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Bondurant-Farrar Community School District

Artifact Cover and Reflection

Artifact Title: Classroom Climate Survey

Teaching Standard: 3

Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction

Standard Criteria: B

Sets and communicates high expectations for social, behavioral, and academic success
of all students.

I choose this artifact to show:

___x__ Growth in the standard

____ Strength and competency in the standard

Description of the artifact and how it meets the standard and criteria:

This artifact is a classroom climate survey that I administered to my 6th hour pull-out
math class. This class is made up of six students. It is my most challenging class in
terms of student behavior, and I am constantly looking for ways to build better
relationships in order to curb problem behavior. The results from my classroom climate
survey inform me on how I am doing with communicating my expectations for social,
behavioral, and academic success of all my students. The responses I got from my
students also gives me ideas on how to improve as a teacher and which expectations
we still need to work on.

Reflection on the artifact:

When I introduced the survey, I discussed with my students the importance of giving
reflective answers to help our classroom improve. Looking through my responses, two
thirds of my students answered the questions truthfully and reasonably. One third of
students answered with responses such as idk or said that the rules are unfair
because we dont get to do what we want. I found the results of my survey surprising.

There are two areas that I want to focus on. One third of the students in my class say
they do not feel like they have a friend in our class. I will build in more team activities to
give students structured social interactions. I also want to focus on establishing a
quieter classroom environment. One third of my students said that the room is not quiet
enough for them to do their work. As a class, we met and discussed the results of the
survey. We reminded each other of our expectations and discussed ways to improve
our volume control during work time.

There are two areas of strength that I noticed in the survey. Most of my students feel
comfortable talking to me. I am really glad to see that my students feel safe talking to
me and that my efforts to establish relationships are effective. Another strength is that
students feel that they are called on fairly. I try really hard to encourage participation
and call on students evenly.

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