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Story Boost Reading

- The Babe & I
o Josiah
Remained quiet throughout
Commented on the baseball and said he would like to read books about
Could tell he was trying to pay attention but the book I picked was too
o Cobain
I asked him if he had ever been to a baseball game and he said yes
Could relate one character to another
Favorite part of the book was the colors

- Im Dirty
o Josiah
Paid attention much better, intrigued by the machines and big font
Counted the items the dump truck had to pick up
Said his favorite part was the truck in the mud
o Cobain
Commented about his toy trucks at home
Asked questions why the truck was doing certain actions
Said his favorite part was all the trash the truck got

- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
- Both boys said they liked milk with their cookies
o Josiah
Made a comment about how the mouse always wants
Asked if the mouse was a pet
Seemed slightly quiet during this reading, but could have just
been more observing
I asked him what he would draw on a blank paper if he were a
mouse, and he said sharks
o Cobain
Said he thought he had read this book before
Seemed engaged and wanted to know what came next for the
I asked him what he would draw on a blank paper if he were a
mouse, and he said planets vs. zombies characters
- Mail Harry to the Moon!
o Josiah
Laughed frequently at this book
I asked him if he had ever been around a baby that cried a lot
and he said, my brother cries a lot
Said his favorite part was the rocket ship
o Cobain
Was engaged and made a few comments
Asked why the main character didnt like Harry
I asked him if he had ever been around a baby that cried a lot
and he said, no only sometimes do babies cry
Said his favorite part was the end

- A Sick Day for Amos McGee
o Josiah
Is starting to get more comfortable reading with me, said this
book was too long
Had to give him reminders to focus on the book
Said that he liked the elephant the most
I asked if he had ever been to a zoo and he said yes
o Cobain
Respectful as usual, listened intently
Asked how the animas got out of the zoo
Said his favorite part was the animals, when pushed further
he said I just like them all
- My Friend Rabbit
o Josiah
Thought this book was boring because it didnt have a lot of
Looked briefly at the pictures without saying much
He did laugh that the little animals were holding the big
He said his favorite part was the page where all the animals
were on top of each other
o Cobain
Filled in the gaps of the pages without wording more fluently
Said the animals were strong, but rabbits cant hold big
animals in real life
Said his favorite part was the airplane, he likes to rides in
airplanes to get places
I asked him, what was the character that always seemed to
get in trouble? and he answered correctly saying the rabbit
- Speed
o Josiah
Seemed interested in the topic of cars
Told me that he has cars that look like that at home (toy cars)
Said his favorite part was when they raced
o Cobain
Wanted to turn the pages himself for the first time
Didnt seem to know much about cars
Asked why they kept hitting each other
Said he knew the orange one was going to win (not sure if that
is true)
- Shark vs. Train
o Asked both boys on each page whether they thought the shark or the
train would win, both boys gave reasonable answers for each as to
why the shark or train would win. For example, both Josiah and
Cobain said that the shark would win going off the high dive
because he can swim. Both boys especially liked the book because I
got them involved in questioning on each page.
o At the end of the book Cobain said, they were toys the whole time

- Have You Seen my Dragon?
o Josiah:
his class was doing an activity his teacher did not want him to
miss so I did not read to him today
o Cobain
Seemed to like being involved in the reading by counting the
number of items on each page
He enjoyed searching for the black in white dragon among the
other illustrations
Said his favorite part was the different colors on the pages
- Giraffes Cant Dance
o Josiah
his class was doing an activity his teacher did not want him to
miss so I did not read to him today
o Cobain
Stayed engaged with eye contact
I asked him if he had ever seen a giraffe in real life and he said
when I watch movies they sometimes have giraffes
This shows me he didnt fully understand what I was
trying to get at with my question
Said he thought that animals usually dont dance
His favorite part was the zebras because he likes those

- Please DO Feed the Bears
o Josiah
Seemed fidgety during the reading of this book/less attentive
Commented on what the bears were wearing as opposed to
what they were doing
Questioned why police always have doughnuts
Said his favorite part was when the bears had food
o Cobain
Said his favorite part was that it was at the beach because he
liked the beach
Asked what each food the bears ate was
Had trouble remembering the plot of the story
- How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?
o Josiah
Stopped me before I started the story to look at the inside
cover at all the dinosaurs
Engaged in this story, said he liked dinosaurs
Asked why the mom and dad were scared by the dinosaurs
I asked him if he would ever let a dinosaur sleep in his bed and
he said no theyd break it.
o Cobain
Asked me on each page what kind of dinosaur it was
Thought it was weird that the dinosaurs got into bed
Said his favorite dinosaur was the dimetrodon because of it
has spikes
I asked him if he would ever let a dinosaur sleep in his bed and
he said If they wanted to!

- Bugs in my Hair!
o Josiah
Pointed out the bugs appearance (clothes, eating popcorn)
His favorite part was when the bugs ate the bus
Was unable to think of rhyming words for any of the words I
asked him
When asked what the beginning sounds of words such as
time and good were he needed prompting
o Cobain
Seemed to like this book, pointed at the bugs often
Asked him if he ever had bugs in his hair and he gave me a
funny look and said no thats weird
Rhymed head in the book with bed, also rhymed hard
with card
Had trouble at first with the beginning sounds but understood
after I gave examples
- The Watermelon Seed
- Both boys said they liked to eat watermelon
o Josiah
Had a very similar phonemic response when I asked about
rhyming and beginning sounds (did not want to engage in
activities/didnt catch on)
Said his favorite part was the color pink in the story
When asked if a watermelon could really grow inside his
stomach, he said no way!
o Cobain
Was easily able to rhyme with simple words such as seed
and can and understood beginning sounds since I previously
explained it
Said his favorite part was the alligator and when it burped
I also asked him if a watermelon seed could grow inside his
stomach and he said maybe Ill try and see

- Its Okay to Be Different
o Both students counted the number of ice cream scoops on the cone
in one illustration, and both also laughed at the macaroni and
cheese in the bathtub illustration
o Josiah
Asked what an invisible friend was
Questioned why the dog was inside the other dog and I
explained it was just like a kangaroo; the baby stays warm
inside the mothers pouch
Said his favorite part was the alien in the ship
o Cobain
Commented that he caught a worm
Said his favorite part was the colors
- No David
- Both boys laughed when David ran down the street naked
o Josiah
Asked why David put so much food in his mouth
Commented that it was gross when David picked his nose
I asked him if he ever felt like David at home, and his response
was to shrug his shoulders and say I do a lot of things I want
at home
o Cobain
Spent a while looking at the page where David had all his toys
I asked him if he ever felt like David at home and he said
yeah, my mom tells me to pick up my things a lot
Said he liked most that David had no hair
- Creepy Carrots
o Josiah
Seemed to enjoy the creepy feel of this book and was
Often had me explain what the carrots were doing
Said he liked that the carrots kept hiding
o Cobain
Made comments about how the carrots kept hiding
Said Why are they so scary
Said his favorite part was that the carrots were orange
- The Relatives Came
o Josiah
Did not seem to enjoy this book
His gaze was often not on the story, not engaged
Did ask why are there so many people? in relation to all the
relatives that came
Said his favorite part was when they drove away
o Cobain
Didnt seem engaged in this book either, but was a better
Asked what the instruments were that the family members
were playing
Said he liked when they were eating dinner

- Pete and the Cat
o Josiah
Counted the buttons on the cats shirt
Said that the cat looked mad
Was not amused by my singing voice as I sung the cats song
o Cobain
Was eager to answer the question, How many buttons are
left? every two pages
Made a comment that you can lose shirt buttons but not your
belly button
Enjoyed the singing voice
- Family Huddle
o Josiah
Pointed out they were playing tackle football
Didnt know Peyton Manning or the team the Colts
I asked him if he ever played football and he said with my
o Cobain
Listened very observantly
I asked him if he ever played football for fun and he said no
Asked questions like such as why is he doing that?

- Whats that Sound Woolly Bear?
o Josiah
Slightly ornery
Made comments about how some of these bugs were outside
his house
Said his favorite part was the sounds of the bugs
o Cobain
Wanted me to read the About Bugs section at the end of the
Listened very intently
Asked questions related to the bugs such as Why does it do
- All Gods Creatures
o Josiah
Had to give him reminders to sit up
Said his favorite part was all of the animals
He really liked playing with the flaps of the book that opened
o Cobain
Kept wanting to flip back to look at the alligator
Asked him what his favorite animal was in the book and why?
Cows because they moo!

- Orangutanka
o Josiah
Attention was on the happenings in the hallway
Said hes seen orangutans at the zoo
Asked why they have so much hair
His favorite part was when they were climbing
o Cobain
Well-focused on the book
Favorite part was when the monkeys danced
Wanted me to read the orangutan facts at the end of the
- One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
o Josiah
Was attentive to the story (because of short sentences and
rhyming phrases)
Asked if he could read the book and giggled as he made up
sentences that went with the pictures
Said his favorite part was the animal with the humps
o Cobain
Made comments on almost every page about how the
characters looked/what they were wearing
Paused frequently for him to give feedback
Said it was funny when the animal and boy were
showering together

- Its Christmas David
- Asked both boys if they are excited for Christmas
o Josiah
Went in and out of focusing on the story
Nodded his head and said yes for Santa to come
Asked what the yellow in the snow was
Made comments about how the boy received a cool bike
o Cobain
Answered my question with yes, and Ill get to play planets
vs. zombies a lot
Laughed at the dog pee in the snow
- The Scrambled States of America
o Josiah
Asked what state we live in
Said his favorite part was when the states were fighting
Had a hard time keeping focused with this book that
contained more words
o Cobain
Wanted me to go through every state at the end of the book
Spent an extended amount of time looking at the pictures

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