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I solated Footing Design( ACI 318- 05)

Design For I solated Footing 1

Footing No. Group I D Foundation Geometry

- - Length Width Thickness
1 1 3.000 m 3.000 m 1.500 m

Footing No. Footing Reinforcement Pedestal Reinforcement

- Bottom Reinforcement(Mz) Bottom Reinforcement(Mx) Top Reinforcement(Mz) Top Reinforcement(Mx) Main Steel Trans Steel
1 # 25 @ 220 mm c/ c # 16 @ 80 mm c/ c # 16 @ 80 mm c/ c # 25 @ 220 mm c/ c 28 - # 10 # 6 @ 155 mm

I solated Footing 1

Input Values

Footing Geomtery

Design Type : Set Dimension

Footing Thickness (Ft) : 1500.000 mm
Footing Length - X (Fl) : 3000.000 mm
Footing Width - Z (Fw) : 3000.000 mm
Eccentricity along X (Oxd) : 500.000 mm
Eccentricity along Z (Ozd) : 500.000 mm


I nclude Pedestal? Yes

Pedestal Shape : Rectangular
Pedestal Height (Ph) : 10.000 mm
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : 500.000 mm
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : 500.000 mm

Design Parameters

Concrete and Rebar Properties

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Unit Weight of Concrete : 25.000 kN/ m3

Strength of Concrete : 25.000 N/ mm2
Yield Strength of Steel : 460.000 N/ mm2
Minimum Bar Size : # 6
Maximum Bar Size : # 32
Minimum Bar Spacing : 50.000 mm
Maximum Bar Spacing : 500.000 mm
Pedestal Clear Cover (P, CL) : 50.000 mm
Footing Clear Cover (F, CL) : 50.000 mm

Soil Properties

Soil Type : UnDrained

Unit Weight : 16.000 kN/ m3
Soil Bearing Capacity : 250.000 kN/ m2
Soil Surcharge : 0.000 ksi
Depth of Soil above Footing : 0.000 mm
Undrained Shear Strength : 0.000 N/ mm2

Sliding and Overturning

Coefficient of Friction : 0.330

Factor of Safety Against Sliding : 1.500
Factor of Safety Against Overturning : 1.500


Design Calculations

Footing Size

Initial Length (Lo) = 3.000 m

I nitial Width (Wo) = 3.000 m

Load Combination/ s- Service Stress Level

Load Combination
Load Combination Title
101 1.000 x DL
102 1.000 x DL+ 1.000 x WLX
Load Combination/ s- Strength Level
Load Combination
Load Combination Title
103 1.200 x DL+ 1.600 x WLX

Applied Loads - Service Stress Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
( kN) ( kN) ( kN) ( kNm) ( kNm)
101 11.000 0.000 1.000 -4.500 6.500
102 11.000 -24.000 1.000 -4.500 107.500

Applied Loads - Strength Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
( kN) ( kN) ( kN) ( kNm) ( kNm)
103 13.200 -38.400 1.200 -5.400 169.400

Reduction of force due to buoyancy = 132.331 kN

Effect due to adhesion = 0.000 kN
Area from initial length and width, Ao = L X W = 9.000 m2
o o
Min. area required from bearing pressure, Amin = P / q
= 0.865 m2

Note: Amin is an initial estimation.

P = Critical Factored Axial Load( w ithout self w eight/ buoyancy/ soil) .

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qmax = Respective Factored Bearing Capacity.

Final Footing Size

Length (L2) = 3.000 m Governing Load Case : # 101

Width (W2) = 3.000 m Governing Load Case : # 101

Depth (D2) = 1.500 m Governing Load Case : # 101

Area (A2) = 9.000 m2

Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Area of footing

corner 1 corner 2 corner 3 corner 4 in uplift ( Au)
Load Case ( q1 ) ( q2 ) ( q3 ) ( q4 )
( kN/ m2) ( kN/ m2) ( kN/ m2) ( kN/ m2) ( m2)

102 56.6315 -7.2537 -8.5826 55.3026 1.080

101 26.1333 23.2444 21.9156 24.8045 0.000

101 26.1333 23.2444 21.9156 24.8045 0.000

102 56.6315 -7.2537 -8.5826 55.3026 1.080

If Au is zero, there is no uplift and no pressure adjustment is necessary. Otherwise, to account for uplift, areas of negative pressure will be set to zero
and the pressure will be redistributed to remaining corners.

Summary of Adjusted Pressures at 4 corners Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at

corner 1 ( q1 ) corner 2 ( q 2 ) corner 3 ( q 3 ) corner 4 ( q 4 )

Load Case ( kN/ m2) ( kN/ m2) ( kN/ m2) ( kN/ m2)

102 58.3840 0.0000 0.0000 56.7757

101 26.1333 23.2444 21.9156 24.8045

101 26.1333 23.2444 21.9156 24.8045

102 58.3840 0.0000 0.0000 56.7757

Check for stability against overturning and sliding

Factor of safety against Factor of safety against

sliding overturning

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Load Case Along X- Along Z- About X- About Z-

No. Direction Direction Direction Direction

101 N/ A 71.353 110.312 50.743

102 2.973 71.353 110.312 2.295

Critical Load Case And The Governing Factor Of Safety For Overturning And Sliding - X Direction

Critical Load Case for Sliding along X-Direction : 102

Governing Disturbing Force : -24.000 kN
Governing Restoring Force : 71.353 kN
Minimum Sliding Ratio for the Critical Load Case : 2.973
Critical Load Case for Overturning about X-Direction : 101
Governing Overturning Moment : -2.990 kNm
Governing Resisting Moment : 329.824 kNm
Minimum Overturning Ratio for the Critical Load Case : 110.312

Critical Load Case And The Governing Factor Of Safety For Overturning And Sliding - Z Direction

Critical Load Case for Sliding along Z-Direction : 101

Governing Disturbing Force : 1.000 kN
Governing Restoring Force : 71.353 kN
Minimum Sliding Ratio for the Critical Load Case : 71.353
Critical Load Case for Overturning about Z-Direction : 102
Governing Overturning Moment : 143.739 kNm
Governing Resisting Moment : 329.824 kNm
Minimum Overturning Ratio for the Critical Load Case : 2.295

Shear Calculation

Punching Shear Check

Total Footing Depth, D = 1.500m

Calculated Effective Depth, deff = D - Ccover - 1.0 = 1.425 m 1 inch is deducted from total depth to cater bar dia( US Convention) .

For rectangular column, = Bcol / Dcol = 1.000

Effective depth, deff , increased until 0.75XVc Punching Shear Force

Punching Shear Force, Vu = 7.767 kN, Load Case # 103

From ACI Cl., bo for column= 7.698 m

Equation 11-33, Vc1 = 27319.595 kN

Equation 11-34, Vc2 = 42810.067 kN

Equation 11-35, Vc3 = 18213.063 kN

Punching shear strength, Vc = 0.75 X minimum of (Vc1, Vc2, Vc3) = 13659.797 kN

0.75 X Vc > Vu hence, OK

Along X Direction

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(Shear Plane Parallel to Global X Axis)

From ACI Cl., Vc = 3548.737 kN

Distance along X to design for shear,

Dx = 0.325 m

Check that 0.75 X Vc > Vux where Vux is the shear force for the critical load cases at a distance deff from the face of the column caused by bending
about the X axis.

From above calculations, 0.75 X Vc = 2661.553 kN

Critical load case for Vux is # 103 13.418 kN

0.75 X Vc > Vux hence, OK

One-Way Shear Check

Along Z Direction

(Shear Plane Parallel to Global Z Axis)

From ACI Cl., Vc = 3548.737 kN

Distance along X to design for shear, Dz = 0.325 m

Check that 0.75 X Vc > Vuz where Vuz is the shear force for the critical load cases at a distance d eff from the face of the column caused by bending
about the Z axis.

From above calculations, 0.75 X Vc = 2661.553 kN

Critical load case for Vuz is # 103 45.409 kN

0.75 X Vc > Vuz hence, OK

Design for Flexure about Z Axis

(For Reinforcement Parallel to X Axis)

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Calculate the flexural reinforcement along the X direction of the footing. Find the area of steel required, A, as per Section 3.8 of Reinforced Concrete
Design (5th ed.) by Salmon and Wang (Ref. 1)

Critical Load Case # 103

The strength values of steel and concrete used in the formulae are in ksi

Factor from ACI Cl. = 0.850

From ACI Cl. 10.3.2, = 0.02222

From ACI Cl. 10.3.3, = 0.01667

From ACI Cl. 7.12.2, = 0.00162

From Ref. 1, Eq. 3.8.4a, constant m = 21.647

Calculate reinforcement ratio for critical load case

Design for flexure about Z axis is

performed at the face of the column 1.750 m
at a distance, Dx =

Ultimate moment, 148.673 kNm

Nominal moment capacity, Mn = 165.192 kNm

Required = 0.00006

Since OK

Area of Steel Required, As = 6918.296 mm2

Selected bar Size = # 16

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 84.824 mm

Smin < = S < = Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size...

The reinforcement is accepted.

According to ACI 318-05 Clause No- 10.6.4
Max spacing for Cracking Consideration = 217.639 mm

Safe for Cracking Aspect.

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

# 16 @ 2032.000 mm o.c.

Required development length for bars = = 0.305 m

Available development length for bars, DL

1.200 m
Try bar size # 16 Area of one bar = 201.064 mm2

Number of bars required, Nbar = 35

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Because the number of bars is rounded up, make sure new reinforcement ratio < max

Total reinforcement area, As_total = Nbar X (Area of one bar) = 7037.244 mm2
deff = D - Ccover - 0.5 X (dia. of one bar) 1.442 m

Reinforcement ratio, = 0.00163

From ACI Cl.7.6.1, minimum req'd clear max (Diameter of one bar, 1.0, 84.824 mm
distance between bars, Cd = Min. User Spacing) =

Check to see if w idth is sufficient to accomodate bars

Design for Flexure about X axis

(For Reinforcement Parallel to Z Axis)

Calculate the flexural reinforcement along the Z direction of the footing. Find the area of steel required, A, as per Section 3.8 of Reinforced Concrete
Design (5th ed.) by Salmon and Wang (Ref. 1)

Critical Load Case # 103

The strength values of steel and concrete used in the formulae are in ksi

Factor from ACI Cl. = 0.850

From ACI Cl. 10.3.2, = 0.02222

From ACI Cl. 10.3.3, = 0.01667

From ACI Cl.7.12.2, = 0.00162

From Ref. 1, Eq. 3.8.4a, constant m = 21.647

Calculate reinforcement ratio for critical load case

Design for flexure about X axis is

performed at the face of the column 1.750 m
at a distance, Dz =

Ultimate moment, 89.650 kNm

Nominal moment capacity, Mn = 99.611 kNm

Required = 0.00004

Since OK

Area of Steel Required, As = 6840.596 mm2

Selected Bar Size = # 25

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 221.154 mm

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Smin < = S < = Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size...

The reinforcement is accepted.

According to ACI 318-05 Clause No- 10.6.4
Max spacing for Cracking Consideration = 217.639 mm

UnSafe for Cracking Aspect.

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

# 25 @ 5588.000 mm o.c.

Required development length for bars = = 0.305 m

Available development length for bars, DL

1.200 m
Try bar size # 25 Area of one bar = 490.870 mm2

Number of bars required, Nbar = 14

Because the number of bars is rounded up, make sure new reinforcement ratio < max

Total reinforcement area, As_total = Nbar X (Area of one bar) = 6872.180 mm2
deff = D - Ccover - 0.5 X (dia. of one bar) 1.418 m

Reinforcement ratio, = 0.00162

From ACI Cl.7.6.1, minimum req'd clear max (Diameter of one bar, 1.0, 221.154 mm
distance between bars, Cd = Min. User Spacing) =

Check to see if w idth is sufficient to accomodate bars

Bending moment for uplift cases will be calculated based solely on selfweight, soil depth and surcharge loading.

As the footing size has already been determined based on all servicebility load cases, and design moment calculation is based on selfweight, soil depth
and surcharge only, top reinforcement value for all pure uplift load cases will be the same.

Design For Top Reinforcement Parallel to Z Axis

Calculate the flexural reinforcement for M x . Find the area of steel required

The strength values of steel and concrete used in the formulae are in ksi

Factor from ACI Cl. = 0.850

From ACI Cl. 10.3.2, = 0.02222

From ACI Cl. 10.3.3, = 0.01667

From ACI Cl. 7.12.2, = 0.00162

From Ref. 1, Eq. 3.8.4a, constant m = 21.647

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Calculate reinforcement ratio for critical load case

Design for flexure about A axis is

performed at the face of the column 1.750 m
at a distance, Dx =

Ultimate moment, 172.256 kNm

Nominal moment capacity, Mn = 191.396 kNm

Required = 0.00007

Since OK

Area of Steel Required, As = 6840.596 mm2

Selected bar Size = # 25

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 221.154 mm

Smin < = S < = Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size...

The reinforcement is accepted.

According to ACI 318-05 Clause No- 10.6.4
Max spacing for Cracking Consideration = 217.639 mm

Safe for Cracking Aspect.

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

# 25 @ 221 mm o.c.

Design For Top Reinforcement Parallel to X Axis

First load case to be in pure uplift #

Calculate the flexural reinforcement for M z. Find the area of steel required

The strength values of steel and concrete used in the formulae are in ksi

Factor from ACI Cl. = 0.850

From ACI Cl. 10.3.2, = 0.02222

From ACI Cl. 10.3.3, = 0.01667

From ACI Cl.7.12.2, = 0.00162

From Ref. 1, Eq. 3.8.4a, constant m = 21.647

Calculate reinforcement ratio for critical load case

Design for flexure about A axis is

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performed at the face of the column

at a distance, Dx = 1.750 m

Ultimate moment, 172.256 kNm

Nominal moment capacity, Mn = 191.396 kNm

Required = 0.00007

Since OK

Area of Steel Required, As = 6918.296 mm2

Selected bar Size = # 16

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 84.824 mm

Smin < = S < = Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size...

The reinforcement is accepted.

According to ACI 318-05 Clause No- 10.6.4
Max spacing for Cracking Consideration = 217.639 mm

UnSafe for Cracking Aspect.

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

# 16 @ 84 mm o.c.

Pedestal Design Calculations

Critical Load Case: 103

Strength and Moment Along Reinforcement in X direction

Bar size : 10 mm
Number of Bars : 28
Steel Area : 1999.9999
Neutral Axis Depth (Xb): 0.0734 m

Strength and Moment from Concrete

Cc = 662.569 kN

Mc = 144.981 kNm

Calculate strength and moment from one bar.

Distance between extreme fiber and db 0.066 m


Strain in bar, = 0.0003

Maximum Strain, = 0.0023


60210.783 kN/ m2



13.710 kN/ m2

31.334 kN

5.765 kNm

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Total Bar Capacity, Cs = - kN


Capacity of Column = Cc + Cs = -14.667 kN

Total Bar Moment, Ms = 147.671 kNm

Total Moment = Mc + Ms = 292.652 kNm

Strength and Moment Along Reinforcement in Z direction

Bar size : 10 mm
Number of Bars : 28
Steel Area : 1999.9999
Neutral Axis Depth (Xb): 0.0734 m

Strength and Moment from Concrete

Cc = 662.569 kN

Mc = 144.981 kNm

Calculate strength and moment from one bar.

Distance between extreme fiber db 0.066 m

and bar,

Strain in bar, = 0.0003

Maximum Strain, = 0.0023


60210.783 kN/ m2



13.710 kN/ m2

31.334 kN

5.765 kNm

Total Bar Capacity, Cs = - kN


Capacity of Column = Cc + Cs = -14.667 kN

Total Bar Moment, Ms = 147.671 kNm

Total Moment = Mc + Ms = 292.652 kNm

Check for bi- axial bending, 0.588

Design Moment Mnx= 188.649 kNm

Design Moment Mnz= 6.013 kNm

Total Moment Mox= 292.657 kNm

Total Moment Moz= 292.657 kNm

if Mnx or Mnz = 0, then = 1.0

otherwise, = 1.24

Print Calculation Sheet

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