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Things to do in Barcelona

If you ever go to Barcelona you must start your visit in the 'Poble Espanyol' (the Spanish
town), this architectonic museum gathers 117 buildings that represents centuries of Spanish
history and tradition (architecture, culture, gastronomy, etc.) .

By the dinner If you want to try the most traditional dish in the Spanish cuisine, you had
better try tapas (a Bread with spicy sauce and meat or seafood) and don't forget to order red
wine or a beer to wash down the dinner. And watch a beautiful spectacle of flamenco or a
dance with Spanish Guitar.

One of the must go places is the 'Sagrada Familia' church, designed by Antonio Gaudi and
is the second most visited Catholic church in the world (after the Vatican City), Since 1882
has been under construction and is one of the most important monuments in the entire
country. You can order a ticket to go inside the church by 15 Euros.

Finally, you can walk on the street and admire some of the buildings Gaud designed or
spend time in 'Parque Guell' (Guell's Park), it's a good way to finish your visit to Barcelona
in two days.

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