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MAP 2412: Physics Chapter 4: Work, Energy and Power

Answer all questions.

1. Choose the correct answer in the bracket.

i. Work is the product of applied force and (distance/displacement) in the direction of
the applied force.
ii. When the work is done (force/energy) is transferred from one object to another.
iii. The work done is equal to the amount of (temperature/energy) transferred.
iv. The SI unit for work is (joule/watt).

2. Fill in the blank with the correct answer.





i. Kinetic energy is the energy of an object due to its ……………..

ii. Gravitational potential energy is the energy of an object due to its ………….. in the
gravitational field
iii. The principle of conservation of energy states that …………. can be transferred from
one form to another but it cannot be created or destroyed.
iv. The principle of conservation of energy explains that the total amount of energy
always remains …………………

3. State or false for each of the following statements.

i. Power is the rate of doing work (True/False)
ii. The efficiency of a device is the percentage of the energy input that is transformed
into useful energy (True/False)

4. State the transformation of energy.

Light energy
Gravitational potential energy
Sound energy
Elastic potential energy

MAP 2412: Physics Chapter 4: Work, Energy and Power

Statement From Transformation of energy

1. Durian falls to the ground ……………………. Kinetic energy + sound energy
2. A bulb connected to a dry Electrical energy Heat energy+
cell lights up …………………………………..
3. A bell rings when the switch Electrical energy
is pressed ……………………………………
4. The motion of an arrow Kinetic energy + sound energy
when an archer releases the …………………………….

5. Diagrams (a) and (b) shows a boy pushing a load and a weightlifter lifting a load of 60 kg

Diagrams (a) Diagrams (b)

Calculate the work done

i. by the boy
ii. by the weightlifter

6. Azman is pulling a box with a force of 50 N at an angle of 60o from the horizontal.

Calculate the work done to move the box to a distance of 3 m.

Displacement = 3 m

7. Samy releases a 2 kg metal ball from a building 40 m high (Take acceleration due to
gravity as 10 ms-2)

MAP 2412: Physics Chapter 4: Work, Energy and Power

Metal ball

40 meter

i. At the height of 40 m, the metal ball has (gravitational potential energy/kinetic

ii. Just before the metal ball hits the ground, the maximum energy that it has is
(gravitational potential energy/kinetic energy)
iii. Calculate
a. The energy of the metal ball at the height of40 m
b. The kinetic energy of the metal before it hits the ground.
iv. What is the principle used in c ii)?

8. A motor lifting a weight 1 kg to a height of 4.0 m in 4 s. The input energy supply to the
motor in one second is 20 J. Calculate
a. power of the motor
b. the efficiency of the motor

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