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Question No.

From the Web site of an engineering professional society, select a code of ethics of interest to
you, given your career plans; for example, the American Society of Civil Engineers, the
American Institute of Chemical Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, or
the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Compare and contrast the code with the
NSPE code (see Appendix), selecting three or four specific points to discuss. Do they state the
same requirements with the same emphasis?

ASMEs Code of Ethics

1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the
performance of their professional duties.
2. Engineers shall perform services only in the areas of their competence; they shall build
their professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall not compete unfairly
with others.
3. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers and
shall provide opportunities for the professional and ethical development of those
engineers under their supervision.
4. Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents
or trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts of interest.
5. Engineers shall respect the proprietary information and intellectual property rights of
others, including charitable organizations and professional societies in the engineering

National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Code of Ethics

for Engineers
Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall:
1. Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public.
2. Perform services only in areas of their competence.
3. Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
4. Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
5. Avoid deceptive act.

Question No.2
With regard to the same two codes you used in question 1, list three examples of responsibilities
that you believe would be incumbent on engineers even if the written code did not exist, and
explain why. Also list two examples, if any, of responsibilities created (entirely or in part)
because the code was written as a consensus document within the profession.

Safety is the basic factor of every society, safety always comes first. If the engineer does not
work on the welfare and safety of the people, then the society will face many problem in regard
of their safety and welfare.

As we all know that honesty is the best policy. An engineer should be honest and faithful with
his work. He should not involve in any corruption and other such type of activity. He should be
loyal to the society and do his job with all his best.


Discipline is very important factor of any field of life. There is discipline in every work. An
engineer should be disciplined and thats what is necessary to run the countrys industry. If the
engineer does obey the discipline, then country will be in a big problem.

Question 3
Is the following argument for ethical relativism a good argument? That is, is its premise true and
does the premise provide good reason for believing the conclusion?
a. Peoples beliefs and attitudes in moral matters differ considerably from society to society. (Call
this statement descriptive relativism, because it simply describes the way the world is.)
b. Therefore, the dominant conventional beliefs and attitudes in the society are morally justified
and binding (ethical relativism)

yes,to some extend. Every person has its own view according to his/her environment. As
environment is not same in every country, so some things are good in a country and bad in many
other countries as per people point of view.
Drinking alcohol is prohibited in Islam but in western countries drinking alcohol is the symbol of
wealthiest people and goodness. So the point of views are different. Islam does not allow drinking
alcohol because of its bad effects on human brain.
Christian believes Jesus was divine and sinless. Muslims do not believe that he was the son of
God, nor that he is divine or part of a triune God.
In Islam, Jesus was a human prophet who, like all the other prophets, tried to bring the children of
Israel to the worship of One God.

Question No.4
Reflection on the Holocaust led many anthropologists and other social scientists to reconsider
ethical relativism. The Holocaust also reminds us of the power of custom, law, and social authority
to shape conduct. Nazi Germany relied on the expertise of engineers, as well as other professionals,
in carrying out genocide, as well as its war efforts.
a. Do you agree that the Holocaust is a clear instance of where a cross-cultural judgment about
moral wrong and right can be made?
b. Judging actions to be immoral is one thing; blaming persons for wrongdoing is another (where
blame is a morally negative attitude toward a person). Present and defend your view about whether
the Nazi engineers and other professionals are blameworthy. Is blaming pointless, because the past
is past? Or is cross-cultural blame, at least in this extreme instance, an important way of asserting
values that we cherish?

I concur that holocaust is a very clear instance of where cross cultural judgment about moral and
right can be made. What occurred in holocaust is that, the Nazi Germany killed millions of Jews
as well as Fellow Germans who were considered as undesirable, those who don't contribute to a
better Face of their nation. The Nazi Germany also passed an ANTISEMITIC LAW which aims
to eradicate the Jews. The authorities even declared of program violent attacks by local non-Jewish
populations on Jews from the Russian Empire and also from different nations. This is all anti-
Jews riots. The Jews were prohibited to the majority of human rights. They were not permitted
to ride transport means, visit grocery stores, visit their own gardens and were essentially banned
from any Function halls. The Nazi Germany, made decision basing on the religion and/or race.
That can be hostility, stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination. Most ethical views are based
from deferent faith and culture perspectives and not one religion and culture approves of killing
others without a reason.

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