Distillation Columns With Structured Packings in The Next Decade

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# Institution of Chemical Engineers
www.ingentaselect.com=titles=02638762.htm Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part A, January 2003


Sulzer Chemtech Ltd, Winterthur, Switzerland

he analysis of the history of structured packings allows the conclusion that the innovation
cycle will become faster. Based on the separation power as an alternativeway to represent
the performance characteristics an estimate of the next level of what might be the
ultimative separation power is given. Regarding the column internals as distributors, only slight
improvements are expected, typically in the form of streamlined forms and cheaper manufac-
turing. CFD and computer tomography as tools to better understand the complicated two-phase
ow processes in distillation equipment will be of great importance for the development of new
designs. A general trend is the emerging of multifunctional packings and their application in
combined systems, like catalytic distillation or dividing wall column.

Keywords: structured packings; separation power; liquid distributions; Vision 2020; CFD;

INTRODUCTION For structured packingsless fouling in packings and

distributors and less space for liquid distribution; wider
A few years ago the US Department of Energy and the operating range.
American Institute of Chemical Engineers initiated several Imaging techniques (scanning, tomography, etc.)
workshops together with about 150 experts from industry imaging of malfunctioning columns will become a power-
and universities with the task of identifying the technical ful diagnostic tool. A big step forward in this area is
barriers, the research needs and the priorities of the chemical expected.
industry regarding separation processes. This resulted in the
US-Initiative Vision 2020 with the goal of winning a leading This paper is an update of our Atlanta contribution and
role in the US chemical industry by 2020 (Vision 2020, last years paper at the GVC meeting in Bamberg. It is an
1998). The most critical research needs for distillation were attempt to fundamentally better describe the performance of
identi ed as: structured packings and to derive the possible improvements
for distillation columns in the next decade.
improved understanding of physical phenomena;
better in situ sampling;
analytical and ow-visualization methods; DEVELOPMENT OF STRUCTURED PACKINGS
better predictive modelling.
Since the 1960s structured packings have been applied
At the AlChE Spring Meeting in Atlanta in 2000 there successfully in industrial distillation and absorption
was a special panel discussion on distillation. The goal of columns. The early packings were BX gauze packings.
this symposium was to follow up on the Vision 2020 They were used for the separation of heat-sensitive products.
Distillation Roadmap and to discuss with world leading In the 1970s Mellapak structured packings opened up a
experts the future research and development requirements large eld of applications in chemistry, petroleum chemistry,
(Vision 2020, 2000). The panel discussion identi ed the re nery and absorption processes. For a long time it seemed
following most important aspects of distillation equipment: as if the optimum had already been reached with this
There is no real alternative to distillation. geometry of corrugated sheets and its open, mutually cross-
In 20 years distillationis still the key unit operation as today. ing channels. In addition no better performance was
Some replacements are expectedmore hybrid=combined achieved with various packings of similar geometry
(Figure 1).
processes (distillation with crystallization, with mem-
An important milestone in the history of structured
branes, etc.). Some people believe up to 20%! packings was the development of a totally new geometry
Hardwareno big step forward is expected. The big in 1994: Opti ow. Because of the unique ow paths for the
improvements have been made in packings and trays over liquid and the gas phases the capacity was increased by 25%
the last years. James Fair stated: Most new designs and without any losses in separation ef ciency (Spiegel and
retro ts will employ devices similar to those found today. Knoche, 1999).


Figure 1. History of structured packings.

With extensive CFD simulations and experimental tests COMPARISON OF PERFORMANCE

with dozens of prototype packings of different geometry in
Performance Diagrams
our laboratories we nally developed in 1999 an improved
structure of corrugated sheet packings: MellapakPlus. This The purpose of the following is to develop a method to
new structure is especially designed to avoid premature estimate possible improvements in performance (capacity,
ooding in any region of the packing. Compared with ef ciency, pressure drop).
conventional Mellapak the pressure drop is remarkably Mellapak, MellapakPlus and Opti ow were chosen as
lowered, and the maximum useful capacity could be typical representatives of different packing structures
extended up to 50% (Kessler et al., 1999). (Figure 2). The traditional way to present the performance
What may be learned from the history? The time between of packings is by plotting ef ciency (NTSM 1=HETP)
major developments seems to decrease: from an average of and pressure drop vs gas load (F-factor). Our published
15 years until the 1980s down to 6 years since the 1990s. experimental data have been taken in a 1 m diameter
This observation leads to the assumption of the following distillation column at total re ux and different top pressures.
trend. Standard test mixtures are chlorobenzene=ethylbenzene or
trans-=cis-decaline. Performance data at 100 mbar top pres-
sure of the three packing types are plotted in Figure 3.
Trend 1 Why has the operating pressure of 100 mbar been
Trend 1 is acceleration of innovation cycle with the selected? Structured packings have their main application
following goals: in vacuum distillation, therefore 100 mbar is a typical
operating pressure, e.g. in the separation of ethylbenzene=
increase separation power per unit volume; styrene.
decrease equipment cost; Despite the fact that holdup data are important for the
understand the physics of the mass transfer process. understanding of the dynamic behaviour of the columns,

Figure 2. Different packing structures.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part A, January 2003


Figure 3. Standard performance diagrams.

only a little information is available from vendors (Suess may even result in wrong conclusions. An alternative way of
and Spiegel, 1992). comparison is to investigate the separation power of the
A direct comparison of the performance of different pack- packings. The separation power is de ned as the product of
ings based on these standard charts is dif cult because of: gas load (expressed by the F-factor Fv) times ef ciency
NTSM (1=HETP). It is a measure for the packing volume
different test mixtures; used for a given separation task. The higher the separation
different test columns (diameter, packing height); power, the lower the volume needed.
different operating pressures; For most of the common structured packings the separa-
different liquid distribution methods; tion power is very similar. In the last few years a consider-
unknown VLE method. able step forward has been made with the structured packing
An exception is the test work of Fractionation Research Inc., Opti ow and very recently with high capacity packings, e.g.
which is limited to its members. MellapakPlus.
In Figure 4 the ef ciency and the capacity of sheet In Figure 5 we combine the separation power with
metal packings of different vendors are plotted vs the pressure drop properties. The pressure drop is important
geometric surface area of the packing. We can see that the for dif cult separations in the vacuum where it is very often
ef ciency for a xed surface area does not vary signi- the decisive factor. In this gure we clearly see the signi-
cantly and for many years no improvements have cantly different behaviour of the three packing types, the
been made. traditional Mellapak and the recently improved types
Opti ow and MellapakPlus. Opti ow (with a surface area of
210 m2 m3) shows a high separation power per surface area
at a low pressure drop. MellapakPlus (with 250 m2 m3)
Separation Power
peaks at a 10% higher separation power, but at a three times
A fair comparison of different packings based on such higher pressure drop. The separation power has been
performance diagrams as shown in Figure 4 is not easy and increased by 50% for MellapakPlus compared to Mellapak.

Figure 4. Ef ciency (NTSM) and capacity factor (cG) vs geometric surface area (aI) for different packing types (red symbols for MellapakPlus).

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part A, January 2003


The design and manufacture of high-quality liquid distri-
butors providing a uniform liquid distribution is known and
state of the art. Problems still arise with the outlet holes
plugging. An improvement has been made with splash plate
devices resulting in a considerable reduction of hole number
and a larger hole size. The plugging could be substantially
reduced. A further improvement was achieved by changing
the form of the splash plate into a more streamlined form
(Figure 6). This resulted in a higher possible gas ow rate
of up to a maximum F-factor of 4.5 Pa0.5 and a liquid ow
rate of a maximum of 50 m3 m2 h1.
An other example is the tubed drip channel distributor
with modi ed outlet tubes (Figure 7). The new developed
Figure 5. Separation power per 100 m2 m3 of surface area vs pressure drop. drip tube in the form of a curl allows a much higher liquid
The dashed line with the question mark indicates our vision for this decade. throughput and an optimized liquid ow inside the trough.
The low interaction with the gas phase is comparable with
the original design and the new design tolerates high vapour
Trend 2 velocities (up to F-factor of 5 Pa0.5).
Our vision is to develop a packing with an even higher Another problem is the height needed for redistribution.
separation power at an intermediate pressure drop. We Can it be further reduced? A substantial height is used to
assume that a combination of the two structures will lead completely remix the liquid. We do not know to what extent
to a further increase in separation power during the next a complete remixing is necessary. Any reduction of liquid
innovation cycle. The optimization of the gas and liquid mixing could reduce the redistributor height considerably
ows in the future packing geometry will be of major (Bartlok et al., 2001).
importance. A further cost reduction based on optimized
manufacturing methods will also be a main topic.
Trend 3
Distributors will develop to more streamlined forms to
increase capacity and to reduce plugging. Redistributor
height may be reduced, especially in case of column
revamps, if less remixing can be tolerated. The main task
The use of structured packings in high liquid load=high in the next decade will be the investigation of the degree of
pressure services is often questionable and not clear in mixing needed. Because of advances in manufacturing
industrial practice. Most of the confusion arises from the methods a major cost reduction can be expected as well.
fact that many engineers do not distinguish between high
pressure applications in distillation, with a low ratio of
liquid to gas density (rL=rG < 20), and applications in COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS
absorption or stripping processes with a high ratio of
Computational uid dynamics (CFD) has become more
liquid to gas density (rL=rG20). In the latter case, the
and more important for the development of packings,
design and behaviour of structured packings is well known
internals and design of column accessories like gas entries.
and state of the art. A safe design can be made. Typical
A recent overview of CFD applications for the process
absorption examples are, for example, glycol contactors,
industries is given in Wehrli et al. (1996) and Casey et al.
where numerous columns are operated with pressures of
(1998). In the following the state of the art for gas and liquid
up to 150 bar. Examples for high liquid loads are, for
phase ow is discussed separately.
example, sea water deaerators with liquid loads of up to
300 m3 m2 h1.
The situation is different in high pressure distillation
Gas Phase Flow
applications (Nooijen, et al., 1997). The vapour=liquid
interaction at rL=rG < 20 and low surface tensions (s < The state of the art is the simulation of the gas ow in a
0.005 N m1) is still not well understood. Even the thorough small packing volume (with a few channels de ning the
study by Baenziger (1995) could not bring light into the main geometric structure) with periodic boundary condi-
dark. Because of the poor understanding of the pheno- tions. This allows prediction of the dry pressure drop and the
menon, caution is recommended when applying structured ef ciency based on the real ow pro les within the struc-
packings in high pressure distillation above 10 bar. ture, avoiding the assumption of plug ow.
For high pressure distillation services, we need more The development within the last 5 years has shown great
information about the vapour=liquid interaction of struc- progress in the methods of grid generation (time reduction
tured packings in order to understand the reduced ef ciency of 5080%) and in the resolution of the grid due to the
at low vapour-to-liquid density ratio and at low surface tremendous increase in processor power. This allowed
tension. We believe that further investigations using modern study of the transition from one packing element to the
design tools, such as CFD, which are currently being other, which was very important for the development of
developed, will help to overcome the problems. MellapakPlus (Figure 8).

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part A, January 2003


Figure 6. Splash plate distributor development.

It is still dif cult to model the in uence of the surface ne simulation of gas ow in an extended packing structure to
structure or surface roughness. The prediction of the dry predict its basic properties including the in uence of wall
pressure drop is within 20% of the measured values. This effects, segmentation gaps etc.
allows study of the differences between the effects of
various packing geometries on the pressure drop and the
ef ciency.
On the large scale we developed the tools to simulate the Liquid Phase Flow
gas ow in packings, inlet devices and complete columns The state of the art is the simulation of the liquid ow on
(Suess, 1992; Mohamed et al., 2001). In particular the an inclined plate with ne structure (objects of de ned
simulation of gas entries combined with ef cient grid geometry on the plate). Different approaches have their
generation allows routine investigation of the in uence of own limits regarding, for example, the transition between
large-scale maldistribution and as a consequence the pack- elements or the formation and motion of drops.
ing performance. An example of the three dimensional gas An example of the ow of liquid on an inclined surface
ow from gas inlet to the packing is shown in Figure 9. with ne structure is given in Figure 10.

Trend 4
Trend 5
In future we will have:
We visualize having a simulation of the liquid ow in a
more sophisticated grid generation directly from a CAD complete three-dimensional packing structure combined
column model; with mass transfer.

Figure 7. Tubed drip channel distributor development.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part A, January 2003


Figure 8. CFD simulation of Mellapak and MellapakPlus.

Two-phas e Flow Simulation of the conditions in high pressure distillation

or other services with mixed ow regimes will only be
The simulation of two-phase ow is still at an early stage.
available later.
The problem is that two-phase ow is an intrinsic insta-
It is a general trend to apply CFD more and more in
tionary process. Today, we can simulate a two-dimensional
research and development. It will also become important as
ow system where the liquid is a lm on an inclined plate
an interface to computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-
and the gas ow is counter-current. Much progress has been
aided engineering (CAE).
made using the Euler=Euler approach to model the liquid
ow distribution in uenced by gas. The dif culty here is to
develop a correct description of the interaction between the
two phases. A European research project is currently inves- DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS (IMAGING)
tigating the application of CFD for custom design of Liquid maldistribution (large-scale and small-scale maldis-
internals for heterogeneous reactive distillation packings. tribution) in packed columns is probably one of the most
For details refer to the projects web page at www.cpi. described effects in uencing the ef ciency of packed
umist.ac.uk=INTINT =. columns (Zuiderweg, 1999). Therefore great effort, especially
at the universities in Europe, is put into developing imaging
Trend 6
tools, i.e. methods to visualize the complicated processes
We expect that within the next 510 years real two-phase within a packing, column etc. In the following we present a
ow behaviour in structured packing will be simulated. short but not complete overview of the published work.

Figure 9. Simulation of the development of gas ow around the gas inlet.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part A, January 2003


Figure 10. CFD simulation of liquid phase ow.

Process Diagnostics velocity pro le (Potthoff, 1992). All these university efforts
help to better understand the uid phase behaviour and to
Process diagnostics is available as a commercial service
develop physically based models (Olujic, et al., 2001).
for column trouble-shooting (Bowman, 2001). This
gamma- or X-ray-scanning; Trend 7
radioactive tracing (source brought into equipment); Certainly imaging will become more and more important
neutron moderation. in research and development to support better understanding
Recently, hybrid services have been developed: of the complicated two-phase ow within packing struc-
tures. In the short term improved spatial=temporal resolution
Spect scangamma scanning and radioactive tracing of the devices may be expected. Imaging complements CFD,
combined; especially for validation purposes.
CAT scan (variable chord length and angular orientation); We can imagine using tomogram techniques routinely
Tracerco Pro lerpermanently installed density=level like a gas chromatograph or a ow meter in the next
detection device (e.g. in oilwater separators). decades process equipment.


Different methods are available to determine the distribu- Are there any other solutions besides hardware develop-
tion of the liquid phase in the packing structure. Mewes at ment to optimize distillation processes, e.g. reduction of
the University of Hannover measured the liquid holdup energy consumption? Excellent examples amongst others
distribution of Opti ow in a 190 mm column using X-ray
tomography. A problem is how to translate liquid holdup
information into a velocity distribution. If a liquid lm is
assumed, its velocity is derived from the lm thickness
using a Nusselt lm type model. Details of the method and
some results may be found in (Schmitz et al., 1998).
Figure 11 shows examples of the reconstruction of the
liquid distribution in two horizontal planes in Opti ow.
Problems of this technique are insuf cient spatial and
temporal resolution, and occurrence of artefacts (Eldridge
et al., 2001).
Stichlmair and co-workers at the Technical University of
Munich investigated the temperature distribution in Sulzer Figure 11. Computer tomogram of Opti ow. Liquid load: 26 m3 m2 h1 of
gauze packing and other types of packing to visualize the water; column diameter: 190 mm; atmospheric pressure.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part A, January 2003


are reactive distillation and dividing wall columns. Both expected. The vision is to increase the number of columns
have been known for 50 years or more but have only from 100 to 1000 during the next decade.
become popular in recent years.
Dividing Wall Columns
Reactive Distillation The fully thermally coupled column system and the
dividing wall column (Figure 13) are both thermodynami-
Great progress has been made in the last few years in
cally equivalent, and have been known for 50 years.
investigating the combined processes of catalytic reaction
However, in practice they have not found a widespread
and simultaneous fractionation of the reaction products in a
industrial use, although in the last 10 years the number of
single distillation column using solid catalysts. Examples of
applications has increased. There are several reasons for
industrial use are etheri cations, esteri cations (e.g. to manu-
this, e.g. more dif cult to control, less exibility, dif cult to
facture MTBE, a gasoline additive), alkylation or hydro-
distribute vapour and liquid ow, etc. Several investigations
genation. The advantages are obvious: since reaction
have shown the great potential to reduce the vapour ow and
products are removed continuously from the reaction
therefore the energy consumption compared with conven-
mixture, chemical equilibrium cannot be established, and
tional distillation systems. Besides the lower energy
high reaction rates are achieved. The results are higher
consumption the dividing wall column is attractive because
conversions compared with conventional processes. A typi-
the system requires only two heat exchangers (for a three-
cal example is the esteri cation of ethyl acetate where an
component system) and a smaller overall column.
energy saving of up to 50% can be achieved (Figure 12). In
addition, since reaction and distillation are performed in the
same combined column, it can replace a separate xed bed Trend 9
reactor and a separate distillation column thereby eliminat-
ing equipment and reducing capital costs. Today, the dividing wall column system is accepted
Despite the remarkable R&D efforts at universities and in mainly in chemical and petrochemical applications and a
industry, the number of industrial applications of hetero- signi cant increase in use of this system may be expected in
geneous catalytic distillation is still small (about 100 world- the next 10 years.
wide). There were several reasons for this, such as lack of
experience, simulation capability, test equipment, quali ed OUTLOOK
hardware, scale-up know-how, etc.
We see two different developments, the rst focuses on
equipment, the second on tools.
Trend 8 Regarding equipment we expect:
Today most of the above mentioned problems have been shorter innovation cycle;
solved and a breakthrough in the next few years can be increased separation power of structured packings at an
intermediate pressure drop;
cost reduction;
streamlined, cheaper internals.
Many questions remain unanswered: where is the physical
limit? How much can safety factors be reduced? etc.

Figure 12. Reactive distillation with Katapak. Figure 13. Sketch of dividing wall column.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part A, January 2003


Regarding tools we expect: Nooijen, J.L., Kusters, K.A. and Pek, J.J.B., 1997, The performance of
packing in high pressure distillation applications, IChemE Symp Ser,
CFD and imaging will become more and more important 142: 885897.
Olujic, Z., Crine, M., Toye, D. and Marchot, P., 2001, X-ray computed
in R&D; tomography: a key to revealing the secrets of small scale liquid maldis-
long-term goal is the virtual packing (i.e. real two-phase tribution in packed beds, AIChE Spring Meeting, Houston, TX.
ow simulation in a packing structure); Potthoff, R., 1992, Maldistribution in Fuellkoerperkolonnen, VDI-
imaging complements CFD (validation). Fortschrittsberichte, Reihe 3: Verfahrenstechnik, no. 294.
Schmitz, D., Petritsch, G., Mewes, D. and Moser, F., 1998, Tomographic
We do not expect a very rapid change in the process measurement of the liquid hold-up in a structured packing, ASME Int
Congr Expo, Anaheim, USA.
industries because of its very conservative attitude. By the Spiegel, L. and Knoche, M., 1999, In uence of hydraulic conditions on
need to remain competitive all options for reducing energy separation ef ciency of Opti ow, Trans IChemE, Part A, Chem Eng Res
consumption, investment costs, waste, etc. have to be Des, 77(A): 609612.
considered and decisions have to be taken. We believe that Suess, Ph., 1992, Analysis of gas entries of packed columns for two-phase
by the end of this decade distillation will still be the main ow, IChemE Symp Ser, 128: A369A383.
Suess, P. and Spiegel, L., 1992, Hold-up of Mellapak structured packings,
separation process within its limits but other options, for Chem Engng Process, 31: 119124.
example combined unit operations, will have to be consi- Vision 2020, 1998, 1998 Separations Roadmap (Center for Waste Reduction
dered and evaluated. Technologies of AIChE, New York).
Vision 2020, 2000, Distillation Priorities Topical Symposium, Proc AIChE
Spring National Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
REFERENCES Wehrli, M., Borth, J., Drtina, P. and Lang. E., 1996, Industrial application of
computational uid dynamics for mass transfer processes, Speedup 10.
Baenziger, G., 1995, Untersuchung des Fluidverhaltens in geordneten Zuiderweg, F.J., 1999, Distillation composition pro le, Trans IChemE,
Packungen unter Hochdruck, Ph.D. Thesis, ETH Zurich, no. 11253. Part A, Chem Eng Res Des, 77(A): 475481.
Bartlok, G., Quack, H. and Spiegel, L., 2001, Theoretical and experimental
investigation of the in uence of liquid redistribution on the performance
of packed columns, GVC-Meeting, Bamberg, Germany.
Bowman, J., 2001, Monitoring process performance, CEP, September:
Casey, M., Lang, E., Mack, R., Schlegel, R. and Wehrli, M., 1998,
Applications of computational uid dynamics for process engineering Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to
at sulzer, Speedup 12. Dr L. Spiegel, Sulzer Chemtech Ltd, P.O. Box 65, CH-8404 Winterthur,
Eldridge, B., Schmit, C. and Cartmel, D., 2001, Vapour-liquid contacting Switzerland.
fundamentals via X-ray tomography, AIChE Spring Meeting, Atlanta, GA. E-mail: lothar.spiegel@sulzer.com
Kessler, A., Moser, F. and Meier, W., 1999, MellapakPlus: a new generation
of structured packings, AIChE Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX. The paper was presented at the International Conference on Distillation
Mohamed Ali, A., Jansens, P. and Olujic, Z., 2001, The use of computational and Absorption held in BadenBaden, Germany, 30 September2 October
uid dynamics to model gas ow distribution in packed columns, 2002. The manuscript was received 8 July 2002 and accepted for publica-
6th World Congr Chem Engng, Melbourne. tion after revision 28 October 2002.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part A, January 2003

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