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Wounded Company: Ogre Rescue

An Ogre scenario
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Maps | Setup | Escape | Special Rules | Special Rules (Optional) | Victory Levels | Scenario
Variants | Ogre Scenario | Tables

An impetuous Vulcan is determined to rescue an immobilized Mark-V. Despite the odds, or his orders, he
will retrieve his comrade's AI brain.

A Vulcan is too tempting a prize; forcing the Paneuropeans to re-engage. The Combine is drawn back into
the conflict to protect their disobedient, but irreplaceable, Vulcan.

Combine's Fort Lion, 0430 hours

"Sorry to wake you Sir, but we have new orders from Command. Something went to hell at the front.
General Keyes has ordered the Mark V to cover for our immediate evac."

"I see . . . Thank you Sergeant," the groggy Major drew a slow exasperated breath before he continued;
"We mustn't leave anything for the enemy. Your job is to encrypt and hard copy our computer data.
Bring that to me when you're done. Order the infantry and tank crews to bug out now and have the
engineers rig the fort to blow in three hours. Call in the patrols. I want them all back in two hours and
ready to evac."

"Sir, about the tanks, we don't have enough crew for them all. Should we blow them too?"
"Not so hasty, Sergeant. Just give command access to the Vulcan, and let it handle it."

Combine's Fort Lion, 0620 hours

"Sir, our patrols are all in and Fire Cat platoon reports the Mark V is holding the front, but it won't last
"Alright then, time for us to go Sergeant. But I don't see the Vulcan. Where is it?"
Paneuropean's Striker Battalion Command, 0623 hours
"Sir, Striker Flank reports the Mark V is immobilized and that they are bypassing it now to attack the

"Fate favors us today! We'll finish it off later Lieutenant, it's not going anywhere."

Paneuropean's Striker Battalion Command, 0625 hours

"Sir, Striker Flank's scanners are reporting a new target vectoring toward the Mark V. My God, Sir . . .
It's a Vulcan!"

"Lieutenant send this Flash 2: All Striker forces to return to Mark V local and engage Vulcan - now
designated as target - Opportunity. New primary mission goal - capture Opportunity at all costs!"

The Battalion Commander gave a relaxed sigh and continued, "Lieutenant I'm going to hang that
thing's ID plaque on my wall, right next to the medal Central Command's going to give me!"

Combine's Fort Lion 0627 hours

"What do you see Sergeant?"

"Sir, it's the Vulcan. It looks like it's made its own platoon from the unmanned armor."

"And why is it going the wrong way, Sergeant?"

"It didn't answer the Comm., Sir. Are we going to follow it back to the front?"

The Major lowered his binoculars and answered ponderously, "Sergeant . . . If I lose the fort, the
General will understand . . . If I lose the battalion, it will end my career . . . But if I lose the General's
Vulcan he will shoot me himself. Sometimes I truly hate Ogres."


Players select a map of their choice and begin on opposite sides.

Map Overlays (optional)

Map overlays are determined by random die rolls which may be performed by either or both players.

For each bridge, large or stream, roll the die and consult this table:

Die Roll Overlay

1-3 None
4-6 Destroyed

For each city hex or group of adjacent city hexes roll the die and consult this table:

Die Roll Overlay

1-2 None
3-4 Damaged, roads cut
5-6 Rubble, roads cut

Additionally the Paneuropean player may place one die roll of crater overlays anywhere on the map except that they may
not be placed adjacent to each other.
After all Map Overlays have been placed players construct their forces.

Setup (and Reinforcements)

Players should use Stacking Rule for G.E.V. map scenarios, Designer Edition rules 5.02.2 and Overrun Rules, Designer
Edition rules 8.00 even for play on the Ogre map.

Cruise missile crawlers are not allowed for either player.

Designer Edition rules 10.00.

Turn sequence is used to determine when additional reinforcements are deployed.

The Combine player moves first (odd numbered turns) and the Paneuropean player second (even numbered turns.)

Combine Forces

The Mark V has no tread units, no missiles and no main batteries, but has one die roll of secondary batteries, and one die
roll of APs, still functional. The Mark V is placed as close to the center of the chosen map as possible, not in water or a
crater. During play it may be useful to replace the Mark V with a flat Ogre counter to allow easier unit stacking.

Vulcan force: The Vulcan has remote control of 4 armor units, each of which is a Vulcan Drone, a Heavy Tank, or a
Missile Tank. During play Vulcan Drones "riding" on the Vulcan's trailer can be considered to be stacked with the
Vulcan itself. A Vulcan Drone placed underneath the Vulcan's trailer is considered to occupy that hex - and is not
considered to be stacked with the Vulcan itself.

Fort Lion A force: 6 Infantry and 6 armor units.

Fort Lion B force: 6 Infantry (mounted on 2 GEV-PCs) and 6 armor units.

Combine Force Deployment

Vulcan force enters the map from the Combine side at the start of turn one.

Fort Lion A force may enter the map from the Combine side at the start of turns five and seven. All of the units from this
force may be deployed entirely in either turn, or split as desired between them.

Fort Lion B force enters the map from the Combine side at the start of turn nine. Any unit entering the map on a road
hex is assumed to have been traveling on the road and gets a road bonus.

Paneuropean Forces

Striker Flank force: 6 Infantry and 6 armor units.

Striker Main force: 6 Infantry (mounted on 2 GEV-PCs) and 12 armor units.

Striker Point force: 6 Infantry and 6 armor units.

Paneuropean force deployment

Striker Flank force enters the map from the Paneuropean side at the start of turn two.

Striker Main force may enter the map from the Paneuropean side at the start of turn six and eight. All of the units from
this force may be deployed entirely in either turn, or split as desired between them.

Striker Point force enters the map from the Paneuropean side at the start of turn ten.
Any unit entering the map on a road hex is assumed to have been traveling on the road and gets a road bonus.


Units may escape off their respective sides of the map. No units may escape off the edges of the map.

Special Rules


A Vulcan may remotely control up to 4 armor units (of any type, save as limited by specific scenario instructions) to
form a Vulcan Platoon. Armor units within a Vulcan Platoon move and fire normally.

If the Vulcan is destroyed (all weapons and all tread units destroyed) its remote armor units are immobilized and unable
to fire.

Stacking Rule for G.E.V. map scenarios, Designer Edition rules 5.02.2, is increased to six for Vulcan Platoons only.
This allows an entire Vulcan Platoon (five vehicles) to occupy a hex already containing another vehicle, such as an Ogre
requiring repair or reloading.

A Vulcan's arms are each defense 2. A Vulcan arm can carry a single Cargo Item. On each Recovery Phase an
operational Vulcan arm generates one work point for use within its hex.

Cargo Points and Cargo Items

A Vulcan has 12 Cargo Points of internal storage which can be used with the following cargo items:

Ogre Rattler missile - 1 cargo point

Ogre AI Brain - 6 cargo points (lighter, but bulkier than a missile!)

Vulcan Drone

A Vulcan Drone is treated as a Heavy Tank with movement 3 and defense 3. A Vulcan Drone may be disabled. A Vulcan
Drone's arm can carry a single Cargo Item. On each Recovery Phase an operational Vulcan Drone arm generates one
work point for use within its hex.

Work Points

All work points generated by a Vulcan Platoon can be applied toward completion of one or more Tasks within their
respective hexes.


Load or unload a Cargo Item from the Vulcan's internal storage - 1 work point
Reload an Ogre's external missile launcher with an Ogre Rattler missile - 2 work points
Ogre AI brain removal or installation - 16 work points

Example Tasks:

A healthy Vulcan can remove the AI brain from an Ogre that it is stacked with in 8 turns. If a Vulcan Platoon (a healthy
Vulcan and 4 Vulcan Drones, generating 6 work points per Recovery Phase) can perform the same Task in 3 turns (using
16 of the 18 generated work points.)
A single Vulcan Drone can reload an external launcher of an Ogre that it is stacked with in two turns. A healthy Vulcan
can perform this Task in a single turn.

Special Vulcan Rules (scenario specific). The Paneuropean player may attack the Vulcan's arms, but each lost arm
subtracts 15 victory points from the player's total - but drones are expendable!

Special Rules (optional, but recommended)

Terrain Destruction, Designer Edition rules 13.01

Bridge Destruction, Designer Edition rules 13.02

Objectives and victory points

The Vulcan must reach the standard Mark V, retrieve its AI brain, and then escape off the Combine side of the map.
Since loss of the Vulcan is not acceptable it may be forced to escape.

After the Ogre AI brain removal is completed the Combine player must designate the Vulcan's arm (specifically left or
right) or one of the Vulcan Drones as the unit carrying the Ogre AI brain. If this unit or arm is destroyed (also destroying
the Ogre AI brain) before escaping the map the mission is, at best, a draw for the Combine player.

"Capture" the Vulcan at all costs by destroying all of its tread units, but not all of it weapons, which would constitute
destroying the Vulcan, not the desired objective!

Note from the chronicler: It is assumed that "pinning" the Vulcan to this local will allow overwhelming Paneuropean
reinforcements to complete the "capture," driving any remaining Combine forces from the battlefield.

Victory levels and conditions.

When the last tread unit of the Vulcan is destroyed or it has escaped the map the scenario ends.

Victory Levels

Combine Total Vulcan escapes with the Mark V's AI brain with less than 40
Victory victory points worth of lost units.
Combine Victory Vulcan escapes with the Mark V's AI brain.
Draw Vulcan escapes.
Paneuropean Victory Vulcan captured.
Paneuropean Total Vulcan captured and 80 victory points worth of Combine forces
Victory destroyed.

Scenario Variants

Heavy Ordinance!

The Vulcan and the Vulcan Drones may be used to resupply the Mark V with additional Ogre Rattler missiles. The
Vulcan can carry one missile in each arm, and each Vulcan Drone can carry one missile.
Note from the chronicler: While a Vulcan can carry more Ogre Rattler missiles internally, up to 12 at the time of this
writing, our would-be hero did not have time to pack that many!

While the Mark V has no missiles it does have one die roll of external missile launchers still functional.

Attacking a Vulcan or Vulcan Drone carrying a missile

An Ogre Rattler missile (defense 3) and its carrier (Vulcan arm, defense 2, or Vulcan Drone, defense 3) should be treated
as a single unit. If this combination receives a D result (from direct or spillover fire) the missile is detonated.
Immediately resolve a missile attack of 6 against the carrying unit.

"Missile" attack

After initiating an overrun attack and resolving the defender's first fire round a Vulcan Drone carrying a missile may ram
the defender generating a "missile" attack against the defender and itself.

This is similar to Ramming by other units during overrun, Designer Edition rules 8.05.3.

Note from the chronicler: It would not be useful in this scenario for the Vulcan to attempt this maneuver with either of its
arms - but drones are expendable!

Ogre scenario



Turn Tracker

Player Reinforcements Available
1 Combine Vulcan force Vulcan & 4 armor units
2 Paneuropean Striker Flank force: 6 Infantry and 6 armor units.
3 Combine
4 Paneuropean
5 Combine Fort Lion A force: 6 Infantry and 6 armor units.
Striker Main force: 6 Infantry (mounted on 2 GEV-
6 Paneuropean
PCs) and 12 armor units.
7 Combine Any remaining Fort Lion A force
8 Paneuropean Any remaining Striker Main force
Fort Lion B force: 6 Infantry (mounted on 2 GEV-
9 Combine
PCs) and 6 armor units.
10 Paneuropean Striker Point force: 6 Infantry and 6 armor units.

Vulcan Tasks

Task Work Point Cost Mark V AI Brain Extraction Task

Load or Unload Cargo item Progress Tracker
from Vulcan's internal bay
Reload an Ogre's external
launcher with 1 Rattle Missile

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