Guideline APQP Workbook Rev D

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How to use the APQP workbook

Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 1 of 18)

This PowerPoint will guide you on how to use the workbook, it will not explain
APQP. It simply guides you to take the necessary steps to create a working
APQP workbook.
PACCAR APQP Quality Checklist P ACR
Process Design & QUALITY
Product Design & Product & Process
Plan & Define Program Development
Development Validation
Initiation of the Project Industrialisation
Drawing Release Pre-PPAP
Tooling Order PPAP

Acronyms Summary Sheet Design Information Floor Plan Layout New Process Volume Validation
Low Low Low Low Build Low

Part Project Plan DFMEA Process Flow Chart Product Process PPAP
On Time Low Low Low Low
Numbers Quality

Open Actions List Commercial Sourcing DVP Packaging Specs MSA Capacity
Low Low Low Low

Part & Styling Design Reviews Supply Chain Process FMEA

Low Low Low Low

Proto Control Plan New Tooling Control Plan

Low Low Low Low

Prototype Build Quality Validation

Low Low

Safe Launch Plan NA PPAP

Low Low
Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 2 of 18)
Getting started

When you start the workbook you see many tabs at the bottom of your screen.
The tab to navigate through the workbook is the MAIN MENU. From here you
can navigate through the complete workbook. You can return to the main
menu from any screen.
Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 3 of 18)
Getting started

Click on the summary button to start

Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 4 of 18)
Summary Sheet
Main Menu Advanced Product Quality Planning Status Report
Review No.:
Supplier Program
Location Country Lead Part No.
Supplier Code Part Name
Risk Assessment Eng. Level
New: Site Technology Process Part Component Family
QV Build Location
Other Risks VV Build Location
Manufacturing Location

Risk Status of the Project Low Risk Overall Timing Rating On Time Design Responsible? Yes
Team Members Job Title Phone E-mail Address

PACCAR/Supplier Quality Manager

Material Build Events Description of vehicles being built Req Date Required Comments
Engineering Validation / Pre-serie part
First Out of Tool (FOT)
PPAP Submission Date
QV Part Build Date
Run @ Rate Date
VV Part Build Date
Job 1 / SOP

Planned Expected Actual

Project Elements Start Date Close Date Close Date Close Date Comments / Actions

The Summary tab contains a summary of all information needed to complete the
workbook. In this PowerPoint we will focus on this tab to ensure the workbook
will function in the best possible way.
Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 5 of 18)
Summary Sheet
Supplier Supplier GmBh
Supplier Code
Summary Sheet (step by step)
Supplierstrasse 1, 88888 Lieferung Germany

Risk Assessment
New: Site Technology Process Part X

Other Risks Airducts from Supplier A, Air tubes from Supplier B

Fill In the supplier details (see example above) including the risk assessment
(why do we start APQP) and also identify other risks. These risks should be
examined, they could lead to a new APQP for these parts.

To avoid errors: do not use copy and paste in the workbook

Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 6 of 18)
Summary Sheet
Enter the date of editing
Date: 10-jun-15
Each review you need to up this by 1
Review No.: 1
10,308 Enter the project number (if any)
Lead Part No. 1352618 Enter the lead part number (head part)

Part Name Top pad CF Left Enter the part name (from drawing or project)

Eng. Level 3 Enter the engineering level from drawing

Component Family Dashboard CF Enter the component family

QV Build Location DAF Westerlo Enter the location of the Quality Validation build

VV Build Location DAF Westerlo Enter the location of the Volume Validation build

Manufacturing Location DAF Westerlo Enter the location of the location were the part is going to be
Design Responsible? Yes Select whether the supplier is design responsible; Select Yes or
No, if you made a mistake use Reset

Use No will blank out some questions, with reset all ratings will
be blanked but comments will stay in.

Caution: Use reset only if necessary!

Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 7 of 18)
Summary Sheet
Team Members Job Title Phone E-mail Address
Willie Weber Engineering +49 5528 XXXXXX
Vital Vitalis Quality assurance +49 5528 XXXXXX
Katrien Kanig Quality Manager +49 (0) 5528XXXXXX

Oscar Beaufort Product Development +31 40 214 2347

Rob Zelders Commodity Manager +31 40 214 2532
Martin Raats PACCAR/Supplier Quality Manager +31 40 214 5401

Insert the team members including contact details.

Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 8 of 18)
Summary Sheet
These build events are also in the vertical Project. (Lines are
marked grey)

Dont change the names of the build events

PPAP date target should be QV date

Material Build Events Description of vehicles being built Req Date Required Comments
Engineering Validation / Pre-serie part
First Out of Tool (FOT)
PPAP Submission Date
QV Part Build Date
Run @ Rate Date
VV Part Build Date
Job 1 / SOP

First off tool date

You can add a description for explanation

Fill in the required date and copy to the Vertical Project (can be done by
yourself or the supplier)

How many parts are required per build event?

Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 9 of 18)
Project Plan
Planned Expected Actual
Project Elements Start Date Close Date Close Date Close Date Comments / Actions

1 Project Plan On Time

Plan & Define 2 Commercial Sourcing Low

Initiation of the
Project 3 Aftermarket Low

4 Part Styling Low

5 Design Information Low

6 Design FMEA Low

7 DVP (Design Verification Plan) Low

Product Design
& Development 8 Design Reviews Low
Drawing Release

9 Prototype Control Plan Low

10 Prototype Build Low

11 Safe Launch Plan Low

The project plan is filled in sheet Project Plan. At begin of the

project the timing, start date, planned close date and expected
close date needs to be filled in for the complete project.
Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 10 of 18)
Project Plan
Main Menu Summary
Project Plan
Key to colours
at bottom of
0 sheet

Planned close Expected close Actual close
APQP Element / Milestone Start date Status Overall
date date date

Commercial Sourcing Yes

Plan & Define Program Aftermarket Yes

Initiation of the Project

Part Styling Yes

Fill in at start of the project for each deliverable the start date and planned close date. Copy
at the beginning of the project the planned close date to expected close date.

Changes to the planning are filled in the expected close date. Status is calculated based on
deviations between planned and expected close date. If a deliverable is completed fill in the
expected and actual close date. If the deliverable is late, but does not affect overall timing,
then fill in No in the column Affecting overall timing.
Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 11 of 18)
Project Plan
Volume Validation Build 1-Jan-16 4-May-16 4-May-16 4-May-16 G Yes When all dates are filled you
Volume Validation MRD 1-Jan-16 4-May-16 4-May-16 4-May-16 G Yes
will see that the overall timing
PPAP 1-Jan-16 4-May-16 4-May-16 4-May-16 G Yes
changes color.

Remember to update the

R Overall Timing Rating On Time
Behind schedule
PACCAR and Supplier Aligned

expected date if something

Supplier ahead of schedule

Waiting for input

changes during your APQP


No information filled in
Expected close date not filled in
The legend gives you the
Expected close date earlier than planned close date
Expected close date within 14 days of planned close date
meaning of the color coding.
R >14 days overdue

Risk Status of the Project Low Risk Overall Timing Rating On Time
The overall timing rating is
copied to the summary sheet.
Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 12 of 18)
Summary Sheet Updating status deliverables
Next step is updating the Risk
Planned Expected Actual
Project Elements Start Date Close Date Close Date Close Date Comments / Actions

1 Project Plan On Time

status to low, medium or high
risk for each project element. Go
Plan & Define 2 Commercial Sourcing Low to the tab using the hyperlink in
Initiation of the blue and complete the checklist
Project 3 Aftermarket Low

A comment or action here will

4 Part Styling Low

5 Design Information Low

show up in the Summary sheet
when the comment field below
6 Design FMEA Low the checklist is filled in. Use this
field to report the summary of
DVP (Design Verification Plan)
status / risk for each project
7 Low

Product Design
& Development 8 Design Reviews Low element
Drawing Release

9 Prototype Control Plan Low

10 Prototype Build Low

11 Safe Launch Plan Low

The risk status of the project is
calculated based on the risk level
for all project elements
Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 13 of 18)
Updating Project Elements
Main Menu Summary
PACCAR APQP Quality Checklist
(N/A, L, M, Person
Number Question H, C) Comment / Action Required Responsible
Have you, the supplier, been nominated officially by purchasing and is your production plant
audited and approved by PACCAR SQA?
Fill in the checklist. Specify for medium or
high risk levels the issue, action and
2 Have you signed and returned the Non-Disclosure Agreement to PACCAR? Complete

responsible person. Copy this information

3 Have you completed the Supplier Financial Health Questionnaire (N/A for Europe)? Complete

to the action list to generate one overview

4 Are Warranty Agreements in place with PACCAR? Complete

for all open actions for the complete APQP

5 Are the requirements from PACCAR Product Development clear and agreed? Complete A TRS mismatch list has been added to the TRS. DAF PD

6 Has a Long Term Agreement been agreed and signed? Med The LTA has been signed, but not received back from DAF DAF Purchasing

Have the annual volumes for truck production and aftermarket service been determined and
communicated to you? Is your RFQ based on the combined volumes?
Have you conducted a sub-tier supplier capacity analysis to verify they can meet the annual
8 Complete
volumes for both truck production and aftermarket service?

9 Have PACCAR's program timeline been communicated to you? Complete

10 Have you supplied to PACCAR your program timelines and production-intent locations? Complete

Has PACCAR released Prototype purchase orders to support the PACCAR prototype build
11 Med Protype purchase orders are late. DAF Purchasing
Has PACCAR Production Purchase Order(s) been issued to support production tooling for QV and
12 Low Not yet received / not yet required
Have you budgeted sufficient funds to purchase required production, measurement, and test
13 Complete
If your shipping location(s) are different from your production site(s), are the vendor codes set up
14 Complete
for all your shipping locations, including those that supply service parts?

15 Do you understand and are you in compliance with REACH legislation? (Europe only) Complete




Task not applicable for this/these part number(s)

Low = "Yes," Task on track according to timing plan for completion.

Prototype purchase orders are late. DAF Purchasing to send confirmation proto tooling can be ordered.
Summarize the risk level and main action
Low = "No," Justification for rating must be provided in "Comments/Action Required" section per project element. This information will
be copied to the summary sheet
MEDIUM "No," Task started but has significant risk to on-time completion. A recovery plan is in place.

HIGH "No," Task not started, or task started but no timing for completion in place.

COMPLETE "Yes," Task completed successfully.

INCOMPLETE Work sheet has not been fully evaluated at this milestone
Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 14 of 18)
Updating the Action List
Main Menu Summary
PACCAR APQP Quality Checklist
(N/A, L, M, Person
Number Question H, C) Comment / Action Required Responsible
Have you, the supplier, been nominated officially by purchasing and is your production plant
audited and approved by PACCAR SQA?
Complete Fill in the checklist. Specify for medium or
2 Have you signed and returned the Non-Disclosure Agreement to PACCAR? Complete high risk levels the issue, action and
3 Have you completed the Supplier Financial Health Questionnaire (N/A for Europe)? Complete responsible person. Copy this information
4 Are Warranty Agreements in place with PACCAR? Complete to the action list to generate one overview
5 Are the requirements from PACCAR Product Development clear and agreed? Complete A TRS mismatch list has been added to the TRS. DAF PD for all open actions for the complete
6 Has a Long Term Agreement been agreed and signed? Med The LTA has been signed, but not received back from DAF DAF Purchasing project.
Have the annual volumes for truck production and aftermarket service been determined and
7 Complete
communicated to you? Is your RFQ based on the combined volumes?


Responsible engineer: P ACR The Open Issue List is used to manage risk
Updates Open Issues List by:
of the complete APQP project.
Last internal review:
For each action determine the prioriy
Low, Medium, High and responsible
All medium and high risk issues must have containment & c/a. person.

The action list should be updated before

each review with PACCAR.
Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 15 of 18)
Closing project elements in Project plan
PACCAR APQP Quality Checklist

If a section is finished,
Main Menu Summary
Part Styling
(N/A, L, M, Person
Number Question H, C) Comment / Action Required Responsible

it will show as
1 Have final styling surfaces (geometry, colour, or texture as required) been provided to you? Complete

Have all colour, texture, and QA specifications been communicated and can you achieve them
2 Complete

3 Have you accepted and reviewed program styling requirements? Complete


complete, go to the
Main Menu Summary
Project Plan sheet
Project Plan
to fill in the Actual
Key to colours
at bottom of
close date.
Planned close Expected close Actual close
APQP Element / Milestone Start date Status Overall

This close date is

date date date

copied to the sheet

Commercial Sourcing Yes

Plan & Define Program

Initiation of the Project
Aftermarket Yes
Part Styling Yes
Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 16 of 18)
Overview APQP progress in Main Menu
PACCAR APQP Quality Checklist P ACR
Process Design & QUALITY
Product Design & Product & Process
Plan & Define Program Development
Development Validation
Initiation of the Project Industrialisation
Drawing Release Pre-PPAP
Tooling Order PPAP

Acronyms Summary Sheet Design Information Floor Plan Layout New Process Volume Validation
Med Low Low Low Build Low

Part Project Plan DFMEA Process Flow Chart Product Process PPAP
On Time High Low Low Low
Numbers Quality

Open Actions List Commercial Sourcing DVP Packaging Specs MSA Capacity
Med Low Low Low

Part & Styling Design Reviews Supply Chain Process FMEA

Low Low Low Low

Proto Control Plan New Tooling Control Plan

Low Low Low Low

Prototype Build Quality Validation

Low Low

Safe Launch Plan NA PPAP

Low Low

The Main Menu gives a quick overview of the project. Project elements in yellow
or red need attention.
Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 17 of 18)
Other tools
The APQP workbook contains tools / overviews to be used in the
Part numbers: Overview of part numbers involved. This overview can be
updated to include part number per build phase if required.
BOM-Tooling overview: Overview of sub-components involved including
tooling leadtime and APQP risk status.
Capacity analysis / Run @ rate: Sheet to capture run @ rate results and
areas for improvement
Product Intent Run: Checklist to support SQM to review the process during
the product intent run
Packaging work sheet: Template to be used for PPAP deliverable 17.3
PPAP NA Template
Usage of the APQP Workbook (page 18 of 18)
Using the Workbook
For EU: The supplier should upload the workbook to the DAF portal.

For NA: The supplier should e-mail the workbook to the responsible SQM.

The SQM will review together with the SE team, including the supplier, the
APQP workbook

Supplier will complete the workbook with the remarks and upload or e-mail the
new version

The SQM will approve the workbook and report project risk status to

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