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Put the organ on the dissection tray so that the back side of the
heart (the flat side) is facing the tray and the front side is facing
Distinguish the left half of the heart from the right half.
Identify the external structure of the atria, ventricles, cavae and
pulmonary veins, aorta and pulmonary arteries.
If you successively introduce a forceps through the aorta, the
pulmonary artery, the pulmonary vein and the venae cavae. Which heart
cavities do you reach?
Now use your scissors to make a cut from the pulmonary artery to
the right ventricle, and then from the aorta to the left ventricle, as
shown in the picture:


1) Write the parts of heart in the drawing that you have identified:
2) Which ventricle has the thickest wall? What is the reason for this?

3) Which parts have blood with more quantity of oxygen?

4) What is the function of semilunar valves? And what is the function of

mitral valve?

5) What is the path of a red globule from liver to heart and vice versa?
Indicate the order of the following parts in this path: aorta, lungs,
cavae veins, left ventricle, right ventricle, left atrium, right atrium,
pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins, mitral valve and tricuspid valve.

6) Objectives:

7) Materials:

8) Procedure:

Place the kidney on the dissection tray. It has to be the concave part
on the left side.
To locate ureter, place the kidney in water and inject air in the centre
with a syringe. The ureter is where the bubbles appear.
Strech the kidney surface with forceps. It has a hard transparent layer
that continues through the surface of renal capsule, which isolates
and protects the kidney from infections.
Dissect the kidney with a longitudinal cut to avoid damaging its
internal structure.
Feel its internal anatomy and identify the renal capsule, renal
cortex (it has light colour), renal medulla (its dark) and renal
pelvis (its the cavity).
Renal pyramids are conical. Its vertex is the papilla that comes out
of the renal pelvis.
There are clear-coloured columns from cortex, that separate

9) Results and conclusions:

Draw the kidney that was longitudinally cut, and name: renal cortex,
renal medulla, ureter, renal papillae and columns.
What is grosser renal cortex or renal medulla?. Measure them and
write the results.
Where does the filtration take place?
Human kidney has between 8 and 18 renal pyramids. How many
pyramids does the lamb kidney have?


MATERIALS: (in pairs)

Scarf, 8 plastic cups, sugar, coffee, vinegar, salt, coffee, water, 4 cotton
swabs, precision scale and test tube.


Put a little amount of salt on the surface of the tongue. What do you
notice? Mix salt with saliva. What do you notice now?
Clean your mouth and your tongue and wet different parts of your
tongue with a cotton swab with sugary water. Where do you notice
the sweet taste?.
Repeat the operation with coffee, vinegar and salt water.
Remember: every time you taste something different, you have to
clean your mouth.
Make solutions of sugar at 7.5%, 10%, 12.5% and 15%. Close the
eyes of the partner with the scarf and give him the samples one by
one to wet his mouth with each one. Take into account that he has to
clean his mouth every time that he changes the solution. Moreover,
he can make a control test with water.


1. Write in this drawing where you perceive the different flavors.

2. Can we only perceive these flavors? How many different flavors can
we perceive?
3. What kind of receptors are on the tongue? What do they perceive?

4. At what concentration of sugar do you detect the sweet taste?

5. What is threshold stimulus?

6. Why is a control test important in the experiment?

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