Intraoral Local Anesthesia and Ocular Complications

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Kavitha Patil et al

Intraoral Local Anesthesia and Ocular Complications

Kavitha Patil, Karishma Munoli, Vinod Kumar, Kartik Venkataraghavan

ABSTRACT due to intraoral local anesthesia, the ocular alterations are

Background: Ocular complications due to intraoral local quite uncommon, representing approximately 0.1% of the
anesthesia are rare but most distressing to the dentist and complications.4
patient. Ocular complications after local anesthetic injections There are few studies which report various ocular
are rarely reported in the literature and these complications complications. A comprehensive review of literature
include strabismus, ptosis, diplopia, blindness, ophthalmoplegia,
provides an overview of ocular complications due to local
loss of accommodation.
The dentist must be vigilant and beware of ocular anesthetic injection techniques in dentistry.
complications when performing local anesthetic nerve blocks.
Aim: The aim and objective of this review is to help the dental
surgeons to understand about the causes, mechanisms and Commonly occurring ocular complications due to local
symptoms of ocular complications to enable them to diagnose, anesthetic injections in dentistry are as follows:5
manage and prevent those complications. 1. Diplopia
Materials and methods: The revision included a systematic 2. Strabismus
literature search of past 10 years with keywords dental 3. Ptosis
anesthesia, ocular complications, blindness after dental 4. Loss of accommodation
anesthesia, diplopia following dental anesthesia. 5. Ophthalmoplegia
Papers for review were chosen from the selected articles.
6. Amaurosis (blindness).
When data did not appear sufficient or were inconclusive;
recommendations were based upon expert or consensus opinion These complications following dental anesthesia are
by experienced researchers and clinicians. usually temporary and wear off along with the effects of
local anesthesia. Very rarely does permanent blindness occur
Conclusion: The various ocular complications, its causes,
mechanisms and management are emphasized in this review and is usually accompanied by other systemic presentations.
paper. As per literature review ocular complications are rare to Various causes for ocular complications due to intraoral
occur but they are most distressing, clinicians should be aware local anesthesia are as follows:6,7
of complications and should be able to diagnose and understand Diffusion
the complications for timely prevention and effective
Inadvertent needle penetration into the orbit
Venous injection
Keywords: Diplopia, Ocular complications, Dental anesthesia. Retrograde arterial injection
How to cite this article: Patil K, Munoli K, Kumar V, Venkata- Sympathetic impulse generation
raghavan K. Intraoral Local Anesthesia and Ocular Embolism.
Complications. World J Dent 2013;4(2):108-112. The nerve blocks which are prone for ocular
Source of support: Nil complications are as follows:
1. Posterior superior alveolar nerve block
Conflict of interest: None declared
2. Inferior alveolar nerve block.
For the past 45 years, ocular complications after middle
or posterior superior alveolar nerve block were reported
Intraoperative pain control by means of local anesthesia is twice more frequent than inferior alveolar nerve block.
an intrinsic part of clinical practice in dentistry.1 There are The posterior superior alveolar nerve is a branch of the
local and systemic complications following local anesthetic maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V)
injections in dentistry. Although there may be some rare arising in the pterygopalatine fossa just before it enters the
systemic complications; most complications are local and infraorbital canal. It gives out two branches, one providing
temporary. Local complications include hematoma sensory innervations to the mucous membrane of the
formation, pain at the sight of injection due to nerve maxillary sinus and the second to the alveoli, periodontal
impingement or injection into a muscle, trismus and facial ligaments and pulpal tissues of maxillary molars.
nerve paralysis, etc.2 Ocular disturbances have known to The posterior superior nerve block is mainly given to
occur as rare complications due to intraoral local anesthesia.3 achieve anesthesia of maxillary molars (except mesiobuccal
Despite being described as a local type of complications root of first molar) and surrounding structures.


Intraoral Local Anesthesia and Ocular Complications

The inferior alveolar nerve is the largest branch of the cavernous sinus. The abducent nerve being more
mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve. It travels down susceptible as it passes through the cavernous sinus
the lateral pterygoid muscle and lateroposterior to the lingual leading to paralysis of the lateral rectus muscle causing
nerve and travels up to the mental foramen where it gives diplopia.10
its terminal branches: incisive nerve and mental nerve. Paralysis of the eye: Inadvertent entry of local anesthetic
During its course, the inferior alveolar nerve is always solution into venous system which drains into pterygoid
accompanied by the inferior alveolar artery (a branch of plexus and later into cavernous sinus. The retrograde
the internal maxillary artery) and the inferior alveolar vein. flow of local anesthetic solution into cavernous causes
The artery lies just anterior to the nerve. pressure in the sinus resulting into paralysis of
The inferior alveolar nerve block is mainly given to oculomotor nerve which is in close proximity to it.11,12
achieve anesthesia of mandibular teeth and surrounding Blindness (amaurosis): The central retinal artery is a
structures. small branch of the ophthalmic artery; any anesthetic
solution flowing through the middle meningeal artery
SYMPTOMS may enter the ophthalmic artery and further the retinal
The symptoms experienced are: artery causing blindness and loss of pupillary light reflex.
1. Blurring of vision A reflex vasospasm of the central retinal artery
2. Double vision results in ischemia and necrosis of retinal tissue causing
3. Decreased sensation on the lateral aspect of the upper permanent blindness.13
and lower eyelids So far in literature there are very few reported cases
4. Squinting of permanent blindness due to intraoral local anesthesia.
5. Loss of vision De Keyzer et al14 and Rishiraj et al15 reported permanent
6. Dropping of the upper eyelid blindness in one eye following administration of
7. Difficulty in reading due to paralysis of accommodation intraoral local anesthesia. Walsh16 described a case of
8. Transient dizziness. permanent amaurosis after dental anesthesia of upper
teeth; he attributed this to the oily nature of local
PATHOGENIC MECHANISM OF COMPLICATIONS anesthetic solution containing procaine hydrochloride
which resulted in the embolism of retinal artery.
Various mechanisms for ocular complications due to dental Ptosis, strabismus and loss of accommodation: The
anesthesia are as follows: power of accommodation is dependent on the elasticity
Diplopia: The possible mechanism of the ocular of the lens capsule and the contraction of the ciliary
complications is intravascular injection of the local muscles supplied by the short ciliary nerves. The short
anesthetic solution. Since the inferior alveolar artery lies ciliary nerves are the postganglionic fibers of the ciliary
in close proximity to the inferior alveolar nerve, a chance ganglion, which are provided parasympathetic
of an intravascular injection is quite high. Due to preganglionic fibers by the oculomotor nerve (cranial
pressure with which the anesthetic solution is injected, nerve III). When there is paralysis of oculomotor nerve
the solution is forced back to the maxillary artery. The due to injury or anesthesia it results into ptosis,
middle meningeal artery may arise from the maxillary strabismus, dilatation of the pupil and loss of power of
artery; also the origins of middle meningeal artery and accommodation as the sphincter pupillae, the ciliary
the inferior alveolar artery are closely situated, which muscle and the internal rectus are paralyzed.
leads to the entry of the anesthetic solution. The Occasionally paralysis may affect only a part of the
ophthalmic branch of the middle meningeal artery may nerve. Thus there may be internal strabismus from spasm
anastomose with the lacrimal artery. The blood supply of the internal rectus, accommodation for near objects
to the lateral rectus muscle is derived from the lacrimal only from spasm of the ciliary muscle or miosis
artery and the lateral muscular trunk of the ophthalmic (contraction of the pupil) from irritation of the sphincter
artery. Hence, the intravascular injection of the local of the pupil.12
anesthetic may lead to the paralysis of the lateral rectus Some literatures describe Horner like syndrome with
causing diplopia.8,9 ptosis, miosis, vascular dilatation of the conjunctiva and
Diplopia may also be caused by inadvertent entry of generalized rash over the face, neck shoulder and arm.
the anesthetic solution into the venous system, which The mechanism suggested is the accidental injection of
drains into the pterygoid plexus and further the local anesthetic drug into the stellate ganglion.17

World Journal of Dentistry, April-June 2013;4(2):108-112 109

Kavitha Patil et al

Literature Review palsy of the oculomotor nerve leading to diplopia, strabismus

and ptosis following a posterior superior alveolar nerve
Penarrocha-Diago and Sanchis-Bielsa (2000) presented a
block and extraction of maxillary right second molar. The
series of 14 cases of ophthalmologic complications after
patient was treated symptomatically, and the recovery was
intraoral anesthesia of the posterior superior alveolar nerve.
The most commonly encountered symptoms were diplopia,
Jose-Maria Aguada et al (2011) carried out a review of
mydriasis, palpebral ptosis, and abduction difficulties of
19 articles to find out the incidence and type of ocular
the affected eye. In all cases, these effects occurred a few
complications after intraoral local anesthesia. They found
minutes after injection of the anesthetic, followed by
that ophthalmological complications are seldom a problem,
complete resolution without sequelae on cessation of the
diplopia being the most common complication (65%), which
anesthetic effect. The pathogenic mechanism underlying
coincides with the data from other authors. Almost all of
such ophthalmologic disorders is discussed in terms of a
the complications were of a temporary nature, with an
possible diffusion of the anesthetic solution toward the
average recovery time of 68 minutes. The authors appear to
orbital region.18
indicate that an intravascular injection of the anesthetic was
Joseph Horowitz et al (2005) presented three case
the cause of the problem, and therefore, it should be avoided
reports; two patients had ipsilateral optic neuropathy and
in order to prevent accidents at the ocular level.4
one patient had an ipsilateral abduction deficit and a dilated,
Steenen et al (2012) reported a case in which a patient
poorly reactive pupil immediately after anesthesia of upper
with right lateral rectus muscle palsy and blurred vision
alveolar teeth. In all but three cases, the deficits were
after bimaxillary anesthesia. Signs, symptoms and
temporary. Diffusion, inadvertent needle penetration into
pathophysiologic hypotheses of these complications are
the orbit and intravascular injection was postulated as the
mechanism by which the anesthetic agent reaches the
Yoon and Chussid (2012) presented a case report of
cavernous sinus or orbit to cause the deficits.6
7-year-old male patient who developed palpebral ptosis and
Magliocca et al (2006) presented a case of 36-year-old
paralysis of the extraocular muscles following local
female patient who developed diplopia and an ipsilateral
anesthetic administration for a major operative procedure
lateral rectus paresis following local anesthetic adminis-
on the permanent mandibular left first molar. Complete
tration to remove a left maxillary second molar. Complete
resolution occurred within approximately 30 minutes.24
resolution occurred within 3 hours. The clinical examination
Verma, Rajan and Prabhu (2012) have reported two rare
and management plan were reviewed for this uncommon
cases of transient isolated amaurosis. Both the instances of
occurrence. The relevant anatomical pathways are discussed
amaurosis were seen after inferior alveolar nerve blocks.
and illustrated with photographs.19
The condition was transient and resolved without any active
In 2006 Wei Cheong Ngeow, Chen Kiong Shim and
intervention. The etiology in the present case was believed
Wen Lin Chai presented a case report of two patients who
to be intravascular injection.7
developed transient loss of power of accommodation of the
Steenen et al (2012) reviewed the literature from the
eye resulting in blurred vision after routine inferior alveolar
years 1936 to 2011 and showed 131 cases with this type of
nerve blocks on the ipsilateral side. Clear vision returned
complication and also presented a case report of a patient
within 10 to 15 minutes after completion of the blocks. They
with right lateral rectus muscle palsy and blurred vision
explained that possible mechanism for this phenomenon is
after bimaxillary anesthesia. Signs, symptoms and
accidental injection into the neurovascular bundle of local
pathophysiologic hypotheses of these complications were
anesthetic agents, which were carried via the blood to the
orbital region. This resulted in paralysis of a branch of
cranial nerve III, the short ciliary nerves that innervate the
Prevention and Management of Complications
ciliary muscle, which controls accommodation.20
Williams and Williams (2011) reported the unusual case Prevention is better than cure. Hence, it is always better to
of a young patient who experienced amaurosis, total avoid anesthetic misadventure. Most of the complications
ophthalmoplegia, complete upper eyelid ptosis, mydriasis occurring are temporary and recovery is almost immediate.
and periorbital blanching following inferior alveolar nerve In most cases, patients complaining of diplopia, blurring of
anesthesia.21 vision or loss of accommodation, gain back vision within 5
Kini, Kharkar and Kini (2011) have explained details to 60 minutes after the onset. In certain cases it may exceed
about an iatrogenic paresis of the abducent nerve and partial to up to 4 to 5 hours and rarely up to 24 hours.


Intraoral Local Anesthesia and Ocular Complications

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and report of a case. Pediatr Dent 2012;34(4):343-46.
Phone: +91-9845971171, e-mail:


Kartik Venkataraghavan
Kavitha Patil
Professor and Head, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive
Professor and Head, Department of Ophthalmology, Raichur Institute Dentistry, College of Dental Sciences and Research Centre
of Medical Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka, India Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India


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