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The Aluminum Association

Media Contact:
Amy Kline Alexis Murphy
Representative Public Relations
(703) 627 6880 (703) 447 9285

ICF Internationals case study on aluminum cans and their environmental impact.
HARRISONBURG, VA. OCT 27, 2017 - ICF joins forces with the Aluminum Association to

help companies grasp how to lower their environmental impact. In this case study, ICF is here to

give strategic insight to the Aluminum Association on not just how the manufacturing of

aluminum products can harm the environment, but also how the packaging influences

transportation and distribution as well. ICF consultants spend an immense amount of time

helping their clients understand all the impacts they might be causing to their community, their

environmental, and the world as a whole.

In this case study ICF developed two studies: transportation space efficiency of

aluminum cans during distribution and the efficacy of refrigerating aluminum can-packaged

beverages versus bottle alternatives at retail points of sale. The final product provided the client

with high-level data analysis which included:

The Aluminum Association

A memorandum of initial findings

A detailed final report, including all goals, methodologies and results

A parameter-based spreadsheet model of relevant lifestyle stages, providing results for

both energy demand and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions along with comparative
results between different types of beverage containers

Representative distribution and refrigeration scenarios, offering real-world examples to

illustrate key findings

Manager Bobby Renz at ICF said we took a closer look at the Association's needs and

how ICF consultants helped to fill the gaps in their environmental data. The Aluminum

Association is the leading trade association for the aluminum production, fabrication and

recycling industry and its suppliers. They help manufacturers produce sustainable and innovative

products. In 2008, the Aluminum Association launched a sustainability initiative to reduce

emissions and increase energy efficiencies.
FUN FACT: Recycling aluminum saves more than 90 percent of the

energy needed to make new aluminum.

The Aluminum Association

The Association uses a method called the life-cycle assessment (LCA) which is used to

assess the environmental impacts from the entire life of a product or service from raw material

production and manufacturing through produce use and ending with recycling or disposal. This

helps the Association break down the environmental impacts of products, and ways to improve.

Although the Aluminum Association has become well educated on the life-cycle assessment,

they need some assistance on the use-phase impact of aluminum materials. This is where ICF

came into place. They reached out to ICF for their expertise on greenhouse gas emissions. ICF

created the case study to examine greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption during the

use phase of beverage packaging products. To break this down into simpler terms, the

Association was looking for ICF to address how packaging influence transportation and

refrigeration processes and related impacts of aluminum cans versus plastic and glass bottle


ICF planned and gathered data to design an in-depth well thought out case study. They

carefully put together the study, one that would be taken into account along with other studies

that asses the manufacturing and end-of-life phases of aluminum cans for a more holistic view of

the impacts of all phases. The study was broken down into three different parts. They first had

to define information and data on a national level and find the most common types of aluminum

beverages containers and what their alternatives would be. The second was getting additional

industry-relevant information like previous energy statistics and emissions issues. The third was

identifying data gaps in the leading industry insights to determine where best to focus resources

on gathering additional information for the case study.

The Aluminum Association

After gathering that data, ICF finalized their study and set it forth to the Aluminum

Association for use. Although it does not take the place of a full LCA (life-cycle assessment) it

provided significant data and findings that will help them understand the use phase which is the

distribution and refrigeration of aluminum cans. ICF made some great findings that will help the

Aluminum Association cut back on their emissions for years to come. Some examples of what

they found were: Plastic bottles show similar transportation emissions impacts as aluminum

cans, space efficiency during beverage cooling of aluminum cans allows for lower GHG

emissions compared to both glass and plastic bottles, the largest GHG emissions savings from

aluminum cans compared to other containers are seen in supermarket refrigerators, and that there

are negligible differences in the cooling efficiency of aluminum, glass, and plastic containers

based on material properties.. ICF presented the Aluminum Association with a case study

designed to address their needs.

This study was precise and to the point, but can be used to enhance their work in other fields

and help better their emission impacts as a whole. This study was known to shed a light on

remaining data gaps and areas for future research. Their future studies can feed off this one and

can help guide communication around this data for future projects.

ICF International is always looking to help their clients when it comes to environmental

awareness and this study shines light on just one of the many projects that they work on. ICF

believes in change and likes to see it get done. Not one project is too big or too little for them.

They are a powerhouse ready to make a change.


(Word Count: 902)

The Aluminum Association

About ICF International

ICF International is a global consulting company. It was founded in 1969 as the Inner City Fund.
They focus on solving energy challenges and environment concerns. ICF focuses on hiring
researchers, business analysts, creatives, digital strategists, technology experts and more. Its
headquarters are located in Fairfax, Virginia.

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