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‘Par-ish Directory wor FR Rector Hon.Assistant Priest Church Wardens Churchill Church Wardens Blakedown Veryer: Churchill..... Oryanist: Blakedown..... Hon. Secretary P.C.C.... Hon. Treasurers P.C.C. Churchill..... Blakedown..... Covenant Secretary Hon. Secretary FWO Churchill. Blakedown. Sunday Club Adventurers... Missionary Secretary Charch Women's Guild Women on Friday Church Flowers* Churchill..... Blakedown.. Editor.. Treasurer...... Advert Secretary.....- Mayazine Mayazine Mayazine Revd.Norman J. Davis 700293 Revd.Robert C. Day .. 700205 Mr.Gerald Dyer ...... 700748 Mr D Houle...... we 700459 Mr D Phillip: 3 +++ 700365 Mr B Tait... ++ 700576 Mr L Stock.. ++ 700881 Mrs.J. Rand +++ 700616 Mrs.M. Bowkett .- -- 7515918) Mr eee Me SONNE sags ss cs + 700543 Mr.R. Keys .. + 700231 Mr.G. Dyer .. + 700748 Mr.G. Dyer .. - 700748 Mrs.J. Rand.. 700616 Mr.G. Dyer... : + 700748 Mrs. S. Merrill-.+-... ----700078 Mrs.Macdiarmid . +. 700776 Mrs.S. Gordon ... --70C731 Mrs.D. Chatwin . +. 70u234 Mrs.A.Duffell ..- ++700285 Mrs.G. Rand ..... - + 700616 Mrs.J. Jones: - 700468 Revd.N. Davis ... = + 700293 Mr.W. Cotterill . + -700781 Mrs.A. Duffell ......- «+... 700285 Material for the January magazine should be with the Editor as soon as possible and at the latest 10th in order to have the magazine available especially look for contributions and points for the whole community. last minute. by December on time. We of interest Please don't leave it until the 8A DECEMBER SERVICES 1993 AO December 6th Advent 2 10.00a.m ADVENT FAMILY SERVICE Blakedown 1.1548. Holy Communion Churchill December 13th Advent 3/Bible Sunday 08.00a.m. Holy Communion Churchill 10.00a.m. Holy Communion Blakedown 04.00p.m. CAROL SERVICE OF LIGHTS CHURCHILL December 20th Advent 4 11.15a.m. Holy Communion yl Churchill 04.00p.m. CHRISTINGLE CAROL SERVICE BLAKEDOWN December 24th CHRISTMAS EVE 11.30p Holy Communion Blakedown December 25th CHRISTMAS DAY 08.00a.m. Holy Communion Churchill 10.00a.m. FAMILY SERVICE BLAKEDOWN 11.15a.m. FAMILY SERVICE CHURCHILL (Both Services followed by Holy Communion) December 27th Christmas 1 10.00: Holy Communion Blakedown 11.15a.m. Morning Prayer Churchill QERERERERERERERE CURISTIAN AID gERSReERERRSE AFRICA IN CRISIS APPEAL The following has been sent to the Africa in Crisis Appeal from Blakedown Church. Church collection.....£50.36 Coffee Fund..... o++-+£50.00 Harvest Auction. ++ -£26.20 Total.. » £126.56 The Barn Dance held in the Parish Rooms by the Hagley and District Committee raised £300.00 for Christian Aid. HR RHR HK HEH HR RK Also from the Harvest Auction £26.20 was sent to the Kidderminster Flying Doctor Service. RRR RHR KR RR HR RK The Rector’s Letter December 1992 Dear Friends, Christmas is almost here again with all its hope and cheer. But first a couple of thoughts before I write something of a Christmas message. First, my comments last month about the despairing clergyman did make one or two people think. You will be pleased to know that the Worcester Diocese has no plans at the moment to cut their number of clergy - let us keep it that way by showing that people are more im- portant than things. Secondly, the recent General Synod vote in favour of the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood. In one sense it was a no win situation. Whatever the result there was bound -to be those who would be hurt. Now that the decision has been made let us continue to live and worship together in love and understanding and sympathize with those who are disillusioned. Let us remember that there is no perfect church here on earth - if you can find one which is perfect for you (or I for me) then we can be sure it will not suit someone else. HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL. uF We echo that from all at the Rectory. But some may be saying,"OH NO? Not Christmas!" "Spend, spend; eat,eat; visit the in-laws. Three days in front of the telly. Always forget someone's card! I'll be glad when it's all over!" But you know there's more to Christmas than this - there's got to be. We can't avoid it - Christmas is a celebration the celebration of the Birth of Jesus. NO JESUS at Christmas - NO REAL Christmas We ought to think about Jesus to find out who He is. He was born so that everyone who believes in Him can have a new quality of life. Now that's something worth celebrating Everyone is separated from God by the wrong things they have done. Yes, that includes you and me. No matter how good we think we are, we have not reached God's standard. With- out Jesus were in trouble and heading for more! But God loves us.He doesn't want us to stay that way - that is why he was born. He was born to die. To die that brutal death of crucifixion to restore a right relationship between ourselves and our Heavenly Father. So make Christmas a real celebration this year.. And make it a real celebration by worshipping the Christ child with Christian love for Christmas, Om —. us. = Se FROM THE CHURCH REGISTER HOLY BAPTISMS RRR RH HR HK RRR RRR October 18th Natalie Clare Page Blakedown # 25th Georgia Rose’ Bryce Churchill m 25th Thomas Ian Shacklock Churchill FUNERALS October 22nd Annie Pemberton 86 Years Churchill November 23rd Arthur Edwards 61 Years Blakedown RRR RRR RR RR HHH CHURCH FLOWERS Churchill Blakedown December 6th Mrs Widdowson Mrs A Grazebrook 2 13th Mrs Widdowson, Mrs D Chatwin - 20th Mrs Rand § Flower Guild 27th Mrs Rand Flower Guild January 3rd Mrs Rand Flower Guild RRR ERR RHR RRR HK STAMPS Don't throw them away; they can be turned into cash for charity. If you do not already donate them, hand them to the Rector or leave them at the back of one of the churches - they will then be passed on to help with the work of the Church Army. eR ER ERE Don't forget Blakedown FAMILY SERVICES 10am January 3rd Children - come dressed as Wise Men/woman PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Tell then that you have Seen their advert in the magazine, as the cost of the magazine would be much higher without their contribution. NEEDED AT CHURCHILL CHURCH There is a need at Churchill Church for a Ewbank Stile Carpet Sweeper (push along kind). We have an electric polisher which we would like to either sell reasonably or exchange in order to provide for a sweeper. Would anyone in the parish enjoy doing some interesting church needlework repairs? If so please contact: Mrs Pauline Hayward on 700 476 RRR RRR RRR RH RK CONFIRMATION JUNE 6th 1993 Thinking about Confirmation? In the service of Confirmatior you are saying to God and the Church that you believe in Him and trust in Him with yourwhole life. You are also saying that you want to be an active Christian in the life of the Church. You are making an open witness that Jesus is your Saviour and that you follow Him as your Lord. It also means that you become a full member of the Church of England sharing Communion with other members. CLASSES will begin early in the New Year, so please give your name as soon as possible to the Rector (if you have not already done so). Young people should be 11 years by the date of the Confirmation. There are a number of adults interested so if you are an interested adult please don't think you will be on your own, RRR RRR RRR RHE RECTORY FELLOWSHIP YOU are welcome to come and join us at the Rectory on Wednesdays 7.45p.m. 5 Mill Lane. DECEMBER PROGRAMME 2nd "Good News Down Your Lane" "What JESUS DID" 9th "Faith in the Countryside" Go for it! & 16th "LETS CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS." Bring something to eat and share it with others. HR RRR RRR HH HR HK LOOKING AHEAD Bishop Tony Dumper will be visiting the benefice for an Evening Service on Sunday 7th February and then on Thursday 11th February there will be a Ploughman's Supper and dis- cussion with the Bishop on the subjects:- The Church of England The Church and State The Church and the World The Service will be at Churchill Church and the Thursday Evening at Broome Church Hall. The Bishop hopes that all P.C.C. MEMBERS will be present on these occasions together with other Members of the Congregation. It should be very interesting, stimulating and informative - so make a date in your NEW diary! RRR EHR HER RR REE + this season of the year, aoe ee thelr eee someone is likely to remind us % fro j Fee ete ea Cleus ” § Sbout Father Capt sbeas tbe comes from Saint Nicholas, the : patron saint of children. Sue But the good man casts his busy net very wide indeed. He is also claimed as the left it at the tron saint of scholars, foot of his merchants, brokers, boatmen, . Early travellers, dockers, coopers, next morning wnbrokers, parish clerks, the house resounded to excited shouts. Mother found him sitting up and Pinte rewers, pilgrims, the land of sia, the city of Aberdeen, of those who have unjustly lost a law suit! ich is, I suppose, simply an usual way of saying that istmas is for everybody. Seseeesesssssssessesssessss RRR RH RHR RR RHE I saw three ships come sailing by — On Christmas Day in the morning. Three ships? How about worship for one; friendship for another; and stewardship for a third? RRR RHR HK HEH KHER POPPY APPEAL The house to house Collection in Churchill and Blakedown for the 1992 Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal raised £485.00 an increase of £18.00 on the 1991 total. The organisers would like to thank on behalf of the Royal British Legion all the collectors who so willingly gave their time to support vital work for the ex-servicemen and women and their dependants in need. About 18 million people are entitled to ask for the help that the Royal British Legion can provide. About 100,000 benefitted in some way during the past year. N.L.D. RR RRR RR RRR HK GREETINGS CARD 1993 Once again we shall be sending out our Christmas Greetings in the form of a TEXT CARD for 1993. We know that many have received spiritual help and encouragement from them over the past years. We hope you, like many did this year, not throw it out with the Christmas Cards, but put it some- where throughout 1993 where you and others can see it and receive a blessing (maybe alongside 1992's card). When YOU cry for help! As soon as HE hears, HE will answer YOU Isaiah 30 v 19 from all at the Rectory Wi BLAKEDOWN W.1I. November The A.G.M. took place this month. Mrs Mary Dodd read the Annual Report on the past year and Mrs Barbara Campbell presented the Financial Statement. Mrs Maureen Bowkett addressed members for the last time as President. The new committee were named the next President will be ded- icated member Mrs Jane Chapman. Silver cups were presented to Miss Helen Walton for her work on behalf of W.I. Markets, and, to Mrs M Hardwick for her contribution to the Over Sixties Club. The Drama Gala Evening was a great success. President Maureen thanked producers Jan Jones and Beryl Heathcock for all their hard work and congratulated the talented cast on their performance. The evening concluded with an entertaining account of a Norwegian holiday enjoyed by Mrs Audrey Grazebrook and some W.I. friends. Next Meeting December 9th. HOLIDAY LET Large Country Stone Cottage Languidic Southern Brittany FRANCE Near Sea Sleeps 8 + Cot 4 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms For More Details and Bookings Telephone Jacky Hughes 0562 700085 BEAVERS Domestics Delivered Daily 49, Corbett Crescent, Amblecote, DY8 49T Tel: 0384 442140 ‘Temporary and permanent domestic staff supplied for general cleaning, spring cleaning, help with parties and functions. All staff delivered and collected

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