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My name is Jasna . My husband Nenad and I are married for 17 years and we are together for 19 years
.We have two sons , older Lazar and younger Stefan. They are 16 and 13 years old. Lazar likes to read
books and plays piano. Stefan plays football- Ja sam Jasna. Moj muz Nenad i ja smo 17 godina u braku i
19 godina zajedno. Mi imamo 2 sina, stariji je Lazar a mladji Stefan. Oni imaju 16 i 13 godina. Lazar voli
da cita i svira klavir. Stefan igra fudbal.

I have two sisters .Sanja is little bit younger than me and she has two sons. Pavle and Janko are my
nephews they play football and like to travel . They live in Kragujevac .-Ja imam 2 sestre. Sanja je malo
mladja od mene i ima 2 sina. Pavle i Janko su moji sestrici oni igraju fudbal i vole da putuju.Oni zive

My other sister is Dragana and she lives in Sweden with her boyfriend and her daughter Sophia.- Moja
druga sestra Dragana zivi u Svedskoj sa svojim momkom i cerkom Sofijom.

We see each-other often and we like to spend time together .Mi se cesto vidjamo i volimo da provodimo
vreme zajedno

Sophia is current favorite pastime in family .- Sofija nam je trenutno zanimacija u porodici

My husband has brother who lives in Serbia .He is married and he has one son., Nemanja -Moj muz ima
rodjenog brata koji zivi u Srbiji. on je ozenjen i ima jednog sina Nemanju.

Our family is big -Nasa familija je velika.

My parents have five grandchildren .All grandchildren live far from them so they miss them a lot. -Moji
roditelji imaju petoro unucica. svi unucici zive daleko od njih, tako da se oni bas pozele da ich vide.

Nenads mother lives in Switzerland and she has three grandchildren -Nenadova majka zivi u Svajcarskoj
i ona ima 3 unuceta.

Its very rare for us all to get together but when it happens we have great time.- Mi smo retko svi
zajedno ali kad se nadjemo bude nam zaista lepo

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