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One of the most astounding aspects of the Star of David concerns its

inherent mathematical properties. Not only does the Biblically

significant number 7 correspond directly to this geometric symbol,
so too does the other prominent Judeo-Christian number 12. This
can be seen quite clearly in the following quotes and visual images:

Some note that the Star of David is a complicated interlocking figure
which has not six (hexagram) but rather 12 (dodecogram) sides. One
can consider it as composed of two overlapping triangles or as
composed of six smaller triangles emerging from a central
hexagram. Like the Jewish people, the star has 12 sides,
representing the 12 tribes of Israel.

- Star of David,, by Rabbi Shraga Simmons

The Star of David is also referred to as the Magen or Shield of David.

It is a six-pointed hexagram (a symbol composed of two equilateral
triangles)...While some associate the symbol with the number seven,
others believe the twelve exterior lines that make up the symbol
represent the twelve tribes of Israel.

- The Star of David,

Where the 2 intersect, 6 smaller equilateral triangles are "created"

symbolizing man created on the 6th day in God's image.The 6 smaller
triangles joined together form the 12 sided star of David,
symbolic of the 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 Apostles.

- What is the Star of David? by thereistruth,

There are several rabbinical tales as to the origin of the Star of

David. These range from the star being the shape of King David's
shield, to being the symbol on King Solomon's signet (seal) ring...The
star has 12 lines about its perimeter, possibly representing the
12 Tribes of Israel.

- What is the Star of David and is it biblical?,

Jewish folklore describes the encampment of the tribes in the

desert as forming a Star of David, twelve focal points being
connected one to another, and all of these arranged around a
central, thirteenth, focus--the Tabernacle and the tribe of Levi
ministering the sacred service. A Yiddish anthology for the holidays
describes the unique arrangement of the Israelite camp and its
symbolism as follows:

According to this picture, the Star of David is the symbol of tribal unity in Israel,
a single formation protecting the Sanctuary shared by all.

- Encampment of the Tribes, Star of David Blogspot

There are twelve sides to the Star, the boundaries

encompassing the entire symbol, representing the twelve tribes
of Israel, the 12 apostles and the 12 thrones upon which Jesus
promised they would sit, judging the tribes of Israel. These are the 12
gates to the City of God, the New Jerusalem.

- The Star of David: A Better Perspective,

Looking carefully at the Star of David, and taking into account all
the intersecting lines , it can easily be discovered that the two
triangles put on each other create three cutting points. And it can be
determined as a fact, that...this was the area in which the tribes had
to set up their camp.

- Star of David, by Naftali Nussenblatt, Star-of-David.blogspot

The twelve sides of the six-pointed star are said to represent
the twelve tribes of Israel, and has been displayed in Kabbalistic
representations for centuries.

- Sterling Silver Star of David Heart Necklace,

Therefore, the Star of David is an image and symbol of the

United Tribes of Israel in a military alliance designed to
protect the common temple

Thus, the Star of David hides deep and important logic: it is the
symbol of the togetherness of the tribes of Israel, of the alliance to
fight for the common temple and defend it from all sides. This deep
internal logic, although forgotten over time, may be the best
explanation for the survival of this icon in our history.

- Star of David, by Naftali Nussenblatt, Star-of-David.blogspot

The Star of David has twelve junction-points and shows how the
Tribes of Israel were encamped around the Tabernacle when they
came out of Egypt.

- Ulster and Judah,

The star as a unified whole symbolizes the seventh "Ushpizen" --

David -- the "king" who unifies the whole. Furthermore, the Magen
David has 12 sides: David as king unified the 12 tribes.

- A Six-Pointed Question: The Origins of The Magen David,

Some point out the Star of David has 12 quadrants for the 12
tribes of the nation of Israel (some say for the 12 zodiac signs,
Christianizing them for each tribe).

- Is the flag of Israel and the Star of David Occultic in origin?

Some note that there are actually 12 sides (3 exterior and 3

interior on each triangle), representing the 12 tribes.

- The Pagan "Star of David" - Hope of Israel Ministries

So it is not accidental that triangles are used to represent both spirit

and matter. The three sides and three points of the two triangles
total twelve, the number of the signs of the Zodiac, the Tribes of
Israel, the apostles of Christ, the labors of Hercules, and a lot of
other mythological and symbolic dozens. They all refer to the
experiences we go through in this world.

- The Two Triangles, The Seal of the Theosophical Society,

The twelve constellations represent the twelve tribes, while each

station of the zodiac has thirty paths, and each path has thirty
legions (of stars) (Ber. 32b). The standards of the tribes corresponded
to the zodiacal signs of the constellations, so that in the east was the
standard of Judah, with Issachar and Zebulun beside it, these three
being opposite Aries, Taurus, and Gemini; in the south was the
standard of Reuben, with Simeon and Gad, opposite Cancer, Leo, and
Virgo; in the west was the standard of Ephraim, with Manasseh and
Benjamin, opposite Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius; and in the north
was the standard of Dan, with Asher and Naphtali, opposite
Capricornus, Aquarius, and Pisces.

- Zodiac,

In May 1898 Herzl checked in detail the question of the Star of David
in a correspondence with Dr. Max Bodenheimer, after he received a
letter from him which had a stamp that had a Star of David with 12
stars around it. Herzl wrote about the Star of David thus:"your
12 stars surrounding the Star of David is incorrect since the 12
tribes are already in the body of the Star of David itself ".

This is the heritage about the significance of the Star of David,

which is the symbol of the 12 tribes. It was known to Herzl
through Goldsmith. Herzl's hypothesis, that the Magen David
symbolizes the 12 tribes, influenced me to conduct this investigation
about the history of the Star of David and its meaning.

- Star of David, by Naftali Nussenblatt, Star-of-David.blogspot

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