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Romeo and Juliet Close Reading Objectives Act I

Act 1, Scene i - Verona. A public place.

1. On page 4, Prince Escalus arrives to break up the fight between the Capulets and
Montagues. In the margins, compose a statement describing the major reason why he is
upset with these two families and the punishment they will receive if this is too happen

2. On page 5 and 6, Benvolio and Montague discuss Romeos recent strange behavior.
Underline examples of any reference to light. In the margins, compose a statement
summarizing how they use light and dark images to describe Romeo.

3. An oxymoron is two contradictory ideas used in conjunction with one another, for
example, jumbo shrimp or shining shadow. On page 7, Romeo uses multiple
oxymoronic phrases. Highlight all examples of oxymorons in this monologue.
Paraphrase these lines focusing on how Romeo conveys his emotional state.

4. On page 8, locate the line Being black, put us in mind they hide the fair. In a stanza full
of ten syllable lines, Shakespeare gives this one eleven. In the margins, annotate the
significance of why Shakespeare would emphasize this one line as opposed to any of
the others.

Act 1, scene ii - A street.

1. On page 10, Capulets servant speaks for the first time. In the margins, compose a
statement analyzing why the servant is speaking in prose compared to the previous
characters more elevated speech. What, if anything, does this say about the servants

Act 1, scene iii - A room in Capulets house.

1. On pages 12-14, highlight any dialogue that characterizes the Nurse. In the margins,
write three adjectives that best describe the Nurse as a character.

Act 1, scene iv - A street.

1. On pages 15-16, highlight examples of word play between Mercutio and Romeo. In the
margins, annotate how this interchange characterizes Romeo, Mercutio, and their

2. Through the prologue, the reader knows the outcome of the play. How does Romeos
monologue at the end of Act I, scene iv, relate to the prologue? Identify and annotate
examples irony and foreshadowing in these lines.

Act 1, scene v - A hall in Capulets house.

1. On page 21, Romeo and Juliet have their first conversation of the play. Shakespeare
places this conversation in the form of a sonnet. Paraphrase the conversation leading up
to the kiss in the margins.

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