perhaps you will
see a logo for a company youd love to work for which has an image that precisely
matches something from your spell.

Take that as the sign that it is and get your resume in front of a decision-maker
in that company.

Acknowledge and appreciate when you see these indications of the change you desire.

Happy Witching!

About the Author:

WarpWeftBioRene Damoiselle is a Worldly Wise Crone Witch with personal ties to
warrior deities. Her raised eyebrow style of Truth-Telling enables her clients to
face the realities of their challenges and triumphs with confidence and humor (each
when necessary). Rene offers divination and coaching combining Cartomancy, Reiki,
Skrying, Mediumship and a healthy dose of good old common sense. She also offers
many workshops and talks and facilitates womens spiritual retreats. Friend her on
Check out this site for all the details on Renees Retreats!
For more about Rene, read her blog.

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