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Janeth Arredondo


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Annotated Bibliography

The negative ways social media can affect peoples life.

How Social Media Networks Can Affect Society Negatively. (2012, May 7). Africa News


Kelly Marsh makes very good points on why social media should be seen as a negative

thing in peoples life. The point that caught more attention were that social media can affect

a persons health, the way they socially interact with other people, that it can leak personal

information to anyone. Even though the topics were talked very briefly the opinions given

on them were straight to the point and specific.

(2016, September 23). Does your job or position in society affect your approach to social

media?. Centralian Advocate. p. 35.

This short news article shows peoples opinion on media and how they use it on their day to

day basis. The interesting thing about this newspaper source is that it shows the different

viewpoints such as from a teacher, someone that works in the government, and a person

that lives in a small town. And it shows that one of the factors that affects how much a
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person uses social media is what they do for a living. It would be good to show in the paper

because it will show more credibility because a persons viewpoint is being shown.

Neubaum, G., & Krmer, N. C. (2017). Monitoring the opinion of the crowd: Psychological

mechanisms underlying public opinion perceptions on social media. Medi

Psychology, 20(3), 502-531. doi:10.1080/15213269.2016.1211539

Neubaum and Krmer focus on what makes people want to be so engaged in social media

and what happens in it. They prove their point by doing research such as poll reports, they

look at news stories and do personal interviews. Noelle-Neumann came up with the spiral

of silence theory that basically says a person fear of isolation leads them to seek more

attention in the social media environment. Another thing that they show is the effect that

the publics opinion may have on a person. And some of the research that they made they

were able to show it in tables and diagrams. This book may be very helpful because it

mainly focuses on the Facebook database.

Debate - Does Social Media Affect People's Lives? [opinion]. (2016, May 6). Africa News


This article shows how social media has completely changed our live and not in the good

way. It says that social media has complete taken over our life because now days a person
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cant have a conversation with someone without either one of them looking at their phone.

And it gives other examples of how it has not only changed adults life but also childrens

way of behaving. It also lightly touches the topic of how social media makes it seem like a

person can have a multitude of friend but in reality, its people that you dont know

anything about. This article makes really good points on how media has negatively affected

many peoples life and in all age groups.

McFarland, L. A., & Ployhart, R. E. (2015). Social media: A contextual framework to

guide research and practice. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 100(6), 1653-1677.


There are several good aspects about this information shown in this book one of them is

because it gives a very specific definition of what social media is, which is very useful to

show what different types of media there is. It shows how social media has impacted the

behavior of people. And it also shows how social media has influenced humans so much to

the point that minitheories and studies have been made to show how its changed us. It

also specifies in specific points why and how social media affects people.

Richards, D., Caldwell, P. Y., & Go, H. (2015). Impact of social media on the health of

children and young people. Journal Of Paediatrics And Child Health, 51(12), 1152

1157. doi:10.1111/jpc.13023
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In this journal it talks about the different ways social media can impact someones health

and self-esteem. It mainly refers to the younger kids that are more vulnerable with the use

of social media. Also saying that there should be restrains put in the social media networks,

but that will most likely not happen because it would be something difficult to accomplish.

A thing that could be very useful from this article would be that it gives data and numbers,

which would help to state my point.

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