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Running head: REFLECTION PAPER DAY 2 1

Reflection Paper: Day 2

Marteca Soler-Bodden

International College of the Cayman Islands

Seminar: Business and Society

14 November 2017

Ms. Melisa Bent-Hamilton


Today, November 14th, 2017, my business and society class attended three different

presentations. The first presentation was presented by Mr. John Bothwell, who is the senior

research officer at the Department of Environment. His presentation went over the main tasks of

the DEH and explained what the biggest environmental impacts are that they are working toward

combatting, which are, habitat loss, overfishing, and coral bleaching. This presentation related to

business and society because it explained how the actions of businesses and society can affect

our environment. In the Cayman Islands, it is important to understand how businesses and

society affect our environment because we are so small, and every action creates a greater effect.

This presentation enabled us to think about the importance of corporate social responsibility,

which means that a corporation should act in a way that enhances society and its inhabitants and

be held accountable for any of its actions that affect people, their communities, and their

environment (Lawrence & Weber, 2017, p. 48).

The second presentation was presented by Mr. Will Pineau, who is the chief executive at

the chamber of commerce. His presentation went over the objectives, goals, and tasks of the

chamber of commerce and explained how they intertwine the community, government, and

businesses into what they do. He also gave us an overview of their member benefits and how to

get involved in the community. This presentation related to business and society because, as

previously mentioned, the chamber of commerce are made up of interactions between the

businesses, government, and the community.

The third presentation was presented by Mr. Adolphus Laidlow, who is an economics and

statistics officer at the economics and statistics office. His presentation went over the objectives

and tasks of the economics and statistics office. He also explained their significance in the

Cayman Islands, some of their procedures, the laws they comply with, and the structure of the

department. This presentation related to business and society because it explained how the

statistic of society and our country as a whole contribute to the business of the economics and

statistics office.


Lawrence, A. T., & Weber, J. (2017). Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy

(15th ed.).

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