Grammar Practice. Reading. Fill in The Gaps With A Suitable Word or Words

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6. Grammar practice. Reading.

Fill in the gaps with a suitable word or


Sitting here in my achingly hip flat in Gracia _____________

listenig to Chet Baker with the early
evening sun still streaming in one _____________
has to admit that life has certainly improved
of late.

I used to wish that I _____________

was back in England so much even going so far as to
think: If only I _____________
hadn't left would
Luton a town so ugly I always swore I _____________
leave the day I finished university! But now I can safely say that all that has changed.

Of course there _____________

can be no doubt that I still _____________
miss my sister and
my friends and I wish I _____________
could go back and visit them more often and there are
certain things about England that I _____________ always have fond memories of, but on
the whole I'd rather _____________ which
living here in Barcelona _____________ is perfect
because I AM living here!

And having just got the lease on this place I _____________ certainly be here for the next
will be
five years during which time I _____________ enjoying myself immensely and making all
my friends, _____________ have to endure English taxes, weather and opening hours,
incredibly jealous.

But, hey, there's nothing to stop them following in my footsteps and joining me out here
then life really _____________ be perfect!

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