Wrecks. Steps

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Sir, an unknown ship was found wrecked on the shore located at the east!

Sir, the ship's condition was too damaged. There were so far no survivors found...

Keep finding!

But we tried, sir!



What was that cry?

A child? ...survivor?


Sir...over here...!

Wrecks. Steps.

Is this...?


This must be a miracle...

Year 1610: A toddler was discovered on the shore of Japan secured in the arms of a pair of
disfigured couple as a result of an accident of a wrecked foreign ship.

Only one survivor was discovered.

Origins: unknown.


There were nothing but void.

I could hear nothing. Not even when I try.

I could bite nothing. There was nothing to bite.

I could smell nothing. Not a familiar scent at all.

I could feel nothing as I touch. Not even when I reached out my hand.
I could not rest. Is that not even granted for me?


He opened his eyes to see a pair of another.

Wah, Ulquiorra-kun! a slightly high-pitched voice exclaimed. You're awake. Are you okay? You
looked like you were having a bad dream.

The moment she drew back, he sat up rigidly on the bed and buried his eyes onto his palm.

Having no reply from him, she chuckled apologetically, I was about to wake you up. It's time for
dinner by the way. Be quick else the others will finish everything in no time!

He said nothing but stared as she trotted away to the next room, calling the children for dinner after
knocking on their bedroom doors. The cyan-eyed looked around the room of his own and only his own.
Mostly because no children would agree to being in the same room as him.

We're coming, Kotori-neesan! the children's excited yelps and trots could be heard along the hallway,
but trailed off when they came face to face to a solemn, pale face just coming out of a room. Ulquiorra
merely glanced at them before walking away, leaving the children whispering among each other until
he disappeared into a corner.

What's wrong, everyone?

Kotori-neesan! the children surrounded her, that guy, what was his name again? He looks scary!

Kotori smiled, tightening her hug on them. He might be quiet, but he's not scary at all. It's true that
Ulquiorra-kun might look special, but his heart is just the same as everyone's.

They gazed at her in hope of understanding deeper of what the sisterly-figure just said.

Come on, let's go, before dinner's finished, she interjected their thoughts, and the children nodded
before rushing off down the hall, with Kotori calling out be careful, do not run in the hallways!

The moment she turned around the corner, Ulquiorra was there, standing silently and staring, catching
her by surprise. What's wrong, Ulquiorra-kun?

The cyan-eyed merely bowed in gratitude- he must have heard what she said- and walked away again.
Kotori smiled a little in return, then a small sigh escaped her lips. If only he tried talking more, and if
only the other kids would try to understand him...the principal and she were the only ones who he ever
tried to communicate in this orphanage, despite just gestures, yet it was understandable because in fact,
this child initially came from a foreign land of a differing language resulted from an accident. It was
tough for any communication at all in the beginning, for he remembered nothing but his own name, but
slowly and gradually, he took years to learn the Japanese language and finally managed to understand
what the other children spoke of. Yet

Ulquiorra-kun, we'll be playing hide-and-seek in a little while, why dont you join us? Kotori asked
the cyan-eyed boy who was sitting in the corner of the room, looking out of the window to the sky in
silence so that his back would be facing the crowd. He could hear some of the children fussed
unpleasantly when the brunette asked for his participation.

He stared -which looked very much like a frown- at the girl before him for a moment. Kotori. Her eyes
were slightly hazel in contrast to his green ones, which matched her tied-back, light brown-shaded,
waist-length hair waving gracefully on her yukata. Her height was almost the same as his if he stood
up, though her figure seemed petite at the first glance. Ulquiorra shook his head in refusal.

But the more, the merrier.

He shook his head again and shifted his gaze back to the scenery at the window, a sign he was
unwilling to continue the conversation any longer.

Kotori withdrew her initially extended hand with disappointment, inwardly hoping he would stop
isolating himself after six years of arrival. Though, the refusal was easily understood for the fuss
coming from the other peers behind her grew louder, so she did not force him.

Kotori-chan, c'mon! one of the children urged.

Kotori waved, Ulquiorra-kun, if you feel like joining, please, feel free to do so anytime, she smiled
and ran outdoors along with the group. He exhaled, listening to the noisy steps and fluttering of
clothing disappearing from the orphanage.

As the group ran further out to the fields with the older caretakers calling them to not run too far,
Ulquiorra just sat and watched.

A deep voice and small coughs from behind approached. Ulquiorra-kun, are you not going to spend
some time outdoors? The weather's lovely today.

...principal, the cyan-eyed greeted and with a nod, stood up. How is your health?

I'm good, Ulquiorra-kun. Better, in fact. Don't worry, a man, probably in his late seventies, smiled
gently, bending to the child's level while tousling his hair, why don't you speak with others like you do
with me? I'm sure you'll be friends with them in no time.

He shook his head. There was no meaning to that act with the others, for the young child knew how
repulsed the others felt towards his eccentric looks of albino skin and cyan-colored eyes. He knew they
wished to not have anything to do with him, all because of his differing outlook and mother tongue.
How cruel to judge others by appearance, despite the fact Ulquiorra was deep down a simple child like
any other

But thats what children are- selfish, judgmental, acting according to their own wishes without a single
care of how others feel at all as long as they liked it. The young boy learned that the harsh way by his
own, and had since been knowing the best solution: not having anything to do with them, too. Even so
the children cant be blamed, because thats how children are, and the sadder part is the fact all of them
have to spend their childhood in an orphanageso whats wrong with complying with their wishes to
at least make each others lives less miserable?

And Ulquiorra was fine with it, because all he needed was just one person after all- as long as the
principal, who he looked up to as a father figure is there, who accepted him without conditions after the
death of his parents and took great care of him, it was more than enough. Aside from that, no one else
was needed- he preferred alone, the way he found peace in solitude.

The other understood as much, thus merely smiled without pushing any further. He was the only one
who understood Ulquiorra perfectly, also knowing that he was in a way more mature than any other
children of his age.

I understand. Take as much time as you need. Now off you go, but be careful.

Ulquiorra nodded and ran out from the orphanage.


I can't stand him, he's already pale and look weird, he won't speak a single word to boot! Why would
you even associate yourself with a person like him, Kotori-chan?

Kotori hung her head low as her friends and she were running, in the midst of looking for a place to
hide. But...he's always alone. He looks so...sad.

That's none of our business, isn't it? You've been calling him to join our activities every time, yet he
still refused. Then again it'd give me creeps knowing he's anywhere near us...

Ulquiorra-kun isn't any different than us inside, why would anyone feel afraid of him? she started to

Ahh, Kotori-chan, you... her friends waved in defeat, then stopped when they heard footsteps near
them. Is that the 'oni' (seeker)? We should split!

The group agreed and ran to different directions when a voice not too far from them cheered I hear
them! Let's go!

The other girls screamed from impulse, naturally luring the seekers away from Kotori as she hurried
into the woods nearby. It was dark and ideal for hiding, but the small forest being a regular hiding spot
for other children might not help much either...nevertheless, the moment she found a bush, she
proceeded to hide behind them, that was when she heard rustles and small meows coming from inside
the bushes.

She peeked from the cracks to see a litter of kittens in a man-made bed made from wooden boxes,
stuffed with rugged cloths. The kitten's meowing captured her heart instantly and she lifted it up gently.
How cute!

But who would- her thoughts were interrupted, shoulders tensing immediately upon hearing pants and
footsteps behind her.

It was a familiar albino. The look on his face was that of frantic when he saw her and a kitten in her

Ulquiorra-kun? Why would you... she trailed off when she realized he was staring solemnly at the
ball of fur. It then jumped off and ran up to the other. Realization hit her. So it was you who made this

He did not reply, but walked to the nest he built and placed the cat back to where other kittens were.

This is awesome! Ulquiorra-kun, you like cats too?!

'Too'. Her exclamation caught him by surprise that he just blinked wordlessly at the brunette, eagerness
written all over her face. Now to think of it, no one would be able to know this fact, which he never did
reveal, because the orphanage strictly forbade pets.

How long have they been living here? How adorable! she caressed the kittens, giggling all the while.
One of them licked her finger, catching the other by further surprise to see his pets warming up to this
newcomer. His eyes softened while looking at her, then patted the meowing ball of fur.

A louder voice cut off their moment, Hey, I heard a voice coming from inside the forest!

It caused Kotori to cringe- she must've exclaimed too loud from excitement and albeit instantly
regretted it, looked around for another place to hide. The brunette was taken by surprise when
Ulquiorra grabbed her wrist and brought her deeper into the forest, showing her a better place for her


He nodded and pulled her down so that they were both concealed behind a dark, much thicker bush.
The other was staring at him with wide eyes all the while as he placed a finger on his lips. And then
they could hear footsteps just on the other side of the bush, shadows lingering through the cracks.

There seem to be no one?

But Rei said she ran towards this direction.

Kotori's shoulders tensed again. That Rei-chan! Why did she give out on my whereabouts?!

However, Ulquiorra understood immediately when she saw her pouting, tracing circles on the ground
with her finger in an upset manner. He started crawling past her when she grabbed his sleeve, giving
him a questioning look. He just nodded his head and resumed crawling under the bushes.

Who's there?! one of the seekers called. Alas their excitement died as quickly as it came when they
saw Ulquiorra standing not too far from where they were. He stared back at them from the shades
casted by the trees, causing the other two to fumble. Uhh...

II think there's no one else here. We should look somewhere else. The other agreed and the duo ran
off in a hasty manner.

Kotori stood up no longer after. Thank...you...

He stoically turned and walked away, it made her felt a pang of guilt that he had to face another harsh
treatment just to help her.
I'm sorry! Kotori chased after him...to where the kindles were. She watched as he pulled a pack of his
leftover lunch from his Yukata which he gave to them.

She squatted beside him. Can I come to see them from time to time too?

Ulquiorra merely glanced, saying nothing as usual. Her grin widened, taking it as a 'yes' as she
continued to spend the time beside the silent raven...

I won! Kotori cheered among the group of young teen, being the only remaining hider to not be

Unfair, Kotori-san! You must have gone out of bounds! complained the seekers.

Wha- by my life I swear I did not!

The latter hung their heads in mix of disappointment and defeat.

Then where were you? I was certain you ran into the forest, but they said they couldn't find anyone in
there, Rei giggled.

As I've expected, it's you after all, Rei-chan! Why did you even tell them about my hiding spot?

My bad, my bad, slip of the tongue, she grinned, but her friend puffed her cheeks, still, where were

Kotori looked to the window, where a certain albino was sitting and watching them as usual. She gave a
wide grin and said, It's a secret.

It surprised him, he bit the inside of his mouth a little and turned away.

That moment, a small tingle lit in his chest.


Kotori glanced around the room, a certain cyan-eyed not in sight. She quickly swept the leftovers on
her plate to a paper hidden under the sleeve of her yukata, wrapped it in a hurry and went out of the


Feeling as if her heart would leap out of her chest from shock, she stopped dead on her tracks. E-Emi-
neesan, she greeted, adding a forced giggle at an elder caretaker.

Where are you going alone right after dinner? Didn't the principal advised all of you not to do so at
night? Children have been disappearing everywhere in town nowadays-

I'm just going out for a walk for digestion! I'll be back very quick, I promise! she grinned and ran out
before the older woman could say anything.

Geez, that child...

As expected, Ulquiorra was already at the bushes where the cats resided, feeding them with leftovers of
his dinner. He looked up across his shoulders at Kotori, running towards him with a wave.

I've brought more food for the kittens! she laid it out next to his. No wonder you ate so little and
fast. So, here is where your food goes to...

...? Ulquiorra raised an eyebrow- she spoke as if she had been watching him the whole time.

You shouldn't do that, Ulquiorra-kun. You're a boy and you have to eat enough. I'll bring my share of
meal too, so make sure you eat more.

He stared.


After a few moments of silent and intense staring from the pair of brown-eyes, he nodded with
uncertainty, which caused the other to laugh.


Her eyes widened. It was so rare to hear his voice that it rendered her blank with surprise. Eh?

Don't you have to eat more too?

A-ah, I-I'll be fine! I'm a girl afterall, I'll be fine! she waved madly in front of her face. Ulquiorra
simply stared before nodding.

thank you.

Thats a surprisethis is how his voice sounds like

Its surprisinglygentle.

The two shifted their attention back to the family of cats. In the dark, she could feel the edge of her face
twitching, her insides blooming with joy in hope that the other wouldn't notice any weirdness about her.
This first step of Ulquiorra talking might be the time her long-wished for him to gain friends and be
part of the group to be granted.

In all of the sudden, Ulquiorra stood up. Kotori quickly wiped her smile before looking up to him.

He did nothing more than staring. Self-consciousness grew in her as her eyes met his, her heart beat
increased to the point she might have imagined she could hear them drumming in her ears.

W-what is it? she forced to utter while standing up as well in fear that he might see through her mask
to a weird smile and rapid heartbeat hidden underneath. A slight turn of his head had Kotori
understanding his intentions with a click. Oh, yeah, we should before it gets dark completely.

Ulquiorra nodded, proceeding to walk back to the orphanage with her falling behind. Eventhough they
were both wearing Yukata's, his pace was somehow still far quicker than hers. The moment he realized
he was walking alone, he looked across his shoulders at Kotori who was half pacing half running, and
stopped until she caught up.

For a moment, she was surprised that the other actually waited. I'm...sorry.

As usual, no replies were given, but this time he matched his pace to Kotori's so that she was walking
beside him. The two stayed in silence as they both walked side by side, darkness of the night setting in
while the brunette set her eyes on the ground, trying her best not to freak the other out by an inwardly
rapid growth of joy from discovering an unseen side of the quiet boy.

Among the sounds of insects, leaf rustling slowly with the slightest night breeze, accompanied by
footsteps belonging to two children, Kotori would every now and then shift her gaze to the boy beside
her, stealing glances of his figure. As she had believed all along, albeit being slightly odd, Ulquiorra
was, after all, a nice person like everyone else. He was not much different than any of them...

Ah, Ulquiorra could suddenly hear a small sigh, followed with a slight tug on the sleeves of his
Yukata. Kotori pointed up to the sky with a smile. Though there were still a little light from the sunset,
it was already entirely, beautifully illuminated with stars.

He looked up too, his eyes focused to a gloriously shining globe among the blinking dots, hung
brilliantly above at the dimly-lit sky.

It reminded him of the recurring dreams- an entirely dark world. The numbness took over his senses
whole that he could feel nothing. He was hungry, yet he knew of nothing to be done to quench it. Even
so, in that silent despair...

He could see the moon, the only light that accompanied him, somehow bringing comfort in a way of
letting him know he was alive- the view of the moon that was so similar to the very one he was staring
this very moment...accompanied too with a small clutch on his sleeve.

Unnoticed by anyone at that moment, his lips lifted into a tiny smile.


Ulquiorra sat alone on the ground outdoors, his back against the outer layer of the walls of orphanage.
Being in the backyard, he would keep himself from other people- some peace he needed to dive into his
own world.

An image of a much familiar brunette appeared in his mind. He looked to his side, wondering why she
would pop up in his thoughts, but...Ulquiorra could feel a very small feel of flutter in his chest.

Then he began to wonder, who is she? What on Earth is she?

Does she know where she came from? How did she end up at this place? And...
Sets of footsteps with a high squeal drawing near broke him from his train of thoughts. He looked up to
see Kotori and a kid running to where he was.

Yuu-chan, don't wander off by yourself! Kotori quickly caught the high-spirited girl before noticing
Ulquiorra. She greeted him with a smile, as if answering his mental question.

Can't be a human. Maybe a 'kitsune'*. He reacted with a nod.

*Source from Wikipedia: Kitsune is the Japanese word for fox. Foxes are a common subject of
Japanese folklore. Stories depict them as intelligent beings and as possessing magical abilities
that increase with their age and wisdom.

Come on, let's go back before you wander off too far, she led the child to where the others are.
Ulquiorra did not budge and closed his eyes, in verge of returning to his thoughts when he heard
footsteps again. This time it was Kotori alone before him.

It is okay if...? she pointed to the space beside him.

And although there were more than plenty of bare space for two, the boy scooted slightly to the side,
indicating a 'yes', albeit a slight confusion to her request. Her grin widened in appreciation as she
proceeded to sit beside him. The two gazed out to the field of greenery and farm.

What are you doing here alone?


He's always alone after all.

Maybe I shouldnt urge him to join us yet, weve just started talking recently and doing this might make
him uncomfortable... I heard more children went missing out in the town. I don't think there will be
such cases here but be careful, Ulquiorra-kun.


Also, a new caretaker came today. His name is Hideo, you'll meet him soon!

Kotori-chan, we'll be going to the market anytime now! one of the caretakers called from afar.

In a minute! she called back, I'll be off then. We're having hot pot for lunch today!

A nod.

She smiled and stood up, dusting the dirt off her Yukata. I can't wait for the harvesting season again
next year, then we would have more dishes, don't you agree?

Another nod. His mind slightly wandered off to the image of the farm filled with crops, his eyes

Then a laugh came from his side out of the blue, causing the child to wonder why. The moment he
turned to look for answers from the oddball beside, he almost jumped back to see her staring at him
from where she was standing.

Sorry, while you were spacing out I just...you must be thinking about the growing crops, weren't
you? she chuckled when he tightened his lips in response, indicating she was right. On another note,
Ulquiorra-kun...I just noticed how green your eyes really are. They remind me of the forest.

... unsure of what to reply from a small surprise, he stayed motionless for moment.

The moment he started to look away, she added They're beautiful, there's no reason for you to advert

And the last sentence caught him by shock- a foreign sensation of heat tickled his cheeks. It was the
first time anyone ever told him something of the sort, at the same time realizing how true her statement

He might not have noticed it, but indeed, perhaps it was because of the umpteen judgments around him,
he either had chosen or had automatically avoiding eye contact with others beside the principal, a habit
subconsciously formed to conceal the unavoidable peculiarity of his as long as possible. To be told his
bizarrely-colored eyes were 'beautiful' was entirely new for the albino...

Awkwardly cupping a fist against his lips he turned his face away, causing Kotori to wonder. ...?

...Kotori-san too...

She jolted a little in surprise as the other slowly suppressed the burning sensation on his face, still with
a fist cupping his cheek, tried to look at Kotori in the eye.

Your eyes...are brown. It matches well with your hair... Ulquiorra trailed off, half-hiding his face onto
his knees brought close to chest.

It was both amazing and pleasant to finally hear him speak again that Kotori looked away, her cheeks
starting to heat up as well before she burst into a louder chuckle. Thank you, Ulquiorra-kun! It seems
like I should practice holding eye contacts as well, too.

He gave her a puzzled look.

She waved a little. NoI was just thinking how others will notice the forest in your eyes if you'll let
them. See you for lunch!

His eyes widened. Ulquiorra shifted his gaze to the ground, deep in thought of her words as she walked

She must be a 'kitsune'.

-That night-

Kotori-chan! What happened to Ulquiorra-san?! He wouldn't stop glaring; it's scaring other children
...be nice, Rei-chan. I think hes making an effort to make eye-contact...


Ulquiorra was about to head to the door of orphanage right after lunch when someone called out to

Umm, your name is Ulquiorra-kun, right? an unfamiliar face asked. Ulquiorra nodded a little. I'm a
new caretaker, my name's Hideo, nice to meet you!

Ulquiorra lifted his eyes and bowed. He remembered, it was the new guy Kotori mentioned.

Don't be so formal! I heard a lot about you by the way. I'm still new at this place so I hope you'll give
me guidance from now on, he laughed, it basically means you're my senior or something, isn't it?

Is this guy a kitsune too? The albino gave a slow nod.

I'm sorry, are you going out somewhere?

He quickly shook his head, not wanting anyone to know about the kittens...except Kotori, who
accidentally discovered the secret for God knows why.

Hideo chuckled. It's true that you're as quiet as they say. Where are you from, Ulquiorra-kun?

The cyan-eyed was beginning to feel slightly awkward from the non-stop talk. He was not used to
lengthy conversation with people he has not gotten comfortable with, especially ones he had just met.
Inwardly he was starting to wonder how this person and Kotori did not get crept out from his
appearance...though he slightly understood the reason for the latter because apparently, after living
under the same roof for so many years, the way she treated everyone was equal.


Does that mean he felt comfortable around Kotori?

Ahh, the exclamation brought him back to reality, your eyes are just as green as Kotori-chan said.
They're indeed pretty!

Ulquiorra blushed instantly, his hand curled into a fist in an instant and was cupped to his lips, taking a
few steps back in the process. Why would the brunette speak of him to a newcomer, and were there
possibly be more than one kitsune in this orphanage- a species that are specially interested in humans
that they don't find anything repulsive or disgusting in the latter? He quickly scanned around the room
but Kotori was not in sight.

A kitsune comrade!

Hideo roared in laughter, causing the other to jump in astonishment. He had to increase the pressure in
his fist, as if it would suppress the burning heat on his face. You're such a nice child, Ulquiorra-kun! I
think I'll stop disturbing you, let's talk again some other time! he walked away.

Ulquiorra watched until the man was out of sight, then quickly went out of the orphanage. He literally
dashed into the forest, heading to where the kittens were, and expected to see Kotori there.

Ulqui- what happened?! she was in the midst of feeding the kittens.

Face still red, he shut his eyes tight, shaking his head from side to side wildly. Kotori froze, her first
time seeing him in that state, but Ulquiorra hastily fished a pack of leftovers from his Yukata, sprawled
it on the ground for the kittens and turned his back to her so that he could hide his face, all the while
trying to ignore a pair of eyes upon him.

The brunette tilted her head slightly in confusion. Are you okay...?

He shook his head regardless. He tried to part his lips to ask the reason for her telling about his eyes to
Hideo, but shut them, and opened, but shut them again. It repeated a few times that feeling of silliness
gradually replaced the heat on his cheeks whilst the brunette tried to not let a chuckle escape from
amusement behind him. But of course, Kotori was one of the children who went well with everyone
(which in case, was pretty well-known in the small refuge), why would she not introduce him, usually
the first eye-catcher freak of the house?

Nonetheless, the cyan-eyed felt a tugging sensation in his chest when he thought of how she must have
complimented about him to others...

Did she mention about the kittens as well? The question came like a pang and he turned swiftly around.
To Hideo-san...umm...did you tell him about... he glanced at the kindles.

The confusion was replaced with a smile, This is our secret.

He relaxed, a small sigh of relief escaped his lips.

Still, Hideo-niisan looks like a nice person. If you ever want to let him know, I think it would be

A slight hesitation appeared as he went to squat beside Kotori- he had just met the man and wasn't
feeling convinced to let him know the two broke an ironclad rule of the orphanage right away. Out of
the blue, he felt light paws crawling its way up on his back. He tried looking over his shoulders.

Kotori laughed at the sight of a kitten now sitting on the raven's head, They are indeed very attached
to you!

Ulquiorra inwardly blushed a little in bliss, gently lifting the kitten off and cradled it in his arms. It
meowed in return, pleased with the warmth in his arms, before curling into a ball.

How did you find them here? Where is the mother?

His expression darkened. He put the kitten back with the rest. ...the parent passed away.
Kotori pursed her lips in an instant.

I found the kittens surrounding the mother two months ago. I buried her here, he pointed to a small
lump on the ground just beside the box.

Just like how his parents left him.

I'm...sorry... she mumbled apologetically.

The genuineness was imminent in her voice. Yet Ulquiorra knew there were all sharing the same fate,
the reason they ended up under the same roof, so why is she the only one apologizing...?

He wasn't sure how to assure her so he awkwardly raised his hand...and patted her head, a mimic he
often sees of how older caretakers console other children. Kotori was astonished and her eyes popped
wide open, causing the other to immediately withdraw his hand with a blush of embarrassment.

Thank you, Ulquiorra-kun! she chirped.

She cheers up so easily. The tugging sensation on his chest returned, this time he couldn't help but
smile. She perked up.


...you smiled!

His eyebrows furrowed in embarrassment, the heat on his face returning as well as the feeling of his
chest tightening right away.

Do it once again!

S-stop... he covered his face with a palm, trying to look away- on that second he realized he could
stammer, too.

I-I'm sorry! she spoke in between her uncontrollable chortle. Not that the bright voice of laughter
helped anything with the stiffening sensation- if anything, it actually worsened it. But it wasnt as if felt
bad at all...

...what is this? A magic of kitsune?


One winter day.

Have you found him yet?!


A commotion woke a cyan-eyed from his slumber in the bedroom. Rubbing his eyes, he spontaneously
looked to the window- the sun had just barely risen, what's with the major uproar outside?
He slowly walked out to see the adults running all around the orphanage, some crying, the others
shouting. Eventually, the rest of the children woke up, peeking from respective room. They could hear
something about discovering one side of a pair of sandals not too far from where the orphanage was,
and that the other one was nowhere to be found.

What's wrong, Megumi-neesan? some of them asked.

Everyone! the caretaker, for a second, opened her mouth to tell them to get back to bed. She
hesitated, then decided to ask Have you seen Akihiro-kun?

The children looked at each other with uncertainty, shaking their heads.

A sleepy voice answered, I think...I saw him going out of the room...

Some of the adults stopped whatever they were doing and gathered around the kid who mumbled the
previous statement. Masahito-kun? Arent you roommates with Akihiro-kun? Say that again! When
did that happen?!

His shoulders stiffened, not at all expecting the sudden attention of literally everyone under the roof,
which was knocking the grogginess out of him effectively. I'm n-not sure. I w-was in the middle of
my sleep but woke up by the sound of the room door creaking open, but I went back to sleep no longer
after. I thought he was going to the washroom...

A women wept. Did he wander off by his own? Even though we told the children not to...

More footsteps shifted in the room. Whispers among the adults grew louder. Children started mumbling
among themselves.

Please keep an eye on the young ones, none should wander off anymore. We'll try looking for him, he
shouldn't be too far, the men requested to the women before more went outdoors, in which the latter
complied. Ulquiorra watched as each of the children were ushered back into the room, though his eyes
caught a shade of brown hurrying to the exit in reflex. Immediately his legs moved towards where the
shade disappeared to, but a hand extended right in front of him before he could go further.

Ulquiorra-kun, I'm sorry but please stay in your room a little longer until this is settled, the principal
asked in a soft yet hushed manner.

Ulquiorra regained his senses. As much as the other wanted to head to the exit as well, he nodded as
calm as possible and slowly went back into his room, closing the door behind him. Although, the
moment the albino did so, he looked around from his window to make sure no adults were on sight, and
lightly leaped through it. He caught the outlines of the suspected person not too far and chased all the
while keeping his body low from sight, doing his best to silence footsteps against the grass until he was
far enough from the patrolled area, then dashed forward.

It was a matter of time before he caught her wrist, eliciting a half-scream from the target.

U-Ulquiorra-kun! gasped Kotori, why are you here- she looked around in panic for others.
Don't wander off by yourself, please... he panted.

With that and seeing he came alone, her eyes widened a little with ease and realization before lowering
its gaze. Somehow, as the panic had gone away, it caused reality to settle easier in and her eyes started
to swim in tears.

It was their comrade; her friend she grew up with for years in the same place. One day he was talking
cheerfully with her, the next he disappeared. Gone. Without a trace nor any assurance of his safety. And
he was only but a young 13 years-old. There's no way I can sit still...he was still with all of us
yesterday, and now Akihiro-kun is...Akihiro-kun is...

He frowned. That does not mean you should take it upon yourself to do it all alone. It's dangerous.

That was far too true and she knew it. Kotori said no more, her gaze fixed on her sandals. Ulquiorra
kept his silence too as the brunette's shoulders started trembling, tears falling onto the ground beneath
her. His hold on her wrist tightened.

Ulquiorra waited. Waited for her to say more, to stop being silent and wipe the depression of her face
with a usual smile. But it never came.

And so he realized he disliked seeing her like this. Not the quiet, dejected, woebegone look. He wanted
to see the usual Kotori right now, her cheerful laughter, her smile...for him.

But he did not know what to do at that moment besides staying by her side and holding her wrist, in
hope of his inward assurance of 'everything will be okay' pass through in any way somehow.

Hey! a shout from afar drew their attention. It was Hideo, running up to them. A sudden panic stroke
Ulquiorra while he stood rigid, mind blank from any actions beside watching the other jogging up to
them. How did he found out: God knows, but he sure knows of the consequence of getting caught...
How did the two of you got here? Both of you should know you shouldn't run out at this time, he
saw the younger girl crying and squatted to her level, Now, now, Kotori-chan. We're trying our best to
find Akihiro-kun too, everything will be okay... he wiped the tears off her face and tousled her hair.

She nodded in between her sobs.

Come, stop the tears. This is not the usual Kotori-chan now, isn't it?

She gave a few more nods and tried smiling a little.


It was that easy. Watching from the sides, a foreign unsettling sensation boiled in his chest seeing how
easy the other man achieved something he wanted to do so much...for himself. Ulquiorra let go of her
wrist and Hideo smiled at the albino.

Let's go back before the others start panicking. We don't want them to get worried for anymore
disappearances now, don't we?

The two young teen nodded reluctantly, following Hideo back to the orphanage. Despite having the
other adults already alarmed of their absence, Hideo calmly stated that they were simply helping him
out in the search the whole time, successfully absolving the two of the adults' anger. Ulquiorra inwardly
felt relieved to be released from one thing, but the other thought was still majorly disturbing him

Stop wandering off else I won't be able to cover for the two of you anymore, got it? he smiled,
sending the two back to their bedrooms.

Goodnight, Hideo-niisan, Ulquiorra-kun... as soon as Kotori went ahead, Ulquiorra glanced at the
caretaker, in which the latter noticed it.

Grinning cheekily, Hideo leaned in and whispered Don't worry, I won't steal Kotori-chan from you.
She's much like a little sister to me.

His eyes widened to the point they looked as if they would fall out from their sockets. He took a few
steps back in a mess of surprise and embarrassment, blushing from ear to ear.

When the room of the brunette was swung open, then shut, signaling she had gone into her room, the
elder male drew back while tittering, I got it right, it seems. You fell for her, didn't you?

The raven's face scrunched in confusion.

Fell for her. As in, falling in love? Umm, seems like you dont get it. Let's see...do you feel happy to
see Kotori-chan?

... Even though I feel happy to see Principal too?

Obviously you do, silly question. What about...feeling comfortable around her?

...I...think so.

Noticing a slight twitch from the albino's eyes, Hideo started to beam. ... is that a yes? It's not certain
yet, let's see...what do you think about opening up to her?


Or maybe feeling a clenching sensation in your chest?

...! his eyes widened, lips tightened visibly. First question was one thing, but to hit so many marks in
one go, especially on the very mystery of his own chest that even he himself did not know, was magic.

A huge fit of laughter erupted from the caretaker. You're so easy to read, Ulquiorra-kun!

Ulquiorra looked away. So...is this what 'falling in love' feels like? He had only read about those in
incredibly few books and poems, wondering the sometimes rather silly actions of those subjects
mentioned with 'love'. Now he may look back and start to wonder the silliness of his own actions
around Kotori...

No worries, Ulquiorra-kun! Kotori-chan is indeed a fine young lady, there's nothing to be ashamed
about! -the moment he said that, Ulquiorra's frown returned a little- ahh, I mean for your age. I like
older women, you see, rest assured. Anyway, this is a secret between men! No one will ever know
about this, he winked animatedly in great amusement and excitement.

The albino's frown slowly disappeared, he began to feel a little appreciation and gratitude for the
person he had just met.

...this is a different type of kitsune, it seems?

But that day--

The missing child was regrettably unable to be found.


A week passed since the disappearance of Akihiro from the orphanage. Massive search was conducted
for five days straight since that day, but no signs or trails were discovered. Eventually everyone gave
up, an official announcement of his disappearance was soon conducted.

It is indeed an unfortunate incident that- the principal's line was interjected with a fit of cough.

Principal, are you okay? some of the caretakers gathered around the frail man. The rest of the
children started to mumble in the main room, Ulquiorra became particularly worried and noticed better
than anyone that the principal had looked weaker ever since, as well as Kotori, whose bags around her
eyes were starting to show.

The principal lifted his hand to signal he was okay, It is indeed an unfortunate incident that Akihiro-
kun went missing. We have all did our best to locate our dear friend, we can now only pray he is in
safety. And as rumor went, some of you may have heard of cases of similar disappearances in towns.

The young ones started to raise their voice frantically among themselves.

Calm down, children. We have no way of confirming if they are tied to Akihiro-kun's disappearance.
But since this is the first time something of this happened, he coughed a little, I request for everyone
not to wander off by your own for the time being. He stepped back with a small nod.

This conclude principal's speech, Emi (one of the caretakers, refer to chapter) announced as she
clapped her hands, Now everyone, it's going to be a new year in less than a month! Although it is
regrettable that Akihiro-kun will not be celebrating with us anymore, let's at least start getting ready for
the upcoming event!

Thus the children dispersed to smaller groups, proceeding to assigned task respectively.

Even though Im new, Im sorry to hear about your friendbut well still have to get ready to stock
up before the food markets and town get into celebration, Hideo approached the albino. So,
Ulquiorra-kun will be assisting me, eh? he replaced the sorry look with a warm smile.

Ulquiorra inwardly cringed a little- more like being assigned to the same task together, judging from
how he was as far as Ulquiorra can observe, it was most probably Hideo wanting and thus requested for
his assistance. Why was this man not afraid of getting close to him like most of the others did,
especially when they had just met not too long ago? They don't even talk much and besides, he read
others a little too easily...


Kotori-chan will be washing clothes by the river with Akiko-san and a few others, would you want to
switch with one of the children?

The younger male quickly looked away, shaking his head slightly but swiftly. It evoked a loud chortle.

I'm just kidding! Come on, let's talk while we start working, he handed a third empty bucket. Their
task was apparently carrying water from a well about twenty minutes walk away from the orphanage.

Hideo did not want to strain the atmosphere with talks of Akihiros disappearance (not that it was any
less awkward), hence started their random conversation. The other day I saw this big, furry monkey in
town, doing some kind of performances! Wow how grand it was! I wish I could do that too, but
though, it was mostly the adult doing childish talks and the child keeping his eyes on his own sandals
in silence. For roles usually reversed, anyone passing by would agree it was a weird sight to
beholdespecially when the child is freakishly white with green eyes.

Ulquiorra was not really listening- while staring at the bucket in his hands, bouncing with every step he
took, he could catch pieces of chicken, new year meal, or something along the random lines of
hanging squids, but his mind would soon wander back to the unspoken question: why is he not
distancing himself from me?

Hideo, for one, albeit looking like an ignorant happy-go-lucky adult, was apparently pretty sharp
however. Apparently his attempt to break the ice went horribly wrong. He stopped talking, noticing
how awkward and uncomfortable Ulquiorra was, and perhaps finally knew why. He decided to change
the topic, going for another attempt.

Hey, hey Ulquiorra-kun. You know, principal's a really nice man! I'm glad that I accepted his offer to
work here, everyone's so helpful. If not...

That finally caught his attention. Ulquiorra glanced at him a little, a questioning stare.

Hideo gave him a small smile, though the latter could see some sadness and force in them. You see,
Ulquiorra-kun, I'm going to tell you a story. Would you mind listening me out?

He looked to his front and nodded.

Hideo chuckled a little, There used to be a boy living in a village, he had an elder brother and
parents...a happy family. It was a peaceful life in the forest. But what do you guess? One day the area
was raided by samurai's. The whole village was caught in the crossfire; the boy's family was also
involved. Seeing the huge commotion in the street, people from the village being killed in front of
him...out of panic, the boy decided it would be a good idea to hide in a closet. And so he did. He
regretted it instantly in the dark, crammed space- it was no more than a torturing trap for him. He could
hear his brother's last tormented scream echoing throughout the house, his father's silenced
He watched through the cracks as his mother desperately protected the access to his hiding place before
being slashed right in front of him...doing her very best to call out for her sons to escape. All that being
witnessed, but the boy was too coward to step out, to save any of his beloved family members. To make
it worse, it was one thing- the boy realized too late it was not a samurai. It was no more than a petty
burglar breaking into our house, taking advantage of the commotion during the raid.

The boy thought he was about to be discovered from his hiding place when a samurai crashed in, and
he knew no more of what happened for he shut his eyes tight from fear. When everything finally settled
down, the boy opened his eyes to see the place he grew up was entirely in fire. No longer allowed to
stay there, he wandered for years and years, with no direction, kin, help, or motive. He loathed himself
for hugging his own body instead of doing anything to save the people he loved. Why did he not take
his own life was probably he was far too coward of a human...but perhaps by grace of God for his
pitiful existence, that might be the reason he met with a kind man who took him into an orphanage.

Listening to Hideo taking in another deep breath, Ulquiorra's lips tightened. The raven set his eyes to
the ground, any confusion towards the man from before was gradually replaced with feelings of sorry.
Everyone living under the same roof could relate to each other so much than he ever thought...

The man convinced him it was okay to be cowardly, that it was okay for wanting to live. If the boy
hadn't met the principal on that day, he would've most probably died a dog's death, albeit frowning
slightly, he laughed a little. Enough about that I guess. I'm sorry if my story bored you. I've always
kind of felt connected to you somehow, I don't know why...it's like I can tell you everything.

He shook his head hard. This explained why Hideo always tried to approach him- maybe the man had
sensed something deep inside from the moment they met, something similar to himself, where they
both survived by love and death of their family, and tied by loneliness. And maybe the man was just
trying to save him from the solitude he always throws himself into...without judging his appearance.

So, he chuckled, erasing the frown on his face, where are you from, Ulquiorra-kun? You don't look
like one of us. I mean...you know...

The other shifted his gaze a little, he gets that a lot.

You're not sure?

...I... started Ulquiorra, ...I may have lost my memories. Principal told me I was saved by some other
villagers from a shipwreck on a shore not too far from here, that I survived by miracle in the arms of
my parents. But I can't remember...

The elder man lifted his eyebrows a little, half delighted for the albino finally spoke to him for the first
time, half feeling sorry for his past. ...I'm sorry to hear that.

He shook his head, Hideo-san sounded like Kotori-san- they apologize way too much. Everyone must
have their own story, that's why we ended up in the same place. You, too...

Hideo beamed. Finally I understand.

Ulquiorra simply stared with a puzzled expression.

I've met plenty of children everywhere, but Ulquiorra-kun, you're really special. My respect for you
gained was brought to a whole new level.

He shifted his eyes to his sandals on impulse, finding sudden interest in them than looking at the other.
The young albino was apparently still not used to compliments...

Now I know why you are so much different from the others. Instead of badmouthing, at such young
age, you have high empathy, you're just as kind as I heard. I'm really glad Kotori-chan told me about
you. She's just like you, seeing the good in everyone, I can pretty much understand why you like her.

That second, Ulquiorra felt his face burn much than ever, a silly question slipped off his tongue from
obligation to answer the question, W-why...how...a-are you a kitsune?

It took a while for the caretaker to digest his question before letting out a loud guffaw, almost having
one of the empty buckets fall into the deep well, Do I look like a fox that trick humans into eating

T-that's not what I mean, he shook his head wildly, but Hideo-san, you can read people easily, you're
not afraid of me...you're nice, just like principal and K-Kotori-san...it's like...magic...

Hideo smiled a little, rubbing the back of his neck in slight embarrassment, you're giving me too much
credit. But it takes very few to know it's the heart that counts, he then smugly jabbed onto his own
chest, and it is very rare to find someone who actually can be said to have a heart. Well, you might
think it's cheesy but it's my personal principle.

...is he talking about the organ?

Anyway, I have Kotori-chan to thank to for allowing me to know more about you. Yet, she seemed
especially troubled by the disappearance of one of your friends lately. She needs to cheer up somehow.

The cyan-eyed quickly turned around. How...?

Hideo lifted an eyebrow just as he was fishing the parts of yet to be frozen water from the well.

How did you make her smile?

He chuckled. Ulquiorra-kun was just being shy, it's in fact not that hard actually. Just say whatever
you're thinking! Im sure shell be happy.

The other tilted his head a little.

Uhh, well...ah, I know, placing both buckets onto the ground briefly, he fished a few candies wrapped
in paper and put them into Ulquiorra's Yukata, I got some candies from town a few days ago.
Ulquiorra opened his mouth to ask if it's okay but was stopped before he could say anything, No. I'm
sure she will cheer up better if you're the one to give these to her.

Again head tilts.

Trust me on this! Whoops, be careful, Hideo swiftly balanced the bucketful of water Ulquiorra was
holding from falling to the ground. Is it heavy? Do you want me to help?

He shook his head, not wanting to trouble the adult any further.

He's not a kitsune...he's a human.

His hold tightened against the handle of the bucket as Hideo shot a grin.

'...it is very rare to find someone who actually can be said to have a heart.' He doesn't seem to be just
talking about the organ.

A kind human...with heart...

The 'heart'.


Right after dinner, Ulquiorra was fast to pack his leftover and headed towards the door.

Ulquiorra-kun, where are you going?

He stopped in ennui upon the question by one of the caretakers, Akiko, hands on her hips in
disapproval. Not daring to look at the other in the eye he reluctantly turned around with his eyes fixed
on the ground.

Principal had just requested for all children to not go anywhere-

He was going to wait for me outside, Akiko-san, Hideo came from behind, raffling Ulquiorra on his

Oh, if Hideo-kun's going along then it's fine, her arms fell, her initial disapproving look burst like a
bubble, where are the two of you going by the way?

We forgot something this afternoon somewhere along the way, we'll be back very soon, he smiled
and guided the young albino towards the exit.

Okay. Be careful!

Once they closed the door behind them, albeit looking slightly worried, Ulquiorra gave a deep bow in
appreciation for his help.

I told you not to be so formal! Hideo patted him on the shoulder repeatedly, Okay, I won't ask where
you are going- the younger male's eyes lit up in gratitude, -but are you sure of going out at this hour?
It's getting dark, it won't be safe-

I'll be careful.

He beamed, giving a big nod, Off you go then, warrior!

Warrior? Ulquiorra's sweat dropped while proceeding into the woods. Upon seeing him, the kittens
meowed happily and started crawling out from their warm blankets. It must've been cold in this harsh
winter, hasn't it? He pulled out a few more worn out rugs and arranged them neatly in the box. While
waiting for a certain someone he fished the packed leftovers and first fed the kittens. I'm sorry, I might
not be able to come as often as anymore...do eat to your heart's content for now.

He looked up to the slightly snowing, quiet, dark sky, it felt a little...just a little...lonely.

I hope she comes tonight...

Sounds of footsteps crunching the layer of snow made him lifted his gaze from the animals. There he
saw Kotori, returning his stare with a somewhat weak smile. He could feel his heart skip a beat.

I managed to sneak out through my room with some warm milk for the kittens.


Kotori just squatted beside the raven in silence, burying half of her face in her arms propped against her
knees as they both watched the kittens chugging down their meals. Ulquiorra glanced at her a little, still
feeling slightly unsettled to see the usual bubbly joy being quiet.

The moment he parted his lips to say something, Kotori mumbled About the other day...I'm sorry for
involving you in trouble.

He pursed them, not knowing how to reply; awkward silence hung in the air. It was then he decided to
break it by just voicing out his mind, just like Hideo had advised, even if he knew he would be
regretting it the next minute from embarrassment...

...K-Kotori-san, please cheer up.

She looked up at him in surprise as it was his turn to half bury his crimson-colored face in a fashion
similar to her, trying his best to fix his eyes on the kittens. It stayed for a few moments before she
chuckled. I'm sorry, I must've been a depressing sight-

That's not it, he went slightly louder than his usual tone, catching the other by further surprise,
Kotori-san has always been, and always will be bright and cheerful. Please...do not...let that fact
change... he trailed off.

Kotori was speechless for a while again at the sight of the raven's face turning into tomato, then she
laughed in embarrassment, causing Ulquiorra to brighten up inwardly.

Thank you, Ulquiorra-kun!



Finallysmiled for me.

I'm sorry, I have been off these few days, haven't I? Maybe I should believe more in Akihiro-kun...he
must be safe, no matter where he is right now. I'm really sorry for worrying everyone, especially you,
she gave an apologetic smile. You're right. Being depressed is not going to get me anywhere, I must
work hard too.

His whole body relaxed upon seeing her usual self returning. The cyan-eyed then remembered about
the candies and fished them out from the pockets of his Yukata. These are from Hideo-san...he said
you will cheer up more with this...

Indeed, her smile widened into a grin. Thank you, everyone...Ulquiorra-kun, let's share this together.

He nodded. It was actually his first time eating a 'candy' despite hearing so much about it (for the
orphanage was not so well-off to buy extravagant items). At the first bite it took him a while to get out
of his amazement from the snack.

How nostalgic, it tastes so good! I must remember to thank Hideo-niisan later, giggled Kotori, You
know, I actually kept a stick of candies in my room, but I never got a taste of it anymore after the first
candy...I wonder if it's still edible.

She smiled. Principal told me it was already in the towel I was wrapped in.

He was still confused.

I was left at the doorstep of the orphanage when I was a toddler. I don't know who my parents are or if
they're even alive...the only thing that reminded me of them is that stick of candy. Back then I even
asked principal if my parents smell like them, snickered Kotori.

A small frown dawned upon his expression, but she quickly brightened up.

But this place is exactly a home to me! Everyone is kind, principal is there, Hideo-niisan is there, and
I get to meet everyone who survived their own stories bravely. I've always thought of this place as a gift
from above, I'm truly glad for where and who I am today. Besides... she sat back, to meet Ulquiorra-
kun and to be able to talk like this...I feel like I could tell you anything, somehow. I'm thankful.

It all caused Ulquiorra to blush a little inwardly. The raw feeling of happiness to be thanked for their

Could anyone be able to understand that?

And to think this happened in such a short time after years of seeing each other from afar under the
same roof. They were near strangers, no more than question, gestures, and silent stares. Then here they
were, sitting together, conversing with each other so naturally- it felt like a light dream for the two
young teens.

If Ulquiorra-kun ever needs an ear, I'll be there. I want to know more about you, too... she murmured,
a-ah, that is if you're willing to share with someone like me!
...me too, he mumbled very quietly under his breath.

Hmm, did you say something?

He straightened up on impulse, realizing his slip of tongue. The albino shook his head a little while
gaining a questioned look.

What am I doing? I have to get my mind straight...quick.



Am I scary?


Kotori blinked.

He grew so conscious now that he could hear water dripping from the hanging leaves with every
passing second.

Way to get his mind straight, though. The clenching in his chest was growing more and more apparent;
it was getting in the way of his mind process- and having him ended up blurting even sillier stuffs.

Though, as silly as it sounded, this was however a question he wanted but was afraid of hearing an
answer the most. He scrunched his eyes tight in dread regret and parted his lips to take back the
question that might very well just break the friendship, trust, whatever he has with Kotori now in just
one second. Albeit already knowing the answer deep inside, the reason he was being shunned--


I don't want to.

I don't want to listen.


If this moment can last just one second longer...

I rather stay off pretending not knowing the answer.

I don't need your answer-


He parted his lips. I-!

I'm not scared.


Immediately her voice broke him out of his messy state of mind. She actually answered his stupid
question calmly and seriously.

I'm not, she reiterated, stressing the last word.

He could hear the drip of water falling at normal speed now. Second. Third.

One second used to feel so long, yet, the moment he got an honestly unexpected answer...

No, it shouldn't clench any further than that. It can't. What was happening to him?

That moment, the sky started snowing a little.

Falling snow! she stood up, reaching her hands to a small white droplet melting in her palm, glee
ringing in her voice. What a way to start a new year!



...thank you...

His expression slowly softened into a smile. ...happy new year, Kotori-san. It caught the other in
surprise for the umpteenth time.

She then broke into a huge grin.

Happy new year, Ulquiorra-kun!


Whiteness enveloped the lands, painting the scenery outside the windows with shades of white, blue
and gray. It somehow felt a little lonely watching the colors, but tranquility was definitely in there.

How empty.

How void.

But how peaceful.

And then, a certain noise broke through his thoughts, followed by other voices and his world was
smeared entirely with pure whiteness.

A deep laughter rang among the excited screams of children. What are you doing there in your room
alone, Ulquiorra-kun?!
Oh. He forgotten that the whole orphanage dropped their usual daily routine of farming for it was
snowing, and the whole bunch ran outdoors to play with the snow...led by none other than the
exuberant Hideo.

Come and join us! So much for peacefulness. Ulquiorra could hear the very voice gradually went
further, shouting loudly along the lines that went 'I'm going to get back at you'. Probably was attacked
in a match of a snowball fight by other children.

Excuse me- what-? wiping the dripping snow and water off his face with sleeves of his Yukata, he
could hear the wooden door behind him slid open with Kotori approaching.

... he wordlessly watched droplets falling onto his palm, still recovering from the sudden impact and
coldness off his face. It was impossible for Kotori to not laugh at his child-like state.

I'm having some towel here, stay still, she wiped the remaining snow off his face. Although his head
was filled with questions of why she would be in his room, his thoughts were lost upon looking into her
hazel-colored eyes. As much as he wanted to advert his face which was beginning to be colored with
red, Kotori's 'stay still' rang in his mind.

So he instinctively went rigid with burning sensation settling in his stomach. It wasn't just from the
cold either.

Hey, it's not everyday we get to play in a weather like this. Come on, let's join the others! and before
the raven had time to react, Kotori was already pulling him by his sleeve, leading him outdoors.


It will be okay, she assured. Today would be the day he would be accepted into the family, the
brunette decided. Even if a little, step by step.

The raven was lost of words as he allowed Kotori to pull him outdoors. Though a few unsettling pair of
eyes were set upon him, Kotori loudly declared We're joining the game! Don't think you can get away
with attacking Ulquiorra-kun, Hideo-niisan!

Ulquiorra's shoulder tensed slightly, watching the back of the brunette who announced in such vigor
manner for his sake.

Yeah, bring it on! Oof- he shouted from afar before having another snowball landing on the back of
his head.

The raven though seemed lost and reluctant as he stood in the middle of the crowd. He watched as all
the children ignored his existence, screaming and throwing snow at each other in mess. It made him felt
a little transparent among the busy swarm.

But a tug on his sleeves brought his mind back.

Let's prepare for a war!

That moment, a slight ease returned to him. Crouching down with the bubbly girl with uncertainty, he
followed suit as Kotori scooped a huge pile of snow from the ground, shaping it into a sphere.

We're going all out! with that, she threw the globe onto the distracted caretaker, successfully landing
it on his stomach.

Hey!! Stop ganging up only on me! he yelled ever so furiously, the children couldn't help but to burst
in laughter.

Ulquiorra-kun, don't worry about anything, just join in the fun. Hideo-niisan's distracted again,
quick! she chirped.

He nodded, clumsily hurling the pile of snow in his hands which landed on the head.

Who in the- not even you, Ulquiorra-kun!

While Kotori took the opportunity of distraction to make more snowballs, the albino noticed something
flying from the side. He hastily pulled Kotori back by her shoulder where a snowball landed onto
where she was standing a second ago, causing her to stumble to the ground. It took her a while to
realize what happened.

It's not going to be so easy ganging up on adults, Kotori-chan, Ulquiorra-kun! Akiko chuckled
smugly from afar, a snowball bobbing up and down on her hands before she sent it flying towards
them. But, for Kotori was still vulnerable on the ground, she shut her eyes instinctively, expecting the

But the pain never came. She opened her eyes to see the crook of pale neck not too far from her face.
Trying to register the current situation, Kotori tilted her head to see Ulquiorra on top of her, his back
now covered with bits of snow.


The storm was joined in by a few other adults, yet he refused to move an inch from above Kotori. He
peered over his shoulders at the assailants for a chance to get the brunette away, though the number of
adults sending a string of snowballs one after another rendered his option unfeasible. She was, at the
moment, practically trapped under him, watching the determination on the others face as he stayed

Though she quickly got out of her trance and awe. When the brunette opened her mouth to protest the
unending storm of snowballs collided with another storm coming out from nowhere.

The adults have declared war! it was the rest of the children who stopped the attack, Let's go,

The other youngsters cheered in unison while the adults automatically gathered to one side in
agreement for a snow 'war'. Ulquiorra and Kotori were stunned for a moment at how they actually
changed the target of their battle...that when the latter broke out from her stupor, she chuckled louder
than ever.
How did he even end up here anyway? Getting into a mess of snow with the others, being drowned in
the noise.

And most of all, that's it, seeing the bright smile of the girl before him-- now that he thought about it,
being in all of these then, maybe it wasn't so bad to have the 'peacefulness' in his own little room
demolished after all

Realization finally hit him that Kotori was on the ground. ...I'm sorry, I'll go get you a towel,
Ulquiorra mumbled, loud enough in the middle of the crusade only for both of them to hear.

Seeing as the other's back was soaked from shielding her from the shower of snowball attack before,
she quickly called after, Wait! I'm going with you. Better yet, let's change out from these before we
catch a cold.

The two walked back to the wooden house...and not without a few difficulties where they caught a few
straying snowballs from the fight. Regardless, Kotori looked happy enough, watching the lively
atmosphere all the while.

This is it, what he longed to see. She had finally come back.

As he got out from his room with a clean, dry set of Yukata, he saw Kotori leaning against the wooden
wall by the window, smiling with a few inaudible words as she watched.

A bird was all he could hear from her sudden mutter.

...bird? he inquired from behind, causing the other to jump from the sudden voice.

I-I was just a daydream talk! Please ignore that, she turned to him in embarrassment, waving madly.

Yet the curiousness in his eyes spoke enough. A few chuckles escaped her before she turned to the
scenery once again.

perhaps if it's Ulquiorra-kunhe wouldn't laugh at me. ...I mean...the snow is so beautiful; don't
you think?

Tacitly agreeing, he proceeded to sit beside the brunette.

If this peaceful scenery is painted all around the world...also, maybe somewhere, thered be a castle
made of pure white snow! she energetically clenched her fist while Ulquiorra simply watched her
animated spirit in silence.

And then...the hearts of people. What kind of happy faces do they make; how would they wish to live
with their loved ones? Would I one day be able to see a scene similar to this place in all around the

The raven widened his eyes a little upon the mention of the very word. She spoke of the organ as if it's
so easy to be seen, it didn't sound like what it's meant to be- what is the heart both she and Hideo
mentioned exactly?
What is the 'heart'?

He could see her smile softened. Let's see...

To put it simply, you can sayit is the mind and soul of a person. Their emotion, their thoughts...when
you wish for someone to be happy, that is the wish from your heart. When you long to be with someone
you cherish...what you genuinely feel from the depth of inside you, that's, the 'heart', she pressed a
hand against her chest with a contented smile.

His eyes widened even further. Was it possible that the clenching sensation he felt all the while was due
to what she called a 'heart'?

Falling in love...the heart.

In all of the sudden, it made sense for the young albino. How the books and poetry portrayed all the
stories, those acts that initially looked 'silly'- it was all falling into places.

Surely, everyone must be tired from the unending conflicts and war...if I could soar freely to the sky, I
will be able to see the beauty of the world and its people! On the plus side I might even discover a
white castle and make my own nest over there, she giggled in a child-like way. Maybe that's why I
was named Kotori, principal said I have been fascinated by birds ever since I was really, really young.

I will make one.

Eh? she blinked.

A white castle...maybe I can try making it with the snow.

If what she said about the 'heart' is true...he pressed a hand onto his chest. Then, my 'heart' right now
wants to grant her wishes as much as possible. If it means I could have her smiling that way forever.

She stood up excitedly, Let's make it together!

He stared back in surprise.

It's no fun making it by your own, I'm joining! Let's go! she cheered, running outdoors. Ulquiorra
smiled a little before following the excited brunette.

That day was the day--

The young child finally learned the meaning of the very word he had wondered for years.


Ulquiorra-kun...Ulquiorra-kun, are you asleep?

Ulquiorra jolted slightly from a whisper not too far from his bed. He sat up stiffly, burying eyes onto
his palm in attempt to gain consciousness before turning to the voice.
I'm sorry! Kotori was at the other side of the window in his room. His eyes went wide seeing her
outdoors at such hour, drowsiness from being woken up in the middle of his sleep disappeared entirely.

What are you doing? he asked in a hushed voice, rushing to the window.

Sorry, I didn't know you'd be asleep so quick! she stated, remembering the activities during the day.

Not yet, I was just about to sleep, he shook his head and lied, That aside, it's cold out there, you
should come in.

She frowned a little, bringing her knees closer. I'm just thinking about...

He widened his eyes at what was coming.


The two walked in the wind in darkness, clutching closely to the extra two layers of Yukata closer to
their body from the cold. It was the only logical thing they could think of beside bringing their blanket
(which, in that case, was just a slightly larger sheet of paper) as protection from snow...as if whatever
they were doing right then was logical.

I'm really sorry for dragging you into this, she mumbled apologetically.

I'm the one who wanted to tag along. Kotori-san, you mentioned you wanted to go to the shrine in
town... It's not like he can let her going into town all alone, either.

Only the adults have been to there every new year, but I know the route to town. The elders have
always been bringing me along to the markets after all.

But why would you want to go there in all of the sudden?

She went quiet for a while with a small smile. Just a little something...

Ulquiorra nodded, asking no more but just walked with Kotori leading the way.

It did not take too long before the two reached their destination. The cyan-eyed was mesmerized;
although hearing about it for so long, it was his first time seeing a real town in person- a completely
different setting from the orphanage in woods, which, was so far away from any abodes and huts. He
wouldn't have been able to come here alone in fear of others being criticized by his appearance and
complexion. This' the first time he felt safe for it was the hour when the townsfolk would probably be
in bed, and accompanied by Kotori.

The girl smiled, remembering the fact it must be the first time for the albino before this scenery. She
continued leading the way through the quiet town, sounds of feet crunching the layers of snow beneath
them was pretty much drowned out by wind.

Here we are, she beamed, half prancing up a set of stairs in obvious joy. Ulquiorra was lost in words
as he ascended, the shrine coming to view with a red Torii standing gloriously before them. This is the
shrine. We can pray to the Gods to make our wishes come true, so let's make a wish!
What do we wish?

Anything your heart wants!

Ulquiorra inwardly blushed a little from impulse. He nodded nevertheless. Kotori proceeded to ring the
bell as quiet as possible before clapping her hands a few times and closed her eyes while Ulquiorra
followed suit.


He already knew what he would wish for nonetheless, and it was probably granted by now, with the
said person at his side...so he was quick with his prayers. That second, upon opening his eyes, a dark
shade of red from within the shadows caught his attention. He was about to call for Kotori but seeing
she was still praying, he decided to follow it by his own out of curiosity. It wouldnt take long after all.

It was fleeting fast to the back of the shrine and he chased after it. Though, turning the corners,
Ulquiorra lost sight of the shade.

Was that my imagination...?

But he was caught in awe when he saw the other side of town beneath where he stood. The place was
decorated colorfully with paper-made lanterns, plums, and kites of miscellaneous colors hung around
the huts danced with the wind. Eventhough it was nighttime, the dim combinations of colors so rarely
seen in the orphanage, even without lights, were enough to capture him, that he did not notice a pair of
hands reaching out from the dark.


The dim combinations of colors of the town, so rarely seen in the orphanage, even without lights, were
enough to capture the young child. Ulquiorra did not notice a pair of hands reaching out from the dark.

A tight catch onto his arm broke him out of his trance with a shock. He was about to shove the assailant
away harshly before realizing it was Kotori hugging onto him ever so tightly.

Ulquiorra's jaw dropped. Kotori-sa-

...I thought you were gone...! she exclaimed louder than expected, causing Ulquiorra to lose his

She was facing the ground so her falling hair was blocking her face, but the other could hear her voice

When I opened my eyes, you disappeared without a sound, and I tried to look around, and...!

Confused, he wanted to explain he was just following something he mistook for, but realized it wasn't
so easy next. Despite the weather he could feel coldness of her limb through layers of clothes and her
shoulders were visibly trembling- an exact reenactment of the day she went out to look for the
disappeared Akihiko.
She was purely frightened.

Cognizance hit him hard, a surge of guilt washed over him in an instant that the best he could mutter at
that moment was a soft I'm sorry.... Seeing as she was also weak in the knees, he slowly knelt down
with her still clinging tightly onto his arm so that the latter would be able to rest a little.

Although it had only been a small amount of time he was away, Kotori was already acting in such way:
an obvious proof that she was still scarred from the trauma of losing someone, so much more than
anyone could imagine, beneath that bubbly demeanor. She may be brave up front yet at that instant it
was so easy to see how frail the girl actually was.

Because he knew better than anyone how kind she was.

That is why Ulquiorra had to let her know. He parted his lips slowly.

...my heart is already with you, Kotori-san.

Slowly but surely, the words made her lifted her head. Seeing the trails of tears down her eyes made
him even more aware of the guilt in him.

...and for that, I will never go anywhere. I'll always be near you...so I promise, I will never disappear,
he wiped the tears off her fazed face. This...I can assure you.

Kotori gaped at the other from surprise before returning to reality with a slight blush. She nodded and
let go of his arm, quickly wiping her face with sleeves. I-I'm really sorry for overreacting. It's just...

She trailed off as Ulquiorra listened in patient silence; a comfortable silence. The brunette then just
hung her head with a fazed expression, feeling sillier than ever.

But Ulquiorra was neither laughing nor scorning at her. He never did. He was one of very few who
would actually, seriously listen to her foolish daydream talks and rants...even now. The gratitude from
before sprung forth again. Ulquiorra stood up and offered a hand.

Kotori could remember how his stoic face was akin of a frown, but that moment when she looked up to
him, all she saw was a soft expression masking kindness within. She took his hand and he helped her
up before the two agreed to head home.

What did you wish for?

Let's see... she mused, I wish for the war to stop really soon.

I wish for smiles to be spread around the world.

I wish for our orphanage to stay this way forever.

I wish principal will get healthier soon.

For me to someday become a bird.

For everyone to be safe.


Her face suddenly flushed pink. She remembered how she was wishing halfway when her eyes
instinctively snapped open to discover the person beside was gone.

Don't disappear...don't leave. Don't leave me alone.

Where are you? Please be safe...

A wish she made at that moment:

Gods, if you would please listen to this...please listen to my wish...

I wish Ulquiorra-kun would stay with me forever.

Was it for his safety, as a childhood friend, a companion, or perhaps more than that, was a question she
started to ponder and was apparently stuck in her throat. She couldn't explain the illogical panic taking
over her attributes at that small, stupid moment, and how utter relief completely washed over paranoia
the instant she managed to feel the albino's warmth in her palms to make sure he was real.

I will never go anywhere. I'll always be near you...so I promise, I will never disappear. This...I can
assure you.

Kotori trailed off into Ulquiorra's curious pair of cyan orbs.

...t-things like that! she waved, forcing a much embarrassed chuckle, W-what about you?

The albino quickly looked the other way, gaining a reaction of confusion from Kotori.

I...I... he muttered a half-lie, I-I wish for things to stay together forever too. Peace and all of us...

Satisfied, she grinned and gave a big nod. I hope the Gods will make our wishes come true!

He already did.

You're by my side right now.

So, this is what the heart is.

And it had already belonged to the girl right before him.

YOU TWO! the two jolted from shock when they heard a voice called. Anger was plastered all over
Akiko's face, the rest of the adults were all over outdoors with lanterns in the dark night. Kotori's glee
was popped like a bubble; alertness quickly took over Ulquiorra's features.

Oh no, how did they... Kotori gasped inaudibly in horror. She made sure everyone was already in bed
before sneaking out with Ulquiorra, yet why do the adults have to be awake at such unearthly hour?

Akiko's angered shout attracted the other adults' attention, gathering them around the two young teens
who were about to be back to the orphanage happily if they hadn't been discovered.

We've said again and again how dangerous it is at night! Why won't the two of you listen?! barked
Emi, her face painted with a mix of distress and vexation.


I'm the one at fault, Ulquiorra cut off Kotori's sentence, rendering both her and the adults speechless.
My apologies. I'm the one who got Kotori-san in this.

Oh, Ulquiorra, out of all people...why would you do this?! We'll have no choice but to-

NO! I'm the one! It's not Ulquiorra-kun's fault!


It's not his fault at all, I dragged him out against his will! He was already asleep but I dragged him!
Put the blame on me alone, please! she reiterated, jumping in between the adults and the albino.
Ulquiorra's eyes widened.

Kotori-chan?! This isn't the first time you've caught red handed! Emi snapped, In this case, you

No, it's me who did this.

Wha- no, me!

No, Im the one.

I am clearly the one who woke you up, you don't deserve any-

Alright, enough, a gentle but deep voice broke through the commotion effectively with a single
sentence. The adults turned to look at the elderly principal approaching the two subject among the
group of adults. Coughing a little, he started, We have to set an example for the other children. Im
sorry, Ulquiorra-kun, Kotori-san, but having one of the young ones to have witnessed this, this cannot
be let off the hook

Kotori hung her head low- despite making sure everyone was asleep before sneaking out, she still
missed someone anyway. How careless of meto even drag Ulquiorra-kun into this

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