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Republic of the Philippines

Sultan Kudarat State University

Kalamansig Campus
College of Fisheries

Development of School Portal System with SMS Notification

For Sultan Kudarat State University Kalamansig Campus

A Research Proposal Submitted to Richie B. Espallardo

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Course CT 320
(Methods of Research)

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Major in Computer Technology

Dionesio G. Tico

Chapter 1

Nowadays, we are living in a fast paced world where everything is done

instantly; from computing of single data to complex calculations that human mind

can imagine. The turn of the century can be marked as a revolution of information.

The switch from manual to computerized recording and distribution of records and

information has led to a significant increase in public knowledge. Many institutions

and organizations benefit greatly from this information which needed to be stored

processed and distributed. A very good example of institution that needs to handle

vast amount of information are the school universities.

An online student portal is one of the essential parts of a school. As

technology evolves alongside, the information revolution, the power of computer

makes it easy to distribute and view information needed with just a few clicks.

The (SKSU) School Portal System with SMS Notification is web based that will

manage all the news and events in university and notify the students and

professors or faculty staffs through SMS.

The other functions of the proposed system are viewing the students

sections and schedules, students can view the details and schedule of exam,

homework and activities, and schedules of their professors and projects details.

Both sides can insert comments to have further discussions.

Objectives of the Study

Generally, this study aims to develop SKSU SCHOOL PORTAL WITH SMS


This study specifically aims to:

To properly manage the information about school.

To make fast updates to students about their concerns on their curriculum,

about school event and activities.

To have another way of communication about subjects of students and

professors if theres no class.

To immediately notify the school news, events, and other activities with


Significance of Study

This study was made to find out that the use of online-base system will

lessen the time for the instruction and releasing information of students. Also in

Using this System it can recognize the person involve in this study.

This study will the following person.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The proposed system will have 3 user level; the admin system, this is the

user account that have all the capabilities of the system. The 2 nd level is the user

account for professors who can make school events and post it. And the 3 rd level

is for the students who can view and post their concerns.

Limitations: The proposed system is an online system; it cannot be used if theres

no internet connection.
Operational Definition of Terms

Online - Computer or device connected to a network (such as internet) and

ready to used (or be used by) other computers or devices.

Sms - short message service (SMS) is the test communication service

component of phone. Web or mobile communication system. Using standardized

communications protocols that allow the exchange of short text message between

fixed line and mobile phone device.

Information Technology (IT) - is the application of computers and

telecommunication equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data

often in the context of a business or other enterprise.

System is a set of interacting or interdependent component parts forming a

complex / intricate whole.

Computer- a programmable electronic device designed to accept data, perform

operation at high speed prescribed mathematical and logical operation at high

speed and display the result of these operation

Portal-While this term can also refer to a matter less vortex used to travel between

different dimensions, an Internet portal is a Web site that acts as a starting point

for browsing the Web. Portals typically include search engines and large

directories of websites.
Chapter II

The progress in information and communication technologies and the birth

of the internet has changed the end user computing experience and environment.

This advancement has changed the way of delivering information and services.

Information systems can now be web-enabled, unlike the traditional stationary

information systems. Web portals are a part of this advancement.

According to Tattnall (2005) A Web portal is a gateway to information and services

from multiple sources in a unified way, using a single, unique user interface.

A Web portal usually features specific functions, such as search mechanisms,

access to databases, user registration and personalization options. The use of web

portals offered universities and postgraduate education huge opportunities for

expansion, introduction of new services and development of both qualitative and

quantitative ways of delivering information and services.

According to Petter et al., (2008) the impacts of IT are often indirect and

influenced by human, organizational, and environmental factors; therefore,

measurement of information systems (IS) success is both complex and illusive.

According to (Iivari, 2005; Wu & Wang, (2006).The relationship between

information quality and user satisfaction are also strongly supported in literature.
Halawi (2007). Stated that the Studies have found a consistent

relationship between information quality and user satisfaction at the individual unit

of analysis.

According to Palmer, (2002). Studies specifically examining the information

quality aspects of Web sites, such as content and layout, have found significant

relationships between these constructs and user satisfaction. The findings of this

study on school web portal system is consistent with studies already observed in

literature and confirms the importance of information quality in the school

information system environment.

According to L. Naismith, (2007) from the University of Birmingham

reported that an e-mail to text message service called Study Link is employed to

support Administrative communication in higher education. Text messaging can

be effectively integrated into both the student and staff experience. Administrative

staff members were able to integrate the service into their current means of

communicating with students while students were able to effectively receive and

act on text messages. Message types include notices of changes and

cancellations (e.g., class cancellations), reminders to submit and collect

assignments, notices of relevant lectures/activities, individual administration (e.g.,

warning messages to absentees), instructional messages (e.g., instructions for

submitting assignments), and greeting/courteous messages.

According to S. Pramsane, et al (2006) development of education services based

on short message services. The education information such as the enrollment

information, grade release, university announcement, and internship opportunity

can be retrieved and/or sent by the students via SMS through a login system. This

research points out that administrative support to students via short message

services is ideal.

petter, s., delone, w. and mclean, e. (2008). Measuring information systems

success models, dimensions, measures and interrelationships. european journal

of information system 17, 236

tatnall, a. (2005). Web portals - the new gateways to internet information and

services.hershey, pa: idea group publishing.

halawi, l.a., mccarthy, r.v. and aronson j.e. (2007) an empirical investigation

ofknowledge-management systems success. The journal of computer information

systems 48(2), 121135.

kulkarni, u.r., ravindran, s. and freeze, r. (2006) a knowledge management

success model: theoretical development and empirical validation. Journal of

management information systems.23 (3), 309347.

I.naismith, (2007). Using text messaging to support administrative communication

in higher education. Active learning in higher education, vol 8, 155171.

S. pr amsane, & r. sanjaya, (2006). Mobile education services based on sms and

their architecture comparison. Proceedings of the third international conference on

elearning for knowledge-based society.


Research Design

The study will require descriptive design which focused on the proposed

system are viewing the students sections and schedules, students can view the

details and schedule of exam, homework and activities, and schedules of their

professors and projects details And will manage all the news and events in School

university and notify the students and professors or faculty staffs through SMS. It

is an efficient tool in processing data or information and make the job faster will the

less of effort, consumable time.

The Data were gathered from Sultan Kudarat State University (SKSU)

Kalamansig Campus through interview, problem analyzing, system

development and system implementation.

Research Flow Process

A. Data Planning and Gathering

The researcher spent one week in data gathering regarding to the system

proposal. The information that has been gathered is through conducting interview

and collecting information. All information was gathered from the School

administrator and Faculty at (SKSU) Kalamansig Campus including the problem

related. The response of School Administrator and faculty in the question was

based on their observation during the process of school manage information in a

manual process is very spent time, difficult and slow Process data to give

information of school in the student.

The researcher will use programming language with the use of PHP

programming language in planning to create a program consistently.

B. Planning Analysis

Analyzing how the program will interacts the system, what are the process

to be use, the flow and how it useful to school.

C. Designing and coding

In materializing a program, PHP programming language will be used.

Testing and Evaluation

After creating the program, it will be test the program for some trial and

error. After testing, the study is ready for evaluation to make sure that the system

is functional and accessible.

Conceptual Framework


Research Flow Process

-Planning / Gathering Data
-Development of the system

Development School Portal with SMS

(SKSU) Kalamansig Campus

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