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160.15161 46 CFR Ch.

I (10112 Edition)

(b) The instructions and information 160.1561 Scope.

required by paragraph (a) of this sec-
This subpart prescribes standards,
tion may be combined with similar ma-
terial for hydrostatic releases or tests, and procedures for seeking Coast
launching equipment, and must ex- Guard approval of a rescue boat, in-
plain cluding a fast rescue boat, complying
(1) Release of the inflatable liferaft with SOLAS and the IMO LSA Code,
from its stowage position; for use on waters other than protected
(2) Launching of the liferaft; waters as defined in 46 CFR 175.400.
(3) Survival procedures, including in-
structions for use of survival equip- 160.1563 Definitions.
ment aboard; and In addition to the definitions in the
(4) Shipboard installations of the life- IMO LSA Code (incorporated by ref-
raft. erence, see 160.1565 of this subpart),
(c) The operating instructions re- in this subpart, the term:
quired by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Commandant means the Commandant
section must also be made available in (CGENG4), U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 2nd
the form of an instruction placard. The Street, SW., Stop 7126, Washington, DC
placard must be not greater than 36 cm 205937126.
(14 in.) by 51 cm (20 in.), made of dura-
Full load means the weight of the
ble material and suitable for display
near installations of liferafts on ves- complete rescue boat, including all re-
sels, providing simple procedures and quired equipment, provisions, fuel, and
illustrations for launching, inflating, the number of persons for which it is
and boarding the liferaft. approved. This is also known as the
condition B weight.
[CGD 85205, 62 FR 25547, May 9, 1997, as
Independent laboratory has the same
amended by USCG20100048, 76 FR 62999, Oct.
11, 2011] meaning as 46 CFR 159.0013. A list of
accepted independent laboratories is
160.15161 Maintenance instructions. available from the Commandant and
(a) The liferaft manufacturer shall online at
make maintenance instructions avail- Light load means the weight of the
able in English to purchasers of inflat- complete rescue boat empty and does
able liferafts approved by the Coast not include fuel, required equipment,
Guard, to enable vessel operators to or the equivalent weight of persons.
meet SOLAS Chapter III, Regulation 36 This is also known as the condition
(III/36). A weight.
(b) The maintenance instructions re- Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection
quired by paragraph (a) of this section (OCMI) means an officer of the Coast
must include Guard designated as such by the Com-
(1) A checklist for use in monthly, mandant and who fulfills the duties de-
external, visual inspections of the scribed in 46 CFR 1.0115(b). The cog-
packed liferaft; nizant OCMI is the OCMI who has im-
(2) An explanation of the require- mediate jurisdiction over a vessel or
ments for periodic servicing of the life- geographic area for the purpose of per-
raft by an approved servicing facility; forming the duties previously de-
(3) A log for maintaining records of
inspections and maintenance. SOLAS means the International Con-
vention for the Safety of Life at Sea,
[CGD 85205, 62 FR 25547, May 9, 1997, as 1974, as amended.
amended by USCG20100048, 76 FR 62999, Oct.
11, 2011] 160.1565 Incorporation by reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated
Subpart 160.156Rescue Boats by reference into this part with the ap-
and Fast Rescue Boats (SOLAS)
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

proval of the Director of the Federal

Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
SOURCE: USCG20100048, 76 FR 62999, Oct. CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
11, 2011, unless otherwise noted.


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Coast Guard, DHS 160.1565

other than that specified in this sec- Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics
tion, the Coast Guard must publish no- and Electrical Insulating Materials,
tice of change in the FEDERAL REG- (approved September 1, 2007), IBR ap-
ISTER and the material must be avail- proved for 160.15611 (ASTM D 790).
able to the public. All approved mate- (9) ASTM D 258408, Standard Test
rial is available for inspection at Com- Method of Ignition Loss for Cured Re-
mandant (CGENG4), U.S. Coast inforced Resins, (approved May 1, 2008),
Guard, 2100 2nd Street, SW., Stop 7126, IBR approved for 160.15611 and
Washington, DC 205937126. You may 160.15615 (ASTM D 2584).
also inspect this material at the Na- (10) ASTM D 402909, Standard Speci-
tional Archives and Records Adminis- fication for Finished Woven Glass Fab-
tration (NARA). For information on rics, (approved January 15, 2009), IBR
the availability of this material at approved for 160.1567 (ASTM D
NARA, call 2027416030 or go to http:// 4029). (11) ASTM F 116607, Standard Prac-
codeloflfederallregulations/ tice for Human Engineering Design for
ibrllocations.html. You may obtain cop- Marine Systems, Equipment, and Fa-
ies of the material from the sources cilities, (approved January 1, 2007), IBR
specified in the following paragraphs. approved for 160.1567 and 16015613
(b) American Society for Testing and (ASTM F 1166).
Materials (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor (c) General Services Administration,
Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Federal Acquisition Service, Office of
Conshohocken, PA 194282959. the FAS Commissioner, 2200 Crystal
(1) ASTM A 36/A 36M08, Standard Drive, 11th Floor, Arlington, VA 22202,
Specification for Carbon Structural 7036055400.
Steel, (approved May 15, 2008), IBR ap- (1) Federal Standard 595C, Colors
proved for 160.1567 and 160.15615 Used in Government Procurement,
(ASTM A 36). (January 16, 2008), IBR approved for
(2) ASTM A 27608a, Standard Speci- 160.1567 (FEDSTD595C).
fication for Stainless Steel Bars and (2) [Reserved]
Shapes, (approved October 1, 2008), IBR (d) International Maritime Organiza-
approved for 160.1567 (ASTM A 276). tion (IMO), Publications Section, 4 Al-
(3) ASTM A 313/A 313M08, (approved bert Embankment, London SE1 7SR,
October 1, 2008), Standard Specification United Kingdom, +44 (0)20 7735 7611,
for Stainless Steel Spring Wire, IBR
approved for 160.1567 (ASTM A 313). (1) IMO Resolution A.658(16), Use and
(4) ASTM A 31408, Standard Speci- Fitting of Retro-Reflective Materials
fication for Stainless Steel Billets and on Life-Saving Appliances, (adopted
Bars for Forging, (approved October 1, October 19, 1989), IBR approved for
2008), IBR approved for 160.1567 160.1567 (IMO Res. A.658(16)).
(ASTM A 314). (2) IMO Resolution A.760(18), Symbols
(5) ASTM A 653/A 653M08, Standard Related to Life-Saving Appliances and
Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc- Arrangements, (adopted November 4,
Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy- 1993), IBR approved for 160.1567 and
Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip 160.15619 (IMO Res. A.760(18)).
Process, (approved July 15, 2008), IBR (3) Life-Saving Appliances, including
approved for 160.1567, 160.15611 and LSA Code, 2010 Edition, (2010), pages 7
160.15615 (ASTM A 653). 71 (IMO LSA Code), IBR approved for
(6) ASTM B 20907, Standard Speci- 160.1563, 160.1567 and 160.15613.
fication for Aluminum and Aluminum- (4) Life-Saving Appliances, including
Alloy Sheet and Plate, (approved Au- LSA Code, 2010 Edition, (2010), Revised
gust 1, 2007), IBR approved for 160.156 recommendation on testing of live-sav-
7 (ASTM B 209). ing appliances, pages 79254 (IMO Re-
(7) ASTM D 63808, Standard Test vised recommendation on testing),
Method for Tensile Properties of Plas- IBR approved for 160.1567 and
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

tics, (approved April 1, 2008), IBR ap- 160.15613.

proved for 160.15611 (ASTM D 638). (5) MSC/Circular 980, Standardized
(8) ASTM D 79007e1, Standard Test Life-saving Appliance Evaluation and
Methods for Flexural Properties of Test Report Forms, (February 13, 2001),


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160.1567 46 CFR Ch. I (10112 Edition)

IBR approved for 160.1567 and (1) SAE J1527 (Revised JAN93), Ma-
160.15613 (IMO MSC Circ. 980). rine Fuel Hoses, (February 5, 1993), IBR
(6) MSC.1/Circular 1205, Guidelines for approved for 160.1567 (SAE J1527).
Developing Operation and Maintenance (2) [Reserved]
Manuals for Lifeboat Systems, (May 26, (h) Underwriters Laboratories (UL),
2006), IBR approved for 160.15621 2600 NW., Lake Rd, Camas, WA 98607
(IMO MSC.1 Circ. 1205). 8542.
(e) International Organization for (1) UL 1102, UL Standard for Safety
Standardization (ISO): ISO Central for Nonintegral Marine Fuel Tanks,
Secretariat [ISO Copyright Office], Fifth Edition (February 4, 1999), IBR
Case Postale 56, CH1211 Geneve 20, approved for 160.1567 (UL 1102).
Switzerland. (2) UL 1185, Standard for Safety for
(1) ISO 5271:1993(E), PlasticsDeter- Portable Marine Fuel Tanks, Fourth
mination of tensile properties, Part 1: Edition (September 26, 1996), IBR ap-
General Principles, First Edition (June proved for 160.1567 (UL 1185).
15, 1993), IBR approved for 160.15611
(ISO 527). 160.1567 Design, construction and
(2) ISO 1172:1996(E), Textile-glass-re- performance of rescue boats and
inforced plasticsPrepregs, moulding fast rescue boats.
compounds and laminatesDetermina- (a) To seek Coast Guard approval of a
tion of the textile-glass and mineral- rescue boat, including a fast rescue
filler contentCalcination methods, boat, a manufacturer must comply
Second Edition (December 15, 1996), with, and each rescue boat must meet,
IBR approved for 160.15611 and the requirements of the following:
160.15615 (ISO 1172).
(1) IMO LSA Code chapter V (incor-
(3) ISO 14125:1998(E), Fibre-reinforced
porated by reference, see 160.1565 of
plastic compositesDetermination of
this subpart);
flexural properties, First Edition
(2) IMO Revised recommendation on
(March 1, 1998), IBR approved for
testing, part 1/7 (incorporated by ref-
160.15611 (ISO 14125).
erence, see 160.1565 of this subpart)
(4) ISO 15372:2000(E), Ships and ma-
applicable to the type of rescue boat;
rine technologyInflatable rescue
boatsCoated fabrics for inflatable (3) 46 CFR part 159; and
chambers, First Edition (December 1, (4) This subpart.
2002), IBR approved for 160.1567 and (b) Each rescue boat must meet the
160.15615 (ISO 15372). following requirements:
(f) Military Specifications and Stand- (1) Design. (i) Each rescue boat must
ards, Standardization Documents Order be designed to be operable by persons
Desk, Building 4D, 700 Robins Avenue, wearing immersion suits.
Philadelphia PA 191115094, https://as- (ii) Each rescue boat should be de- signed following standard human engi-
(1) MILC19663D, Military Specifica- neering practices described in ASTM F
tion, Cloth, Woven Roving, For Plastic 1166 (incorporated by reference, see
Laminate, (August 4, 1988), IBR ap- 160.1565 of this subpart). Design lim-
proved for 160.1567 (MILC19663D). its should be based on a range from the
(2) MILP17549D(SH), Military Spec- fifth percentile female to the ninety-
ification, Plastic Laminates, Fibrous fifth percentile male values for critical
Glass Reinforced, Marine Structural, body dimensions and functional capa-
(August 31, 1981), IBR approved for bilities as described in ASTM F 1166.
160.1567 and 160.15611 (MILP The dimensions for a person wearing an
17549D(SH)). immersion suit correspond to the arc-
(3) MILR21607E(SH), Military Spec- tic-clothed dimensions of ASTM F 1166.
ification, Resins, Polyester, Low Pres- (2) Visibility from operators station. (i)
sure Laminating, Fire-Retardant, (May The operators station must be de-
25, 1990), IBR approved for 160.15611 signed such that the operator, when
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

(MILR21607E(SH)). seated at the control station, has visi-

(g) Society of Automotive Engineers bility 360 degrees around the rescue
(SAE), 400 Commonwealth Drive, boat, with any areas obstructed by the
Warrendale, PA 15096. rescue boat structure or its fittings


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Coast Guard, DHS 160.1567

visible by moving the operators head equal or superior corrosion resistant

and torso. characteristics.
(ii) The operator, while still being (iii) Aluminum. Aluminum and alu-
able to steer and control the speed of minum alloys must conform to ASTM
the rescue boat, must be able to see the B 209 (incorporated by reference, see
water 160.1565 of this subpart) and be high
(A) Over a 90 degree arc within 3 m purity for good marine corrosion re-
(10 ft) of each side of the rescue boat; sistance, free of iron, and containing
(B) Over a 30 degree arc within 1 m (3 not more than 0.6 percent copper.
ft, 3 in) of each side of the rescue boat; (iv) Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP).
(A) Resin. Any resin used for the hull,
(C) Within 0.5 m (1 ft, 8 in) of the en-
canopy, hatches, rigid covers, and en-
trances designated for recovering per-
sons from the water. closures for the engine, transmission,
(iii) In order to see a person in the and engine accessories, must be fire re-
water during recovery or docking oper- tardant and accepted by the Com-
ations, a hatch must be provided in mandant in accordance with 46 CFR
fully enclosed rescue boats so that the part 164, subpart 164.120.
operator can stand with his or her head (B) Glass reinforcement. Any glass re-
outside the rescue boat for increased inforcement used must have good lami-
visibility, provided the operator can nated wet strength retention and must
still steer and control the speed of the meet the appropriate specification in
rescue boat. this paragraph. Glass cloth must be a
(3) Construction. Each major rigid finished fabric woven from E elec-
structural component of each rescue trical glass fiber yarns meeting ASTM
boat must be constructed of steel, alu- D 402909 commercial style designation
minum, or Fiber Reinforced Plastic 1564 (incorporated by reference, see
(FRP), or materials accepted by the 160.1565 of this subpart). Woven rov-
Commandant as equivalent or superior. ing must conform to MILC19663D (in-
(i) General. Metals in contact with corporated by reference, see 160.1565
each other must be either galvanically of this subpart). Other glass materials
compatible or insulated with suitable equivalent or superior in strength, de-
non-porous materials. Provisions must sign, wet out, and efficiency will be
also be made to prevent loosening or given consideration on specific request
tightening resulting from differences of to the Commandant.
thermal expansion, freezing, buckling (C) Laminate. All exposed surfaces of
of parts, galvanic corrosion, or other
any finished laminate must present a
smooth finish, and there must be no
(ii) Steel. Sheet steel and plate must
protruding surface fibers, open voids,
be low carbon, commercial quality, ei-
pits, cracks, bubbles, or blisters. The
ther corrosion resistant or galvanized
as per ASTM A 653, coating designation laminate must be essentially free from
G90 (incorporated by reference, see resin-starved or overimpregnated
160.1565 of this subpart). Structural areas, and no foreign matter must re-
steel plates and shapes must be carbon main in the finished laminate. The en-
steel as per ASTM A 36 (incorporated tire laminate must be fully cured and
by reference, see 160.1565 of this sub- free of tackiness, and must show no
part), or an equivalent or superior steel tendency to delaminate, peel, or craze
accepted by the Commandant. All steel in any overlay. The laminate must not
products, except corrosion resistant be released from the mold until a
steel, must be galvanized to provide Barcol hardness reading of not less
high quality zinc coatings suitable for than 4055 is obtained from at least 10
the intended service life in a marine places on the non-gel coated surface,
environment. Corrosion resistant steel including all interior inner and outer
must be a type 302 stainless steel per hull surfaces and built-in lockers. The
mechanical properties of the laminate
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

ASTM A 276, ASTM A 313, or ASTM A

314 (incorporated by reference, see must meet the requirements for a
160.1565 of this subpart) or another Grade 3 laminate as specified in Table
corrosion resistant stainless steel of I of MILP17549D(SH) (incorporated by


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160.1567 46 CFR Ch. I (10112 Edition)

reference, see 160.1565 of this sub- seam must be at least as strong as the
part). Other grades will be given con- weakest of the materials joined by the
sideration on specific request to the seam. Each seam must be covered with
Commandant. tape where necessary to prevent lifting
(4) Welding. Welding must be per- of and damage to fabric edges.
formed by welders certified by the (7) Engines. (i) In order to be accepted
Commandant, a classification society by the Commandant, any spark igni-
recognized by the Commandant in ac- tion engine fitted to an approved res-
cordance with 46 CFR 8.220, the U.S. cue boat must meet the U.S. Environ-
Navy, or the national body where the mental Protection Agency emission re-
rescue boat is constructed or the na- quirements in 40 CFR part 91 or part
tional bodys designated recognized or- 1045, as applicable, or for a compression
ganization. Only electrodes intended ignition engine the requirements in 40
for use with the material being welded CFR part 89, part 94, or part 1042, as ap-
may be used. All welds must be plicable, and have reports containing
checked using appropriate non-destruc- the same information as recommended
tive tests. by MSC Circ. 980 (incorporated by ref-
(5) Rescue boat buoyancy. (i) The erence, see 160.1565 of this subpart)
buoyancy material must be accepted certified and witnessed by a U.S. Coast
by the Commandant as meeting the Guard inspector or an independent lab-
performance requirements of IMO Re- oratory.
vised recommendation on testing, Part (ii) A hydraulic system, if used to
1, 6.2.2 to 6.2.7, with a density of 32 8 start the engine, must be in accordance
kg/m3 (2 0.5 lb/ft3). The buoyancy foam with 46 CFR part 58, subpart 58.30, with
or rescue boat manufacturer must cer- hose and fittings in accordance with 46
tify the results of the testing to IMO CFR part 56, subpart 56.60 except that
Revised recommendation on testing, (A) Push-on type fittings such as
part 1, 6.2.2 to 6.2.7 and submit those Aeroquip 1525X, 25156X, and FC332X
results to the Commandant. A list of are not permitted; and
accepted buoyancy foams may be ob- (B) The length of nonmetallic flexible
tained from the Commandant upon re- hose is limited to 760 mm (30 in).
quest. Longer nonmetallic flexible hoses may
(ii) All voids in the hull and canopy be allowed in emergency steering sys-
required to provide buoyancy for posi- tems at the discretion of the Com-
tive stability and self righting must be mandant.
completely filled with Coast Guard-ac- (iii) If a hand pump is provided, or if
cepted buoyancy material. the engine has a manual starting sys-
(iii) Air in the inflated collar of a tem, adequate space must be provided
rigid-hull inflatable rescue boat will for the hand pump or hand start oper-
not be considered inherently buoyant ation.
material for the purposes of meeting (8) Fuel system. (i) The fuel system
the additional 280 N/person require- must meet 46 CFR 56.5075(b) and, ex-
ment of the LSA Code, chapter IV/4.4.4. cept as specified in this paragraph, the
(6) Coated fabric. Any coated fabric fuel tank must meet 46 CFR 58.5010.
used in the construction of inflatable (ii) The fuel tank and fuel system
chambers on a rescue boat must be must be in accordance with paragraph
shown to have been subjected to the (b)(8)(ii)(A), (B), or (C) of this section,
criteria listed in IMO MSC Circ. 980 for as follows:
Inflation Chamber Characteristics Test (A) Permanently installed fuel sys-
(incorporated by reference, see tems must meet the requirements in 46
160.1565 of this subpart) by meeting CFR 160.1357.
the requirements of ISO 15372 (incor- (B) Portable fuel systems for out-
porated by reference, see 160.1565 of board engines must meet UL 1185 (in-
this subpart). The color of the finished corporated by reference, see 160.1565
fabric must be vivid reddish orange of this subpart) or equivalent, except
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

color number 12197 of FEDSTD595C that hoses must be Coast Guard Type A
(incorporated by reference, see per SAE J1527 (incorporated by ref-
160.1565 of this subpart), or a durable erence, see 160.1565 of this subpart),
fluorescent color of a similar hue. Each and hose clamps, primers, filters, and


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Coast Guard, DHS 160.1567

strainers must be successfully tested in conditions. Each marking must be per-

accordance with 33 CFR 183.590. Anti- manent and weatherproof.
siphon devices must be provided in the (iv) Gauges, and audio and visual
fuel system to prevent fuel spillage alarms, must be provided to monitor at
when the hose is disconnected. Ar- least the following parameters on in-
rangements must be provided to secure board engines
the fuel tank in its normal operating (A) Coolant temperature, for a liquid
position on the rescue boat. cooled engine;
(C) Fuel systems for outboard en- (B) Oil pressure, for an engine with
gines using non-integral, permanently an oil pump;
installed fuel tanks must meet the re- (C) Tachometer, for an engine not
quirements of 33 CFR part 183, subpart provided with over-speed protection;
JFuel Systems. UL 1102 (incorporated and
by reference, see 160.1565 of this sub- (D) State of charge, or rate of charge,
part) meets these requirements for fuel for each rechargeable engine starting
tanks. power source.
(9) Starting system batteries. Each bat- (13) Drain plug. The position of each
tery fitted in a totally enclosed rescue drain plug must be clearly indicated by
boat must be stored in a sealed com- a permanent marking inside the life-
partment with exterior venting. If the boat. The marking must be an arrow
rescue boat has more than one engine, pointing in the direction of the plug,
then only one starting battery is re- and the words Drain Plug must be 76
quired per engine. mm (3 in) high and have letters of a
(10) Exhaust. Engine exhaust must be color that contrast with their back-
routed away from bilge and potential ground. The marking must be clearly
oil drips. Any paint used on engines, visible to a person within the vicinity
manifolds, or exhaust must not give off of the drain plug.
fumes when heated. All exhaust lag- (14) Remote steering. The procedure to
ging must be non-absorbent. change over from remote to local steer-
(11) Propeller guard. Each propeller on ing must be simple, not require the use
a rescue boat must be fitted with a pro- of tools, and be clearly posted. There
peller guard with a maximum opening must be sufficient clear space to in-
of 76 mm (3 in) on all sides on which a stall, operate, remove, and stow the re-
person is likely to be exposed. movable tiller arm. The tiller arm and
(12) Control and steering station. Res- its connection to the rudder stock
cue boat starting, maneuvering, and must be of sufficient strength so that
steering controls must be provided at there is no slippage or bending of the
the control and steering station. tiller arm. Rudder stops or other
(i) The throttle must be a continuous means must be provided to prevent the
manual control and must be able to be rudder from turning too far on either
set and locked at any position. side.
(ii) The control and steering station (15) Lifelines. Buoyant lifelines must
must be designed and laid out in ac- be of ultraviolet resistant material.
cordance with ASTM F 1166 sections 9 (16) Rails provided as handholds. Rails
and 10, so that controls and displays provided as handholds on rigid and
are unambiguous, accessible, and easy rigid-inflated rescue boats must extend
to reach and use from the operators for half the length of the rescue boat
normal seated position, while wearing on both sides of the hull, and the clear-
an immersion suit or a lifejacket. ance between the rail and hull must be
(iii) Each control, gauge, or display at least 38 mm (1.5 in). The rails must
must be identified by a marking posted be attached to the hull below the chine
on, above, or adjacent to the respective or turn of the bilge, must be faired to
item. Each control must operate in a prevent any fouling, and not project
logical manner and be marked with an beyond the widest part of the rescue
arrow to show direction of movement boat.
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

of control which will cause an in- (17) Equipment list. A weatherproof

creased response. Each gauge must be equipment list must be permanently
marked with the normal operating mounted in a conspicuous and promi-
range and indicate danger or abnormal nent location on a stowage locker or


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160.1569 46 CFR Ch. I (10112 Edition)

compartment, or on inside of canopy. They must be illustrated with symbols

The list must include a stowage plan in accordance with IMO Res. A.760(18)
oriented such that the stowage loca- (incorporated by reference, see
tion of each item of loose equipment is 160.1565 of this subpart), as applica-
readily apparent. ble. Information and instruction
(18) Release mechanism. Each release plates, not specifically mentioned in
mechanism fitted to a rescue boat, in- this section, must not be posted in the
cluding a fast rescue boat, must be vicinity of the control and steering sta-
identified at the application for ap- tion without prior approval from the
proval of the prototype rescue boat and Commandant. Identification label
must be approved under subparts plates, if required, must be posted on
160.133 or 160.170 of this part. The re- or above the component or equipment
lease lever or control must be red in to be identified.
color, and the area immediately sur- (24) Stowage. Each stowage compart-
rounding the control must be a sharply ment must be supported and secured
contrasting light color. An illustrated against movement. It must have ade-
operating instruction plate or placard, quate hand access for removing and
showing the correct off-load and emer- storing the required equipment, and for
gency on-load release procedure and re- cleaning the inside of the compart-
covery procedure, must be posted so ment. There must be sufficient stowage
that it is visible and legible from the volume to store the equipment re-
helmsmans normal operating position. quired by 46 CFR 199.175.
The plate or placard must be corrosion (25) Rescue boat equipment. The rescue
resistant and weatherproof and must boat must be designed to accommodate
be marked with the word Danger. and carry the equipment required by 46
(19) Painter/painter release. Each res- CFR 199.175.
cue boat must be fitted with a device (26) Exterior color. The primary color
to secure the painter near the bow of of the exterior of the hull, exterior of
the rescue boat. The device must be ar- any canopy or bow cover, and the inte-
ranged such that the rescue boat does rior of a rescue boat not covered by a
not exhibit unsafe or unstable charac- canopy or bow cover must be a highly
teristics when being towed by the ship visible color equivalent to vivid red-
with the ship underway at 5 knots. A dish orange color number 12197 of FED
quick-release device must be provided, STD595C, or a durable fluorescent
which allows the painter to be released color of a similar hue.
from inside the rescue boat while under
(27) Navigation light. Each rescue boat
tension. The quick-release handle must
must have navigation lights that are in
be clearly identified by a label.
compliance with the applicable sec-
(20) Canopy lamp. Any exterior rescue
tions of the International and Inland
boat position-indicating light must be
Navigation Rules and meet 46 CFR
approved by the Commandant under
approval series 161.101.
(21) Manually controlled interior light. (28) Retroreflective material. The exte-
Any interior light must be approved by rior of each rescue boat and canopy
the Commandant under approval series must be marked with Type II
161.101. retroreflective material approved
(22) Manual bilge pump. Each rescue under 46 CFR part 164, subpart 164.018.
boat that is not automatically self- The arrangement of the retroreflective
bailing must be fitted with a manual material must comply with IMO Res.
bilge pump approved under 46 CFR part A.658(16) (incorporated by reference,
160, subpart 160.044, or an engine-pow- see 160.1565 of this subpart).
ered bilge pump. (c) Determinations of equivalence of
(23) Labels and notices. Any labels, design, construction, and materials
caution and danger notices, and any will be made by the Commandant only.
operating, maintenance, or general in-
160.1569 Preapproval review.
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

structions, must be in accordance with

ASTM F 1166, Section 15, in terms of (a) Except as provided in paragraph
format, content, lettering size and (c) of this section, the Commandant
spacing, color, and posted location. must conduct the preapproval review,


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Coast Guard, DHS 160.1569

required by this section, in accordance (16) Hydraulic systems drawings and

with 46 CFR 159.0055. specifications, if installed;
(b) Manufacturer requirements. To (17) Electrical system schematics and
seek Coast Guard approval of a rescue specifications;
boat, the manufacturer must submit an (18) Stability data, including righting
application to the Commandant meet- arm curves in the light load and load
ing the requirements of 46 CFR 159.005 condition for both intact and flooded;
5 for preapproval review. To meet the (19) Drawings of all signs and plac-
requirements of 46 CFR 159.0055(a)(2), ards, showing actual inscription, for-
the manufacturer must submit in trip- mat, color, size, and location on the
licate rescue boat;
(1) A list of drawings, specifications, (20) Complete data pertinent to the
manuals, and any other documentation installation and use of the proposed
submitted, with each document identi- rescue boat, including
fied by number, title, revision issue, (i) The light load (condition A) and
and date; full load (condition B) weights; and
(2) General arrangement and assem- (ii) Complete details of the lifting ar-
bly drawings, including principal di- rangement to include enough detail for
mensions; operators of the rescue boat to select a
(3) Seating-arrangement plan, includ- suitable release mechanism approved
ing a dimensioned seat form to scale; under subpart 160.133 or 160.170 of this
(4) A complete material list, with part;
each material referenced to a U.S. na- (21) An operation, maintenance, and
tional standard or, if a copy is provided training manual as described in
in English, an equivalent international 160.15619 and 160.15621 of this sub-
standard; part;
(5) Plans for carriage and, in detail, (22) A description of the quality con-
stowage of equipment; trol procedures and record keeping
(6) Hull, canopy, and critical parts that will apply to the production of the
lay-up schedule for Fiber Reinforced rescue boat, which must include but is
Plastic (FRP) rescue boats, including not limited to
fast rescue boats; (i) The system for checking material
(7) Hull and canopy construction certifications received from suppliers;
drawings, including particulars of (ii) The method for controlling the
joints, welds, seams, and other fabri- inventory of materials;
cating details; (iii) The method for checking quality
(8) Weights and thickness of each of fabrication, seams, and joints, in-
major FRP structural component, in- cluding welding inspection procedures;
cluding the hull, canopy, and inner lin- and
ers, before outfitting; (iv) The inspection checklists used
(9) Specification and identification of during various stages of fabrication to
materials such as steel, aluminum, assure that the approved lifeboat com-
resin, foam, fiberglass, coated fabric, plies with the approved plans and the
and plastic used in the rescue boats requirements of this subpart;
manufacture; (23) Full details of any other unique
(10) Fabrication details for each capability;
major structural component, including (24) Any other drawing(s) necessary
details of each welded joint; to show that the rescue boat complies
(11) Lines plans; with the requirements of this subpart;
(12) Propulsion system specifications (25) The location or address of all
and arrangement and installation manufacturing sites, including the
drawings; name and address of any subcontrac-
(13) Steering system drawings and tors, where the rescue boat will be con-
specifications; structed; and
(14) Release mechanism installation
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

(26) The name of the independent lab-

drawings and the mechanisms Coast oratory that will perform the duties
Guard approval number; prescribed in 160.15611 and 160.15615
(15) Plans for critical subassemblies; of this subpart.


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160.15611 46 CFR Ch. I (10112 Edition)

(c) At the request of the manufac- must be carried out in accordance with
turer and discretion of the Com- the procedures for independent labora-
mandant, an independent laboratory tory inspection in 46 CFR part 159, sub-
may conduct preapproval review re- part 159.007 and in this section, unless
quired by this section so long as the the Commandant authorizes alter-
preapproval review is conducted in ac- native tests and inspections. The Com-
cordance with the procedures agreed mandant may prescribe additional pro-
upon between the independent labora- totype tests and inspections necessary
tory and Commandant under 46 CFR to maintain quality control and to
part 159, subpart 159.010. monitor compliance with the require-
(d) Plan quality. The plans and speci- ments of this subpart.
fications submitted to the Com- (c) Fabrication of a rescue boat must
mandant under this section must proceed in the following sequence:
(1) Be provided in English, including (1) The manufacturer must arrange
all notes, inscriptions, and designa- for an independent laboratory (or Coast
tions for configuration control; Guard inspector if required under para-
(2) Address each of the applicable graph (b) of this section) to inspect,
items in paragraph (b) of this section test, and oversee the rescue boat dur-
in sufficient detail to show that the ing its fabrication and prepare an in-
lifeboat meets the construction re- spection and test report meeting the
quirements of this subpart; requirements of 46 CFR 159.00511.
(3) Accurately depict the proposed (2) The independent laboratory must
rescue boat; make such inspections as are necessary
(4) Be internally consistent; to determine that the prototype is con-
(5) Be legible; and structed by the methods and with the
(6) If reviewed by an independent lab- materials specified in the plans re-
oratory under paragraph (c) of this sec- viewed under 160.1569 of this subpart.
tion, include the independent labora-
By conducting at least one inspection
torys attestation that the plans meet
during its construction, the inde-
the quality requirements of this sec-
pendent laboratory must determine the
prototype rescue boat conforms with
(e) Alternatives. Alternatives in mate-
those plans by inspecting
rials, parts, or construction, and each
item replaced by an alternative, must (i) Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Con-
be clearly indicated as such in the struction.
plans and specifications submitted to (A) FRP components of each proto-
the Commandant under this section. type rescue boat outer hull and any
(f) Coast Guard review. If the plans or FRP inner hull or liner components
specifications do not comply with the that are bonded or bolted to the outer
requirements of this section, Coast hull must have a layup made of
Guard review may be suspended, and unpigmented clear resins so that de-
the applicant notified accordingly. tails of construction are visible for in-
spection. Test panels representative of
160.15611 Fabrication of prototype each prototype layup must be tested in
rescue boats and fast rescue boats accordance with MILP17549D(SH) (in-
for approval. corporated by reference, see 160.1565
(a) If the manufacturer is notified of this subpart). If an accepted MILR
that the information submitted in ac- 21607E(SH) Grade B resin is used for the
cordance with 160.1569 of this subpart prototype rescue boat, additives for
is satisfactory to the Commandant, the fire retardancy must not be used so
manufacturer may proceed with fab- that the laminate is translucent for in-
rication of the prototype rescue boat as spection purposes. A prototype test
set forth in this section. rescue boat with Grade B resins will
(b) Unless the Commandant directs not be marked in accordance with
otherwise, an independent laboratory 160.15617 of this subpart for use as a
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

must perform or witness, as appro- production rescue boat regardless of

priate, inspections, tests, and oversight the outcome of the performance tests.
required by this section. Prototype in- Whichever accepted resin the manufac-
spections and tests of a rescue boat turer decides to use for the prototype


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Coast Guard, DHS 160.15613

rescue boat, the same resin must be (iv) Buoyancy material. If block foam
used in the production rescue boats. buoyancy material is used, each piece
(B) The hull, canopy, and major must be weighed after it is cut and
structural laminates of each prototype shaped to make sure that the correct
FRP rescue boat must be tested for amount of foam is installed. If foamed-
resin content, ultimate flexural in-place buoyancy material is used, a
strength, and tensile strength. The test separate sample of the foam must be
samples must be cut out from the pro- poured, and used to make a density de-
totype rescue boat, or be laid up at the termination after it has set. The den-
same time, using the same procedures sity must be 32 8 kg/m3 (2 0.5 lb/ft3).
and by the same operators as the lami- Each major subassembly such as the
nate used in the rescue boat. The num- hull-with-liner and canopy-with-liner
ber of samples used for each test, and must be weighed after the buoyancy
the conditions and test methods used, foam is installed and before it is fur-
must be as per the applicable test spec- ther assembled;
ified in this paragraph. The resin con- (v) Coated fabric. Coated fabric for in-
tent must be determined as per ASTM flatable collars used in the construc-
D 2584 or ISO 1172 (incorporated by ref- tion of each rescue boat must meet the
erence, see 160.1565 of this subpart). requirements specified under 160.156
The flexural ultimate strength must be 7(b)(3) of this subpart. This may be
determined by ASTM D 790 method I demonstrated through a suppliers cer-
(test condition A, flatwise, dry) or tification papers or through witnessing
the corresponding ISO 14125 test meth- actual tests;
od (incorporated by reference, see (vi) Installation of the propulsion
160.1565 of this subpart). The tensile system; and
strength, lengthwise, must be deter- (vii) Installation of the steering sys-
mined as per ASTM D 638 or ISO 527 tem.
(incorporated by reference, see (3) The independent laboratory must
160.1565 of this subpart). submit the inspection report to the
(C) Each major FRP component, such
as the hull, canopy, and inner liner(s) 160.15613 Approval inspections and
of each prototype FRP rescue boat, tests for prototype rescue boats and
must be examined and weighed after it fast rescue boats.
is completed but before it is assembled. (a) After the Commandant notifies
If the rescue boat is constructed by the the manufacturer that the prototype
spray lay-up technique, the hull and rescue boat is in compliance with the
canopy thicknesses must be measured requirements of 160.15611 of this sub-
using ultrasonic or equivalent tech- part, the manufacturer may proceed
niques; with the prototype approval inspec-
(ii) Steel construction. Steel sheet and tions and tests required under this sec-
plate used for the hull, floors, and tion. The prototype rescue boat, the
other structural components of a pro- construction of which was witnessed
totype steel rescue boat must meet the under 160.13511 of this part, must be
bend tests requirement specified under used for the tests in this section.
ASTM A 653 (incorporated by reference, (b) Except as provided in paragraph
see 160.1565 of this subpart) after gal- (f) of this section, the Coast Guard
vanizing or other anti-corrosion treat- must conduct the approval inspections
ment has been applied. This may be and witness the approval tests required
demonstrated through suppliers cer- under this section.
tification papers or through witnessing (c) Manufacturer requirements. To pro-
actual tests; ceed with approval inspections and
(iii) Welding. Structural components tests required by this section, the man-
of each prototype rescue boat joined by ufacturer must
welding must be joined by the welding (1) Notify the Commandant and cog-
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

procedures and materials per the plans nizant Officer in Charge, Marine In-
reviewed under 160.1569 of this sub- spection (OCMI) of where the approval
part and by welders appropriately inspections and tests required under
qualified; this section will take place, and such


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160.15613 46 CFR Ch. I (10112 Edition)

notification must be in sufficient time Revised recommendation on testing,

to allow making travel arrangements; Part 1, with the following modifica-
(2) Arrange a testing schedule that tions:
allows for a Coast Guard inspector to (i) Fire retardancy/release mechanism
travel to the site where the testing is and engine tests (Paragraphs 1/6.2, 6.9,
to be performed; 6.10, 6.14). The tests in the following
(3) Admit the Coast Guard inspector IMO Revised recommendation on test-
to any place where work or testing is ing paragraphs may be accomplished
performed on rescue boats or their independent of the rescue boat, and
component parts and materials for the may be considered completed and need
purpose of not be repeated if the tests have been
(i) Conducting inspections as nec- previously shown to meet the following
essary to determine that the prototype necessary requirements
is constructed by the methods and with (A) Paragraphs 6.9.3 through 6.9.6;
the materials specified in the plans re- (B) Paragraphs 6.10.2 through 6.10.6;
viewed under 160.1569, and the inspec- and
tion report under 160.15611, of this (C) Paragraphs 6.14.6 through 6.14.8.
subpart; (ii) Impact test (Paragraph 1/6.4). The
(ii) Assuring that the quality assur- rigid vertical surface must not be dis-
ance program of the manufacturer is placed or deformed as a result of the
satisfactory; test.
(iii) Witnessing tests; and (iii) Flooded stability test for rigid res-
(iv) Taking samples of parts or mate- cue boats only (Paragraph 1/6.8). Any
rials for additional inspections or tests; materials used to raise the test weights
and representing the rescue boat occupants
(4) Make available to the Coast above the seat pan must be at least as
Guard inspector the affidavits or in- dense as fresh water.
voices from the suppliers of all essen- (iv) Rescue boat operational test, oper-
tial materials used in the production of ation of engine (Paragraph 1/7.1.5). For
rescue boats, together with records the 4-hour rescue boat maneuvering pe-
identifying the lot or serial numbers of riod, the rescue boat must not (except
the rescue boats in which such mate- for a short period to measure towing
rials were used. force and to demonstrate towing fix-
(d) Tests. (1) Prototype rescue boat ture durability) be secured, and must
readiness. All tests must be conducted be run through its full range of speeds
on a completely outfitted rescue boat, and full range of all controls through-
including fixed equipment such as a out the period.
compass, searchlight, and navigating (v) Survival recovery test (Paragraph 1/
lights. Loose equipment may be sub- 6.10.8). The recovery demonstration
stituted by weights. must show that no more than two
(2) FRP prototype rescue boat lay-up. crewmembers are required to recover a
For the prototype of each design of an helpless person of ninety-fifth per-
FRP rescue boat, the lay-up must be centile by weight described in ASTM F
made of unpigmented resins and clear 1166 (incorporated by reference, see
gel coat. 160.1565 of this subpart) while the
(3) Fuel tank. Each non-portable fuel crewmembers and helpless person are
tank must be tested by a static head each wearing a lifejacket.
above the tank top of 3 m (10 ft) of (vi) Rescue boat seating space test
water without showing any leaks or (Paragraph 1/7.1.3). The average mass of
signs of permanent distortion. persons used to test the rescue boat
(4) IMO Revised recommendation on seating space must be determined by
testing. Each prototype rescue boat of weighing as a group or individually.
each design must pass each of the tests Each person must wear an inherently
for the applicable hull type described buoyant SOLAS lifejacket with at
in the IMO Revised recommendation on least 150 N of buoyancy or a Coast
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

testing, part 1, section 7 (incorporated Guard-approved lifejacket approved

by reference, see 160.1565 of this sub- under approval series 160.155. The oper-
part). Tests must be conducted in ac- ator(s) must demonstrate that the res-
cordance with these paragraphs of IMO cue boat can be operated while wearing


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Coast Guard, DHS 160.15615

a Coast Guard approved, insulated- (i) The instructions for training and
buoyant immersion suit approved maintenance described in 160.15619
under approval series 160.171. The Com- and 160.15621 of this subpart; and
mandant will give consideration to re- (ii) The final version of the plans re-
quests to test at, and designate rescue quired under 160.1569 of this subpart.
boats for, a heavier occupant weight (h) The Commandant will review the
than that stated in the IMO LSA Code, report and plans submitted under para-
chapter V (incorporated by reference, graph (g) of this section, and, if satis-
160.1565 of this subpart). factory to the Commandant, will ap-
(5) Visual inspection. Each rescue boat prove the plans under 46 CFR 159.00513.
must be visually inspected to confirm
(i) Compliance with this subpart; 160.15615 Production inspections,
(ii) Conformance with the plans re- tests, quality control, and conform-
ance of rescue boats and fast rescue
viewed under 160.1569 of this subpart; boats.
(iii) Ease of operation and mainte- (a) Unless the Commandant directs
nance. otherwise, an independent laboratory
(e) Test waiver. The Commandant must perform or witness, as appro-
may waive certain tests for a rescue priate, inspections, tests, and oversight
boat identical in construction to small- required by this section. Production in-
er and larger rescue boats that have spections and tests of rescue boats
successfully completed the tests. Tests must be carried out in accordance with
associated with rescue boat compo- the procedures for independent labora-
nents that have already been approved tory inspection in 46 CFR part 159, sub-
by the Commandant are not required part 159.007 and in this section, unless
to be repeated. the Commandant authorizes alter-
(f) At the request of the manufac- native tests and inspections. The Com-
turer and discretion of the Com- mandant may prescribe additional pro-
mandant, an independent laboratory duction tests and inspections necessary
may perform approval inspections and to maintain quality control and to
witness approval tests required by this monitor compliance with the require-
section so long as the inspections and ments of this subpart.
tests are performed and witnessed in (b) Manufacturers responsibility. The
accordance with the procedures agreed manufacturer must
upon between the independent labora- (1) Institute a quality control proce-
tory and Commandant under 46 CFR dure to ensure that all production res-
part 159, subpart 159.010. cue boats are produced to the same
(g) After completion of approval in- standard, and in the same manner, as
spections and tests required by this the prototype rescue boat approved by
section, the manufacturer must comply the Commandant. The manufacturers
with the requirements of 46 CFR quality control personnel must not
159.0059(a)(5) by preparing and submit- work directly under the department or
ting to the Commandant for review person responsible for either produc-
(1) The prototype approval test re- tion or sales;
port containing the same information (2) Schedule and coordinate with the
recommended by IMO MSC Circ. 980 independent laboratory (or Coast
(incorporated by reference, see Guard inspector if required under para-
160.1565 of this subpart). The report graph (a) of this section) to ensure that
must include a signed statement by the all tests are performed as described in
Coast Guard inspector (or independent this section;
laboratory as permitted by paragraph (3) Submit to the Commandant, a
(f) of this section) who witnessed the yearly report that contains the fol-
testing, indicating that the report ac- lowing
curately describes the testing and its (i) Serial number and date of final as-
results; and sembly of each rescue boat con-
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

(2) The final plans of the rescue boat structed;

as built. The plans must include, in (ii) Name of the representative of the
triplicate independent laboratory (or Coast


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160.15615 46 CFR Ch. I (10112 Edition)

Guard inspector if required under para- (5) Start and finish date and time of
graph (a) of this section); and the lay-up of each major Fiber Rein-
(iii) Name of the vessel and company forced Plastic (FRP) component such
receiving the rescue boat, if known; as the hull, canopy, and inner liner and
(4) Ensure that the arrangement and the names of the operator(s);
materials entering into the construc- (6) Start and finish date and time of
tion of the rescue boat are in accord- pouring of foam-in-place rigid buoy-
ance with plans approved under ancy foam, and name of operator(s);
160.15613(h) of this subpart; (7) Records of all structural welding
(5) Allow an independent laboratory and name of operator(s);
(or Coast Guard inspector if required (8) Records of welder certificates,
under paragraph (a) of this section) ac- training and qualifications;
cess to any place where materials are (9) Date and results of calibration of
stored for the rescue boat, work or test equipment and the name and ad-
testing is performed on rescue boats or dress of the company or agency that
their component parts and materials, performed the calibration;
or records are retained to meet the re- (10) The serial number of each pro-
quirements of paragraph (c) of this sec- duction rescue boat, along with records
tion, for the purpose of of its inspections and test carried out
(i) Assuring that the quality control under this section; and
program of the manufacturer is satis- (11) The original purchaser of each
factory; rescue boat and the vessel on which it
was installed, if known.
(ii) Witnessing tests; or
(d) Independent laboratory responsi-
(iii) Taking samples of parts or mate-
bility. The independent laboratory must
rials for additional inspections or tests;
perform or witness, as appropriate, the
inspections and tests under paragraph
(6) Ensure that the independent lab- (e) in this section for each Coast
oratory conducts the inspections and Guard-approved rescue boat to be in-
witnesses the tests required by para- stalled on a U.S.-flagged vessel. If the
graph (e) of this section, and further manufacturer also produces rescue
conducts a visual inspection to verify boats for approval by other maritime
that the rescue boats are being made in safety administrations, the inspections
accordance with the plans approved may be coordinated with inspection
under 160.15613(h) of this subpart and visits for those administrations.
the requirements of this subpart. (e) Production inspections and tests.
(c) Recordkeeping. The manufacturer Each approved rescue boat must be in-
must maintain records in accordance spected and tested in accordance with
with 46 CFR 159.00713. The manufac- each of the following procedures:
turer must keep records of all items (1) In-process inspections and tests. In
listed in this section for at least 5 accordance with the interval pre-
years from the date of termination of scribed in paragraph (d)(1) of this sec-
approval of each rescue boat. The tion, each production rescue boat must
records must include be examined during lay-up of the hull
(1) A copy of this subpart, other CFR to verify that the lay-up conforms to
sections referenced in this subpart, and the approved drawings. Each FRP
each applicable document listed in major component, such as the hull,
160.1565 of this subpart; canopy, and inner liner, must be exam-
(2) A copy of approved plans, docu- ined and weighed after it is completed
mentation, and certifications; but before assembled. If the rescue boat
(3) A current certificate of approval is constructed by the spray lay-up
for each approved rescue boat; technique, the hull and canopy
(4) Affidavits, certificates, or in- thicknesses must be measured using ul-
voices from the suppliers identifying trasonic or equivalent techniques. Lab-
all essential materials used in the pro- oratory tests of laminates must be con-
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

duction of approved rescue boats, to- ducted at this time. Test samples must
gether with records identifying the se- be cut out from the rescue boat itself
rial numbers of the rescue boats in or be laid up at the same time, using
which such materials were used; the same procedures, and by the same


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Coast Guard, DHS 160.15617

operators as the laminate used in the coating mass and bend tests require-
rescue boat. The number of samples ment specified under ASTM A 653.
used for each test, and the conditions Compliance for this paragraph can be
and test methods used, must be as de- ascertained through suppliers certifi-
scribed in the applicable test specified cation papers or through conducting
in this paragraph. actual tests.
(i) Weight. The weight of each FRP (vii) Fabric. The coated fabric for in-
section, such as hull, canopy, and inner flatable collars, when used, for the con-
liner, must be within 10 percent of struction of each rescue boat must
similar sections of the prototype res- meet ISO 15372 (incorporated by ref-
cue boat. These weights must be the erence, see 160.1565 of this subpart).
bare laminate weights. Backing plates This compliance can be ascertained
that are molded into the laminate may through a suppliers certification pa-
be included. pers or through witnessing actual
(ii) Thickness. The average thickness tests.
of each section of sprayed-up laminate (viii) Fuel tank. Each fuel tank must
must be within 20 percent of the cor- be tested by a static head above the
responding sections of the prototype. tank top of 3 m (10 ft) of water without
(iii) Resin content. Laminate samples showing any leaks or signs of perma-
from the hull, canopy, and inner liners nent distortion.
must be tested in accordance with (ix) Welding. It must be determined
ASTM D 2584 or ISO 1172 (incorporated that structural components joined by
by reference, see 160.1565 of this sub- welding was performed by welders who
part). The resin content must be within are appropriately qualified and that
8 percentage points of the prototype re- the welding procedure and materials
sults. If the resin content does not are as per the plans approved under
comply, flexural ultimate strength and 160.15613(h) of this subpart.
tensile tests in paragraph (e)(1)(iv) of (2) Post assembly tests and inspections.
this section must be conducted. The finished rescue boat must be vis-
(iv) Flexural ultimate strength and ten- ually inspected inside and out. The
sile tests. Each laminate sample from manufacturer must develop and main-
each major component, such as hull tain a visual inspection checklist de-
and liner, that does not comply with signed to ensure that all applicable re-
the resin content requirement in para- quirements have been met and the res-
graph (e)(1)(iii) of this section, and cue boat is equipped in accordance with
from each component of every fifth approved plans. At a minimum, each
production rescue boat, must be sub- rescue boat must be operated for 2
jected to the flexural ultimate strength hours, during which all rescue boat
and tensile strength tests as described systems must be exercised.
in 160.15611(c)(2)(i)(B) of this subpart.
The values must be at least 90 percent 160.15617 Marking and labeling.
of the prototype results.
(v) Buoyancy material. If block foam (a) Each rescue boat must be marked
buoyancy material is used, each piece with a plate or label permanently af-
must be weighed after it is cut and fixed to the hull in a conspicuous place
shaped to make sure that the correct readily accessible for inspection and
amount of foam is installed. If foamed- sufficiently durable to withstand con-
in-place buoyancy material is used, a tinuous exposure to environmental
separate sample of the foam must be conditions at sea for the life of the res-
poured, and used to make a density de- cue boat.
termination after it has set. The den- (b) The plate or label must be in
sity must be 32 8 kg/m3 (2 0.5 lb/ft3). English, but may also be in other lan-
(vi) Steel sheet and plate. Steel sheet guages.
and plate for the hull, floors, and other (c) The plate or label must contain
structural components must meet the
(1) Name and address of the manufac-
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

ASTM A 36 and ASTM A 653 as applica-

ble (incorporated by reference, see turer;
160.1565 of this subpart). Non-corro- (2) Manufacturers model identifica-
sive resistant steel must meet the tion;


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160.15619 46 CFR Ch. I (10112 Edition)

(3) Name of the independent labora- paragraph (a) of this section available
tory that witnessed the prototype or in English to purchasers of a rescue
production tests; boat approved by the Coast Guard.
(4) Serial number of the rescue boat; (c) The operation and maintenance
(5) U.S. Coast Guard approval num- instructions required by paragraph (a)
ber; of this section may be combined with
(6) Month and year of manufacture; similar material for survival craft and
(7) Material of hull construction; rescue boats, and their launching sys-
(8) Number of persons for which the tems.
rescue boat is approved;
(9) Light load and full load (condition 160.15623 Procedure for approval of
A and condition B weight); and design, material, or construction
(10) Word SOLAS. change.
160.15619 Operating instructions (a) Each change in design, material,
and information for the ships train- or construction from the plans ap-
ing manual. proved under 46 CFR 159.00513 and
(a) Each rescue boat must have in- 160.15613(h) of this subpart must be
structions and information for the approved by the Commandant before
ships training manual, that use the being used in any production rescue
symbols from IMO Res. A.760(18) (incor- boat. The manufacturer must submit
porated by reference, see 160.1565 of any such change following the proce-
this subpart) to describe the location dures set forth in 160.1569 of this sub-
and operation of the rescue boat. part, but documentation on items that
(b) The instructions and information are unchanged from the plans approved
required by paragraph (a) of this sec- under 46 CFR 159.00513 and 160.156
tion may be combined with similar ma- 13(h) of this subpart need not be resub-
terial for survival craft and rescue mitted.
boats, and their launching systems. (b) Unless determined by the Com-
(c) The rescue boat manufacturer mandant to be unnecessary, a proto-
must make the instructions and infor- type rescue boat with each change de-
mation required by paragraph (a) of scribed in paragraph (a) of this section
this section available must be made and tested according to
(1) In English to purchasers of a res- the procedures for new approvals in
cue boat approved by the Coast Guard; 160.1569 through 160.15613 of this
(2) In the form of an instruction
(c) Determinations of equivalence of
placard providing simple procedures
and illustrations for operation of the design, construction, and materials
rescue boat. The placard must be not will be made by the Commandant only.
greater than 36 cm (14 in) by 51 cm (20
in), and must be made of durable mate- Subpart 160.170Davit-Launched
rial and suitable for display near in- Liferaft Automatic Release
stallations of rescue boats on vessels. Hooks (SOLAS)
160.15621 Operation and mainte-
nance instructions. SOURCE: USCG20100048, 76 FR 63007, Oct.
11, 2011, unless otherwise noted.
(a) In order to comply with SOLAS,
each rescue boat must have operation 160.1701 Scope.
and maintenance instructions that
(1) Follows the general format and This subpart prescribes standards,
content specified in MSC.1 Circ. 1205 tests, and procedures for seeking Coast
(incorporated by reference, see Guard approval of an automatic release
160.1565 of this subpart); and mechanism complying with SOLAS and
(2) Includes a checklist for use in the IMO LSA Code, for use with davit-
launched liferafts approved under sub-
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

monthly, external inspections of the

rescue boat. parts 160.051 or 160.151 of this part, and
(b) The rescue boat manufacturer single-fall rescue boats approved under
must make the manual required by subpart 160.156 of this part.


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