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Fitur Artikel: DOI. No 10,1109 / MAES.2016.


Bukti-Concept Airborne Sense and Hindari Sistem

dengan ACAS-X Uji penerbangan
Tatsuya Kotegawa.General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc., Poway, CA, USA

PENGANTAR cember 2014 involving preplanned encounters between the SAA test
article, NASAs Ikhana PredatorB UAS, as well as manned and unmanned
intruders. This paper describes the SAA systems that were flown, how they
Hari ini,tak berawak sistem pesawat (UAS) operasi biasanya dilakukan di
performed, and lessons learned for future development.
wilayah udara terpisah dan di bioskop tempur terbatas. Untuk
mengintegrasikan UAS ke dalam Sistem Udara Nasional (NAS), UAS
harus beroperasi dengan aman, efisien, dan kompatibel dengan yang ada
secara ing lalu lintas pesawat berawak sehingga keamanan dan efisiensi
dari wilayah udara tidak terdegradasi [1]. Ada banyak tantangan yang The objective of the 2014 flight test was to demonstrate and assess CA and
terbentang di depan untuk memungkinkan UAS akses tidak terbatas ke SS performance of the SAA system integrated onto a UAS in a live flight
NAS, tapi mungkin tantangan teknis terbesar melibatkan memenuhi Lihat environment. The test was conducted in two phas- es: demonstration and
dan Hindari persyaratan (14CFR 91,111 dan 91,113). assessment of the CA and SS component of SAA. The SAA system here
Rasa dan menghindari (SAA) adalaha technical capability for a UAS also serves as a proof-of-concept system for the RTCA Special Committee
to fulfill the See and Avoid requirements employing onboard sensors, 228 (SC-228) to generate Minimum Operational Performance Standards
hardware and software elements to detect and track nearby air traffic, (MOPS) for a cer- tifiable SAA system on UAS. Specific flight test
convey awareness of potential conflicts to the pilot, and provide guidance objectives, com- bining the research interests of the partners involved in
to resolve such conflicts [2]. SAA functionality comprises two distinct this effort, are summarized below.
layers of protection: self-separation (SS) and collision avoidance (CA). SS
is the tactical process whereby the UAS remains well clear of oth- er [CA/SS] Flight test a suite of surveillance sensors for SS and CA
airspace users, thus fulfilling the separation provision layer within the including ADS-B and air-to-air radar (ATAR).
ICAO Global ATM Operational Concept [3]. CA, on the other hand, is the
final layer of protection against midair collision risk when progression of a [CA/SS] Flight test the surveillance and tracking module (STM) using
potential collision is not avoided by SS. surveillance information fused from multiple sensor sources.
In 2013,a partnership was formed between General Atom- ics [CA] Flight test the threat resolution module (TRM) logic for vertical
Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI), the Federal Aviation Administration and horizontal maneuvers.
(FAA) Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance

System (TCAS) Program Office, National Aeronautics and [CA] Flight test the interoperability of ACASX with legacy
Space Administration (NASA), Honeywell Inc., and BAE Sys- tems to TCAS II systems (responsive coordination) and with other ACASX
develop and flight-testa proof-of-concept SAA system. The system is systems (active coordination emulation using ADS-B).
comprised of Pilot-in-the-Loop SS functionality implemented in the ground
control station (GCS) and airborne CA functionality using the FAAs [CA] Flight test automatic maneuvering in response to a resolution
Airborne Collision Avoidance system variant for UAS (ACAS X ). Both advisory (RA).
systems rely on sur- veillance provided by a suite of airborne sensors [SS] Examine effectiveness of several prototype SAA displays for
integrated onto a Predator B UAS. Flight tests were conducted in pilot situation awareness and guidance algorithms for
November-De- U
recommendations to maintain SS with potential conflicts.

Authors address: GeneralAtomics Aeronautical Systems,Inc., 4200

Kirkham Way, Poway, CA 92064. E-mail: (tatsuya.
The FAA TCAS Program Office is developing the Next Genera- tion
Manuscript received July 30, 2015; revised February 10, 2016, Airborne Collision Avoidance System, ACAS X. ACAS X is a modular
February25, 2016; ready for publication April 8, 2016. family of variants supporting a variety of aircraft plat- forms and operating
Review handled by G. Fasano. environments with plug-and-play capabilities
0885-8985/16/$26.00 2016 IEEE

September 2016 IEEE A&E SISTEM MAGAZINE 53

to leverage additional surveillance sources. ACAS X is a variant ownship, not relying on the system under test (ACAS X ) to func-

tailored for the performance characteristics of unmanned aircraft. tion correctly to preserve separation and prevent near-midair colli-

[4]. The prototype ACAS X systemcomprises two high-level sion (NMAC). The scenarios were constructed using representative

components: the STM and TRM. The STM tracks and computes the horizontal geometries and operationally relevant vertical profiles including
estimated states of a threat aircraft and passes the data to the TRM. 5001000 ft altitude separation and vertical blunders. Figure 1
Variations of the STM were used in this test to investigate the utility of menggambarkan geometri horisontal dan dua contoh profil vertikal,
surveillance sources including ADS-B, a prototype termasuk profil vertikal ATAR khusus.

ATAR,TCAS-II, dan fusi data. TRM memilih CA sebuah The ACASX prototipe diimplementasikan pada Ikhana untuk ini
manuver menurut sebuah tabel logika dioptimalkan. Dua variasi TRM uji terbang diintegrasikan ke dalam perangkat lunak kontrol
digunakan untuk menghasilkan nasihat untuk menyelesaikan ancaman penerbangan untuk memberikan mode manuver dipilih untuk
tabrakan: TRM vertikal (TRM V) untuk menghasilkan nasihat vertikal menanggapi Bps RA. Dalam mode penasehat, pesan RA ditampilkan
(naik atau turun), seperti yang diterapkan di TCAS II terhadap penyusup XU ke
tive coopera-; atau TRM horizontal (TRM H) untuk menghasilkan nasihat UAS percontohan di stasiun kontrol tanah (GCS) pada heads- up display
horizontal (belok kiri atau kanan untuk heading) terhadap penyusup (HUD) untuk tindakan percontohan untuk melaksanakan RA. Dalam
nonkooperatif. mode auto, komputer penerbangan otomatis bermanuver pesawat
Uji terbang dipekerjakan pertemuan direncanakan terdiri dari trek berawak un- dalam menanggapi RA3 s after receiving and displaying an
tertentu tanah, kecepatan tanah, dan profil ketinggian untuk ownship RA to the pilot. The pilot maintains the ability to regain positive control of
danpenyusup untuk sampai pada titik terdekat direncanakan proach ap- the aircraft anytime during an automatic CA maneuver. Intruder aircraft did
(CPA). Untuk memastikan keamanan, skenario pertemuan itu de- not respond to RAs in this flight test, so the automatic maneuvering
ditandatangani untuk memicu peringatan tanpa offset buatan sambil function was disabled for the GA-ASI Predator B used as the unmanned
menjaga kedua ketinggian dan pemisahan horizontal antara penyusup dan intruder.

Figure 1.
ACAS Xu flight test encounter geometries.

54 IEEE A&E SISTEM MAGAZINE September 2016


Figure 2.
ACAS-X equipment onboard NASA Ikhana.

scenarios weretuned for the quantitative well clear definition men- tioned
The objective of SS is to remain well clear of nearby air traffic and
prevent progression to a collision avoidance situation. The cur- rent FAA TEST PLATFORM SUMMARY
definition for UAS well clear is to maintain a minimum (estimated time
to CPA) of 35 s from any airborne threats. The well clear definition also TEST AIRCRAFT- NASA 870 IKHANA
includes a distance modification (DMOD) to maintain distance of at least NASAprovided their unmanned research aircraft Ikhana (vari- ant of the
4000 ft horizontally and 700 ft verti- cally from threats regardless of , to GA-ASI Predator B) (see Figure 2) as the primary test aircraft. Ikhana was
protect from slow closure rate encounters [5]. equipped with additional avionics to enable SAA functionality, including
The remote pilot needs to understand the potential conflict that can the Honeywell TPA-100A TCAS II unit, BAE AN/DPX-7 Reduced-size
arise from nearby threats in case air traffic control (ATC) or the intruder Transponder with ADS-B 1090 ES IN/OUT, GA-ASI Due Regard Radar
do not resolve it in time, and perform the minimal maneuvers to prevent (DRR), and Sense and Avoid Processor (SAAP) hosting the ACAS X
the projected well clear viola- tion. Projection and assessment of air traffic software. The TCAS II and DPX-7 are certified units under the FAA
to maintain well clear requires significant mental workload on the pilot. Technical Standard Orders (TSO), while the SAAP and DRR are units
The SS display reduces this mental workload by providing the pilot cur- under test during this flight test. In the GCS, three SAA displays were
rent and projected situational awareness in an intuitive manner as well as installed: Conflict Prediction and Display System (CPDS) devel- oped by
recommend actions to avoid upcoming conflicts. The SS encounter GA-ASI, and StratWay+ and Autoresolver both developed by NASA.
scenarios were similar to the CA runs, but it was up to the remote pilot to Traffic information was shared from Ikhana to the SAA displays through
determine when and how much of the recommended maneuver from the SS NASAs Live Virtual Constructive Distributed Environment (LVC-DE),
to execute. For example, if an SS display recommended a 20 deg heading which also allowed researchers to ob- serve the tests remotely. Modification
change, conser- vative pilots may maneuver immediately as well as add on legacy GCS and flight control software further enabled automatic
buffer and less conservative pilots may wait to react until the situation maneuvers from the ACAS X RAs and appropriate interface with the pilot
becomes more urgent. station.
The flight tests examined three prototype SS displays devel- oped by
GA-ASI and NASA. Data collection for the SS scenarios centered on how
well the pilot interfaced with the displays, and its overall ability for the
UAS to remain well clear (e.g., pilot re- action times, intuitiveness, number INTRUDER AIRCRAFT
and seriousness of well clear
Three manned intruders provided by FAA, Honeywell, and NASA flew on
encountersU against Ikhana. Each intruder aircraft with its unique flight
characteristic, size (for radar), and onboard surveil- lance equipment
(TCAS I, TCAS II, ADS-B, GPS recorder, etc.)
violations, etc.). However, at the time of the flight test, the well contributed to demonstrate the various aspects of ACAS X func-
clear standard was not yet defined and not all displays/encounter tionality such as interoperability with TCAS and interoperability

September 2016 IEEE A&E SISTEM MAGAZINE 55

Bukti-Concept Airborne Sense and Hindari Sistem

Figure 3.
Intruder aircraft details.

in mixed equipage environment. GA-ASI also provided a second Predator are to correlate measurements from cooperative sensors with
B (N308HK) to demonstrate the first ever UAS vs. UAS collision noncooperative sensors and manage the IDs that accompany the sensor
avoidance capability. Figure 3 below describes the details on relevant measurements as intruders enter and leave the sen- sors field ofmelihat.
equipage and tests for each intruder aircraft. Setiap sensor pengawasan juga memiliki karakteristik kinerja unik
termasuk statistik pengukuran, akurasi, probabilitas deteksi / alarm palsu,
bidang pandang, degradasi berdasarkan lingkungan operasi, dan
SURVEILLANCE SENSORS AND STM PERFORMANCE memperbarui tingkat, lebih lanjut menambah tantangan sensor fusi. HTS
prototipe diuji dalam penerbangan ini sementara disaring lalu lintas udara
be- Yond 20 rentang nm untuk mencegah kelambatan karena untuk
FAA STM USING DISCRETE SURVEILLANCE SOURCES perhitungan beban komputasi pada perangkat keras.
Two variants of the FAA STM were tested, each usinga dis- crete surveillance HTS dibagi menjadi tiga subfungsi utama: Data sebagai- sociation,
source to investigate the utility of that surveil- lance source for collision manajer track, dan filter pelacakan. yang ditunjuk asosiasi Datasensor
avoidance. The ADS-B STM variant was evaluated for CA against pengukuran koperasi atau nonkooperatif ke trek pesawat penyusup aktif.
cooperative intruders and likely, the ATAR STM variant against Manajer track beroperasi
noncooperative intruders. ADS- B data transmitted by participation aircraft
was recorded using

yang ACASX sistem pada Ikhana dansebuah Thales 1030/1090 MHz bersama-sama dengan data asosiasi untuk memulai dan mempertahankan
penerima tanah, dan dibandingkan dengan data GPS diferensial sebagai trek truder, mengkoordinasikan ICAO ID dan ID khusus sensor untuk
sumber kebenaran untuk analisis. segmen perwakilan dari ADS-Data B trek aktif, menghapus trek yang meninggalkanbidang sensor pandang, dan
diperiksa sebagai kegigihan dan konsistensi mereka, menolak trek palsu. The co- tapis sekering ditugaskan

akurasi, dan kualitas yang sebenarnya dibandingkan metrik kualitas dan pengukuran sensor operasi dan nonkooperatif untuk memperkirakan

NAC) Menegaskan oleh sistem ADS-B. Dalam sampel yang terbatas the intruder trajectory statistics relative to ownship. These three
digunakan dalam analisis, penyediaan posisi dan kecepatan data dengan subfunctions operate together to estimate single intruder tracks (relative
ADS-B yang gigih, kesenjangan dalam pengawasan karena kebisingan atau position, geodetic position, relative vertical/horizontal velocity,
antara siklus pesan yang cukup singkat untuk memungkinkan kelangsungan acceleration, azimuth, range, range rate and elevation angle) from multiple
track melalui celah-celah, kesalahan signifikan yang langka dan sensor inputs and pass it to the ACAS X
easily detected, and data accuracies were within the limits as- serted in TRM and SAA display to determine whether any SS or CA ma- neuvers
quality indicators. Surveillance quality was success- ful in meeting both are necessary. These features of the multisensor fusion system enable the
ADS-B and TCAS standards. ADS-B should continue to be considereda UAS to safely operate in various mission profiles and in mixed equipage
candidate for passive surveillance for ACAS X . situations across nonsegregated airspace.
Figures4 and 5 illustrate the incoming sensor measurements and
tracking performance of the HTS onboard Ikhana, respectively. The two
STM USING SENSOR FUSION figures show the North-East-Down position of intruders relative to Ikhana,
as it was initially flying due west and performed a horizontal maneuver to
The Honeywell tracking system (HTS) isa multisensor fusion system that
head due east between t = 200 to t = 285 at constant altitude. HTS was
can simultaneously track up to 30 intruder aircraft in real-time [6]. The
tracking six distinct intruder targets simultaneously for this particular slice
HTS, based on a unique application of a multiple hypothesis testing
of data, but will focus on one intruder (ICAO ID 11264663) to demonstrate
approach, fuses measurements and statistical information from both
its performance. Figure 4 shows inputs from ADS-B, TCAS (Mode S), and
cooperative and noncoopera- tive surveillance sensors in one framework to
radar for ICAO 11264663. TCAS and ADS-B/radar reports routinely come
track intruder air- craft in three dimensions. ADS-B and TCAS Mode-S
in at 0.2 Hz and 1 Hz, respectively. Radar measurements of separate
provide a globally unique ICAO ID for each intruder, but TCAS Mode C
noncooperative intruders (radar IDs 72 and 73) are also included to
and Radar provide sensor specific IDs for each intruder or no IDs. Some of
demonstrate the HTSs capability in differentiating in-
the largest challenges in sensor fusion research

56 IEEE A&E SISTEM MAGAZINE September 2016


Figure 4.
Honeywell STM sample surveillance data.

Figure 5.
Honeywell STM sample surveillance data and track output.

truder tracks. TCAS measurements are scattered as compared with ADS-B measurements. HTS did not receive any ADS-B or TCAS broad- cast from
due to measurement characteristics of active surveillance. The horizontal ICAO ID 11264663 for a portion of the recording due to the 20 nmi range
radar measurements correspond very closely to the horizontal ADS-B filter.
measurements, however the vertical radar mea- surements are generally Figure 5 shows the tracks generated by HTS using surveil- lance
within 100200 m of the vertical ADS-B measurements in Figure 4. The estimated tracks are repre-

September 2016 IEEE A&E SISTEM MAGAZINE 57

Bukti-Concept Airborne Sense and Hindari Sistem

Figure 6.
Encounter summary and recap.

sentative of HTS performance during all flight tests. The HTS is initiated
at t=0 as the ADS-B and TCAS Mode-S measurements become available. COLLISION AVOIDANCE FLIGHT TEST RESULTS
Between t=0 and t=200, the estimated track correctly fused the ADS-B and
CA flight tests took place over six flight days in November and December
TCAS measurements together. HTS also correctly differentiated radar IDs
2014, including four days of encounters between Ikhana and manned
72/73 from 74 (be- longing to ICAO ID 11264663) and initiated separate
intruders, and two days of encounters between Ikhana and another Predator
tracks for them. When fusing measurements from multiple sensors origi-
B (N308HK) UAS. The six total days of test- ing yielded 113 scripted
nating from the same intruder aircraft, the HTS places more sta-
encounters, 22 nonscripted encounters, and 13 aborted encounters.
Nonscripted encounters imply acci-
tistical significance on the most accurate measurement. ADS-B dental triggering of ACAS-X alerts during maneuvers to repo-

is overall a more accurate sensor than TCAS Mode-S, and HTS sitionaircraft for the next scripted Uencounter. While unplanned, these
algorithms reflect this by distributing weights on sensor measure- nonscripted encounters provided valuable data for ACAS-X
ments accordingly. HTS continued to track the intruder aircraft until the V&V. Of the 113 scripted encounters, 103 were against coopera- tive
ADS-B and TCAS Mode S measurements became un- available at t=200, intruders (series 1030) and 10 were against noncoopera- tive intruders
but reinitialized the fused track with the same fusion ID as they returned at (series 40 special ATAR). The totals for the test are summarized in Figure
t=300. As the intruder entered the radar field of view, HTS also fused its 6. Of the 113 scripted encounters, the ACAS logic generated the
measurements with the scripted/expected alert for 74 encounters
ICAO ID 11264663 track starting at t=480. The vertical radar (65%). For 39 encounters (35%), the ACAS X logic generated

measurements caused the estimated track to vary slightly away from the peringatan yang tidak seperti yang ditulis / diharapkan. Namun, sebagian
ADS-B measurements as the HTS began to incorporate the statistical besar dari pertemuan ini dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai diterima dan tanda
accuracy of the radar. The radar dropped the track at t=560 and the HTS yang propriate ap- diberikan keterangan dari pertemuan itu sebagai
continued to track the intruder using the ADS-B and TCAS Mode S diterbangkan. Cally Specifi-, nomenklatur yang tidak ditulis / diharapkan
measurements. The HTS maintained radar ID 74 with the track in case of tidak berarti bahwa tanda tidak aman. Banyak dari tanda tersebut berada di
measurement drop out for an additional 9 s and then deleted its association pertemuan di mana tidak ada peringatan yang diinginkan, tetapi waspada
from the track completely. The HTS deleted the track completely 4 s after hanya melayani untuk meningkatkan keselamatan. Penyimpangan di
the ADS-B and TCAS Mode S measurements were stopped in the test ownship aktual dan penyusup lintasan dari jalur penerbangan yang scripted
scenario. (seperti fluktuasi ketinggian, angin, akselerograf timbangkan timing) juga
memberikan kontribusi untuk RA berbeda dari yang diharapkan, tapi tetap
aman mengingat profil sebagai diterbangkan.

58 IEEE A&E SISTEM MAGAZINE September 2016


Figure 7.
CPDS horisontal dan vertikal tampilan profil snapshot.

The ACAS X CA uji terbang adalah sukses besar his tersedia di FAA Bps X Penerbangan perdana Laporan Uji
signifikansi torical. Ini ditunjukkan dan divalidasi horizontal dan vertikal to be released August 2015 [7].
fungsi memperingatkan, teknik koordinasi, ponse autores-, dan penggunaan
berbagai sumber surveilans untuk CA. uji terbang ini juga menandai
pertama kalinya bahwa sistem pesawat tak berawak CA diterbangkan tanpa SELF-SEPARATION FLIGHT TEST RESULTS
offset buatan; pelajaran dan keselamatan membangun pendekatan akan
memberikan jalan ke depan untuk tes penerbangan di masa depan. Selain Self-separationis a preventive measure carried out by the UAS pi- lot to
prestasi ini beberapa pengalaman pertama memaparkan sejarah lainnya mitigate a UAS from entering a collision avoidance scenario. The pilot is
termasuk: provided with nearby air traffic situational awareness through a dedicated
display that also recommends maneuvers to maximize the distance and
CmenunjukkanCA horisontal safety from other airborne objects de- tected by the sensors. Three SS
systems CPDS, Autoresolver, and StratWay+ were assessed in this flight
CADS-Bsebagai sumber pengawasan tunggal untuk CA
test and are described in this section. Details on StratWay+ are omitted from
Ckoordinasi interoperabilitas responsif dengan TCAS this article as analysis was still underway at time of publication.

CAktifemulasi koordinasi dalam penerbangan langsung

CAutomaneuveringpada pesawat tak berawak untuk CA CPDS

CDuapesawat tanpa awak diuji untuk CA tanpa set off buatan CPDS is an SAA display developed by GA-ASI to enable a Pilot- in-the-
Loop SS concept [8]. Figure 7 displays a snapshot of the CPDS running
The data collected and the benchmarks achieved during this flight test under a simulated encounter. CPDS is composed of horizontal (top) and
will serve the unmanned aircraft community by inform- ing surveillance vertical (bottom) cross-sections of the conflict geometry, providing the
requirements and engagement with the operational community on standards pilot an intuitive, three-dimensional un- derstanding of nearby
and measures of performance. The inter- actions with the community that traffic/associated threats via "no-go" head- ing bands and conflict probes
result from this will help inform (areas to avoid due to projected loss

future iterations of ACAS X logic, as the system is developed and of well clear). Many of its design requirements follow from DO-

integrated with SS functionality. Full results and analysis will be 317B [9] but its modular architecture allows flexible implementa-

September 2016 IEEE A&E SISTEM MAGAZINE 59

Bukti-Concept Airborne Sense and Hindari Sistem

Figure 8.
HMD filter impact on CPDS conflict probe. Left: Conflict probe without HMD filter. Right: Conflict probe with HMD filter.

tion of new features as UAS, SAA, MOPS, and the quantitative definition in remaining well clear [13]. Unlike CPDS, VSCS/Autoresolver is a
of well clear evolve. directive guidance system which issues SS maneuver advisories that direct
The SS flight test investigated the impact of a horizontal miss- distance the UAS pilot to fly a specific heading or altitude in order to remain well
(HMD) filter on CPDS. The HMD filter is additional logic to reduce the clear.
false alarm from the well clear requirement by using measured intruder Autoresolver calculates ownship and intruder trajectories each time
acceleration to detect HMDs that are sufficiently large so as not to be a surveillance data is updated. It analyzes the ownship trajec- tory against
threat, similar to those in commercial TCAS II systems (version 7.0 or later) intruder trajectories in order to calculate CPA, detect any upcoming well
[10]. Figure 8 illustrates the impact of HMDs on the CPDS conflict probes, clear violations and determine the appropriate alert/maneuver to resolve the
notice that without the HMD filter there is additional padding around the potential conflict. Autoresolvers performance is particularly sensitive to
areas that projects a well clear violation. The HMD filter can significantly the ownship state and surveillance data quality used for trajectory synthesis
influence the conflict probe geometry [11], and ultimately the pilot's because its logic reevaluates threat detection and resolution at each surveil-
decision to execute SS maneuvers. For the encounter scenario illustrated in lance data update instance. Ideally, Autoresolver would detect and resolve
Figure 8, the pilot decided to maneuver based on conflict probe generated potential well clear violations with a single attempt. However, during the
without the HMD filter. With the HMD filter, the pilot decided to maintain flight test Autoresolver issued intermittent alerting and inconsistent
its path because the filter removed the "false alarm" conflict probe areas on resolution maneuvers due to the varia- tion in horizontal and vertical CPA
ownship's heading, providing him confidence that well clear will not be prediction errors, shown in Figure 9 for the encounter scenarios flown. Data
breached. The HMD filter requirement on SS display is preferred from an points under each scenario bins are CPA prediction errors calculated by Au-
ATC standpoint, as it reduces the frequency of UAS maneuvers, keeping toresolver throughout the encounter. The pilots maneuvered away from the
aircraft traffic trajectories predictable, minimizes flight plan deviations, and intruder aircraft during the encounter based on Autore- solver warnings, so
makes it easier for control- lers to manage. a "truth" CPA was not available. Instead, the Autoresolver-predicted CPA
was compared with an expected CPA based on the flight test cards.
Horizontal CPA error is the differ- ence between the predicted horizontal
AUTORESOLVER CPA and the expected hori- zontal CPA specified for each scenario. A
negative error means that the pilot was on a trajectory that would have been
Autoresolveris an SS algorithm developed by NASA Ames imple- mented closer than expected if no SS maneuver was executed. Corrected vertical
into the Vigilant Spirit Control Station (VSCS), a research pilot/operator CPA is the difference between the predicted vertical CPA and the ac- tual
interface to control UAS managed by the Air Force Research Laboratory altitude difference. This correction factors out actual flight altitude
(AFRL) [12]. Originally designed for ATC ground-based separation differences such that both aircraft appear to be coaltitude. A box-whisker
assurance system to manage en route air- craft, the Autoresolver algorithm plot format summarizes CPA prediction error sta-
was adapted to assist UAS pilots

60 IEEE A&E SISTEM MAGAZINE September 2016


Figure 9.
Autoresolver horizontal and vertical CPA prediction error.

tistics for each scenario. The red + is the mean while the red line indicates on subsequent flight tests. Further improvements on hardware and software
the median. The blue box bounds the 25-75 percen- tile CPA values. The enabling CA and SS individual and fused sensor surveil- lance are in
black whiskers bound the 9-91 percentile CPA values. The most notable progress to increase reliability and performance of the SAA system.
observation in the CPA analysis, albeit from a limited number of Followingthe success of the 2014 flight test, several more flight tests
encounters, is the variability of the vertical CPA relative to the vertical are underway to expand and validate the SAA system functionality. The
alerting threshold of 900 ft. The boxes representing the 25-75 percentiles radar hardware enhancement will expand its field of view (up to 220 deg
can be seen to span as much as 600 ft (e.g. scenario S35b-2). This CPA horizontally) and target tracking ca- pabilities by adding an additional
variability can cause the predicted CPA to bounce in and out of the alert- antenna to the subsystem. More complex encounter geometries, some
ing threshold, especially the vertical threshold. Although Autore- solvers involving multiple intruders, will further challenge the CA and SS
directive guidance design made it particularly sensitive to CPA variations, algorithms. The 2014 flight test examined the CA and SS functionality
improved methods for processing ownship state and surveillance data separately. The next significant step is to integrate the two together;
would provide more accurate and consistent CPA predictions and, specifically, it is critical that SS alerts appear before and are interoperable
consequently, more stable alerting for all trajectory-based SAA systems. with CA alerts. SAA system development for UAS is an extremely complex
task, and unrealistic to achieve singlehanded. A strong partner- ship
MAJU between industry, government, and academia is essential to develop the key
system that can allow unrestricted UAS access to
2014 ACAS-X uji terbang membentuk konsep bukti-of- NAS. Pemerintah dan industri mitra untuk Bps X de-

landasan bagi sistem UAS SSA berdasarkan Predator B, dan yang pertama velopment merencanakan tindak lanjut uji terbang pada tahun 2016 yang
kali untuk menunjukkan dikoordinasikan resolusi neuvers ma otomatis akan Fur- ther meningkatkan dan mengembangkan sistem ini dan
dalam pertemuan antara dua pesawat tak berawak. komunikasi menyeluruh memberikan data untuk mendukung kegiatan sertifikasi masa depan. tindak
antara organisasi bermitra adalah kunci keberhasilan, dan pelajaran selama pada uji terbang akan menampilkan peningkatan logika dan mencakup U
pengembangan sistem / perencanaan uji terbang kontribusi signifikan untuk lebih banyak prototipe dibangun di atas produksi-hardware avionik siap. uji
mengidentifikasi dan memitigasi risiko terbang ini merupakan langkah pertama menuju kemampuan CA
bersertifikat untuk UAS.

September 2016 IEEE A&E SISTEM MAGAZINE 61

Bukti-Concept Airborne Sense and Hindari Sistem

[8] Theunissen, E., Suarez, B., dan Kirk, K. Pengembangan, integrasi dan
REFERENSI pengujian yang berdiri sendiri CDTI dengan konflik yang menyelidiki
dukungan. Dalam AIAA Infotech @ Aerospace Conference, 19-20 Juni
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62 IEEE A&E SISTEM MAGAZINE September 2016

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