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Running Head: Bio-medicine on Mental Health

Bio-medicine on Mental Health

Claudia Rodriguez

RWS 1302

University at Texas at El Paso

Professor Paul Vierra

Running Head: Bio-medicine on Mental Health

Science and medicine have always interested me that is why I decided to major in bio-

medicine. I believe that my major is very interesting and very important especially for

our future. Medicine is been around for quite some time and is been changing the world

since. Learning more about science and medicine will benefit me in my future career.

Mental Health is a very important subject nowadays because there are many people

suffering from some sort of mental illness and they dont seek the help they need.

According to Mental One in five American adults experience a mental

health issue. Many people arent well informed about this topic since it can be a very

sensitive topic. The people who suffer from a mental health can be seen as crazy, I

believe that UTEP should inform more about mental health.

In the book The Roles of Schools in Mental Health (1962) written by W. Cody Wilson,

George W. Goethals. It explains the issues concerning schools and mental health, it

describes five main viewpoints about mental health. They mostly focus on seeking help

for their mental issue and how teachers have limits of what they can and what they cant

talk to their students. This means teachers are afraid of approaching their students with

a non-academic topic. In the article Psychological treatments; A call for mental-health

science (2014) by Emily A. Holmes talks more about how clinicians and neuroscientist

can come together to better the treatments for people suffering from a health issue.

Structure and Delivery

In Psychological Treatment: A call for mental-health science (2014) it begins by

explaining several types of mental health, for example: PTSD, OCD, eating disorders,

schizophrenia, and depression. According to Psychological Treatment: A call for

Running Head: Bio-medicine on Mental Health

mental-health science (2014) depression affects one in four people worldwide. The

layout of this genre it seems to show the audience with facts and statistics to show the

reader what is going on in the world with mental health. In The Role of Schools in

Mental Health (1962) the layout starts by talking about the effort to promote mental

health in schools and how teachers can help. Now a days schools have a big impact on

how students behaviors, especially in elementary schools since they are at such a small

age they would not understand what a mental health issue is. The layout of this genre

starts with telling the audience where a mental health can start, and how teachers are

too afraid to help a student or to approach a student with a non-academic topic and

such a sensitive one such as mental health.

In Holmes (2014) there is a lot more visuals than the monogram. It has text and visuals

for the reader to understand more of what the author is trying to say.

Audience and Purpose

In Holmes (2014) the audience is for those who want to be informed about mental

health. The audience of this article is informative. It has a lot of information of different

kinds of mental health problems. It also has more facts and how the illness is affecting

the world right now. The audience who is reading the article is a layperson, therefore

the article is meant to be informative.

The Role of Schools in Mental Health (1962) book is meant for an academic audience.

The purpose is to persuade and inform. They persuade by telling the teachers to help

their students with mental health issues and to not be afraid to form a friendship with

them and help them find the help they need. It is also informative because the staff and
Running Head: Bio-medicine on Mental Health

teachers to help they need to be well informed about what is going on with their

students and the role the school plays in mental health.


While in Psychological Treatments: A call for mental-health science. (2014) they use

ethics by using facts and case studies. For example: Mental-health disorders account

for more than 15% of the disease burden in developed countries, more than all forms of

cancer. Yet it has been estimated that the proportion of research funds spent on mental

health is as low as 7% in North America and 2% in the European Union. Within that

slender mental-health . In The Role of Schools in Mental Health (1962) they use their

knowledge or their opinion to let the audience know what should be done to get the

situation better.


In Psychological Treatments: A call for mental-health science. (2014) the author uses

pathos giving facts about depression and how much is affecting the world. For Example,

Depression is the third leading contributor to the global burden of disease, according to

the World Health Organization. In The Role of Schools in Mental Health. (1962) they

use pathos by stating that teachers or other students might see students going through

a mental health and not doing anything to help the student seek the help they need.


Logos is shown in Psychological Treatments: A call for mental-health science. by

again using statistics and facts; Mental-health conditions, such as post-traumatic stress

disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), eating disorders,

Running Head: Bio-medicine on Mental Health

schizophrenia and depression, affect one in four people worldwide according to

Holmes. In the other hand in The Role of Schools in Mental Health. The author also

uses facts as well but in Holmes (2014) she explained after the facts making the

audience understand more.


To conclude the article Psychological Treatments: A call for mental-health science.

(2014) is superior at building new knowledge in the academic community. The authors

approach the audience by immediately telling them their thesis followed by information

backup by facts.
Running Head: Bio-medicine on Mental Health


Holmes, Emiliy A; Craske, Michelle G; Graybiel, Ann M. (2014) Psychological

Treatments: A call for mental-health science.

W. Cody Wilson, George W. Goethals. (1962) The Role of Schools in Mental Health.

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