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Read the text and answer the questions below.

(5 x 2 = 10 points) 20 points

Marys Restaurant
Mary has got a small restaurant near the market. She enjoys going to the market to
get food for the restaurant. The market has got fresh food: fruit and vegetables,
meat, fish and bread. Marys brother, Andy, works in Marys restaurant. Andy likes to
make salads and soups with the fresh food from the market. Mary tries to make the
food look attractive.
The restaurant is open from 11.00 am. Mary and Andy always wear white shirts and
black trousers for work. Mary has got a small red hat. Her long hair is under the hat.
On Sunday, Mary and Andy rest. The restaurant isnt open.
Mary and Andy work very hard, but they like what they do. The restaurant is very
popular because the food is fresh, attractive and delicious!

1. Where is the restaurant?

2. Who works in the restaurant?
3. What clothes has Andy got for work?
4. On what days and from what time is the restaurant open?
5. Why is the restaurant popular?


1.-Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present
1. Sandra usually .................................... (play) tennis on Thursdays.
2. At the moment, I .................................... (not listen) to music.
3. Our dad .................................... (not work) every day.
4. .......................... he .......................... (drive) to the bank every day?

2.- Circle the correct answer.

1. Twelve-year-olds must / mustnt drive cars.
2. Dogs cant / mustnt speak.
3. You mustnt / cant kick your friends.
4. Can / Cant you open the window, please?
5. Most birds can / cant fly.
6. Sharon dances good / well.
7. I speak English very slow / slowly.

3.- Circle the correct answer.

1. There was / There were shelves on the wall.
2. Jason was / were at the cinema yesterday.
3. I wasnt / werent at school this morning.
4. Was / Were you in the shower a few minutes ago?
5. There wasnt / There werent any sugar.
6. Was there / Were there a rug on the floor?

4.- Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple.
1. Last week, I .......................... (talk) to my friends every day.
2. Jim .......................... (not know) the answer.
3. Last month, we .......................... (not visit) the museum.
4. Anne .......................... (go) to the supermarket yesterday evening.

5.- Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or
Present Continuous.
1. Janice .................................... (listen) to music every day.
2. Dad .................................... (not drive) us to school on Mondays.
3. At the moment, the teacher .................................... (talk) to the class.
4. .......................... whales .................................... (live) in the sea?

6.- Escribe las siguientes oraciones en negativa e interrogativa

1. She teaches English in Guadix.

2. He finds his keys.

3. They played football yesterday.

4. Paul is watching TV.

7.- Escribe la palabra correcta en los espacios.

We have got a big class. Our class is big. (we / our) 1 ________ hair is dark. ________
have got dark hair. (you / your) 2 ________ have got a nice teacher. ________ teacher is
nice. (they / their) 3 ________ mobile phone is new. ________ has got a new mobile
phone. (she / her).

8.- Completa con have got o has got.

1 I ____________________________ blue eyes. (+)

2 We ________________________ a black dog. (+)
3 Alfie _________________________ short hair. (-)
4 You ___________________________ freckles. (-)

Transforma las frases anteriores en interrogativas.

9.- Escribe las frases en forma afirmativa (), en negativa () o como pregunta (?).
Its his dog.(?) Is it his dog?
1 We arent from France.()

2 It isnt fun.()

3 Shes 13 years old. (?)

4 Im Italian.()

10.- Completa las frases con la forma correcta de los verbos. Usa past simple,
present continuous o be going to.

1 ................... (you / revise) for your exams last

2 ................... (I / read) two books yesterday.
3 ................... (I / not do) anything at the moment.
4 ................... (we / talk) to the headteacher next
5 ................... (she / wear) jeans and a sweatshirt at
the moment.
6 ................... (the children / go) surfing last summer.
They loved it.


Escribe un prrafo de 4-5 lineas explicando qu hiciste el fin de semana pasado y

qu hars el prximo.

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