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Fluid Mechanics II

Chapter 4: Viscids Flow

Dr. Esteban Valencia

July 7, 2016

Dr. Esteban Valencia Fluid Mechanics II July 7, 2016 1/1

Syllabus developed

Inviscid flow theory

Equations governing fluid
Inviscid and incompressible flow
Viscos flow: Part 2
Boundary layer
Von Karman integral to boundary layer

Dr. Esteban Valencia Fluid Mechanics II July 7, 2016 2/1

Syllabus developed

Inviscid flow theory

Equations governing fluid
Inviscid and incompressible flow
Viscos flow: Part 2
Boundary layer
Von Karman integral to boundary layer

Dr. Esteban Valencia Fluid Mechanics II July 7, 2016 2/1


The navier-stokes equations
Special Flows
Coutte Flow
Poiseuille Flow

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The navier-stokes equations
This model let us apply Newtos law in the form F=ma.
v y

( yx +( yx/ y) dy)dx dz

(p + ( p/ x) dx)dy dz
dy dx dy
e ( xx +( xx/ x) dx)dy dz
p dy dz dx f
dy dz d c x

dx dz ( + ( zx/ z) dz)dx dy
a b

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The navier-stokes equations

Write the net force in the x direction acting on the fluid element:
p xx
Fx = p p + dx dydz + xx + dx xx dydz
x x
yx zx
+ yx + dy yx dxdz + zx + dz zx dxdy
y z

p xx yx zx
Fx = + + + dxdydz
x x y z

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The navier-stokes equations

The mass of the fluid element is fixed and is equal to:

m = dx dy dz

The substantial derivative is:

ax =
Combining two Equations, we obtain:

Du p xx yx zx
= + + +
Dt x x y z

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The navier-stokes equations

Similar for y and z components:

Dv p xy yy zy
= + + +
Dt y x y z

Dw p xz yz zz
= + + +
Dt z x y z

With the expressions for xy = yx , yz = zy , zx = xz , xx , yy , and zz ,

the Navier-Stokes equations, can be written as:

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The navier-stokes equations
Equation for x-direction
u u u u p u
+ u + v + w = + .V + 2
t x y z x x x
v u u w
+ + + +
y x y z z x
Equation for y-direction
v v v v p v u
+ u + v + w = + +
t x y z y x x y
v w v
+ .V + 2 + +
y y z y z
Equation for z-direction
w w w w p u w
+ u + v + w = + +
t x y z z x z x
w v w
+ + + .V + 2
y y z z z

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Special Flows

Couette Flow
Moving plate


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Couette Flow

, on plate

y=D Moving plate ue

At y=D: u=ue,T=Te
e, on luid
D Parallel streamlines

x qw
w, on luid
At y=0: u=0,T=Tw
Fixed surface w, on surface

ue : Flow velocity at y=D D: Distance of two plates
Te : Flow Temperature at y=D Tw : Flow Temperature at y=0
e : Shear Stress at y=D w : Shear Stress at y=0
qe : Heat Transfer at y=D qw : Heat Transfer at y=0

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Couette Flow

The plates in general will be at different temperatures, thus causing

temperature gradients in the flow.
qy = k
The kinetic energy of the flow will be partially dissipated by the
influence of friction and will be transformed into internal energy
within the fluid.

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Couette Flow-2D

x-momentum equation  
y-momentum equation
Energy equation
T u
k + u =0
y y y y

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Incompressible Couette Flow

The variation of velocity for incompressible Couette flow is given by:

u = ue

And the Shear Stress is given by:


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Two-Dimensional Poiseuille Flow

The walls are not moving, there is no shear stress to drive the flow.


Velocity, u, is independent of x; i.e., u = u(y).

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Poiseuille Flow

The Navier-Stokes equations, for an steady, incompressible flow.

u v
+ =0
x y
From the y-momentum equation,we have:

Hence, p varies only in the x direction (x-momentum equation):

p u
= = conts
x y y

Note:The pressure gradient is constant along the flow direction.

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Poiseuille Flow
The velocity profile across the flow is:
1 dp
y 2 Dy

2 dx

He location of the maximum velocity can be found by:

Differentiating Equation in boxed are:
u 1 dp
= (2y D) = 0
y 2 dx
umax =
8 dx
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Poiseuille Flow
The shear stress at the walls is obtained from:
w =
y w

u 1 dp
= (2y D)
y 2 dx
At y = 0:    
u D dp
y w 2 dx
Hence, the wall shear stress is:
u D dp
w = =
y w 2 dx

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