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Romeo and Juliet Close Reading Objectives Act III

Act III, Scene i A public place.

1. On page 44, Romeo and Tybalt meet again in a public place. In this scene, Tybalt and
Romeo exchange a few words about their encounter. In one color, highlight words that
Tybalt uses to show how he feels about Romeo. In another color, highlight words that
Romeo uses to show how he feels about Tybalt. In the margins, summarize what is
going on in this scene. Why have Romeos feelings about Tybalt changed?

2. On page 46, a fight breaks out. Romeo, who was hesitant to fight, now joins in the
action. In the margins, write a statement that addresses Romeos motivation for
participating in this forbidden act. Then, write a statement about what happens after
Romeo joins in and what this may mean for Romeo.

Act III, Scene ii Capulets orchard.

1. On page 51, the nurse tells Juliet about what happened to Tybalt. Highlight words that
convey how she feels about the events that unfolded before the nurses comment. Then,
highlight the shift that her attitude takes after the nurse concludes, Shame come to
Romeo. In the margins, write an analysis that supports why you think her
attitude/opinion changes.

Act III, Scene iii Friar Laurences cell.

1. On pages 56-57, Friar Laurence has just prevented Romeo from killing himself. In the
Friars monologue, the Friar first characterizes Romeos behavior, then provides three
reasons why Romeo should be relieved, and finally provides a course of action for
a. Highlight the Friars characterization of Romeo and use the margin to
summarize/analyze the Friars points.
b. Highlight the three reasons why Romeo should be thankful instead of woeful.
Compose a list of the reasons.
c. Compose a short summary of the Friars plan to remedy Romeos dire situation.

Act III, Scene v Capulets orchard.

1. On page 60, during the plays second and final balcony scene, Romeo and Juliet bid
what is to be their final farewells. Highlight the metaphor and foreshadowing used to
describe how the two view each others physical appearance. Use the margin to
interpret the significance of the figurative language and to analyze the implications of
their observations of one another.

2. In the final dialogue of the act, Juliet asks the nurse for some comforting advice.
a. Highlight Juliets response to the nurses advice. In the margin, explain why
Juliet responds in the manner in which she does.
b. Use the margin space after the act concludes to interpret how Juliet now views
the nurse.
c. Compose a sentence which summarizes Juliets intentions.

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