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How to Master Skills °° T EFL ae G5) Z Fa ( Answer Book J How to Master Skills’ T EFL aking Fema 4 “ ar —" __ Answer Book | E paraKwon Contents PARTI Chapter 1 tnt rit 2 tunit 3 Unit ‘Chapter 2 ot Education 11 Unt Wellare 13 Wot 10 Schock 14 Wott Studying 16 PART2 Chapter 3 Unit 1 Schoot Factitias 22 Unit 18 Unwursity Consmucton 22 Unit 17 School Appointments 25 Unit 1 Scheel Potaies 26 Chapter4 Reading & Lecture Unit22 Bloay | Units Seeiotogyt 82 uen2s Poycholagy | et Unit25 Bilony i 34 PART3 Integrated Speakin Chapter § Conversation Unit 28 Student Life | 39 ‘nit 0° intgersbups 0) Unit 31 Part-time Jobe £1 Uni 32 Transpertaian 42 ‘Chapter é Lecture Unit 98 whiting 4B Une 27 Botany 47 Unit 38 Eoveation £8 Unit'28 Earth Science 4 Actual Teste 33 Transportation & Actions. 3 ‘Qusaliies 10 Travel 7 ‘Bus Routes 27 Lbeey Construction 28 Student Afgin 29 Phitososny 35 Sociology il 38 Paycholegy 1 37 Campus Tours 43 Stusent ite n 46 Makeup Exams Evaiogy 50 Geography 51 Marketing 52 Semnple IT Question ‘Sample Response iy fawedte place In my hoxmezawn bs the main ark lecated downtown, First of all, Hike it bocause 1's a bent place to vis We ful of fifa, For instance, there re many tees, ofan, ard Rowers, a6 they make the park very colori! and acd te ie Beauly. Also, the park always fonies wanderlul ne maiter whet the season Scand ef ail | Wa the park Decguea i's a ory quiet place, 26 | never get disturbad viben I'm tive, For example ean go'there te road, atucy, at siiply alex Fr these reasons, the main par is mez verte place to ‘isc in iy hometown, Pay Sb Eave eesti tha ul ae BE aL abl teas 3 BN Pat Sah, BE 2 HG ANE A, LAL LTE SE SE HM oFaT isa SLR al So, EE Re AOU el ASA), SUMS SRE dd Bee wets 9 U2) EWN La SOY ATS SHE Oe ahs ese Hel tela 9 He apis HF, eb OR SETS Pelsaioted wera deh 2A, i o> Dialogue Wo: Hi, doe. Want to skp class now? Me got history. ret Heart stand i It: fo wily. ve got history to, and! I ed to take Some robs Reet es Wr Oh, whats tne point? ust reac the textbook fot Ln, bu | atty Rind Ine cies very inreesting. Wi: Fieity? History borws me to tears, MM: Too bad gow con't have Mr. Kennedy, Hie ae @ grat vay of preseathig the material. He tei ins af eteriae Send neice: es faugh, Wes You're leony. My taachor just gets us to mad from the textbook and then talks the mest borng wale. “Those shorraon cinsses ulmarya make me Seapy, es Hey, sont but I'm later class. Caton you later VEE aI, Ob 4) Ab teeth ected ba ara, Nae IS DHE AA Ys 81K petal Ag >| SPIRE op, ve Meamepe aet@ glow aigob be Sh Mae] psig We RY Whee) pated Rep eon ed Ae be MS AES] AMBRE! Sth Dole n, ANN a at sie! SS ar O16 8 LTE Sout We Ra iP | ORCAS SL ae aI ME, G8 AeP Sar aaa oF See et Ne SPSEPOL at eR, eta, 1. He presents the material in ar infonesting wy. 2 Herta steies ane rakes them ugh, 2. She thinks i ree borg. 4. She will mest key rotten he Ntany case >> Leoture -Aceording 1 0 recent pol, teachers reek very Nighisenong, ecole admired! hy society. They were in fourth place: shter athlotes, enovie stars, and the clergy, you know, Felosts, peuple of wsigien. At the bottom of tho lis were esryera, poltisan, and Selersieketers, Mom why woul resctera vank s9 high? Apconding te ne aol, 35%6 stated hal st tescher inapiree thar 9 ge te cotloge, and this cacision har inllubicee the'r whole lives. nother S05 staied that & teacher who was kind snd understanding ‘relpod thon! enjoy atversise bering or difieat sujocte, Sen math, 4p thi ie sole 2US is OR A ePID Ree DEM, ta apes ba dabal Saeed PUA: EEN ALA OVS AT 9 S41 Set TU gia wan Bake ble cel at eel, DE A APE Se St ete 2 EL SSA) LAE ea Ie RN ee ab | at a) age a eel FELT HS, Se SW A RA abe SRE ARES ea PE fezeraid Qe ME 11s about tne pesple whe sss acinirod by serie 2, Teachor: inuplrod them 1o-go te cellaga and to ejoy cami subjects. 3. Allister are tarreus, rake a latof move, and spe tole heroes to: rany people. 4, Haning 2 univereny degree helpedt peoples hae better lives. gét gacd ess, stake lows of manty, ena meat nore peal, >> Organizing 1, Thodenche: | aomire the mest: Mr Gavel Mcintyre: 2-1. He was very Ini and just. He supported our wore see geen, +1. Everyane o his olass wes equal, Hee hat ne fv ‘stuglants. He eceeuraged everyone te ee his or her ‘beet and beeloed these in rouble. 2:2. ie was very smart. He owes quite: kimwledgeab'e ‘abaut history tnd Engin. ‘Shi. He nen the avener e amy qusetion, Me over 9d,“ don’ know” He fy the: mason | lore history and my Inapration for ening te stusy hisseny at cotege, o> Sample Response The tenchor | adlnire tne mast ik Mt Quel Ment, ‘Wher | was in the aicth graile in elementary sehao!, | twas 6h history class aed chanced warting elias. HE ras very for ore tated Us athe sane ‘ety. He ce have any faerie students. In edn, me encouraqed 2 10 do-cur best anc helped these wl werm traning Not aniy tht, te WOR aloo very ineigent ane knew slo} aliout history 640 English eratunm, He always hc 1 OSD? URE ABvEE Ke, *! don’t know," Bocsuze of him, Have a Wfelong love of history and reading. He i mg ingpiretoe, and, tharss ohms, Low sean te cy history at cosege. VAG Aatls seAste holes etnteie) etary, asm, SPAMS ET EMME 21 Pe AHS ECL ad SNM ne UND Fae ee] me el, Gel Seis AS. ee, Mn Hie BaD) atl Cot SERRA Rel ah WAM Sake EL oe anh ASE ase HE Di a Sel Mb TUE a Fala “Rota aH fel a ele Ben Sh YMRS Aah Oe: 13 et Posse A So MAOH a ADEE RE ty Pata BR ch oe SE 2 Dialogue Me So, what die vou a.on your vacation, Susi? YF hy teity are) wont to @ beach eesert on an stand in Mesiea. Ha Weslcat Mow wae 0? 9% Oh, me euler wats fantastia, R never rained ence. “The beacn was #0 beaut, too, Ms Hew about te fons? Wr Meni Yo fs faniaatic. We ate» lot of vegetab leg ‘soc fret ta very aly. ie as it exmoraive? ‘¥P No, t-oas cealy cms. and ie hetatas brand mow 0 | Wet surprised, Wo rented s cay, but it wasn't sxooraive atall. We Sounds gre. itr tee prog ial? WW Oh, yes. Evergone exiled anc was Mansy. We hed reat tne. Me AR PH eS on mg Ves feo gel eae amas ene aL het he sialic ofghurr We ML Biol, ofa ab fr, ola obser mane We Mela BAIS BM Sheba AIS to] Eo, aise oF SFO BB COI We me heise? Ws SFR ARAROL HOT ALS A SEPM EB eel, ala Se SEAL DLA. EO Me BES PAL, ARS Alone Wes ARESS DD LSE AOD AL TS ite, er Ho, 1. Ste wend to Messin with hee tly 2. Yi, she hoe! agro tm, 3. She said the woathor mas fantastic, the kewnty war DaaUliul the people werm trary and te uke were ous 4. Yee. she will prbably go to Mexico based on Susan's experiance, >> Lecture ‘Toveen is on tenis ll over the -cild Toe meat viated counties Ist yser were Francs, Spoin the Unie States, Maly, and Ching, Appeoximste'y seventy-five milion Tourate ¥eltnc France lost year. wlth quite fom of mare slopolng In Paris far a few devs, making It the most vista Oy in the Wark New YOrR Wi. In SACEHC pice wits over four sion visitors. Now York's archimact urs, museums, snd great nightie sttracted tourists ‘som many centinations. Daspite having tewer tourists than France or Spain, urietz epant more meray wher the ‘sited Amerios, mane than $20 balfon tase year Ba UE A ae he ue, at me a viet AB ei ub, t,o, aud Me dee ae Ome 1S eect he le de ste PE BS seteaed ero ere MAE AE She AHMoN aks Be, he rr zximiee 2 gett sis RE IRE ROE 12S Se, 1. France had tie most tourats last yer, 2, People visit Mew York for its architecture, mesciims, ne nightie, 5, Tauriats epent more moray in the e'ted Statea than in ther consttres, 4.They probably spent mianey an hotels, food, Wanspartaten, souverir, end ontertninnent. >> Organizing 14, ‘The cy moet memorable: St. Potershura, Ruzsis, 2-1. For sta fom ators, you! tan hie a goede, 2-4. The fees far Ihe ABIACeS snd muaRUMs ave inexpensive, andl thoy have woeful ARERR and great ootections of art anc History, Thon ae lots fun park plaoee to vit, and mhoaters. 2:2, leon: cuter 50 Be weather mes Debut 2-2 in surmmar, it donsa’t ran very rach, St, Psterstneg (8 wary far nove 50 in serene, the kA iy Bes for afew hours, Russians cal ths tore “White Nights.” >= Sample Response: In my opinion, the city Ie visited shal iz the meat eamocadie St, Potersbueg. Rui, tt fs the secon teeyast oty 2 Fusain and used to'be the capital, =o there ‘are enany basutitui buitdings, aspecially palaces anc rumours. The prices are very low: terstore for just fa fove dollars, yaar cam vis museum. go shogping, oF have a good night on Nee town, There are plenty of goed nightclubs, discos, znd chealées. The waatne’ in the summer ig beau, wits lols o# aunehine anc hell snp rin, St Potersouse S weey lar or, 90, in aumemer, the Sun ealy sets for u foot hauls, Runsian peoplO call this ‘ume “White Nigh” W's the tt Hime to vi. bee Soe) eke 2 TS al EIST ASH, o1 Sa cL DO EAS ot aoe cHLRO) meok Na LA ae Pomiedal sete 29 Wie AS rh Aa 2.2 AA AUTEM 9 Ste HE Ipseaola Lee, ea atti: sa Gels eR Gol eE EAE] ge (gh IRL antes ead | aoe ES Evie wich, eb ara oD Aria MPL MC, suai 1 88 Unit 3. Events > Dialogue WW: What did youd on the woceand, Freni? a: My eousin gat rramrind, 0 Lt (a the wedding. We That must nave boon & goa tine, HA. You bet, His oifo ty from Giaece, a0 was 3 Greek siyte wesdaing. Wes What do you mma? Me They had he cemomory in a Grok church, We Wras abovt tra maceotion wer the weeding? MM They played Gresic music, andi we hed to cance thes Iradltlons| Greek canoes. Also, ‘ne ste Gresk food ce el emer Salton Gone errs, A Hoe Gi thes Food ana tines tne? IM: They were lantealic it wan Ine Best wedolag Ne ever Doite to, sve danced afl algn. We A al oman eat? hi Aes) SR ae a ate we SSL, Me debs Sib A, My, te tle RARE ROL we Real Re Mb awit: ete ein eke ea Bod EL sj cin eye aie eg Vi A: Reels A OL ony ae BAL AE Re am Sed Sag TS ae, AGE ts alse) cress atoteh ates, aa} 1. Frod’s cousin got ranted) 2. The onde was fran Graces, su hey had a Greeie wedding. 4 Evorytting was Grok, including the music, darices, food, and crinks. 4.8 probably tat tired, oe Lecture: Griting loge wh tends and tary £2 participa in 8 peantiani of the joy of Ste, On sverepe, AmeNcaNS ‘ake part in tvonty to thitty spacial ovonts cr ya, The moat commen avents are birthcay panies, weudina Carmmncnies, sod regular holidays, auch sa Tharkecving, Christmas, New Year's, and the Fourth of July. Loss ammon ore wedcing anniversarins, bral andl hxby ahonars, preduation proms ard parties, st ornate parties. Giving and receiving g's are commen. actvitess a any social events, In adtition, people offen propre ‘special food src orks fo thase evens, such 8s turkey or Thanksgiving and Cevisaes ond Stes and Burgess ‘ar barbecue fat summer events, 2G ob tad EP Deen 8 a en SrAeL CIE, SENSE MLS ald I EE We ae tod dtehis, Ay bet akin ode i, a. MH, tele ARLENE ARUN, Hab, GH aS ROOT ole a oat se Meat da Anta, ts Set a) AA oh HE RE CRA, AA TN ou ye ia. ale sla BE OT Hel apie ties, Mh AL YT ee ah 1. Tay tive art in around tery to try apes events 2. The innst enmmen avente are birtneay parties, ‘eccidng coremenias, nl guise nokiays, 4. They give gts anc presive pec food ued enka 4. Thay have barbecues, => Organizing 1 A Memorable sovial event: lay uncle's tittien intoay patty 241. The food was plartul and frst caro, 3.1. There were wandertul baracued hamburgers: ‘and stasis prepsied by ache!, There were some Fantastic palate salad, lots of drinks, and a massive birthday cake. 2-2, There ante vs unio and teers 342. Alive band playad lote of ol¢ music my uncle loves, Aterwamds; we Rao a treweris disalsy aks wo sang happy birtday, >» Sample Response ‘Dh of the maak mamolable sche avert (went to wes Aa parry for my uneie on his filth bichday, Kye hal at my uncle's heute im the summer, To begin win, | remember it oot Desauee we had a geet barbecus, 1 sca progared by & chat whe worse! ul a restaurant in town, As & copuit, there were plenty of delicous: hesnburgess and steaks, fret-raie salads, and colo drinks, ecendly. they had a bre band, which plaped al of my Luce’s tavorite ick ras mn von he na Leung, Evergone canced and had a great time, Finally, they brought cut an eniomnous cram and shot off reworks ss we a sang haopy/tiithdey M-was 0 fanteatic party Mie AR MoU ake Aa Ee AR Mol SRE TARA USGS RIS, a ofa ge ek, $e ao] OD SEA ate US ed he Ye RT BO fl oP sit ea wt rt eg, EL ML Pid AME SINE AS ARR SE Hol eieich oe se ale 8 iso} aheol 10rd nated Sebel SoM aR tS ARIS dt Pt SS AthG 2G, ee ofjoteiees| Sa ay a gd Ft dg Hort Sol The 4. eld Unit 4, Objects o> Dialogue |W: Vi nevar get throug his trek) a: Webra the retorts I, Kay’? ‘to ving, Gad. All of the main characters are hon, i they es Bk, An Thaw An aint due an ited wee Me San you change books? We Maye, (ne 36 ath sr teh it Wel | suggest you pick something that's mors Interesting, Maybe it epuld have a chavacter lke you ‘orbs ina genre you enigy We really te ctor novels aed cme stories. I: Pashepe yon: eoul iry a Nancy Orewr story. Shea a ‘oatective wie in abet your age. ve: Rely? That's gel ides, Tharike, Ded we we lag aca chile, Mi #161 $4 Stop We Sha, Gem eters eds, SE Lae eA hy lef ioUe, Let che Fah aS Ae eat, We Near gay Ye Partha Bea, ge veno meee, We SOL ADS CD READ eI RE Ra tse PM APPBSE JEST TRE UY te Arslan aah, Ay A LY Bad bea ale ae) Sl? of sabe GOL we Wwelar Be ARolds, DIRE, ei, |. The book she chose for an assignment tov baring. He suagosts that she ehenge books tu someting se sas. {S.She thes mysteries and xe stern, 4. She’ ak her teacher soe can change te back she formscing. > heeture Despite our society being overtime ky TY and other Visual media. rsaing i stl popula, anc Bonk sales ave stl ateng. ARhough thr number floes than the in pas, inva meet pel, over ninety-sie milion Aawwricans said thay tenes wequlary. Ths biggest Salers rc rormanes and seionce fetion, felowed Sy 18 crline ave blegrnhins This indicater It poopie are looking far a bile Jove, fantasy, end mystery In tnt lives, Fieraie characters involved in complex saryinns arc still atrong soles, In toe poll, readers indicated that thoy are drawn toa Certain “ariter or back fy thave cain things: the plot, the Characters, nea the data, ‘TVSh Stet A ARR] ob AUD Sainz ala she ane | Bert Ae hs si Rol gd MELE Le, oN AA tE Rte AL eA sete sal ght ome altel aed SRG Meas Mel, 4 Ol aes Se BEBE debl 2 ess al 2AM cote, of gags ated ANS ttat el wie Aa ay, St a ‘peeeta, AHet bei Ae t God Sema at Dofat Yous, Neal Nags Ma Bete) FaeL t aap sean ag ae Pe Be toe east 1. She eaid TV and other visual media are overntalming sour macy 2 Remincr, science Retios, trie arta. anc Diogenahien ‘are the moat popular ‘3. he piot, charactors, enc dialogue attract roaiorn 4, People spend mora trie watering TY and ole viswat media nowecays >> Organizing 1a book | found most remarkable: The most serntkable Bock | hao (dis The Lave of the Rigs 2-4. son agrand scoge end scale wir en inbicate plot, 3-1, The author created an imaginative fantasy werd ef Innmense scale. The inttosta plot cantns on a hsaic ‘oust fo save the world fromm evi 2-2. Tho story is hignsy dramatic and elivable, making a ol page-tame: 3-2. The story hes many battles, 9 heroic quosl, ani plenty of wendertul characters. Once you start cating i 700 Ca tem >» Sample Response For re, the most remarkable book i've ever road i italing: by JRL Testkien, The main ease 15 that the steey lave place Ia a tastasy woikd of immense scope ard nist ‘with battte between good snd av as Hs Conia! pl ‘The ler uted hat great imagination to create thie world sect rio believable, Another season is that it avery dramatic book, vaih wots of Latties, = beraic quest, anc a gist ourioee of winders eharneters, Wom Met reside comes ta canw about & great dae. The book is ficul 10 pot dow after you aia reac ft, makingit 2 ondortl page-tiamer, | highly recommend it to anyenm whe Invert fastary. Ast ak sb Aas ASAT arg el A at LER] EOOME ABTofe FR opie se Tile) AN HA “ae A114) Moise Hod sate akg og Bete 71 eile Bae west o| dat ha ab atl ADE, Gee! OGL n Sale| Za Fale AS, 2181, AOL NES ete rh OG Lk He ARS dah MPI ob aS: Bl ore Fal AAS Ree TY Sa, Unit'$. Transportation >> Dislogus 16: Hoe come you're late foretass, Pats? 122: Sony. i, | got tue in athe, Hi: Talis leur limes: thle: month. think you shoud ster using pale rarsgertaion imam now an, 2: Poo you Wir i's Deter? Bit: el, for instance, thave are na Wate jams in ths: evoney. Mie: That's tue, Haw aro the busos? MMI: Not 2s fast, ut thono are uss only lames, a Us rales. understand, abut wall hove dhving ny oar. Mis1 think getting nere on tine should be more: important, doo't yout NO: Yes, Meats, gp 8 aye? wees bd Aa appeal, ke oS EG RS, eee ER cIStON on, aes vets hibeta? ks Se, nae steel ae, ats 2 wan; shi Shet A H AEEL ayalpiis sve, mae se) sf ae, wo: aL ehh ee GA A Be, Wh, ACR RS Mahe TRC AA we. ete 1. Hedrowe ts car and got stuci in bate. 2. Her: been aie four times 5. leis faoter thai chiving, onal he'd antwe te acheat on me, 4. He will probanty tate the suzy or bs o> Lecture the monk today, Hare aro te GON min ears. They ‘ne ce of me biggest couses of the lution and going ‘warning se sie currents experiencing. But there is = ‘alton: pablc banssportaton, The feet aubrey ns bum in London in tho sinatoorth contury. Tay, almost every major mevepos Ras a SuBWSy system, with Mossow's Doli the: tanga in the word, Sear thee bali Fes ‘wane ten un Moscow's eubway zystern last yer, Buses eu cause pollution, but a naw goneesfen of hytecenn Jt caleporenes buses il lp livin this awooten, AUN A AdQes Sel Mh tele] Olas otal % SE Ff dal Nees ae: Octo RUE aT ae Age) HUMES, ab ral oa el A, MBIA, “Ht ab mal gah is) psa) pods, = aL tat 98 MEO) AML AE A 2 AL anaan e, S304 3S HIS, Wie OY Sk RES LET Ze, dads Eade wan Mae Rel ae, 1. True. ara aver 6U0 milion 24183 the pave, £2 The fret sub wa Ll in London i the itesrith eantun. 2. The wore’ biggest suey system is x Mescomn 4. They wil have hyeragen fuel cells eed cause less peoittion => Organizing 1. The best way to commute: The best way In commcte ia by pubte ransportaion, 2:4. Its muah tsster than tang by cot 34. There ave tno mrany cars-ane trafic jam, Sueay2 ‘td byo-onl lanes are faster and anton tie, 2.2 t's chase to use public taraportation 3.7. Public transportation costs are law, Cara are cxponsiva, neesing gas, tepsire, insuranee, and seking 435, > Sample Response The best way to commute in my city is by pulls craneporlation, To Begin with, our Gily has 190 many ‘oars, ond everyone divas at the same time, 89 there oe lots of trate jsmas, Thee subway is a lot faster anc almost always actvow on Sine. In ackiibor, there are bus: unly traffic lanes; consequently, the buses are taster. ‘Secondly, pubhe transportation Is bess expensive than deiving 9 cm. Thig moacs that | dont have to wery about sting fora rapsis, insurance, or parking fees. In fact Aicing a paring space & almost impossiola sametines, -seoacialy ching the cng. Theroare, pte tanaportation: Inthe bast nay to camrmude in my cy. Sale of Rese Oe ts BE OE cea HRS oly, UL, Sia ets A PLA IY ae EW hia doa Ahad 2E Pv AF deh ate. We Sel Ad Fa + eh cbs 8 She eb eh ace RE etch Sw IES APES eae) RO ADI, ced ted ae a, om, wei, te ae 2 APH, Mal OE BCk ME el ae el Sage SS gab skistonts 018 te, steal meen SAMA PBS ee Tha Ae HO 2818 Unit 6. Actions >> Distegua Ve Mie. Roberta ae wondering M yaw could heko ma, My Yes, Pia. has enyove ming? Wh: need fo makers epeision about university. IF 1 go 1 the univers in curcity, i: will bs lees exoenaive Howoves, | go to = famaus achoal. If get 2 better posin the ttre. (Yes, Rs tough io decide. ‘What dit your parents 25? WW. They think! should gto the iecal university. ean vs at home ard eave mena. Ii: Wl, sohy con't you apo to several Universities a ths make 2 decision’? You might get s pehoterthip. es Thar a great Hen, Thanks for your es. We SINE AMR, Se Mp poate bo asl a Bertone Wh FA aaa farsi, $9 od ats cant tenons a, We See gt ae ISP A © jE SMe a, Oh ES. aida BH, a Se ots A 1982 2 Gault, etal Se A Ma ca cH ats Ag Stig WIAs naa, (Ws SMe Role, ebreted estate, alse eke Fae AU, at DR, 1. She's trying 12 decide were ale ohoule go te riuecaty 2, They want hee to go ta tonal university to save monay. 8.Ha thinks she should appiy to several schools aac then ecice, 4. Ho Is peobnoly 2 teacher ot guidance counssler >> Lecture ‘One GI the hardest things to do kite Fe to make decisions. Some people we goes at 1, but others a7 sorb et cing 20. is eatinatac that a person changes. io oF hor mie! about something up te ton tines sn, Simpis things, ueh as what eth to wear or what to Ihse for furcik rw ct imputbr, nul ethers neo. Whee 13 go te nition, what Career to Mave. where to Hee, Oe ‘snes to gel avid and have chiloven se ll choices {hat cAivtisve stone induanees on ow bree. Parts tio or thee int cf peep got he RarRirzed ky indscion that their lives go nowhere. Fear is the biggest fsctor lnvlucrcing pacple's dession aking, 1D 1% ES ALi Hf Md ee eI of AS8 UUs Sehesom mga we UG see. 8 Be ofpele £3 2 eleie omelets ele ae Se oO 8 ti TA mt ws Cd Se oe She eH a ree ae wes 27a ye Ae HO IE STN eLe one aL Ma VLR eT 4) Bol Wa Ns ERA Ae, 4. The professor i tsiang shaut decison making. 2. Sams examples of simple decisions sre-choosing whet clothes 16 wes aed wht fo hue for banc, See excuples nF Efe ni tumeming circ ase tmnt BoM! caer, eer, gnc ha Be mit nd fae onacven, 4. They are afraid to fal, make mistakea, gat hurt, or ose out an opportunities, o> Brginizing 1, The biggest eecision in my fe: The biggest decsion in my ite wes deciding which univers ta attend. 2:1. The unkersiy wes the bast on \a our state. 2-2 Icha the bes: tecities ana professors and a good reputation, 2-2. Imade fhanes and got a preat joo. 32. Lacie a ot of idwiong names Wt my University. & ‘rofapror halped me get a grat 00, >> Samplo Response ‘The biegset ozcision # ever made in my Ho war decking witien uniseraty 10 attane, ( had a choice of two universities, ond nase my Rome and one tar avray. The ane Far say baci qnod Farias, the best geatezore. and gee mputnben, Events | seelded to-go tare even hough i wasexpereive, ves tovgh creice, nuit nes Infurenosd oy ichole Mf, Fist, because of this croice, | rat seme wandedtu pecaie who became fiends tor Bm, Secordd, | stugied ‘sith some excellent peofesters, and tone ol thorn help me gel a gre Job afte | geacuated HOU hadn't gene to this unberaity, map whole ite would Ihave bawn atarect. ev PE aR ALL Rapens alae, F 7H ate el A TaoveLaceL erie. edad he Reve SeeN, eta FE Ne| A Fa Et BE HSE, 3 ab! A ol! cota al ee Be me SPE WE eeTeL ARR HE ADE DER UAT, 4 OF gem ste ww AL Ph So RRS Ae Stel Se OE MS ALF RS TIS REA ERR Ta, soho web taal tote Unit 7. Qualities > Bislogue ‘Mr Hoy, More (ume sme udvicn. ve Ween ashe to 1 run for lass president at choot Wy Really? Team's wonetert Joel, aay. | an nen Ved Bea ge oes, Resnebes, I you win, you are working for the other students, not fr yoursoll | uns a good lesder can't think about himset frst No, he nasds to lead by example. Second, later ‘when pecpie tak. A good laterer uederstande things and gots more raepect than someone wna always imerupta or speaks without listening i: Wreaie an axarate oF 8 poe leader? WE There are lots from History, Bat you know a fot of sealers rig hem, such es Your lather, you tesa ‘coach, ané your tacos. Mi Ang you! Ste Se, ERS Zens, Sm 4H Aabe'aie Sa ala Wo HP ae eR, Wh Ba ARS oR aletora, ‘a Pol, ease pats oa SEE Bp ope oh TFs Hise a. Be Alea ala gates a, We SIRI co eA ole woh af, a ARE eh ROO OE, Stele be Oh tol Sola stl ainbole al tea ad ol enka aot hah Sas Ae ota, Mh teu ge eee We AWOKE a etel aM, ae U Ue Tea oF My we eR Bs A eel OLE AEA Be 1. Ho qvants t6 run for class president in schon! bar -doesr's think he'd be a good loader, 2. She says a goed leader is someone who works for ‘sera and stn te thes, 5. She montions isch’ father, boneball conch, andl temters, 4. He probably feels better and naw wents to be class, preaicent +> hectare ‘One of the greatest Isaders in American history east Abraham Lincoln. He was te president ducing the sf erigis aur nalion ever faced, This was the Civil Wer, Betwean 1851 and 1865, ove: 500,000 Americans died while “ghting each other, Lincoln's unsalfish self-szentice, his leatership by example, land his determination to prase-se the United States are lestamnenis lo his leaders p Skills. ifs erosning SehlevEMENE week the frecing of ever four milion slave with the Emancipation Proctamation in 1863, Sacty, Lincoln never received the sccolaitus he docared ir Ag Ifetioe since Ive ed rom an assassin’s bullet shorty ater t's ae endo. SHE AAD ALA Al ah de) ofan Se), othe LS 7 SSN Ae eI DS) alte ie wee let, an lah ned te) SDF el Peete] ME aM aici) CARR eto! Dd eH AVI V4, OE wots ea UR re ADEA aie GH hla Pho raha wine Isa. A) ANA BIOTA a Bs ee AN) be, TEAS) Sap he aps HALAL, Renee atofehergons 1. He was president during the American Ciil Wine Frost 1981-1885, 2. He presarvod the United Stanes and freed the wavas., S. Lincoln's leadeiship style incluced ungeifian sett- ‘entice. lascersip by exaripla, anc caterminaticn, 44. Tre assaasin shot Lincaln, o> Omaniaing 1. The quali of @ good leader A good leader newts Yo be cuscltish, to lead by example, and ie be at ‘920d ster. 2-1, A leader stoutlbbe onentisn anc lesa by examole +1, A leader Cant think shout what ne wants Out lesioad uel think about what the nroum wants. A teacer ‘mwa: co what te group soos, 2:2. Alemser should fsten to sha cpinions ot ethene, 3A. A leader noods to be a good Istener anc stan te ‘uihers! opinions. He must consider the oninians of 1 pou before making ecient. >> Sample Response I stronsiy fH that a good lnseker ances to O99 uraaifish, 1a lent by gkampes, andt to BE 6 Gund stoner First, @ ‘eisen shuleet 9 alti ang Onty think about what \gbod for Fi, He needs 78 0 Whats Lis! for the grou thos laading. Secoecty, ne wiwst Kea! by exaerpl. THe ‘moan that he fe to do exactly what he ase others to 9, Finally, a lester must be 8 good lstenex. He: cant It co what he Punks is right. He shout listen to the epiniens of otlors, OF course, the fina’ atolsions sve his, tot heneeds to understand! the opinions of the grayp te ie lnaeing. HS e, ale ee AG Mote Me YEG SH ols ela 2 tbe at ala lv neti THiS 9 8 ea Mea RC, AA olathe Yat Beta TAPES e Ae ebe, S AM 2 Belg eel lel ofa Res AL tat Bb ned PT ea Maa ae rH Hes, aE Cah ee oF Heb ab aed Abe ag Personal Preference Sample i8T Question Sample Response: Porscnaly, | peeter to shop. ler uy hus and ungetables at ovidoer markets Ingimed @f at supermarkets. The Fret reason is that the produce | purchase at auislaor mayors is often fresher than the produce gold al supomarkets. For examplo, mary tims, the people gelling the fruits: ‘an vogotabies ave the fmacs who grew the peat ‘Sinco they came straight for Ihe farcn, | know that stoy're fess, Arather imgortant thing Is Dat jou ean en negotiate the pros st outeoor markets, -nhich ominitng you can't 6o Wren you shop supematkets By negatiniing the price, tive iets you save money, fespecisly wher you but ge ameuncs af araduo. UD, Mb FPR APES SRL RR A oh SOT 2d hf ALTA Abe ee ete {ease of date aF7}1 oR. ADB, ata ab Sg OS AUR HH APS Ph HER 2 Mb, EOD 4 bas 71 ARLE bei ote Re fees ENG Obes APD A 7 Biel ea Gotoh eo hadis, oh SS SS or MEM AAI ES Bae a I ER Tg Unit 8. Edueation >» Dialogue fa Hoe vas your day. Sue? WF was G0 bong, My professor just went on snd on ‘abou nething. Fi ets know aha you men, Ive hac fw dass Ie teat \W: And he's #0 out of touch wil technology: He won't ‘oven put ns lecture nats cr te clas eects, Mr Pesiy? vty not? " Ve! He said Mist eid tha, Seer sould Be ea mason to here atacton, MV ousea ne nas 8 point. Ve: Hes just knoe thed he's so bering that ne students woud coma it hey didn't haw 03, we obenoisky? ye sedi, aevel nasi wt alte 1, Me ROSIN Rie ik oe ah bie WAS SAB TE Bolte Salone Hold, Bal Whole oe eee wx aah al ai see tke 7A ah Met ee, Ae Be, 18 i ed fern fA ett mle! fais] eh ope shal OATS PRE RH 0 BH A PS won 1, Her doy wes boxing bezause-of x unorsiy locture she: attend, 2, Sho wishes he woule pur his lecture notes on the class ‘rebate: 5. Mo's nfra res ane itl corm to chase fe poe Wis ees on the wos 4. They attercl class bacavse they note to takes noses on is fectures. o> Lecture ‘The explosion of the Inteinet over the last ten yeare hag Ind to w dramatic change in many things ve oo fewadsye. At present. thers gre over 1D0 million websites worduicie, One ef the main seeas “hat has bean inluenced ia edurotian, Amos: every university hee 2 correspondance courea donner. This ras that stucents can take clesses caling, Sometimes they tn ovum sale Tone That a be prenioncied, Untortunatsiy, the internet has ind se preteens with plagiariem, which le bastcally cheating. Students ‘easily ting compscied papers online er ean eopy inforrratian cineelly onta 6 esaay, I ig estimated tat altos! 50% ot students nave chested at one point fn thetr Uuncverety ines, | strongly diacourage this becauee it's vwrorgiand you could eet i see rouble oh 10d seat Se aad 1s aL I A at wen ton keeol, A Aha eROe 1 AM te da ASE, 98 TRE BE Ba Beha Mah AALS 2a) ee Ade alee ahd sh be chel Se CBE Bet S25 POR Ba PARLE eh ARE aR SHOU. HIME AS CLE aM EEE ab ol PRIDE RD A visa eve, BESS Ber AtOL 2 2041 RS AE AED hed RE Te pa Sind, Mee SeN et eZee ri AA a ROR Sa, Ade CS OOM ol a xe AV gee U7LREST SO ARS we eT A NTU, |. Ira intuenced online sasses and etdatiag, 2 Sludeee Gin wile) preorder lectures ont. 2 They hound mot we the Inter=et for chosing. A stuctont cxupht cheating Fauld bo expolled tram seltool, kicked out af tho cies, oF givan 8 low grace ‘on he assent o> Organizing 1m Practice A 1. Tevetnty ina class 2-1. The quality oF smciyeg is been 8-1, Studying with @ professor and oer students stows more interaction, and | can ask questions end get meracints aravers, 2-2, Tra professor can bo a manter. 2.2.8 amfessor cnn bocame a mentor who sins you volth your studies, He con aio help you in the Fare by provieing rafemaces for graduate schol of employe @ Practice B 1. To stuey entine 2-1, Jean savs money by taking oniine eisases, ht, Lae" ewe fe on cr nay the eamptie, 905 eouieh soem kame money. | Gen Nave 19 Kamel MoM and time on trenspamtatien to the exnpus to sttenct classe, 2-2, tls mare coswpsignt ie take online closes. 22.t¢an stay in my hometown. | can have a job at the same trie as I study. | don't have to cxanga my lohcle te just fo take some cheeses. > Sample Response Practice & er jet Kiel af person wo prefers to take briana setaeee wien Estey. Ta Begin val, tke cual af Une lratruction is batter etractional cletoas. | ticle eaaler to understand a subject by ktening to the professor lechirs lard by interacting with the pir erudenta in elese. Whee I don't understare something. I can sak a question and get an mmeviate answer. Second ot all It helps te kre” your professor 90 that he can become your mentor. Having a meator ia vary impodtant for & studoe: For inslence, tie professor could provide relecsncss tor you to get into graduate sehoot et to get a Jatt ater ‘gracuating. So, for those reasons. | would much athe:

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