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Implicit Bias Test Artist Statement

An implicit bias test is a test that is supposed to help one discover the stereotypes that

they may hold unconsciously, which affects decisions and actions. The purpose of our test is to

attempt to reveal the implicit biases that a person may hold, as well as educate people about how

laws can be biased against people in the homeless community through the scenario we have


In Colorado alone, there are around 351 anti-homeless laws in the 76 largest cities. These

laws forbid sleeping, lying, storing personal belongings in public, and include restrictions on

panhandling, begging, as well as camping bans. It's been estimated that around five million

dollars has been spent on enforcing anti-homeless ordinances in six cities alone. That's five

million dollars that could have been used to help support the homeless community rather than

criminalize them.

Information Source:

Adcock, Rachel A., et al. Too High a Price, What Criminalizing Homelessness Costs

Colorado. Sturm College of Law. University of Denver, 16 February 2016. Web. 11

December 2017.

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