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Dear Sir/Madam,

We would like to cordially invite your institution to participate in “Altius- HR

Culturals 2010”, organized by the Madras School of Social Work (MSSW) on
20th, August 2010. It aims to provide a plethora of exciting activities to bring
out the HR managers in our students.

Madras School of Social Work is the first Institution for Social Work Education in
South India, MSSW is well known for its pioneering efforts and the high quality of
education it offers. Its alumni provide top-notch leadership for global corporate
and civil society organizations. In 2010, a survey by Outlook magazine placed
MSSW as the third best Institution for social work education in India.

The registration fee, including lunch and refreshment expenses, is Rs. 50 per
person. We request the colleges to register with us as soon as possible, to
facilitate the finalization of all the necessary arrangements.

A detailed rulebook is attached, to elucidate the guidelines for the various

All queries regarding the events can be e-mailed to

We look forward to your participation here at MSSW.


Mrs. Mary Angeline

Assistant Professor and Head,

Department of MSW (SF)

Convenor – Pegasus Forum

Madras School of Social Work

A form containing the list of the events and the number of participants has been
attached below. The colleges are requested to complete the same and sent it to on or before the 13th of August.

All participants are requested to be present MSSW on the 20th of August before 9
am. They would be required provide a proof of enrolment in the institution that
they represent.

We will be providing lunch and refreshments. The registration fee is set at Rs. 50
per person, and will contribute to covering for the same.

Attractive cash prizes await the winners!

The last date of registration is 13th, August 2010.


1. Mr. Vasanth Babu - 9962453118

Ms. Bharathi -

Student Coordinators, Alti

us – HR Culturals

2. Mr. Manikandan - 9585093359

President, Pegasus Student Forum for MSW {SF}

Events Schedule

S.No Name of Events Timings

1. Inauguration 9.00–10.00

2. Corporate Quiz {Preliminary} 11.00-12.00

3. Best Manager {Round one} 11 .00-12.00

4. Sector Insight 11.00–12.00

5. HR JAM 11.00–12.00

6. Collage 12.00–1.00

7. Block and Tackle 12.00–1.00

8. Ship Wreck 12.00–1.00

9. HR Battle {Round one} 12.00–1.00

10. Lunch 1.00–2.00

11. Stress Interview 2.00–3.00

12. Best Manager {Rounds two and three} 2.00–3.00

13. HR Battle {Round two } 2.00–3.00

14. Corporate Quiz {Finals} 3.00-4.00

15. Valedictory and Prize Distribution 4.00–5.00

The Rule Book
1. Corporate Quiz
The corporate quiz is aimed at testing the knowledge of the participants on general corporate issues
among other topics.

• Each team consists of 2 people. Both of them have to be from the SAME College.
• A college can send any number of teams
• Team members must have their college ID cards as a proof.
• There will be a written preliminary round. And only 4 teams will make it to the finals.
• In the event of a tie, the tie will be resolved in a tiebreaker. So you wouldn’t want to share the
prize with another team.
• The decision of the Quiz Master will be final.

2. Best Manager
Managers are the cornerstones of any organisation and are bestowed with responsibility and power to
run it successfully. Here, the participants are expected to clear 3 different rounds successfully to gain
their prestigious “Best Manager” title.


Round 1: Written round

• The participant will be required to respond to a series of questions on aptitude &

organisational behaviour.

• 10 minutes will be given

• Objective type questions

• Number of Questions: 15-20

Round 2: Group discussion

• Topic will be given on the spot (Case studies)

• 7 min per team (5-6 members/team)

• The basic rules followed in a GD will be followed.

Round 3: Personal Interview

• 5 minutes/ person

• Interview done by Recruiter from a well-known organisation.

Other Rules
• The participants are expected to be attired formally

• They should also carry resumes for interviews

3. Sector insight
In a game akin to Ad zap, participants are to establish the roles of a HR manager in a particular sector,
which they will be given on the spot. The sectors can range from IT to public sector, for example.


• Each team will b given a total time of 7 minutes which will b allotted as

o 2 minutes for preparation

o 5 minutes for content

o 2 minutes for questioning

o During the questioning session the next team will be given topic and asked to prepare.

• Lot picking system will decide the order of performance.

• Mike will be switched off at end of 5 minutes

• Any team performing should have minimum of 4 members and maximum of 7 members.

• There should not be any kind of vulgarity or abusive language in the performance.

• Every team performing must have a team name.

• The judges should be treated with due respect and no offensive answers against judges will be

The decision of the judge is final and there can be no claims made against it.

The object of the game is for the participants to talk for sixty seconds on a given HR subject,
"without hesitation or deviation" from it. Topics will be given on the spot and will also test the
knowledge of the participants. Speakers are "challenged" by their opponents when they slip up on any
of the criteria. If the challenge is successful, the challenger gets the remaining minute to speak on the
same topic.


• Participants are to stick to the topic.

• They should also be aware of the limitations of their topics.

• Audience may raise (sensible) questions to the participants.

• Points will be awarded for going the full 60 seconds without a challenge, for every correct
challenge and opposing a challenge successfully

5. Collage
One of the earliest art forms, collage can be used to convey powerful messages from practically
nothing. Here, the participants will have to come up with their message on the given HR topic


• The topics will be provided on the spot

• The participants will have to bring absolutely nothing with them. Magazines, newspapers and
glue will be provided.
• Use of scissors is prohibited.

• Participants will be judged on creativity, aesthetics and the message

6. Block and Tackle

In this game, the participants are to successfully talk for and against a given topic. This event is
intended to test the depth of understanding of the participants on various HR concepts while
simultaneously assessing their spontaneity and presence of mind.


• Topics will be given on the spot with 5 minutes for the participants to prepare

• There must not be repetition of points

• Each participant will be given 3 minutes on stage

• The participants will be given a maximum of 3 seconds to switch sides.

7. Ship Wreck!
The traditional Shipwreck is the event where the participant is to take up a role of a famous
personality who is about to die in a capsized boat. And how he convinces the judges to give him the
solitary life jacket available by stating how his life is more precious than that of the rest.

On a more HR note, the participants are to think of new strategies to combat their sinking ships- their
organization facing a problem! The participants taking up the role of a new HR would have to come
up with strategies to combat such a situation!


• The situations will be given 5 min before the event

• Time allocated per participant would be 3+2 minutes

• The participants maybe required answering questions posed by the judge.

• To participants are encouraged to think creatively in using traditional HR concepts while

enhancing the ability of the participants to convince.

8. Stress Interview
Stress interviews are a deliberate attempt to see how you handle yourself under pressure. As several
jobs require employees who thrive under pressure. This event is to recognize who is person who
keeps his cool under pressure and responds well to it.


• The participants are required to carry printed resume during the interview

• A basic knowledge of HR practices would benefit the participants in the interview

• Participants are required to be dressed in an attire that befits an interview setting

• Use of any indecent or vulgar actions or words are strictly prohibited.

• Decisions of the judges are final and binding.

9. HR Battle
The participants are to fight their way through and show their verbal talents to reach the final


• There can be two teams from each college with 2 persons per team

• There will be two rounds

• In round 1, each participant as an individual has to speak for or against the given topic within
the given 2 minutes. This topic will be sent to the participants a week ahead of the event.

• In the 2nd round, the team will be given a new topic, on the spot. The participants will pick
lots to decide if they are going to defend or talk against the topic. For this round a preparation
time of 2 minutes will be given to the participants.

• The participants are to stay clear of abusive or foul language of any sort

• All topics will be given on the spot

• Decision of the judges are final and binding

Note: Rules are tentative and are subject to change.

Participant List
1. Corporate Quiz

Team 1 1.

Team 2 1.


2. Best Manager 1.


3. Sector insight 1.






4. HR JAM 1.


5. Collage

Team 1 1.


Team 2 1.


6. Block and Tackle 1.


7. Ship Wreck! 1.


8. HR Battle

Team 1 1.


Team 2 1.


9. Stress Interview 1.


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