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Riccardo Karim Khamaisi


The materials selection of wheeled mobility products

represents one of the most important steps in the
design process, impacting both the customer as the
manufacturer. Materials influence characteristics such
as manufacturing flexibility, weight, cost, appearance
and in general all the features the design offers. In the
wheelchairs market, there have been excellent
improvements in terms of materials, although many of
them resulted in high production cost for companies,
thus being difficult to sell in the mass market.
Figure 1
In light of all these considerations, the Trailblazer
Wheelchair (Figure 1) structure was broken down in
different parts in order to set the main goal for each of
them and thus selecting the correct material to use.
Four main areas were identified in the overall design:
I. the frame; Figure 1

II. wheels and tyres;

III. the bar mechanism;
IV. the seating;
The common starting point was the statement of the problems encountered during the customers
experience and the current market needs, referring to the S. Pugh model of Total design (Pugh,
1990). Each section will be analysed singularly, underlining the evaluations made.

I. Frame
The existing solutions which the market offers are pursuing the idea of an increasing reduction of
the weight-strength ratio, adopting a precise policy in the choice of frames materials, such as
titanium, carbon fibre, alloys like chrome-moly or advanced materials which cause the companies
to raise in price. Appearance, durability, manufacturing processes and cost are influenced too,
transforming the frame definition in an intricated topic. On the top of all this, the mechanical
performance represents the fundamental parameter with which coming to a definitive decision.
The first step was to consider the strength (and so the safety) of the framework as well as the
durability: the fatigue strength of the material is affected not only by the tubing dimensions and
shape but by the other assembly-related aspects (as welding characteristics and manufacturing in
general). Initially, different ideas were considered:
a) Carbon fibre;
b) Titanium;
c) Aluminium;
In order to match the key points of the Product Design Specification, the first two solutions were
discarded after an accurate selection based on:
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Cost: Carbon fibre and Titanium are two of the most expensive products available in the
market and involve a great manufacturing expenditure;
Vibration transmissibility (VT) and the weight-normalized work-per-meter (WN-WPM):
many studies have been done with the aim of trying to understand the connections between
these properties (Chnier and Aissaoui, 2017). The risk of shoulder injuries as well as the
whole-body vibration could be reduced improving these features: since no evident
difference was found apart from the value related to the Carbon fiber, the Aluminum was
believed to be the most efficient and profitable in term of cost-VT or cost-WN-WPM ratio
(see the Appendix for more details).
Weight: one of the most important breakthroughs for the wheelchairs technology is the
introduction of lightweight material which could maintain at the same time good physical
properties. Aluminum represents an excellent compromise in terms of strength-weight ratio,
being the best choice for such applications; moreover, the weight strongly influences the
mechanical work to be done to travel to given distance (WN-WPM) too, increasing the
efforts of the person if the overall design turns out to be heavy. In order to minimize the
weight of the frame, round hollow bars will be used.
At the end, the Aluminium 6061 T6 (solution heat-treated and then artificially aged) was
selected as final solution (Comparative Matrix in the Appendix). This alloy is commonly
known for its corrosion resistance and weldability, being used in high pressure applications:
both features were thought to be fundamental during the lifecycle of the product, seeing that the
framework should be easily manufactured and designed to give the customer the possibility to
use the wheelchair outside too (considering every weather conditions).
Considering the average weight of manual wheelchairs attested on the market, 22 kg (Karman
Healthcare, 2017) and the supplementary devices necessary for the general functionality of the
product (such as the battery, the engine and in general all the components of the bar
mechanism), the targeted weight for the only frame (including the extendable handles) is set up
to 5 kg. As for the expected cost, instead, tubes 2.4 meters long will be purchased for 44 from
external suppliers (Metals, 2017) and then finished.

II. Wheels and Tyres

As attested in many researches on power wheelchairs (Discussion Preparation for
Material&Components, 2017), wheels and tyres are frequently causes of disappointment for the
user: in particular, tyres are said to be the second most repaired elements behind the battery while
wheels present maintenances problem 24% of the time. Considering the issues raised by the
customers, the analysis was divided in two different parts to understand the real requirements
concerning each element:
Collapsible wheels: the novelty of the design is associated to these innovative wheels
(Figure 2) which open to new considerations in terms of materials. They are made of two
parts, the frame and the tyre: firstly, the principal evaluation was done on the load the
structure should support. In accordance with the Product design specification, the
wheelchair should sustain at most 120 kg, thus forcing the framework to be compact and
resistant. Secondly, the component should match the general need of lightness,
manoeuvrability and flexibility provided for its functionality; the maintenance is another
relevant topic too, considering what said before. In the same way, the tyres should answer to
the same necessities and avoid the triboelectrification phenomenon, or the discharge of the
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static electricity in order to prevent shocks

to the user and damages to the electronics of
the mechanism (see in Appendix for details).
In general, the guideline for the material
definition of tyres was the improvement of
tyre wear without deteriorating ride and
traction. The decision of the team members
fell into the same Aluminium alloy previously
used for the frame and into non-marking
rubber compound tyres (for further
information see the Appendix), defining a
comprehensive weight between the two
elements of 5 kg for both wheels and Figure 2
budgeting 28 (, 2017) for
the tyres. As for the Aluminium, 5 mm thick plates will be supplied for 2/kg (,

Front and back wheels: as for this

set of wheels (Figure 3), what
written earlier was considered still
valid: mainly, the issue to face was
the stress on the back wheels while
ascending or descending stairs. To
solve this problem, Polyurethane
solid foam was thought to be the
best choice since it provides a long
service life (since it hardly gets
flat, requiring a low maintenance),
light weight, low rolling resistance Figure 3
(which helps the propulsion of the
device) and chemical resistance, very useful in the everyday use: the selected solution could
sustain efforts up to 500 kg, at the starting price of 20 (, 2017) (for more
information about Polyurethane wheels see in the Appendix).

III. Cushions/Seating
The seating is essential to gain the customers satisfaction and to the cost; in fact, wheelchair
users most of the time suffer of pressure sores connected to some uncomfortable positions.
Moreover, it should fit the person need even if a change with clothing, age or physique occurs
and be durable to withstand daily use with different climate and weather conditions. Other two
aspects were considered, such as the possibility to be laundered easily whenever it is needed
(hygienic and aesthetic reasons are also important) and the air circulation required to guarantee
the comfort. Specific needs of precise groups are to be considered: the material provided should
not ignite too easily (fire retardance is important too) to face everyday situations and especially
for smokers. On these basis, Polyurethane viscoelastic foam was chosen as final answer thanks
to its durability, optimal contouring, pressure relief (medical instances like reduction of
subcutaneous stress inferior to the ischial tuberosity were taken into consideration) and
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resistance to mildews, mites and bacteria. A simple plastic frame will be furnished as support
for the overall section too.
In terms of price and weight, the raw material will be supplied in large foam sheet for 23
(, 2017) and then cut: regarding the structure of the seating, it was decided to go
on with the A.B.S. (Acrylonitrile Butadiene-Styrene), a thermoplastic material known for its
strength, resistance to abrasion and heat, and low absorption of moisture and odours: it is
currently sold for 2/kg (, 2017). The total section weights around 2 kg.
IV. The bar mechanism
The ascent or descent of the Trailblazer Wheelchair is ensured
by this mechanism (Figure 4) which is continuously under
stresses during its service: the main requirement for this part is to
stand the forces aging on the three bars in the mutual rotation.
Combining the FEA analysis (images and values are given in the
Appendix) and the forces study in the previous chapters, it was
seen that the three elements can perfectly sustain the loads
without any particular consequence: the ultimate tensile strength
for the elected material, or the Stainless Steel, is 860 MPa against
5.2341x e8 Pa outlined by the test. The principles followed were
based on the necessity of setting a safety factor to avoid
malfunctioning: to strengthen the steel, first the bars will be
quenched and then tempered. On the market, quenched and
tempered square steel bars are sold for 330/ton (,
2017): a subsequent metal working will provide the final shape
(the weight is about 2 kg). As for the case of the motor, Figure 4
Aluminium 6061 sheets will be used to ensure a correct covering
for the potential risky part (Cost: 20, weight: 1.2 kg)
In conclusion, the selection was marked by several evaluations aimed to reach the key points of the
material section of the Product design specification (for the complete list of the requirements see in
the Appendix): the general weight for all the materials is approximately 18 kg, exceeding the
targeted value of 15 kg. As concerns the budgeted cost, the final value is attested to 466 (see
complete calculations, including the ones regarding the weight, in the Appendix) which is not in
line with the expectations: generally, the decisions were made trying to reach a compromise
between cost and performance, without losing in the overall quality of the product.

Riccardo Karim Khamaisi


Effect of Wheelchair Frame Material on Users' Mechanical Work and Transmitted

Since knowledge on this topic is still limited, the consideration proposed in this research (Chnier and
Aissaoui, 2017) were examined carefully; here a brief explanation will be provided. Six different
wheelchairs (1 Titanium, 4 Aluminum, 1 Carbon Fiber) were compared by ten able-bodied users on three
ground surfaces in order to define a correlation between these two properties. Many aspects were evaluated
in this study, such as various wheelchair frames (folding or rigid) or the vibrations effect of caster
suspension/other common components of the product. The guideline for the experiment was the standard
ISO 2631-1:1997 (, 2017) on mechanical vibration and shock which sets the methods to assess the
vibration exposure of the person in seated position. One of the main characteristic of this norm is that it is
based on able-bodied person who undergo vibrations in a passive way, which was thought to be a simulation
of the realistic usage conditions. The experiment involved 6 men and 4 women, randomly selected, whose
average weight and height were 73.4 13.3kg and 173.9 8.1cm: after a period of familiarization with the
products, they were instructed to propel the different wheelchairs at 1 m/s, first on smooth vinyl floor, then
on textured rubber mat one and lastly on a smooth vinyl floor with a bump. The fixed speed was reached 2
meters before the starting point of the aforementioned surfaces and then was kept for 7 meters: each attempt
was repeated three times.
The data collected from the experiments could be sum up in graphs.

Figure 5 (Source: Chnier and Aissaoui. Image by Unknown)

The vibrations recorded during the test are shown in Figure 5: the triaxial distribution of the phenomenon is
clearly evident, underlying various behavior in the three directions. As for the mechanical work per meter
(J(kgm)1), instead, the performance is exhibited in Figure 6.

Riccardo Karim Khamaisi

The final result of the research (which was characterized by many

limitations, like the decision of submitting the experiment to able
people or the measure of the mechanical work registered during the
steady state, omitting the start-up effort) highlights how these
parameters are negatively linked, since the increase of one of the
two causes the other to decrease. The carbon fiber turned out to be
the only material with a low VT and W-WPM: regarding the
Aluminum and the Titanium, in contrast with the current belief, it
was demonstrated that the first one presents a less vibration
transmissibility than the second one. In general, it could be said that
a wheelchair that transmits less vibration required a greater
Figure 6 (Source: Chnier and Aissaoui. Image by mechanical work to be propelled. For complete calculations see the
Unknown) link in the Bibliography.

Comparative Matrix for selected materials

Criteria Weight Carbon Fiber Aluminum Titanium

6061 T6

Cost 4 1 5 1

Weight 4 5 4 5

Vibration 4 5 4 4
Workability 3 4 5 2

Durability 3 4 4 4

Appearance 1 5 4 4

Total 73 83 62

As it could be seen here, a comparative matrix is provided with a weight system to select the final
material for the wheelchairs frame. The comparison was carried out between the three main elements
considered during the brainstorming sessions, because of their properties: the most important criteria
were cost, weight and VT, since the market analysis conducted highlighted the importance reserved by
Riccardo Karim Khamaisi

the customer to these three factors. Appearance, at the opposite, is the last characteristic to be valued
whereas functionality and ease of use are supposed to be the guidelines. During these sessions,
workability was inserted as a specific requirement too, taking into account the necessity of a simple
but effective manufacturing process.

During the analysis carried on the wheeled section, the triboelectric effect had a fundamental part, believing
it to be relevant for the functionality of the product. The triboelectrification is based on the frictional contact
between two or more surfaces of different materials which become electrically charged: the phenomenon is
related to the adhesion, or the attraction between molecules of various nature. Considering that this is not a
chemical bond, electrons are transferred between molecules, holding them together; at the moment of getting
separate, materials develop a positive or negative charge (depending on the excess or on the deficit of
electrons in the surface), since the movement of elementary charges in distinct elements is not immediately
As concerns the Trailblazer Wheelchair, it was necessary to protect all the electronic components which
the mechanism is made of, avoiding dangerous malfunctioning: polyurethane wheels are supposed to
minimize this fastidious occurrence, creating an insulating barrier between the framework of the collapsible
wheels (assembled in Aluminium and so electrically conductor) and the ground.

Rubber compound tyre

After careful evaluations on the solutions available on the market, special rubber compound tyres were
selected to complete the collapsible wheel design. The table with the main elements of the compound can be
found down here.

Compound elements
As for the carbon black, it is the result of the incomplete combustion
of heavy petroleum products, being usually inserted as reinforcing
filler in many compound following its high-volume use.
Natural and synthetic
rubber As listed in the table, these tyres are also made up with vulcanizing
aids and vulcanization accelerator: vulcanization is the
chemical process through which the natural rubber is transformed in
Fillers, e.g. carbon black,
chalk, silica a more durable material with sulphurs insertions: these additives
create cross-link between polymer chains which enhance the
Softeners, e.g. oils and mechanical properties of the material and convert them in less sticky
lubricants elements.
This type of tyre offers many interesting features such as
Anti-aging agents (aromatic
extensibility, fatigue resistance, abrasion resistance and strength
(given by the Carbon Black): physical properties (tensile strength,
rebound resilience etc..) are generally determined by the Carbon
Vulcanizing aids, e.g. sulfur
Black percentage (, 2017).
Vulcanization accelerators;
e.g. zinc oxide

Pigments and dyes

Riccardo Karim Khamaisi

Polyurethane solid foam

Polyurethane solid foam is an innovative material which was recently
introduced in the wheeled mobility market due to its aforesaid properties.
As it is showed in Figure 7 and 8 (respectively the front and back wheels),
the final design makes use of this material in accordance with the
requirements of the components. Polyurethane is a micro-cellular foam,
with a low-density structure, dimensionally stable and lightweight: these
kinds of wheels are usually manufactured through a rotational method
which increase the density of the foam towards the outside of the tyre.
Instead, the low rolling resistance is connected to the high elasticity of the
micro-cellular structure: for the same reason, the material shows an
excellent resistance even when it is under heavy loads for a long time. The Figure 7
thermal conductivity is noteworthy too: PUR
rigid foam is extremely competitive, being
able to perform in low temperature (down to
-196) with excellent results. Lastly, it is a
recyclable and CFC-free material.

Figure 8

FEA Analysis
Below, the images and related stress values of the Ansys analysis for the bar mechanisms parts have been
shown: as it is visible, the most stressed elements are the connection pins between the components which
undergo shear stress during the mutual rotation (explainable through a dynamic study of the forces) and the
bar in contact with the ground on which all the weight of the wheelchair is aging. Considering the critical
situation, or the moment in which the motor pushes up the entire wheelchair, the stress are not so relevant to
cause the bars to be damaged.

Riccardo Karim Khamaisi

Riccardo Karim Khamaisi

Product Design Specification: Material

1. Materials must be durable;

2. Materials must be recyclable;
3. The materials weight should not exceed 15kg;
4. Selected materials should provide a concrete reduction of the whole-body vibration; moreover, the
mechanical work to be done to propel the wheelchair should be minimized;
5. Materials should withstand every possible climate and weather conditions, in order to allow the
wheelchair to be used without any limitation;
6. Materials aesthetics should be taken into account;
7. The total cost should not be more than 200;
8. Materials should guarantee the manoeuvrability of the product;
9. Materials should not be inflammable, preventing fires to reach other components of the
product and the user;
10. Materials in contact with the ground should be waterproof;

Materials cost and weight calculations Material Weight (kg)

Aluminium 5
Material Cost () tubes
4x 2.4 m 175.12 3 mm thick N/A
Aluminium tube Aluminium
4x 3 mm thick 80 sheets
Aluminium sheet 2x Schwalbe N/A
2x Schwalbe tyres 28 tyre
HS 127 2x rad elastic 4.78
2x rad elastic 88 Polyurethane
Polyurethane wheel wheel (250
(250 mm diameter) mm diameter
2x rad elastic 40 2x rad elastic 1.72
Polyurethane wheel Polyurethane
(150mm diameter wheel (150
Polyurethane 23 mm diameter
viscoelastic foam Polyurethane N/A
40mm x 60mm viscoelastic
A.B.S sheets 1.2m 20 foam 40mm x
x61cm x1.5mm 60mm
Square steel bars 12 A.B.S sheets 1
5cm x 5cm x 1.8m 1.2m x61cm
Total Cost 466 x1.5mm
Square steel N/A
In the weight table, an expected weight was added as a bars 5cm x
result of many missing values for components: the final 5cm x 1.8m
weight is supposed to exceed the predicted one, since Total Weight 12.5
Aluminium sheets and square steel bars were not counted Expected 18
in the table calculations. Weight

Riccardo Karim Khamaisi

Bibliography (2017). Best Price 5mm 10mm 20mm 6061 T6 Thickness Aluminum Plate - Buy 5mm
10mm 20mm 6061 T6 Thickness Aluminum Plate Product on [online] Available at:
[Accessed 25 Mar. 2017]. (2017). Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Price Abs Plastic Sheet,Abs Plastic Resin Abs
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detail/acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene-price-abs-plastic_60565196291.html [Accessed 25 Mar. 2017]. (2017). Alloy Structural Steel Square Bar Scr420 - Buy Alloy Structural Steel,Steel
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Chnier, F. and Aissaoui, R. (2017). Effect of Wheelchair Frame Material on Users Mechanical Work
and Transmitted Vibration.

Discussion Preparation for Manual Wheelchair Propulsion. (2017). 1st ed. [ebook] Mid-Atlantic
Region, pp.1-8. Available at:
[Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. (2017). Rad Elastic Polyurethane Plastic Rim Ball bearing 150 mm Buoyancy 500 Kg
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d%3D100005%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D272437899396 [Accessed 25 Mar. 2017]. (2017). Upholstery Foam & Supplies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Mar. 2017]. (2017). Cite a Website - Cite This for Me. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar. 2017].

Karman Healthcare. (2017). How Much Does a Manual Wheelchair Weigh? - Weight of Manual
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wheelchair-weigh/ [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017].

Metals, O. (2017). Order Aluminum 6061 Tube in Small Quantities at [online] Available at:
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Riccardo Karim Khamaisi

Pugh, S. (1990). Integrated methods for successful product engineering. 1st ed. New Jersey:
Addison-Wesley (2017). Schwalbe HS 127 | Schwalbe North America. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Mar. 2017]. (2017). Mechanical Properties of Industrial Tyre Rubber Compounds. [online]

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