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A). Ok, shall we start? Right, thanks for coming. As you

know, we have our graduation the next month, and we
need raising money for that. And we know, we havent a
lot of time.
So, we are going to organize a Barbecue and now lets
decide who does what. The first thing is, whos going to
make the tickets?
B). Ill do that, If you like.
A). Yes, thatd be great. Thanks ________ (B).
C). How many do you think well need?
A). Oh, about a hundred fifty.
B). and, how much should they cost?
C). How about S/. 12 each.
A). Yes, that sounds about right. Well also need a lot of
tables and chairs, _______ (D) will you organize that?
D). Err Yes, of course. I know someone who rents that.
A). Great, And what about the drink?
D). Do you want me to do that?
A). Yes, if you dont mind. Well, what else, what about
C). Ill do that, I know a lot of variety music and I have the
necessary equipment for that.
A). Well, thanks ____ (C). We need a local. Who can take
charge of that?
B). Do you want me to do that?
A). Yes, thatd be great. Thanks. Ok. That is all, thanks
for coming anyone.

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