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Country Name Country Code 2015 - GDP Inflation

Afghanistan AFG 3374 7.8 My Equation

Albania ALB 288 1.9
GDP = B + B1(
Algeria DZA 3987 2.5
Angola AGO 2786 6.7
Argentina ARG 4342 3.4 If I have to check t
Armenia ARM 292 4.2
Australia AUS 2379 1.1 If I use two regres
Austria AUT 863 5
Azerbaijan AZE 965 7
Bahrain BHR 137 8
Belarus BLR 949 6.6
Belgium BEL 1127 3
Benin BEN 1058 7.7
Bolivia BOL 1072 6.7
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH 354 8.7
Botswana BWA 221 8.8
Brazil BRA 20596 3.2
Bulgaria BGR 718 4.4
Burkina Faso BFA 1811 5.5
Burundi BDI 1020 6.1
Cambodia KHM 1552 3.4
Cameroon CMR 2283 2.2
Canada CAN 3585 8.8
Central African Republic CAF 455 10.2
Chad TCD 1401 6.7
Chile CHL 1776 7.7
Costa Rica CRI 481 8.9
Croatia HRV 420 7.6
Cuba CUB 1146 4.5
Dominican Republic DOM 1053 3.4
My Equation
GDP = B + B1(Inf) + e

If I have to check that which country has GDP greater than 1000 and which has lower than 1000 with the help of single regression

If I use two regression line then it could be GDP<1000 and GDP >= 1000
But I need a single regression line.
with the help of single regression line

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