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Visit # 4 Evaluation
Visit Date:
Visit Time:
11:30 AM
Classes Observed:
HS Social Science
General Comments:
Observation: For this final observation, a number of positive indicators should be mentioned. After discussions with the principal, cooperating teacher, and several
students, as well as watching her in action today, it is evident Courtney has had a very successful student teaching experience. Each individual was highly
complementary praising her for the concern shown to each of them, her task-oriented and confident nature, and her calm, pleasant demeanor. None had any major
suggestions for improvement, and each would feel comfortable with having her as a teacher at their school.

The lesson plan for the day contained two clear objectives, material to be used in the lesson using an ICivics game Win the White House, detail in the description of
the instructional techniques and game requirements, and evaluation strategies.

As for the observation today, the class began rather efficiently. After meeting most students as they entered, she began class very shortly after the bell with all 9
students seated and already busy. Roll was taken silently and entered into the computer. Gaining the attention of the students, she began the lesson with an
overview of objectives and activities. After watching CNN Student News, students completed a handout outlining various viewpoints on the governmental issues
presented in the video. Over an 18-minute span, Courtney led a viable discussion on various points of views, emphasizing liberal and conservative viewpoints. Some
honest opinions were discussed here in an open, non-judgmental atmosphere covering such topics as abortion, global warming, gun control, healthcare, and a dozen
other issues.

Transitioning to the ICivics "Win the White House" simulation, student opened their laptops and reviewed the instructions for the activity. After completing the
simulation, they are to print their certificate of completion. Tomorrow, a discussion will be held on what was learned. Courtney monitored well and keep students on

This was a great instructional episode on current topics! It is evident students respect Courtney as their teacher. Questioning was much improved with a high use of
student names, equal distribution, wait times, and appropriate feedback to the student response. She moved around room scanning the activity and showed
improved monitoring skills. Positive and calm attending behaviors were consistently noticed (quiet voice, level eye contact, brief and precise corrective interactions,
and a caring and positive demeanor) as she interacted with various students. All were on task in the simulation episode. Overall, this was a well-taught and managed

Strengths: Overall, several strengths were noticed as the lesson was taught. The two main instructional episodes were well structured to keep students involved and
interested. Of particular note was the effective use of a simulation to get students to apply and practice the material. Also, strong was the use of educational
technology for instruction and gaming. Questioning was polished with appropriate use of student names, probing questions, and positive feedback. Student questions
were handled in a positive manner with clear responses given to student answers. Pacing seemed quick but suitable with the material supporting the objectives. As
she directed the class activities, Courtney seemed at ease and knowledgeable, making numerous attempts to relate material to the lives of her students. She seemed
now to talk much more with students than at them. Stronger consistency was shown in scanning the classroom (This could still be increased to develop those
eyes in the back of your head.) and reinforcing the rules and expectations in an easy, non-disruptive manner. Several effective and time saving procedures were in
place and being maintained to help create a pleasant, task-oriented environment. She seemed much more relaxed and comfortable directing class activities than
from the last visit. Enthusiasm seemed present both in voice and demeanor. From her interactions with students it was apparent that she is expanding her student
rapport and is establishing a friendly yet professional distance with her students. I am really pleased with her development. Because of her reflective nature, I have
no doubt Courtney will mature into a highly effective teacher!

Targets: As with any beginning teacher, it is suggested she continue to polish and look for ways to 1) differentiate instruction so that every student masters the
objectives, and 2) expand her repertoire and consistency in redirecting off-task students and handling difficult individuals.

Student Feedback: In talking with several students, Courtney was complimented for her efforts in explaining material, her fair assessments, and her enjoyable
teaching style. When asked if they had any suggestions for improvement, they had none. I am very proud of her!

Summary: Overall, today, just as in previous visits, Courtney was highly enthusiastic and showed a positive concern for all her students. It was evident in observing
the classes that students saw her as their teacher and that a positive rapport had been developed. She always seemed to be well prepared and knew her material; in
each lesson she actively involved her students through questioning and various interactive strategies. Her teaching was always organized around clear objectives
and delivered in a sequential manner; poise and confidence grew with each visit. Her classroom consistently became more orderly and conducive to learning. She
was especially impressive with her questioning with a high use of student names, equal distribution, appropriate wait times, and positive feedback. She showed
strong improvement in orchestrating the various activities, overlapping and handling the multiple tasks, and keeping a progressive momentum by providing transitions
between teaching episodes and keeping an effective pace. Though fine, withitness in scanning the classroom and keeping track of all activities will continue to
improve as she gets her own classroom. Today, it seemed that she was their regular teacher.

Extra Activities: She is to be commended for participating in various school committees and faculty meetings with her cooperating teacher. She has also shown an
interest in her students by attending several school events like parent-teacher conferences.

Field Evaluation: In examining the cooperating teachers Mid-term Evaluation, it is evident positive development in occurring on all 55 indicators. A majority of the
indicators showed consistently effective demonstration with a rating of 3 (Effective) or higher. There were also numerous (4) Advanced assessments, which indicated
a consistently high-degree of competence. Overall, this was a very positive mid-term evaluation.

Teaching Styles: Over the past month, it was also evident that Courtney understands her teaching and learning styles and has expanded them in an effort to engage
all students. During the seminars and in her classroom, she has been exploring how her styles can effectively be used to influence student performance.

Myers-Briggs (which sorts temperaments between Extroversion/Introversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perception) She is identified as ISFJ.

Gregoric Style Indicator (which measures a dominate thinking style identified as either Concrete Sequential, Abstract Sequential, Abstract Random, or Concrete
Random) She tends to be Concrete Sequential.

True Colors (which classifies teacher as Orange, Green, Gold, and Blue) She tested into the classification of a Gold teacher.

Zenhausern Hemisphericity Profile (which identifies her dominant brain hemisphere Analytic or Global) She was Global with a .3 significant degree of dominance.

Brain-based Preference Inventories, (which identifies her left/right brain dominance). She finds herself to be left-brain.

Gardners Multiple Intelligences (verbal/linguistic, logical mathematical, musical/rhythmic, visual/spatial, body/kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal) Her
dominant intelligence was musical/rhythmic.

Overall, Courtney has used several instruments to explore her teaching styles and, thus, can clearly describe her teaching orientation and instruct using different
styles to positively influence her students. In my opinion, she has made a very successful transition from a student to a teacher and is ready to start her career.

Ending the Semester: In discussions and a follow-up announcement, a number of suggestions to successfully end the semester were given to her. It was suggested
she: collect various materials to help start next year, visit other teachers as she gives classes back, ask students to evaluate her teaching, thank the cooperating
teacher and principal, and make sure she is on time for the final seminar. The Teacher Work Sample and Professional Portfolio were also reviewed. To end the
semester, she is putting the finishing touches on his Professional Portfolio Website and the Teacher Work Sample. For the portfolio, she is selecting various artifacts
to document professional competence in all four areas of the PSU knowledge base and preparing them for evaluation using an extensive rubric. The Teacher Work
Sample is also be prepared which will include contextual factors showing the student diversity in the class, objectives based on national and state standards, an
assessment plan designed to analyze student performance using pre and post assessments, a multiple technique instructional design, and an analysis/reflection of
the unit. It, too, will be evaluated using a detailed rubric. These projects and her student teaching evaluations should yield very sound professional credentials.

Summative Comments: From a summative perspective, over the past semester, Courtney has developed a strong professional knowledge base and competencies in
a number of areas. She has a strong personal philosophy that all her students will learn from her. She has identified and effectively practiced numerous policies and
procedures particular to the school and the classroom. Her management plan effectively covers specific rules and has a discipline hierarchy of actions she will use to
reinforce desired behaviors. She knows how to professional act with students and is continuing to develop her subject knowledge by everyday adding stories and
illustration. She can construct and effectively use numerous instructional models and various educational technologies to set a very stimulating learning environment.
Overall, her student teaching experience has been a very positive learning experience. Over the past sixteen-week student teaching experience, she has shown very
positive development on each of PSUs 55 effective teaching behaviors. This has led to a very strong foundation to begin her first year of teaching. Without
reservation, I know Courtney will become an excellent teacher.

Note: A number of the NA (No Opportunity to Evaluate) indicators on your evaluation will be documented and evaluated more fully using information from the
Teacher Work Sample and the artifacts in the Professional Portfolio submitted after this evaluation. The Teacher Work Sample will be used to primarily assess
numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 17, 18, 26, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, and 50. These indicators mainly have to do with planning and assessing a unit that are usually not witnessed on
my classroom visits. These ratings will show up in your final evaluation, and, if you follow the template, should be very positive.
Conference Held:
Conference: A conference was held with the cooperating teacher, Tim Yeargain. An explanation memo, explaining how to complete the final evaluation on-line, and
mailing envelope (to mail a signed copy of the evaluation back to PSU) was left. A big Thank You for being a cooperating teacher accompanied the material as well
as a small gift. A conference was also held with the student teacher, Courtney. The activities of the day were reviewed and future class requirements were discussed.
This report will be uploaded to the GUS system so it is available to the cooperating teacher, academic supervisor, and the student teacher. A short movie clip was
taken of her teaching to be used in an end of the year video of the semester.

Video Self-Assessment: Courtney is to be commended for recently videoing a lesson and analyzing her teaching on ten domains. She examined her professional
demeanor, lesson construction, classroom management, teaching strategies, time-on-task, questioning, praise, directions, evaluation techniques, nonverbal
communication, relationship to students, and classroom atmosphere. She also rated herself on 33 of the Pittsburg State indicators. The written analysis was
extremely well constructed with appropriate detail and honest assessment.

Seminar Activities: Since the last evaluation, Courtney has acquired through seminar participation a professional knowledge base dealing with classroom
management, active shooter training, poverty influences on students, and the process of acquiring a teaching job. First, in the area of management, she is continuing
to polish her classroom management plan that contains clear rules and, as noted above, is developing consistency in reinforcing those rules. She also participated in
a three hour A.L.I.C.E. training ( where she learned the actions (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate) to take when there is
an active threat in the building. Second, in the area of instructional science, she has explored her teaching and learning styles using six instruments and also added
the multiple intelligences instructional model to her instructional paradigms. Taking the orientation that all students have strengths with which they can learn, she can
now plan individual lessons that use and assess the various learning styles. In a role-play Poverty Simulation, she participated as a family member who strove to
successfully function over a simulated three months. Afterwards, a number of reflections and observations gave her empathy for and feasible ideas to help children
coming from poverty. Finally, Courtney got an inside view of the job search and interview process through a panel of superintendents.
A. The Learner and Learning Current Standing: 4
# Ratings Indicator

1 COMPETENT Plans and delivers developmentally appropriate instruction

2 N/A Consults a variety of sources (e.g., student records, counselors, resource specialists, parent conferences, test results, and other
diagnostic tools) to determine the learning needs and capabilities of individual students

3 N/A Differentiates instruction appropriately for specific needs of learners

4 N/A Persists in helping all students achieve success

5 COMMEND Brings multiple perspectives to the discussion of content, including attention to learners' personal, family and community
experiences and cultural norms

6 COMMEND Designs instruction to build on learners' prior knowledge and experiences

7 COMPETENT Displays consistency in dealing with behavior in the least disruptive manner, utilizing appropriate positive and negative

8 COMPETENT Demonstrates positive rapport with a diverse student population

9 COMMEND Understands and respects a diverse student/parent population and helps all students learn respect for the traditions and cultures of

10 COMMEND Uses appropriate nonverbal communication

11 COMPETENT Provides a learning environment which includes high time-on-task and active engagement
12 COMMEND Promotes a classroom environment that is caring and supportive to all students

13 COMMEND Organizes and maintains the physical environment of the classroom in a pleasant and orderly manner conducive to student learning
and safety

14 COMPETENT Monitors students' behaviors and activities in the classroom at all times
15 COMMEND Handles multiple tasks, intrusions and distractions while maintaining the flow of the lesson

16 COMMEND Teaches and reinforces classroom expectations, rules, routines and procedures fairly

B. Content Current Standing: 4

# Ratings Indicator

17 COMMEND Demonstrates content area knowledge

18 N/A Keeps abreast of new ideas and understandings in the field

19 COMPETENT Effectively uses multiple representations and explanations that capture key ideas in the discipline, guides learners through learning
progressions and promotes each learner's achievements of content standards

20 COMMEND Engages students in learning experiences in the discipline(s) that encourage learners to understand, question and analyze ideas
from diverse perspectives using standards of evidence

21 COMMEND Creates opportunities for students to learn and practice content language

22 COMMEND Provides a real world context for lesson content

23 COMMEND Demonstrates pedagogical knowledge relevant to the discipline

C. Instructional Practice Current Standing: 3

# Ratings Indicator

24 COMMEND Creates lessons that encourage students to think creatively and critically and to solve problems

25 COMMEND Develops clear lesson plans which include objectives, materials, activities, adaptations/modifications and evaluation techniques
based on the curriculum

26 N/A Develops clear long-term instruction plans (e.g. units and/or modules) which include objectives, materials, activities,
adaptations/modifications and evaluation techniques based on the curriculum

27 COMMEND Selects materials and activities consistent with the objectives of the lesson and students' diverse abilities resulting in appropriate
adaptations and modifications

28 N/A Applies the appropriate scope and sequence of objectives for teaching the curriculum (national, state and/or local standards)

29 COMMEND Uses available educational technologies for effective instruction

30 COMMEND Provides opportunities for all students to successfully apply or practice knowledge and skills learned

31 N/A Designs assessments that align with learning objectives

32 N/A Effectively uses multiple and appropriate types of assessment data to identify each student's learning needs and to develop
differentiated learning experiences

33 N/A Maintains clear and reasonable work standards and due dates

34 N/A Makes changes in instruction based on feedback from multiple classroom assessment sources

35 COMPETENT Gives constructive and frequent feedback to students on their learning

36 N/A Balances the use of formative and summative assessment as appropriate to support, verify and document learning

37 COMPETENT Accomplishes smooth and orderly transitions between parts of the lesson
38 COMPETENT Communicates clearly to all students the objective and purpose of each lesson
39 COMMEND Conducts class with poise, confidence and enthusiasm

40 COMPETENT Maximizes instructional learning time by working with students individually as well as in small or whole groups
41 COMMEND Gives clear directions

42 COMPETENT Provides focus on important points and checks for understanding

43 COMMEND Uses a variety of effective and appropriate instructional strategies and resources

44 COMMEND Encourages participation from all students through effective questioning strategies (e.g., equal distribution, level variation, adequate
wait time, probing and clue giving, and appropriate correctives and feedback)

45 COMMEND Presents lessons in a clear, logical and sequential manner

D. Professional Responsibility Current Standing: 4

# Ratings Indicator
46 N/A Models and teaches safe, legal and ethical use of information and technology

47 COMMEND Demonstrates maturity and accepts constructive criticism in a positive manner

48 COMMEND Knows and follows school policies and shares in the general responsibilities and duties associated with teaching (e.g., attendance,
discipline, hall duty)

49 COMMEND Listens carefully to all students then responds in a professional manner

50 COMMEND Practices self-evaluation and reflection
51 N/A Maintains confidentiality at all levels

52 COMMEND Implements the recommendations from evaluations of professional performance

53 COMMEND Demonstrates effective interpersonal skills
54 COMMEND Maintains a consistently positive and professional demeanor
55 COMMEND Communicates effectively, appropriately and professionally in all forms and to all audiences

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