Joyryde : Mentor Program: Bro John Muhammad - Executive Director

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JoyRyde : Mentor program

Community Development and Training Center, Inc

Bro John Muhammad - Executive Director
Phn 727- 492 -4776
St.Pete ,Fl

JoyRyde-mentoring program is for at risk youth and troubled youth.

Pilot program to start in Child's Park & South St. Pete.

The program focuses on driver's education and Mentoring to building lasting relationships with Children
and Young a

1. To use drivers education as a way to teach the rules of the road and make
2. Mentoring Youth make sound choices critical thinking skills
3. Driver's Education and help with getting learning permit and driver's license
4. Teach proper driving technical help
5. Speakers from SPD, Sheriff, highway patrol,etc
6. College tours
7. School tutoring/ vocational info
8. Truman inform help
9. Basic life skills training

Program Outcomes:
Mentoring , Youth will get basic driving training / Drivers L.
Life skills
critical thinking skills
Basic fin lit /STD awareness

Potenal Partners/ Sponsors

City of St Pete
Pin county Sheriff department

Dimmit, Dew Cadillac, Local car dealerships ,

Marreese Speights,Trayvon Bromell ,C
larence Booth Local sports players
Childs Park Neighborhood Association
Mentorship programs

Detailed Overview

JoyRyde : Project outline

The JoyRyde program is focusing on driver's education also Mentorship building lasting
relationships and bonds with the youth teaching critical thinking and decision-making skills the all
too often these you do not have using the sometimes intimate conversations that can be had on a
rod and mentoring and finding out how can the youth be helped and plug in the UN to
wraparound services and other programs that could further them in their life in pursuit of their
goals this program is all-encompassing and it will also include basic life skills financial literacy A
coping with trauma.

These programs will all be administered through wrap-around services and ever existing program me in
the city and county these bonds we'll also reward the college trip gift card a small stipend is a chance to
drive an exotic car at the graduation

This unique and organic program is a at driving and decision-making skills with a wraparound
Services aspect to holistically help the youth
Address of critical thinking you helping the young you make the correct decisions in key points
and keep dying in their lives can come a long way

Meant to be for me to identify trauma other deeper mental issues in this attempt to get the youth
the help and resources that are readily provided in our community this wrap-around service
aspect can help identify problem Youth and get them to help that's needed
The program being structure like a driver's education class with a loud mentors the ability to
Mentor the youth as well as deliver a much-needed service to helping the youth get their
restricted license and also their driver's license this program can be administered to several uses
at a time and this program can also be serviced by many mentors at a time
This program is meant to service youth At a high capacity for a relatively low overhead this
program can be started immediately the only cost of the program will be Administration fees youth
stipends , exotic car rental fees and gas reimbursement to the mentors for Grants spent doing
rides lunch and entertainment reimbursement College Tour funding other group transportation

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