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Technical Brief 2009 Volume 8

Protein Structure
Increasingly, drug developers are stituent, an amino acid can be classi- acid sequence makes up the primary acids below it in the helix. The hydro-
looking to large molecules and partic- fied as being acidic, basic or neutral. structure of the protein, the chemical/ gen bonds make this structure espe-
ularly proteins as a therapeutic option. Although 20 amino acids are required biological properties of the protein are cially stable. The side-chain substitu-
Formulation of a protein drug product for synthesis of various proteins found very much dependent on the three-di- ents of the amino acids fit in beside
can be quite a challenge, but without in humans, we can synthesize only mensional or tertiary structure. the N-H groups.
a good understanding of the nature of 10. The remaining 10 are called es- The hydrogen bonding in a -sheet
protein structure and the conforma- sential amino acids and must be ob- Secondary Structure is between strands (inter-strand) rath-
tional characteristics of the specific tained in the diet. Stretches or strands of proteins or er than within strands (intra-strand).
protein being formulated, the results The amino acid sequence of a pro- peptides have distinct characteris- The sheet conformation consists of
can be ruinous. This technical brief tein is encoded in DNA. Proteins are tic local structural conformations or pairs of strands lying side-by-side.
aims to give the reader a quick over- synthesized by a series of steps called secondary structure, dependent on hy- The carbonyl oxygens in one strand
view of protein structure. It will also transcription (the use of a DNA strand drogen bonding. The two main types hydrogen bond with the amino hy-
cover briefly how protein structure can to make a complimentary messenger of secondary structure are the -helix drogens of the adjacent strand. The
be affected during formulation and RNA strand - mRNA) and translation and the -sheet. two strands can be either parallel or
some of the analytical methods which (the mRNA sequence is used as a The -helix is a right-handed coiled anti-parallel depending on whether
can be used both to determine the template to guide the synthesis of the strand. The side-chain substituents of the strand directions (N-terminus to
structure and analyze the stability of chain of amino acids which make up the amino acid groups in an -helix C-terminus) are the same or oppo-
the protein. the protein). Often, post-translational extend to the outside. Hydrogen site. The anti-parallel -sheet is more
The term structure when used in modifications, such as glycosylation bonds form between the oxygen of stable due to the more well-aligned
relation to proteins, takes on a much or phosphorylation, occur which are the C=O of each peptide bond in the hydrogen bonds.
more complex meaning than it does necessary for the biological func- strand and the hydrogen of the N-H
for small molecules. Proteins are mac- tion of the protein. While the amino group of the peptide bond four amino Tertiary Structure
romolecules and have four different Figure 1 The overall three-dimensional
levels of structure primary, second- shape of an entire protein molecule is
ary, tertiary and quaternary. AMINO ACID STRUCTURES AND ABBREVIATIONS the tertiary structure. The protein mol-
ecule will bend and twist in such a
Primary Structure Neutral NH2
way as to achieve maximum stability
There are 20 different standard O O O O O or lowest energy state. Although the
L--amino acids used by cells for three-dimensional shape of a protein
protein construction. Amino acids, as may seem irregular and random, it is
their name indicates, contain both a fashioned by many stabilizing forces
L-Alanine L-Asparagine L-Cysteine L-Glutamine
basic amino group and an acidic car- Ala Asn Cys Gln due to bonding interactions between
boxyl group. This difunctionality al- A N C Q the side-chain groups of the amino
lows the individual amino acids to join acids.
together in long chains by forming Under physiologic conditions, the
peptide bonds: amide bonds between OH OH OH OH
hydrophobic side-chains of neutral,
the -NH2 of one amino acid and the NH2 NH2 NH2 NH2 non-polar amino acids such as phe-
-COOH of another. Sequences with Glycine L-Isoleucine L-Leucine L-Methionine nylalanine or isoleucine tend to be
fewer than 50 amino acids are gener- Gly Ile Leu Met buried on the interior of the protein
ally referred to as peptides, while the G I L M molecule thereby shielding them
terms protein or polypeptide are used from the aqueous medium. The alkyl
for longer sequences. A protein can be O OH O OH O groups of alanine, valine, leucine and
made up of one or more polypeptide isoleucine often form hydrophobic
molecules. The end of the peptide or OH OH OH OH interactions between one-another,
protein sequence with a free carboxyl NH2 while aromatic groups such as those
group is called the carboxy-terminus L-Phenylalanine L-Proline L-Serine L-Threonine of phenylalanine and tryosine often
Phe Pro Ser Thr
or C-terminus. The terms amino-ter- F P S T stack together. Acidic or basic amino
minus or N-terminus describe the end OH Acidic acid side-chains will generally be ex-
of the sequence with a free -amino NH HO O posed on the surface of the protein as
group. O they are hydrophilic.
The amino acids differ in struc- OH The formation of disulfide bridges
ture by the substituent on their side OH NH2 NH2 by oxidation of the sulfhydryl groups
chains. These side chains confer dif- NH2 on cysteine is an important aspect
L-Tryptophan L-Tyrosine OH L-Valine L-Aspartic acid
ferent chemical, physical and struc- Trp Tyr NH2 Val Asp of the stabilization of protein tertiary
tural properties to the final peptide or W Y V D structure, allowing different parts of
protein. The structures of the 20 ami- NH Basic NH2
OH the protein chain to be held together
no acids commonly found in proteins HN O
covalently. Additionally, hydrogen
are shown in Figure 1. Each amino H2N
N O bonds may form between different
acid has both a one-letter and three- O O OH side-chain groups. As with disulfide
letter abbreviation. These abbrevia- OH NH2 bridges, these hydrogen bonds can
tions are commonly used to simplify OH
NH2 OH L-Glutamic acid bring together two parts of a chain
the written sequence of a peptide or L-Arginine
L-Histidine L-Lysine NH2 Glu that are some distance away in terms
Arg His Lys E
protein. of sequence. Salt bridges, ionic inter-
Depending on the side-chain sub- R H K Particle Sciences actions between positively and nega-
tively charged sites on amino acid Protein Structure Analysis analysis of enzyme digested proteins, magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis.
side chains, also help to stabilize the The complexities of protein struc- by means of peptide fingerprinting To determine the three-dimensional
tertiary structure of a protein. ture make the elucidation of a com- methods and database searching. Ed- structure of a protein by X-ray diffrac-
plete protein structure extremely dif- man degradation involves the cleav- tion, a large, well-ordered single crys-
Quaternary Structure age, separation and identification tal is required. X-ray diffraction allows
ficult even with the most advanced
Many proteins are made up of analytical equipment. An amino of one amino acid at a time from a measurement of the short distances
multiple polypeptide chains, often acid analyzer can be used to deter- short peptide, starting from the N- between atoms and yields a three-
referred to as protein subunits. These mine which amino acids are present terminus. dimensional electron density map,
subunits may be the same (as in a and the molar ratios of each. The One method used to characterize which can be used to build a model
homodimer) or different (as in a het- sequence of the protein can then be the secondary structure of a protein of the protein structure.
erodimer). The quaternary structure analyzed by means of peptide map- is circular dichroism spectroscopy The use of NMR to determine the
refers to how these protein subunits ping and the use of Edman degrada- (CD). The different types of second- three-dimensional structure of a pro-
interact with each other and arrange tion or mass spectroscopy. This pro- ary structure, -helix, -sheet and tein has some advantages over X-ray
themselves to form a larger aggregate cess is routine for peptides and small random coil, all have characteristic diffraction in that it can be carried
protein complex. The final shape of proteins, but becomes more complex circular dichroism spectra in the far- out in solution and thus the protein
the protein complex is once again for large multimeric proteins. uv region of the spectrum (190-250 is free of the constraints of the crys-
stabilized by various interactions, in- Peptide mapping generally entails nm). These spectra can be used to tal lattice. The two-dimensional NMR
cluding hydrogen-bonding, disulfide- treatment of the protein with different approximate the fraction of the en- techniques generally used are NO-
bridges and salt bridges. The four protease enzymes in order to chop up tire protein made up of each type of ESY, which measures the distances
levels of protein structure are shown the sequence into smaller peptides structure. between atoms through space, and
in Figure 2. at specific cleavage sites. Two com- A more complete, high-resolution COESY, which measures distances
monly used enzymes are trypsin and analysis of the three-dimensional through bonds.
Protein Stability
chymotrypsin. Mass spectroscopy has structure of a protein is carried out
Due to the nature of the weak in- Protein Structure Stability Analysis
become an invaluable tool for the using X-ray crystallography or nuclear
teractions controlling the three-di- Many different techniques can be
mensional structure, proteins are very Figure 2 used to determine the stability of a
sensitive molecules. The term native protein. For the analysis of unfolding
state is used to describe the protein in LEVELS OF PROTEIN STRUCTURE of a protein, spectroscopic methods
its most stable natural conformation such as fluorescence, UV, infrared
in situ. This native state can be dis- Primary Structure and CD can be used. Thermodynamic
rupted by a number of external stress HO O methods such as differential scan-
factors including temperature, pH, re- C ning calorimetry (DSC) can be useful
moval of water, presence of hydropho- in determining the effect of tempera-
bic surfaces, presence of metal ions H H ture on protein stability. Comparative
and high shear. The loss of secondary, N peptide-mapping (usually using LC/
tertiary or quaternary structure due to MS) is an extremely valuable tool in
exposure to a stress factor is called determining chemical changes in a
denaturation. Denaturation results in protein such as oxidation or deami-
unfolding of the protein into a random dation. HPLC is also an invaluable
or misfolded shape. means of analyzing the purity of a pro-
A denatured protein can have quite Secondary Structure C C tein. Other analytical methods such
a different activity profile than the as SDS-PAGE, iso-electric focusing
protein in its native form, usually los- H H H H C and capillary electrophoresis can also
ing biological function. In addition to C C N C N C N be used to determine protein stabil-
becoming denatured, proteins can C C HO ity, and a suitable bioassay should be
also form aggregates under certain O O NC C
used to determine the potency of a
O protein biopharmaceutical. The state
stress conditions. Aggregates are of- H C C H C C H HO
ten produced during the manufactur- N C C N N C C N N C C H
N C of aggregation can be determined by
ing process and are typically undesir- O H O H O C
following particle size and arrayed
able, largely due to the possibility of HO H instruments are now available to fol-
them causing adverse immune re- C N low this over time under various con-
sponses when administered. O ditions.
In addition to these physical forms The variety of methods for deter-
of protein degradation, it is also im- mining protein stability again empha-
portant to be aware of the possible sizes the complexity of the nature of
pathways of protein chemical deg- Tertiary Structure Quaternary Structure protein structure and the importance
radation. These include oxidation, of maintaining that structure for a
deamidation, peptide-bond hydroly- successful biopharmaceutical prod-
sis, disulfide-bond reshuffling and uct.
cross-linking. The methods used in
the processing and the formulation of References
proteins, including any lyophilization 1. Protein Structure, Stability and
step, must be carefully examined to Folding, Methods in Molecular Biol-
prevent degradation and to increase ogy, Vol. 168, Edited by Kenneth P.
the stability of the protein biophar- Murphy
maceutical both in storage and during 2. Protein Stability and Folding,
drug delivery. Theory and Practice, Methods in Mo-
Particle Sciences lecular Biology, Vol. 40, Edited by
Bret A. Shirley

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