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Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 2007; 51 (5) : 427-428 Case Report

Anaesthetic Management of A Case of Parkinsons Disease for

Emergency Laparotomy Using Enteral Levo-dopa
Navdeep Goyal1 , Homay wajifdar2, Aruna jain3
Parkinsons disease is a relatively common neurological disorder. Few case reports are available regarding optimal anaes-
thetic management of patients with Parkinsons disease. Here we present successful anaesthetic management of a case of
suspected ileal perforation with Parkinsons disease for emergency laparotomy. Enteral route of levo-dopa administration was
used through out general anaesthesia.
Key words: Parkinson; Anaesthesia.

Introduction case was done after taking informed consent at Lady

Parkinsons disease is a relatively common neuro- Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi. The patient was
logical disorder. Many drugs have been developed which explained the enteral administration of levo-dopa through
increase the supply of dopamine, affect the biochemical Ryles tube that would follow the surgery.
balance of dopamine, or act as a dopamine substitute. The patient was given his usual medications 1.0 h
These drugs may have significant interactions with an- before the operation. On arrival to the operation theatre,
esthetic agents. 1 In addition; there are several disease anaesthesia was induced with 100 mg propofol and 6
and drug-induced physiological aberrancies that can have mg vecuronium to facilitate tracheal intubation. Anaes-
profound anaesthetic implications in the patient with thesia was maintained with O 2 + N2O + isoflurane +
Parkinsons disease (e.g., aspiration pneumonitis, myo- vecuronium. Epidural catheter was placed at T 10 level
cardial irritability, hypotension, hypertension, and respi- as incision extended from xiphisternum to pubic sym-
ratory impairment). physis. Epidural bolus of 8ml of 0.125% bupivacaine and
Drugs used in anaesthesia may interact with anti- infusion was started with 0.125% bupivacaine and 2
parkinsonian medication and there is controversy about fentanyl at rate of 8 -1. One tablet of
the optimal anaesthetic management of patients with syndopa 110 was dissolved with 10 ml of saline, and the
Parkinsonsdisease. solution was given into the stomach through the
nasogastric tube every 2 h during the operation
Here we present a case of Parkinsons disease
successfully managed with enteral levo-dopa2 for emer- Immediately after surgery, he emerged from ana-
gency laparotomy. esthesia smoothly and exhibited no muscle rigidity. After
the surgery administration of levodopa through Ryles
Case report tube was continued every 2 hourly. His postoperative
A 74-yr-old man with Parkinsons disease was sched- course was uneventful.
uled for emergency laparotomy for suspected ileal perfora- Discussion
tion. He had been suffering from Parkinsons disease for
10 yr and was well controlled with oral administration of The neurodegenerative death of dopaminergic neu-
carbidopa/levodopa (10/100)(syndopa 110), a levodopa rons of the pars compacta of the substantia nigra leads
preparation in tablet form, four times daily; trihexyphenidyl to the classical triad of resting tremor, muscle rigidity,
2 mg thrice daily and entacapone 200 mg thrice daily. The and bradykinesia of Parkinsons disease. 3,4 The syndrome
of parkinsonism (clinical conditions which resemble id-
1. DNB, Senior Resident Anaesthesia, LHMC, 2. M.D, Head of Department of Anaesthesia, LHMC, 3. M.D, Professor of Anaesthesia,
LHMC, Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC), New Delhi - 110001, India.
Correspondence to: Navdeep Goyal, C/o Sh. Surinder Goyal, House No. 112, New Sukhdev Nagar, Panipat-132103, Haryana, India.
E-mail: Accepted for publication on:15.8.07

Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, October 2007

iopathic Parkinsons disease) may have a number of dif- be preferred. Treatment with and drug titration of LD
ferent causes such as arteriosclerosis, diffuse central for intravenous administration alone may be dangerous
nervous system degenerative disease, repeated head during general anaesthesia because of interactions with
trauma, tumor, metabolic defects such as Wilsons dis- anaesthetic agents. It may increase the risk of a variety
ease, heavy metal, or carbon monoxide poisoning. Drug- of arrhythmias or hypertension as reported previously.
induced Parkinsonism results from dopamine receptor These side effects of LD are mediated through its me-
blockade b y dr ugs su ch as ph en othiazin es, tabolite, dopamine.12
butyrophenones, and metoclopramide. In conclusion, we report the perioperative treat-
Particular anaesthetic problems are neurological, res- ment of a patient with Parkinsons disease by using ad-
piratory, and cardiovascular. The clinical features and the ministration of levodopa through a nasogastric tube dur-
interaction of common anaesthetics with the drug therapy ing propofol anaesthesia intraoperatively and in the early
of the patient present an anaesthetic challenge and di- postoperative period. The perioperative management
rectly influence perioperative morbidity and mortality. described in this report is practical, easy and prevented
L-dopa can only be administered enterally and its the exacerbation of Parkinsonian symptoms during the
half-life is short (13 h). It is absorbed from the proximal postoperative period. Though this patient underwent il-
small bowel and, therefore, cannot be given as a sup- eal surgery, absorption of levodopa from stomach and
pository.5 Ensure that patients do not miss medication duodenum was able to prevent any exacerbation of symp-
doses postoperatively. Regional anaesthesia has obvi- toms during intraoperative and postoperative period.
ous advantages over general anaesthesiaas it avoids the References
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