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Cover Letter

One of the course goals is to Compose rhetorically effective texts, informally and
formally, in a variety of mediums or genres. With this assignment I was able to achieve this
goal by writing both formal and informal, and by looking back at another assignments. For part 1
of this assignments students used personal language that is informal; as well as formal that was
used for parts 2 and 3. Also, this assignment required me to discuss about exigence, audience,
and constraints. These are elements that are seen in all rhetorical text and was one of our course
In addition, what I learned about myself as a writer, was that I have a hard time
organizing my ideas and greatly affects my essays format. I feel like this forces me to get off
topic and have a hard time trying to stick to one topic per paragraph. Another thing I noticed
about myself as a writer, was that I tend to experience writer's block often and greatly effects my
essays organization.
After doing this assignment, what went well was that I was able to relate my chosen
essay Culture of Gangs to the reading from the CSUS Handbook. Using this assignment from
one of my previous classes allowed me to make connections to writings of my chosen major.
Therefore, the essay I used was very helpful because it allowed me to see the similarities
between writings in Child Development. Not only was I able to see how my essay from another
class fit into the social sciences, but also how it didnt. Using this essay allowed me to meet the
requirement for the rhetorical analysis.
On the other hand, what did work well was the quotes that we had to include from the
readings done in this course; however, I went back and made some changes. Another thing that
didnt go very well was the way I presented some things. I feel like there were parts I did not
have so much to talk about and included it with another paragraph. This affected my paragraphs,
made them have different flavors, and made them random to my topic sentence. However, I felt
like there were parts I felt were important to include but didnt know how else to present them.
If I had to do this essay again I would focus on fixing and last errors or word choices.
Doing this assignment will help me for future writings because it allowed me to see the
importance of knowing exigence, audience, and constraints. Considering these things in writings
is important because students become aware of the limitation and author's purpose. If I consider
these things for future readings/writings it would allow me write a stronger essay and see if a
reading is reliable. Also, doing this essay allowed me to see the writing requirements my major
requires. Therefore, doing this essay was beneficial because now I know what professors will be
looking for in my writings for future courses in my major.
Overall, I feel like this essay is ready to be turned into my ePortfolio. After doing
multiple essays I believe that this essay is ready to be submitted but might still have some
grammar error.

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